Chapter 45

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Brooklyn braced herself against the windy rain as she left the building on campus where her class was held, cursing her choice of tights and knee length skirt, along with her canvas shoes. In her defense, it had been extremely sunny when she and Juliana had left the apartment that morning. The weather had changed somewhere between when Brooklyn had come to campus, and now. All she knew was she had been working on a bunch of math problems the teacher had assigned for in class work, and she had looked up, out the window, to find the world dark and rainy. At least she had fallen into the practice of always having a semi-warm coat with a hood, whenever she left the apartment.

In the weeks since starting her GED class, she had found that she enjoyed learning. There had been some hiccups, of course. The first time she had given a wrong answer, when called on, she had braced herself, internally, for something-anything- to happen. Instead, the teacher, a very nice middle aged man who had introduced himself as Joe, saying that Mr. Gallway was his father, had instead smiled at her, told her it was okay, and explained where she had gone wrong. Slowly, she had relaxed into the routine of learning. There hadn't been a whole lot of opportunity for her to make friends with anyone in her class, which was made up of an eclectic mix of ages, races, genders, and nationalities. She was too focused on the learning, preparing for the test they were supposed to take at the end of the course, that would allow her to enter into college fully.

She paused, ducking under an outcropping from a building, wiping the rain from her face, making sure the hood of her jacket was up all the way, before pulling out her phone. Steve had told her he was going to pick her up from class today, saving her the trip to the subway station, as well as the packed subway itself. He had just returned from another Avenger's mission, somewhere in Europe. Just as she was about to text him, to see if he was there yet, she was interrupted by someone ducking under the outcropping with her.
"Brooklyn, right?" He asked, drawing her attention away from her phone. She tightened her fingers around the device, looking at him. He was, in appearance at least, about his age, dark floppy hair, brown eyes, and a kind smile. "I'm Greg. I'm in your GED class. I sit in the back?"

"Oh." She nodded. "Yeah. The one who is usually a few minutes late, every day."

"Yeah." He grinned sheepishly. "My brother goes to school uptown. I have to drop him off, before I come in."

Brooklyn smiled. "I know that feeling. I have to drop my sister off, then run for the subway sometimes."

He smiled wider. "I see you sometimes, on the train. You are always standing in a corner, if you can."

"Got to make sure my back is covered." She turned her attention back to her phone. "It's not good to leave it exposed, with all those people."

Steve had messaged her, letting her know he was running a few minutes late. Apparently something big had happened, and he couldn't wait to share it with her. Part of her hoped whatever it was, was that HYDRA was completely done. That he had finally killed it. He had been gone for a few days, this time, and she really missed him. The bed felt big and empty without him hogging it. Even the blankets were colder, without his heat helping to keep her warm. Not to mention the sex. She really missed the sex. God, how did she miss the sex. With him picking her up, if the traffic cooperated, they might be able to take the edge off, before having to rush off to pick up Juliana from class.

They also had to start thinking about the Parent Teacher conferences, which were going to be coming up soon.

Greg laughed at what she said, and she paused, before raising her head to look at him.

"That's a good joke!" he pointed at her. "You have a sense of humor! I like that."
"Okay." She responded, not sure of what was going on. "I guess."

"Any way," Greg continued, after a moment of silence. "I was talking to some of the other people in the class, and we were all talking about how we never get to go out on the weekend, anymore. So we were thinking that maybe we could get together, and maybe have a drink? Or just a burger? Connect with each other, so we can maybe somehow work out a study group."
Brooklyn bit her lip. It sounded like a good idea, but right now? This weekend, she was hoping to get the absolute shit railed out of her by her boyfriend. As soon as she had gotten he message from Steve that he was back, she had reached out to Marcus and Mrs. De Luca, hoping to get one of them to watch Juliana for a few hours so that she could work Steve over. "I kind of have plans, this weekend." She smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry."
"Oh." Greg shook his head. "No. Yeah, I guess I kind of sprung it on you. And yeah, I guess it would make sense, for you to have plans."

She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, as she looked back down at her phone. C'mon, Steve. Don't keep me waiting.

"I guess.... how about next weekend? Are you available then? I mean, I can find a babysitter for my brother." Greg took a half a step forward, and Brooklyn felt herself tense, just slightly. "I would really like to get to know you more, Brooklyn."

"Greg-" Her phone went off, the ringtone that she has assigned for Steve. She had originally had it set as 'Star Spangled Man with a Plan', just to piss him off, but in the end, it only annoyed her, so now she had it as the National Anthem. "I'm sorry, excuse me."
Hitting the green button on the screen, she smiled as she answered. "Hello?"

"Hey Babydoll!" Steve's happy voice came through, and she felt something inside her unclench. "I've just parked. I've got the car running."

"I'll be right there!" She hung up, turning to Greg. "I've got to go. My ride is here. Maybe we can talk on Monday?"

"Monday, yeah." he grinned back at her. "See you then."

She gave him a wave, sticking her phone in her pocket, before taking a deep breath and running into the rain. She spotted the vehicle Steve was constantly borrowing from Stark, sitting near the front of the parking lot, and she dodged around puddles and other students, running to get there as fast as possible. Before he could even think about getting out to open her door, she was already in the car, shaking the rain off her hood as she pushed it back, launching herself at him, over the console, until she had her hands and her lips on him. His scent, his taste, his touch enveloped her. She realized that not only had she felt like she had been kept tight inside, in her bones, in her blood, she had also been starving for him.

