581 - 590

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Chapter 581: Acquitted

The moment Feng Qing appeared at the entrance of the banquet hall, she immediately attracted the attention of all the guests. Everyone applauded and smiled at her, and Feng Qing walked into the banquet hall elegantly, as if she was the moon surrounded by stars.

The corners of Xing Yue's mouth were filled with a smile as he watched Feng Qing calmly greet everyone. This cute woman was really pleasing to the eye no matter how he looked at her. It was difficult to tell that she was not even twenty years old this year from her noble temperament and generous and appropriate behavior. If not for the fact that his cultural standards were limited, he would have immediately written a poem to praise Feng Qing.

Suddenly, Xing Yue seemed to have thought of something. He hurriedly turned to look at Xie Jiuhan. "Feng Qing asked about Feng Jianing's situation that day. I only found out from my subordinate's report today that my younger sister, Tessa, used the presidential seal and released Feng Jianing from prison with a release order."

Xie Jiuhan spat out a word coldly. "Trash!"

Although he was scolded by the man, it was rare that Xing Yue didn't retort. It was indeed their fault for this matter. Feng Jianing had committed such a crime, so how could she be acquitted?

Imperial Concubine Anna already knew about this matter. When she found out that Feng Jianing had been released just like that, the Imperial Concubine was also abnormally angry. However, Tessa was using documents with the presidential seal on them. Even as the Imperial Concubine, she couldn't interfere. She does not want to fall out with the entire Presidential Manor because of Feng Jianing

In the hall of the Sacred Hall.

Feng Qing walked on the red carpet like a superstar. It was a short distance of twenty meters, but she walked for half an hour because she needed to greet the guests who had surrounded her. She had also been maintaining a smile on her face. She also wanted to laugh from the bottom of her heart. She felt that these guests, who had noble statuses in the eyes of ordinary people, were like fanatics who chased after celebrities. They either wanted to take a photo with her or ask for her autograph and contact information.

"Feng Qing!" Suddenly, a stiff voice sounded, instantly making the entire banquet hall fall silent. Feng Qing's gaze passed the crowd and looked over. She saw the daughter of the Presidential Manor, Tessa, walking towards her. The woman behind Tessa looked a little familiar. Feng Qing took a closer look and was shocked to discover that it was Feng Jianing.

Feng Qing raised her eyebrows. She didn't know why Feng Jianing, who was supposed to be in jail, would appear in such a high-class occasion. Was this a place a criminal should come to?

Tessa and Feng Jianing came to Feng Qing one after another. Tessa raised her head like a peacock flaunting its feathers. However, she felt uncomfortable when she saw the gown and various accessories on Feng Qing's body. Feng Jianing, who was standing behind, stared at Feng Qing viciously. Her shoulders trembled slightly, and she wished she could immediately rush up and break Feng Qing's neck.

Unable to mock Feng Qing's dressing, Tessa went straight to the point. "Feng Qing, I specially brought Feng Jianing here today because I wanted her to apologize to you in public. She has already been acquitted. It was the Presidential Manor who personally gave the order. She has suffered a lot in the prison recently, and it's time for her to be forgiven. Even Imperial Concubine Anna won't pursue the matter."

Speaking up to this point, Tessa pulled Feng Jianing to the front and said with a smile, "So let the past be in the past. You're sisters after all, and as an older sister, shouldn't you forgive her?"

Feng Qing was trying her best to restrain herself from cursing as she listened to Tessa's words and looked at Feng Jianing's resentful gaze. She even felt that she couldn't control the expression on her face. Was Country F's law a joke? It actually only locked Feng Jianing up for a few days before she was acquitted? It was simply unbelievable!

Just like her mood, Feng Jianing was also trying her best to hold it in. She had been imprisoned ever since she was taken away by the imperial guards. It was already bad that she ate poorly and lived poorly, but she still had to undergo all sorts of interrogations every day. She was even beaten up by someone with a rubber bat when she was locked up, causing her to be unable to get out of bed for a few days. When she was lying in bed, she was thinking that one day, she would go out of jail and must take revenge on Feng Qing. She wanted Feng Qing to die a horrible death.

