~Chapter 16: That Familiar Man...~

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*Spirit's POV*

"I already know who you are," I said to him as I looked into his eyes.

"What's my name then?" The boss man asked.

"Gabriel," I said. 

"Do you know why I kidnapped you?" Gabriel asked.

"Yes, it's because I'm your mate and your a jealous asshole because you know I'm in love with my alpha Nathan," I said as I looked at him with disgust. 

Gabriel walked over to me and stood in front of me, he started to shake his head at me. I knew he was disappointed in me but what did I care? Sure he was my mate but I didn't love him at all. To me, he was just another wolf. He wasn't important, he meant nothing to me. All I knew was that he was jealous of Nathan and me and that he wanted to claim me. I knew Gabriel was watching me that whole time in the woods but honestly, I didn't say anything to anyone. I don't know why I didn't but I guess maybe perhaps there was a reason for everything.

I got up off the floor and stood up and started to walk away from him but only for him to grab my arm so hard that would guarantee bruises tomorrow. I looked back at his face and then to his hand ready to tear his hand from my arm with my teeth if he didn't let go and I knew my face showed it but he still stood his ground and hung onto my arm so I couldn't go anywhere. Even though I'm his mate, I knew to some certain extent that he didn't trust me.

I couldn't blame him for not trusting me, after all, I wouldn't even trust myself either. At this exact moment, all I wanted to do was go home to Nathan but if he read my mind I knew all he would do would lock me in a room or a basement of some kind. I really did miss Nathan and right now I wondered if he was looking for me or if he forgot about me already. No, I'm sure he is out looking for me right this second. 

I tugged my arm out of his iron grip on my arm which only leads to him scratching my arm up. Once he let go because of the force I used I turned around to face him so fast that even he got dizzy. I on the other wasn't dizzy at all because I was far used to that speed. I put my hands up and pushed him down so hard that he actually went flying across the room which honestly wasn't my intention but hey it was enough.

I turned back around but instantly ran into either something or maybe it was a someone. I looked up at it and I started to screech like a little girl because there standing in front of me was Nathan. Then I thought back and got confused... how in the hell did he get here? Nobody would or even could guess how in love with Nathan I was, it was nearly impossible to guess and get it right.

Thinking back to all those clique movies I watched and all those clique books I read about werewolves, in those movies and books usually the wolf girl was supposed to be so in love with her mate but honestly, I was far from different. I have never loved my mate and never will. I had this gut feeling that my so-called mate wasn't the right one for me and that Nathan was the perfect one. 

I started to run towards Nathan with my arms spread out wide like an Eagles wings. He had a huge smile on his face and his arms were stretched out towards me as well, waiting for me to fling my body against his and never let go--- suddenly I woke up, my eyes blinked a few times to get used to the sun blaring into my pupils. I looked around the room but Nathan was nowhere in sight but then I heard a squeaking noise coming from a rocking chair.

I turned my head and looked all around the room to find the source of the noise, only to find it was Gabriel rocking back and forth in it. I rolled my eyes and stood up only to have the blanket fall down and expose my body to him. I quickly grabbed the blanket and covered myself once again. Then at that moment, I thought to myself, why was I naked? Who undressed me? Why did they undress me?

Panic rose in my body and I started to pace around the room, looking everywhere but at Gabriel. And the dream... I thought it was real but it wasn't. I wanted that dream to become my reality, I wanted to escape Gabriel. I hated him, for some reason I hated this man but yet I had no reason to besides well him kidnapping me. I just wish Nathan would find me soon...

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