The feel of his tongue stroking hers, his hands cupping and pulling at her, the sounds he made, caused her whole body to shiver, and then melt.

"Babydoll..." He panted, pulling away, licking his lips before trying again. "Brooklyn, we can't... not here. Let me get you home... Let me get you home and then I promise, Babydoll, I will make you scream."
She whined, but nodded, reluctantly pulling away, not realizing she had slid her hands into his clothing. Blushing slightly, she sat properly in the passenger seat, buckling herself in, before looking at him. His eyes were blazing, just as full of hunger as she was feeling. Grabbing her hand, he turned it over, bringing her wrist to his lips. He bit her wrist, digging his teeth in, before pulling away and licking where his teeth had been.
"Steve..." She whimpered. "Stop teasing...."

He grunted, slowly letting her pull her hand away. Nodding, and clearing his throat, he grabbed the gear shift, putting the car in reverse, before backing out of the spot he had put the car in.

"So... you've been naughty." He began, lightly. "I got those messages, as soon as I turned my phone on, when we were in the jet."

She grinned. "I just thought you might like to know what I was up to, while you were gone."

Brooklyn had indeed been 'naughty', as Steve put it. She had sent him pictures, texts, and a few videos, of herself taking care of her hunger, while he had been gone, knowing that as busy as he was going to be, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. One of the videos that she was particularity proud of, had been of her servicing the dildo she had taught herself oral sex on. She had been on her knees, looking up, fingering herself, while taking the dildo as deeply as she could while it was attached to the wall. She hadn't said anything, hadn't been able to, really with her mouth and throat filled, but she had let everything she wanted to say show as much as she could in her face. A two minute video, and she was so proud of herself, for being able to make it. Right after she had sent it to him, she had wrapped her arms around herself, rolling over onto the bed, burying her face into his pillow, giggling and excited, the thrill of it almost as much if not more satisfying than the orgasm she had given herself while doing it.

"I figured you would be happy to know how much I missed you. That I sent you proof of it." She reached out, as he pulled out of the parking lot, stroking her fingers down the side of his neck, pulling at the collar of his shirt lightly, before skipping down to the first button, tugging at it.

He looked over at her, briefly before pulling out into traffic. "And if I had sent you similar proof?"

"I would have been very happy. The thought that you wouldn't have been able to hold back, any longer? Dropping your pants, grasping your cock, all while thinking of me?" She moaned lightly as the heat spiraled in her, settling between her legs, making her throb in time with her quickening heartbeat. "Oh yes. That would have made me very happy indeed."

Steve hissed, through clenched teeth, grabbing her hand as it started to trail down his chest. "Babydoll, we will be home soon. You have to just... you need to stay over there. Please. Its too much, right now. Just... too much."

She pouted, but withdrew her touch, sitting back in the passenger seat. Then, grinning, she looked at him. "I went shopping, again."
Taking a deep breath, he nodded. "Yeah, that's safe. Tell me about your shopping trip. That'll help distract me, until I get you home."

"I went shopping with Merlot." She twisted her fingers together to keep from reaching out to touch him. His forearms were corded, pulled tight from his grip on the steering wheel. She wanted to touch him, to feel the muscles against her finger tips, to feel them flex against her palms.

"Uh huh." He nodded, exhaling deeply. "Tell me more. Let me focus on that. Did you buy anything?"

She nodded, inhaling slowly. "A few things."
"Tell me." Steve looked both ways, before turning a corner, speeding up as the rainy road opened up. "Did you buy anything interesting? Pretty? What did you buy?"

"A couple outfits. Shoes." Outfits designed to make him want to rip them off of her. Thin lace, gauze, fabric so thin it showed more than it hid. Not the most expensive of outfits. She would hardly be breaking the bank, buy buying them. The shoes were also along that vein. Cheap and sleazy had been what Merlot had called the outfits and shoes, but the gleam in her eye had told Brooklyn that the drag queen was aware of why she had wanted to buy them. "A few toys, things like that."

"Toys?" Steve nodded. "Juliana must have been happy."

Brooklyn bit her lip, before shaking her head, deliberately being coy. "I wasn't going to let her play with them."

He glanced at her, confused. "Then why would you buy her toys? Are they for Christmas?"

"Steve, they weren't toys for her." Brooklyn grinned, reaching out before catching herself. She went back to twisting her fingers together. "They were toys for me, for us."

He grunted out a low 'fuck', the leather of the steering wheel creaking under his hands. "Okay, change the subject. This is not helping. How's your class going?"

"I enjoy it." She nodded, holding tight to her hands. If she just kept from touching him... "I was asked to go out with some of the people, to set up a study group, to get to know each other."

"That's good!" he enthused. "That's really good. Are you going to go?"

Brooklyn shook her head. "I don't know. Greg told me they were going to meet this weekend. I don't think that works, right now. Not with you just coming home."

"Ah." He paused, working his jaw. "Who's Greg?"

"The guy who was telling me about it, when I was waiting for you." She shrugged. "I told him we could talk more about it on Monday."