However, the ones who made her feel the most despair were the Feng family and Cao Beining. She thought that they would think of a way to save her, but the person who interrogated her said that her parents and boyfriend took a plane back to Xia country overnight.

Chapter 582: What Do You Want Me To Forgive Her For?

There was always a way out. Feng Jianing was already dispirited and disheartened. But the daughter of the Presidential Manor, Tessa, saved her from prison with a release order and promised to take revenge on Feng Qing on her behalf. Therefore, she could stand here. She could be carefree in Country F in the future with Tessa as her backer.

In order for her to come to the Palace to attend the banquet, Tessa had also spent a lot of effort to specially plead to Imperial Concubine Anna on behalf of her. For the sake of the Presidential Manor, Imperial Concubine Anna could only turn a blind eye to it and pretend that nothing had happened. It could be considered that she had tacitly agreed that she could attend the banquet. After all, she was an Imperial Concubine. How could she lower herself to the level of a small character like Feng Jianing?

However, what made Feng Jianing speechless was that she had personally seen the flowers and applause Feng Qing had enjoyed along the way when Tessa had brought her to the banquet today. Feng Qing was the focus of the entire scene. She was the new favorite of the fashion industry and the focus of the news. She was worlds apart from her, a person who had just escaped from prison.

Feng Qing caused a sensation throughout the world on the day she won the championship. She was not even twenty years old, but she's the youngest International Fragrance Competition champion in history, the only Nine-Star Fragrance Master in the world, the most beautiful perfume maker in history, and so on. Her deeds, the image of her holding the championship trophy, were spread throughout the world by the media and the Internet. Especially in Country F, which used perfume as a tradition, she was treated as a treasure. Everyone admired her.

In order to interview Feng Qing at a close distance, hundreds of media outlets came to the banquet venue today. These people had already carried their cameras before the banquet started. Now, all the cameras were aimed at Feng Qing's face.

Now, in front of the entire world's media, in the magnificent Sacred Hall of Country F, the daughter of Country F's Presidential Manor actually asked Feng Qing to forgive Feng Jianing. This scene instantly caused countless flashes.

The smile on Feng Qing's face disappeared. She looked at Feng Jianing indifferently. "Miss Tessa, you said that you wanted me to forgive her. What do you want me to forgive her for? Forgive her for carrying contraband and framing me to ruin the competition? Or forgive her for making a sex deal with Charles, the former president of the International Fragrance Alliance, in a vain attempt to win the championship?"

Tessa was stunned by these sentences. She couldn't answer Feng Qing's two questions. Without waiting for her to say anything, Feng Qing continued, "If I wasn't YLL, then I would probably have been the one who was taken away. Even if it wasn't me, she would have used the same method to frame the contestant who could threaten her to win the championship. We're different from her because we don't have the daughter of the Presidential Manor as our backer. At that time, we'll be facing an endless life in jail. Therefore, Miss Tessa, please give me and everyone a reason to forgive Feng Jianing. Don't say anything else about us being sisters. If she really treats me as her sister, why would she frame me, her biological sister, for the title of the overall champion?"

The other contestants who came to participate in the banquet nodded one after another after hearing Feng Qing's questioning words. Some glared at Feng Jianing, some sneered, and some scolded in a low voice. Especially the losers who used Feng Jianing's "contaminated spice" during the competition, they questioned her on the spot unceremoniously. "How ridiculous! Feng Jianing was clearly the one who did something wrong, but she came to look for Miss Feng Qing for an explanation?"

"Impressive. I didn't expect the daughter of the Presidential Manor to actually be a logical genius. If we follow Miss Tessa's thinking pattern, then shouldn't we, the contestants who have been harmed by Feng Jianing, thank her?"

"You want us to forgive Feng Jianing? You're simply dreaming! She's the scum of the Fragrance world. Trash. The Fragrance world is ashamed of her."

