~Chapter 15: Lost...~

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*Spirit's POV*

I was kidnapped and I have no idea where I am. The man and woman that kidnapped me, put a blindfold over my eyes. But before they did I saw the face of the woman and I recognized her from somewhere but I did know from where at this moment. I wondered if Nathan was looking for me. I wondered if anyone was looking for me and I wondered if anyone from my pack was going to ever find me.

All I knew was we were in a car and the road was very bumpy. It could've been seconds or minutes or even hours from the territory. Why would someone want to kidnap me? What did I ever do to anyone? Were they going to kill me or spare me? A lot of questions had run through my mind since I was first kidnapped but sadly I haven't gotten any answers to them. 

Suddenly the vehicle came to a sudden stop and I was jerked forward because of the slamming of the brakes. I heard one door open and another close so it was hard to tell how many people were actually around me. I was being pulled out one of the doors of the vehicle and then I heard that door shut. Below my feet was gravel and I kept tripping over my shoes. One of the men got sick of it so he put me on his shoulder.

My head and body swung from side to side because of the way he was walking. A few seconds later a person opened a type of door that I wasn't sure of what kind of door it was at this moment. The door creaked open and then creaked shut behind us. Before I knew it the guy that had me on his shoulder, he sat me down in a chair and tied my hands to the back of the chair and then tied my legs to the legs of the chair so I couldn't possibly run away even if I tried.

A man cleared his throat and I suddenly knew he was in charge. The men that once stood on either side of me scampered away as if they were rats running away from a very hungry cat. The boss man started to speak but I couldn't hear him because I zoned out briefly. The blindfold was still around my eyes but somehow I could feel him moving and walking around me... almost as if he was circling me as if he was the predator and I was his pray.

He started to repeat himself and this time I heard him clearly. 

"Hello, Spirit," the boss man said. 

"Hey," I said without a single ounce of fear in my voice and body. 

"No questions?" The boss man asked in curiosity.

"No," I said.

"Why?" The boss man asked.

"Because I already know who you are and why you kidnapped me," I said as plainly as I could as if the answer was that obvious to begin with. 

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