Steve nodded slowly, glancing at her before returning his attention to the road, shifting in his seat. "There would be other people there, right? He's not trying to sneak in, behind my back, is he?"
"I don't know." She cocked her head. "I would assume, if it's supposed to be for setting up a study group, there would be other people there. And I wouldn't let other people sneak in, behind your back, as you put it."
He grabbed her hand, blindly, bringing it up to his mouth, pressing the back of it to his lips. "Because I belong to you."

"You belong to me." She smiled. "You are mine, and I am yours."

He nodded, running his lips over her skin. "Yours and mine."
"Steve." She warned. If he kept it up, she would give into the urge to play with him, something he would no doubt take issue with, considering they were in a car, again.

He grinned, before capturing the tip of one of her fingers in his mouth, sucking gently. She felt the curl of heat in her again, her blood licking with fire.

"I was just thinking, about right before I left. How you were laying on the table, your leg over my shoulder, while holding the other up by your knee. I was sitting on the chair, and you were allowing me to have you for dessert." He murmured, running her moist finger along his bottom lip. "You were pressing your hand over your own mouth, trying to muffle your sounds, because Juliana had just gone down to bed, and we didn't want to have her come out. Your night gown, pulled up over your hips, the front pulled down so your beautiful breasts were available for me."

She moaned softly, pressing her thighs together to try and quell the throbbing there. "Steve, you aren't playing fair."

"I remember how you were trying so hard to keep quiet, but the squeaks and cries were slipping out." He continued, kissing her fingertip. "How I stood up, slid my cock into you, and your eyes rolled back in your head as your body arched against mine. How the only thing that kept you quiet was my mouth on yours, my tongue in your mouth. How your legs wrapped around me, your hands pulling at my shirt. The little sounds the table made as it moved along the floor."

She tried to control her breathing, tried to push back the hunger that was gnawing at her insides. Despite the fact that her clothes were damp from the rain, they felt too warm, too tight. She wanted to claw them off of her, to see if she could bring the heat down, bring it under control. Steve certainty wasn't helping.

He put her finger back in his mouth, sucking on it hard, as he pulled it from his mouth. "Do you remember? How you came so hard for me? You damn near shredded my skin, when you clawed at me, as if pulling me deeper into you would somehow ease it? Your teeth were in the skin of my neck. You drew blood, Babydoll. And you liked it. You begged for more."

"Steve...." She whined, beginning to draw her knees up, slipping one hand between them, pressing herself through her tights.

"No." He ordered, letting go of the hand he held, stopping at a light. He leaned over, grasping the wrist of the hand she was holding between her legs. "No, you don't. You don't get any relief, until we get home. I want to feel you cum on my tongue, Babydoll, before I fuck you. Hear me?"

"Then get me home." She snapped, narrowing her eyes at him. "Stop fucking around, get me home, and fuck me."
"Watch that mouth of yours." He ordered, lowly, letting go of her hand.

"Or what?" She challenged, pulling her hands to her lap, tangling the fingers together again.

"Or I'll give it something better to do, than swear."

She swallowed hard, nodding her head, before returning her attention to where they were. Thankfully, they were nearly back to the apartment.

"What is the plan, then?" She asked. "When we get back?"

Steve snorted, before giving her a look of incredulity. "Really? You really have to ask that question, Babydoll?"

"Maybe I just want to hear you say it." She raised an eyebrow at him. "Maybe I want to hear the depravity leave your lips."

He shot her a look, his eyes still burning, before licking his lips and taking a deep breath. "The minute we get to the apartment, I want to rip every shred of clothing from your body. Then I want to lick every inch of your skin, before I drop to my knees and have you ride my face. Everything that wants to leave your mouth will be allowed, because I want to hear it. I want to feel and taste it, as you cum on my tongue. And once you've done that, I want to pin you on the nearest surface and fuck that pussy of yours until you cum all over me. I want you wild, Babydoll. I want you clawing at me. Biting me. I want you to dig your nails into my skin. Then, and only then, will I fill you so full of cum, no matter how much you try to stop it, every step for the rest of the day, you will feel it leak out."

She exhaled a shuddering breath. "Sounds like a solid plan." Reaching out, despite her best intentions, she laid a hand delicately on his forearm, feeling it jump. "That sounds very similar to what I want."

"Is there anything I might have forgotten?" He glanced at her, surprised, before grinning and returning to driving.

"I want you to fuck me, like I'm the first thing you have seen, walking off the battlefield. I want you to take me like I'm some camp follower who's name you don't even care to know. I want you to wreck me, so that I never stop shaking from it." She dragged her nails down his forearm to his wrist. Wrapping her fingers around it, or trying to, anyway, she bit her lip. "I want to never forget what it feels like to have you pinning me down with your hips, and your hands, and your body. I don't want you to be kind... gentle. I want you to take me, like you own me."

"But I do." He smirked. "Remember? I am yours, and you are mine. I own you, just as much as you own me."

She watched him as he found a parking spot, gliding into it, before putting the car in park and turning it off. Undoing her seat belt, she reached for the door handle. "Shall we continue this, upstairs?"

"After you, Babydoll." He nodded, taking the keys out of the ignition. He climbed out of the car, going around to the trunk, opening it to pull out his bag and the leather case he used to hide his shield in. She frowned for a heartbeat, seeing it, but sighed and got out of the car, raising the hood of her jacket. She shook her head at Steve, who had left the Tower in just the light jacket that he preferred, despite always lecturing her about the temperatures. Pulling the key ring out of her bag, she led him to the entry door, unlocking it and leaving him to follow. She jogged up the stairs,pushing back the hood of her jacket, the wet rubber of her shoes squeaking as she did, until she was in front of her door, sliding the key into the lock.

He was pressed against her back, leaning down, breathing on her neck. Small drops of water from his face and hair dropped onto her bare skin, the chill of it giving her a tiny shiver. It was a sharp counterpoint to the heat that was blazing in her. She paused in her turning of the lock, trying to stop her hands from shaking, when he bent down further, biting the spot where her neck met her shoulder. She inhaled sharply, the shaking increasing, her knees starting to give way.

Just as she felt herself fall, he wrapped an arm around her, the shield case bumping her hip as he steadied her. Reaching out with his other hand, he wrapped it around hers, the one holding the key in the lock, helping her to finish unlocking the door. He let go of her hand, dropping it to grab the doorknob, turning it, and bodily herding her into the apartment.

As soon as he had clearance, he slammed the door behind them. She took a few steps forward, dropping her bag, grabbing the zipper of her jacket, lowering it, all while toeing off her shoes. She dropped the jacket where she stood, moving away from it. She heard him following suit, the clang of his shield muffled by the case as he dropped it, the thud of his bag, the slap of his jacket. She walked slowly forward, measuring her steps and her breaths, feeling the heat and the shaking starting to take over, when he wrapped his hand around her upper arm, spinning her, catching her, and dropping his head to smash his mouth to hers.

She gasped, and he took the opportunity to thrust his tongue into her mouth, causing her to wrap her arms around his head. Moaning, she worked with him, as he kissed her.

Before she could use her grasp to lift herself up, he reached back, grabbing her forearms and ripping them from his head, lifting his head, causing her to loose balance a bit as she leaned forward, chasing him.

"You want me to fuck you, like that? Like you said in the car?" He growled, holding her arms out at her sides.
She wiggled her fingers, tensing her arms, testing his grip, but nodded.

"Words." He snarled, backing her up. "I need you to say the words, Brooklyn. I need to hear them, to make sure you are agreeing to it."

She licked her lips, moaning at the taste of him. She had forgotten how good he tasted. How much it overwhelmed everything else on her taste buds. She felt the wall against her back, Steve raising her arms to pin them over her head. "Steve..." She moaned, trying to capture his lips again, rising up on her toes.

He kept away, lifting his head out of her reach. "The words, Brooklyn, I need the words, before I go any further."

She tugged at his grip. Usually when Steve touched her, she was sure he would only hold her with a certain amount of pressure, in such a way that if she truly wanted to, she would be able to break free, to get away. But not this time. He refused to release her. His grip was like thick steel, pinning her in place. She was sure, if she was really desperate to, she would be able to get away, but she felt his fingers flexing, tightening, when she wiggled against him.

It was odd. Normally, if she had been bound, even by someone's hands, she would be feeling outrage. Outrage that someone would dare to try to bind her. She had been bound, most of her life, one way or another. But now, with Steve holding her like this, keeping her immobile, she felt... freed. She was turning all the control that she held onto so tight, over to him. Trusting him to not abuse it.

But he was making it known that he would not go any further, until she gave her consent, until she informed him, verbally, that this was what she wanted.

"Steve... that's what I want." She gasped, arching her body, trying to make contact. Maybe she could lift her leg, wrap it around his hips... "I want it all. What I said in the car, what you said in the car... that's what I want. What I want you to do to me. What I want to do to you. Please."

His face hardened, teeth baring as he effected a snarl on his face. "That's what you want, Babydoll? You want me to treat you like that? Fuck you like that?"

"Please." She began to lift her leg, running her knee up his body, trying to hook it on his hip. "Please."

He gave a sharp nod. "Keep your hands there." He ordered, slowly letting go of her wrists. She hissed lightly at the ache in the joints as he released the pressure, but kept her hands pinned above her head like he had told her to.

"From here on out, if I tell you to do something, I want you to do it. No questioning, no hesitating. This body," he placed his palms on her neck, cupping it, before slowly sliding them down her body, until he was able to cup her breasts, causing her breathing to stutter as her nipples hardened into aching points. "this body is mine to play with. This body is mine to fuck." He slid one hand down the front of her, until he was able to slide it between her legs, her thigh muscles jumping at the heat and touch of him. He cupped her pussy, his fingers digging into the fabric, making her grow wetter until she was sure he was feeling it on his skin. "This pussy is mine to fuck. It's mine to take. Mine to pleasure, and mine to punish. Do you understand, Babydoll?"

"Yes!" She gasped, throwing her head back, staring blindly at the ceiling.

"Yes, what?" He growled.

She blinked. They hadn't really played this game, since the first time he had made her cum, in the Tower. Swallowing a dry throat, she looked at him, meeting his eyes, seeing the blue so hot it seemed on fire from within. "Yes, Sir."

"That's right." He nodded, bending his head down, "That's who I am, right now."

Steve bit her bottom lip, hard. She inhaled sharply when she felt his teeth cut her skin. He soothed the bite, the cut with his tongue, before sucking it. She whined, feeling him pull away, her hands tightening into fists, but she refused to move them. She refused to disobey him.

He pulled away, looking up at her hands, before giving her a very dark smirk. She was pleasing him, by obeying him, she realized. That sent more heat flushing through her body, her skin feeling like it was pulsing. He brought his hands up to the front of her cardigan, fingers sliding into the space between the first and second button, before he tightened his fists, and yanked the fabric apart. The buttons went flying, and he pulled the material away from her chest. He repeated the same action with the blouse she had on under the cardigan, until the slight chill of the apartment was making her skin pucker. She had a brief moment of concern about having to find all the buttons, later, but she let it go when she watched the satisfaction enter his face.

Looking down at her lace clad breasts, he hummed, before looking her in the eye. "I'm going to kiss you." He informed her, causing her brows to furrow a tad. "And I want you to remember it, because it might be the last kiss I give you, for a while."She expected the kiss to be a tangle of tongues and teeth, lips crashing and parting, but instead, he leaned down and pressed one of the gentlest kisses on her lips that he had ever given her. Soft, sweet, kind. Just a brush of his tongue on hers. And over way too soon.

As soon as he broke the kiss, he reached a hand into each cup of her bra, ripping and tugging at the lace until it tattered, exposing her breasts to him. As he bent down to suckle and nip at one of her turgid nipples, he reached behind her, searching for and finding the clasp of her bra, fiddling with it for a moment, before she felt the tension of the elastic release.

Steve raised his head, and nodded. "Hands down, for a moment."
She didn't even think about it. She dropped her hands to her side, allowing him to pull the cardigan, shirt, and bra down her arms, to be thrown to the side. He tapped the insides of her arms, and she put them back up over her head.

"Good girl." He praised, stroking her bare skin. "Look at you. Being such an obedient Babydoll for me."

She smiled, happy. So happy to hear his words of praise. Every time he praised her, it made her the happiest she could ever imagine. She never understood how he kept topping it, making her happier and happier, with almost everything he did.

Even now, being subservient to him, it made her happy. It pleased her, to please him. Steve slowly lowered himself to his knees, kissing, biting, licking her skin, making it prickle and burn, depending on where he touched her. As he promised, he licked as much bare skin as he could, groaning occasionally as she responded. Biting and licking at her nipples, pinching them when he left them to drag his tongue down her sternum, until he was able to circle it around her navel. His hands dropped to the waistband of her skirt, digging his fingers under it, hooking her tights and panties at the same time.

He began tugging them down, over her hips, guiding them down her thighs, until they were bunched around her knees. Letting go of the fabric binding her legs, he held her hips, dipping his head forward, placing his mouth on her mound, breathing out, before dipping his tongue into the top split.

"Such a pretty pussy for me, Babydoll." He breathed, looking up at her, from his position on his knees. "Have I ever told you, that this is one of the most beautiful ones I have ever had the pleasure of seeing? And to know that it's mine? It's never been spoilt by another man? That I am the only one to have ever been inside it? That It's only ever accepted my cum?"

She moaned, leaning her head back.
"No." He ordered, leaning back, bringing a hand down, pressing a thumb into her slit, searching out and finding her clit, pressing down on it, causing her to cry out as flashes of pleasure shot out from his touch. "No. You watch me. You watch as I lick and suck you. You watch as you ride my mouth. You watch as I make you cum. You don't look away. Keep your eyes on me. Do you understand?"

She nodded, lowering her head to meet his gaze. He narrowed his eyes, pressing harder with his thumb.

"I asked you a question. Do you understand?" He growled.

"Yes, Sir." She gasped.

"Good girl. You keep that up, and I will make sure to reward you later." He smiled, leaning forward, replacing his thumb with his mouth. His hands slipped down to her knees, pushing the rest of the tangled fabric down, helping her free her feet, before encouraging her to lift and place a leg over his shoulder. The move opened her up more, allowing him to dig his tongue in deeper, until he was able to lap at her flooded opening. It was always interesting to watch him, while feeling him at the same time. Keeping her eyes on his, digging her nails into her own palms, to keep from reaching down and helping guide him where she wanted him most.

He glanced at her hands again, the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly, as he approved of her not moving her hands. He knew, the bastard, that she wanted to dig her nails into his scalp. He was well aware, from previous times they had done something similar, how much she enjoyed that connection.

Pulling away, but bringing his fingers up to take over for his tongue, he licked his lips, moaning slightly, before grinning at her. "This one is going to be quick, Babydoll. And that's okay. Because the next time you cum for me? You are going to have to work for it. You are going to have to earn it. For the rest of the night, if you want to cum, you are going to have to prove that you deserve it."

She nodded, a little cry leaving her, before she agreed. "Yes, Sir."

He groaned, a grin gracing his face for a moment, before he dived back in, increasing his efforts. Since he had given her permission, his warning about it, she didn't try to fight the rising pleasure. Her hips began to rock along with his movements, riding him like he had told her he had wanted her to, in the car. She braced most of her weight on her standing foot, using the leg over his knee to guide her movements. Rocking, rolling, bouncing, whatever felt like it was going to help push her over the edge. It was the added introduction of his fingers, sliding into her, curving to find that sweet spot that he always seemed to take advantage of when he was fingering her, along with the sharp suction of his mouth over her clit, that pushed her over.

Keeping her eyes on his the entire time, despite her vision going blurry from the efforts, she let it swell in her, growing and growing, like a balloon, until it couldn't' grow anymore, and it popped. Letting the gasping cry leave her, she began sobbing, riding and moving, eking every measure of joy from the orgasm that spilled over her. She could feel her body tensing and contracting, as if it was anymore powerful, her bones would break from it. All the while, she kept her eyes on those blue eyes, which watched her fall apart with such approval.

Finally he worked her down, helping her to slowly come back to her body, back to her scattered mind. Slipping his fingers from her, he cleaned them with his mouth, before he leaned back, rocking to his feet, skimming his nose and mouth up her body as he did so. Standing over her, he reached for her hands, slipping his fingers into her fists, pulling her nails from her palms. Inspecting them, he frowned before clicking his tongue in disapproval.
"Poor little palms." He soothed, bringing them down to get a better look. "Look how you have cut them up."

She glanced down, and bit her lip. In the rush of orgasm, she had indeed broken the skin. Four crescents were dug into her palms, red and irritated. A thin sheen of blood was embedded in the wounds, and he brought them up, bending down to kiss the marks. His tongue dragged along the marks, soothing them as well, before he raised his head.

"I think that will be the last of that, don't you, Babydoll?"

She nodded her head, biting her lip.

"You still up for the rest of it? There is no shame in backing out." He offered, dropping her hands, and she brought them up to his shoulders. He was still fully dressed, she realized, while she was completely naked, pressed between him and the wall.

"I still want it, Steve." she grinned at him. "I want it all."
He worked his jaw, for a moment, before giving a slow nod. "Alright. Alright, then, Babydoll."
Steve stepped back, before looking her up and down. She flushed under his appraising gaze. He nodded again, before putting his hands on his hips.

"If you want to keep playing, then I suggest you get that pretty ass of yours into the bedroom. Because I would feel better if you at least had the comfort of the bed. Not to mention, I think my knees would prefer it as well." He jerked his head in the direction of the bedroom.

"Okay, Steve." She nodded her head as well, pushing away from the wall, going past him to go to the bedroom.

He reached out and grabbed her by the back of her head, under her hair, pulling her into his chest, making her cry out in surprise. Leaning down, he snarled in her ear, "What did you say?"

"O-" She stopped, flushing with embarrassment. Clearing her throat, she tried again. "Yes, Sir."
Steve nodded, letting her go, but not before delivering a sharp slap to her backside. "Better. Get in that bedroom."

She nodded, moving quickly. She turned when she heard him moving, seeing him following her closely. He reached out to pinch her bottom, causing her to move, just a little faster. She hooked her hand on the door frame, using her momentum to slide into the bedroom.

"Bed." He ordered, following her. "Now."

Brooklyn climbed onto the bed, sitting on her knees, watching as he approached, his jaw working, as he reached down to pull his shirt off. Tossing it aside, he dropped his hands to his pants, flicking open the button, and tugging down the zipper. Raising his head, his eyes challenging her, he pushed open his jeans, reaching into them to pull out his cock.

"You want to know what it would have been like, if I had seen you, right after I stepped off the battlefield? Fresh from a fight?" He asked, stroking his cock. "You want to know what I would have done, if you had been some woman following the troops? Some nameless woman that would go from tent to tent?"
She swallowed, before slowly nodding her head. She was seeing the edges of it, the darkness. The one that she kept trying to see, the one that he hid so often. "Yes, Sir."

"Then come over here, and suck me." He ordered, stepping closer to the bed. "Open that mouth, and swallow me down."

She put her hands on the bed, crawling forward, before he stopped her with a barked order.

"No." He shook his head sharply. "Just your knees. Put your hands behind your back."

Brooklyn nodded, and put her hands behind her back, grasping her wrist with the opposite hand, to keep them there, and awkwardly crawled forward. As soon as she was close enough to the edge, he reached into her hair, fisting it, guiding her head down towards his cock, pushing it in her open mouth. He slid over her tongue, the taste of his cum dragging along it, before he was thrusting into her throat. Thankful for her lack of gag reflex, she relaxed her throat, allowing him to move her head as he wanted to, while his hips bounced back and forth. She wasn't so much sucking him, she thought, as he was fucking her mouth. Her body, which was still recovering from her orgasm, suddenly kicked into high gear again. She spread her legs, bracing herself against his thrusts, as well as to ease the arousal between her legs. If she kept them closed, she might end up rubbing herself to orgasm, and Steve might not take kindly to that, right now.

"Put some effort into it, girl." He ordered, disgust tinting his voice. "I could do better with my own hand."

She moaned, moving her tongue. Steve hissed, giving a hard thrust in response.

"There you go." He encouraged. "There you go, work that cock."

She moaned again, longer this time, while gripping her wrist tighter. She desperately wanted to reach out, to work the part of his cock that he wasn't burying in her mouth. Instead, she stuck out her tongue, as far as she could, working it along his length. He paused in his movements, pressing his hips against her face, holding it there, humming slightly.

"Well, isn't that a pretty sight." He mused, looking down at her, his lips pursing in thought. "A cock sucker full of cock. A right fucking natural, that's what you are."

He reached down, brushing his fingers along her cheek. "But you aren't going to get me off, that easily, girl. You want my cum, you are going to have to work for it."

He pulled her off his cock slowly, letting her feel it leave her throat, dragging the weeping head along her tongue, pausing there for a moment, rubbing the cum on her tongue, before pulling away completely. He reached down, fisting himself, rubbing the head along her lips, looking down at her thoughtfully. Then he nodded, as if making a decision.

"On your back, legs spread, knees bent." He ordered, reaching up to rub the back of his head.
Brooklyn let go of her wrists, rising up on her knees, before laying back to position herself the way he ordered her to. Her heart was pounding, the excitement and arousal at an all time high. She wasn't sure she would be able to hold off, once he was in her, moving, filling her. But she was excited to try. To keep from cumming until he had given her the okay.

"Hands above your head." He looked her over, stroking his cock again. "You can grab the blanket, if it gets too much. Because I feel like I should give you fair warning." He stepped in between her legs, grabbing her hips, sliding her down to the edge of the bed, bracing one knee as he lowered himself over her. "I train hard. I fight hard. And," He thrust himself into her, wrenching a sharp cry from her as he filled her hard. "I fuck hard."

He didn't give her any time to adjust, like he normally would. He immediately began pounding into her, grunting as he did. She was so wet, that it didn't hurt, the sounds of their bodies slapping together filling the room, as well as the sound of his cock working in her pussy. He was indeed fucking her hard. There was an almost impersonal nature to his movements, like he was treating her like a nameless woman he had chosen to get off in. Even that filled her with joy. He had chosen her, picked her, out of all the women in the city, to use for his pleasure. And there was pleasure in giving it to him.

He levered his weight onto one arm, reaching out with his free one to lightly slap at her breast, before pinching and pulling at her nipple roughly. He bent down, grabbing one of her nipples with his teeth, biting it sharply, before letting go when she moaned.

She tried to move her hips with his, but between his pace and her tenuous balance on the edge of the bed, she found it nearly impossible, which she found slightly frustrating. Every time she was able to move her hips, he changed the angle or position of his, causing her to have to wait a few strokes before learning the new pattern.

She was indeed digging her nails into the blanket, as he had predicted. Her mouth was open, gasping for breath, her moans and cries broken by the force of his thrusts. Words were beyond her, she felt. At one point, a way he moved, a series of thrusts that he threw into her, started to make her tighten, started to push her towards the edge. She felt like she was clawing at the ground, but the pleasure was pulling her towards the cliff. And as much as she was trying to keep from it, she knew he was pushing her towards orgasm.

Steve, of course, the fucking asshole, noticed, smirking down at her. "Oh, are you getting close? Well, now, we can't have that, can we?"

He pulled out, making her nearly scream with frustration, as the near orgasm faded. She began to bring her hands up, to pull him down, intending on wrapping her legs around him to force him back into her, so he could finish what he had started. He noticed that, and grabbed her forearms, using the momentum to flip her over onto her stomach.

"On your knees, ass in the air, and get your fucking head down on that bed." He snapped. "I'll figure out what to do with those greedy hands of yours in a moment."

Brooklyn complied, assuming the position he had described, also having the same issue with her hands. Should she tuck them under her chest? Place them beside her turned head? Hold them above her head? It must have amused him, watching her struggle with her hand placement, because he chuckled, before delivering a particularly sharp smack to her presented backside.

"I think I want them behind your back." He waited until she had done this, before wrapping a hand around her wrists. "Yeah, this is going to make it a lot easier. Ready for the ride? Try to keep from cumming, Babydoll. I would hate to have to punish you for it. Especially since you have been so accommodating, so far."

He hauled her back against him, spearing her with his cock. Brooklyn choked on a gasp, as he began using his grasp on her wrists to pull her back into him, as he thrust forward. If then she thought the pace he had set before was hard, this one was absolutely punishing. It was as if he was using his hips to spank her, as well as his cock to fuck her. And in this position, he was going deep. Inside there was a dull ache, as he bottomed out, filling her entirely. It wasn't an unpleasant ache, per se, but it wasn't the most pleasurable. But even that made her heart go into double time, her vocalizations rise in pitch.

And again, try as she might, she was having difficulty pushing the pleasure aside long enough to keep a lid on her orgasm, which reared its head again, beckoning her to come and play. Tears of frustration rose in her eyes, as she realized that she was going to fail, she was going to cum, against his orders. She began to babble, begging him to let her cum, pleading with him to forgive her, because she was going to fail.

He let go of her wrists, planting his fist near her head, before wrapping his other hand around her neck, using it to pull her back up against his chest, punching his hips into her. Bringing her hands up, she wrapped them around his forearm, her nails digging in slightly as warning.He loosened his grip on her neck in response. His other arm snaked around her waist, pinning her back against his chest. And the entire time, he didn't miss a beat with his thrusts.

Pressing his mouth against her cheek, panting heavily, he warned her, "Don't you dare. Don't cum until I tell you. Don't.. just don't..."
"I can't..." She cried, her eyes squeezing shut. "I need... I can't... please... please... let me... let me, please... I need to..."
"I know what you need, Babydoll." He hissed, giving her a hard thrust. "I'll give it to you. But not until I'm ready."

She rested her head against his shoulder, her eyes tearing up as she tried to push the orgasm back. It was getting to be too much. She wasn't sure she would be able to hold off for very much longer. She felt like she was being buffeted by his thrusts, her body wasn't her own anymore. He was tearing into her, ripping her apart from the inside, building her up in a manner that was for his pleasure alone. Even when he had first taken her, taken her virginity, she hadn't felt this way. The freedom of she was feeling under his command felt like it should be impossible, but it was there. The struggle to hold back, to wait for him to allow her to cum, added to that feeling. She was his. His to command, his to own. His to tear down, and his to rebuild.

Steve let go of her waist, darting his hand between her legs, his fingers quickly finding her erect and throbbing clit, rubbing at it roughly. "Hold on, Babydoll. You can do it."

She shook her head. "No, I can't... I can't..."
"Yeah, you can. I know you can." He panted against her cheek. She could feel his lips pulling away from his teeth, feel the tension in his jaw. "We are so close now, I promise. Just... hold on."
"Steve... please... Please...oh fuck... I can't..." She gasped, her nails digging into his forearm. Him rubbing her clit was not helping her hold off. Her toes were beginning to curl, the muscles in her legs were tightening. She was not going to be able to stop it, any longer.

"Fine." He snarled. "Cum, then. Cum all over my cock. Squeeze me with that tight cunt. Fucking do it, Babydoll."

He pinched her clit, hard, and that was that. She exploded. Every nerve ending was on fire, throbbing. Her heart felt like it skipped a beat, and every muscle below her lungs froze, then began to pulse. She felt her mouth open, she felt her throat going raw, but her ears were deaf to everything. Her eyes were open wide, but blind. She clawed at his forearm, but she didn't feel it when she began to cut into him. She felt his faltering thrusts, felt his hips losing rhythm. She felt the vibrations of his chest against her back. Felt the added wetness between her thighs as he began to cum, as well. But beyond all that, all she felt was all consuming pleasure. Over and over, she felt it ebb, only to return with greater intensity.

She tried to cling to the pleasure, tried to keep it going, but like all good things, it eventually began to lessen, until it faded, leaving the throbbing body a memory.

When she returned to her head, she felt him gently stroking her body, supporting her weight. He was kissing her cheek, murmuring reassurances, as he gently held her to him. The first breath she took felt like glass in her throat, causing her to give a cough, before she gasped a deeper, fuller breath. It was if she had never felt air enter her lungs before, and the relief from it was awe inspiring.

"Steve?" She choked.

"Good girl." He praised. "You did so good."

She nodded, turning her head to try and look at him. "You okay?"

He gave a short laugh. "You nearly passed out, and you are asking if I'm okay?"

Brooklyn thought about that for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah. That was... very intense."

He kissed her temple, before slowly pulling out of her. She whined at the feeling, and he soothed her. "I know, Babydoll. I know."

As soon as she felt like he was no longer bracing her, her body betrayed her, going limp. Steve was quick to catch her, helping her move up the bed so she could lay down. Her whole body was still trembling, the phantom feeling of his hard thrusts still making her body throb. He crawled up beside her, wrapping his arms around her, stroking her skin.

"Was it too much?" He asked, his brow furrowing. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, inhaling, trying to relax. But the trembling continued. Everything inside her felt raw. Not physically, but.. mentally, emotionally, spiritually. It was as if he had used a scrub brush on her insides. Not one of those nice high quality ones, but one of those cheap ones that chewed up your floor. Even her heart felt raw. He began to rub his fingers over her cheeks, and it was then that she realized she was crying.

"Oh, god." his voice held a tinge of panic. "I'm so sorry, Brooklyn. I got caught up in it... I'm so sorry. Please, don't cry. We'll figure this out. We can fix this. I can fix this."

He kept brushing at her cheeks, kissing her forehead, her temple.

She finally brought a shaking hand up to cover his mouth, shutting him up. "Steve.. stop." She gasped, between soft sobs. "Just.. stop. You didn't... you didn't do anything wrong... it's just.. so much, inside... I feel so much, right now."

He looked her in the eyes, trying to read her. Whatever he saw must have reassured him, because he relaxed against her. Confident he wasn't going to break down into apologies again, she let go of his mouth, rubbing her hand over his shoulder.

"Just let me drift." She told him. "Just hold me, and let me feel."

He nodded, resting his chin on top of her head, gathering her in close to his body. "I can do that, Babydoll. I can do that."

She sighed, hiccuping on a sob, letting all of the overwhelming emotions leak out of her with her tears, closing her eyes, while she drifted in the comforting darkness, warmed by his body heat, and his affection.

A/N: I love it when I hit a personal deadline! So, that being said, i wouldnt expect anothe chapter before monday night/ tuesday morning, at the earliest. Like i said, i have two shows this weekend, and my GF likes to remind me that i need sleep. Pssh, whatever. Oh! and for those who are wondering where the hell did that all come from, i have been hintint at it for a while. It's been there. You just might not have noticed it. (My GF basicall looked at me, and said, you finally stopped tapdancing around it, huh?) Have a wonderful weekend! Vote and comment!

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