"Miss Tessa, don't be confused by Feng Jianing anymore. I advise you to stay away from a person like her as soon as possible. A person like her is too terrifying. In order to achieve her goal, she can do anything. Drugging, framing, and even selling her body is simply disgusting."

"Feng Jianing, I really admire you. You're already like this, yet you still have the cheek to come to the Palace to attend the banquet. I'm very curious about how thick your face is. You can ask us to forgive you, but you have to kowtow and apologize to us in public!"

Looking around at all the guests and seeing that everyone was looking at her with disgust, Feng Jianing's gaze landed on the contestants who were participating in the grand finals. She knew a few of the contestants who cursed her the most. She didn't forget any of the contestants who rushed up the podium to beat her up. After all, that was the first time she had been surrounded and beaten up since she was young. She was beaten up terribly.

Chapter 583: Kowtow And Apologize

She remembered their voices as she looked viciously at the contestants who were scolding her, then she knelt down amidst the scolding

Feng Jianing bent her legs and knelt on the golden tiles of the Sacred Hall. Then, she supported herself with both hands and kowtowed three times to the contestants who had been insulting her just now. Feng Jianing's expression was gloomy. Every kowtow was very loud, and her forehead was flushed red.

After the three kowtows, Feng Jianing knelt on the ground and said, "I'm sorry, everyone. I was wrong. I shouldn't have privately brought contraband in the grand finals, much less mixed it in the spices provided by the organizing committee. I lost my head for a moment and did something I shouldn't have done. I beg everyone's forgiveness. I hope everyone can give me a chance to turn over a new leaf."

Feng Jianing started sobbing uncontrollably as she spoke. Her tear-stained appearance was really pitiful. When everyone saw that she really didn't care about her dignity and knelt down to apologize, they were instantly speechless. As the saying goes "don't make a fuss about nothing". She had already kowtowed and apologized in public. So what if they didn't forgive her?

Tessa said loudly as she saw that everyone was silent, "Everyone, listen to me. Since Feng Jianing has already knelt and kowtowed to apologize to everyone, can everyone forgive her? She already knows her mistake!"

When she said this, Tessa went towards the contestants, her tone filled with self-righteousness. The contestants felt embarrassed after hearing her words. If Feng Jianing were them, they probably wouldn't have the courage to kneel and apologize.

"Forget it. Seeing that you sincerely admit your mistake and Miss Tessa is so supportive of you, I personally forgive you."

"I forgive you too. After all, even Imperial Concubine Anna allowed you to attend the banquet, which means that she wants to give you a chance to turn over a new leaf. I hope you can be an upright person in the future."

"Hmph, since you've already knelt and kowtowed, I'll give you a chance. If not for you tampering with the spices this time, I wouldn't have lost my rhythm and wouldn't even enter the top ten."

The contestants spoke one after another. Most of them weren't native to Country F, and after attending this banquet, they wouldn't have any interactions with Feng Jianing anymore. They didn't have to keep harping on it since she sincerely begged for forgiveness.

Tessa hugged her arms and turned to look at Feng Qing after seeing that the other contestants had forgiven Feng Jianing. Her face was filled with smugness and a cold smile. "Miss Feng Qing, did you see that? Jianing has already kowtowed and admitted her mistake. Moreover, everyone has already forgiven her. What about you, champion?"

Before she could finish her sentence, Feng Jianing knelt on the ground and turned to look at Feng Qing. A very sincere expression appeared on her face. Then, she kowtowed heavily to Feng Qing again. Everyone could hear the sound of her forehead hitting the ground.

However, from Feng Qing's angle and distance, she could clearly see the reflection on the golden tiles. Feng Jianing, whose forehead was touching the ground intimately, didn't have any guilt or sincerity on her face. It was filled with hatred and ferocity.

Feng Qing didn't see wrongly, nor did she think wrongly. This was because wolves traveled a thousand miles to eat meat, dogs traveled a thousand miles to eat shit. This was an unchanging truth. How could a person like Feng Jianing willingly kneel down to her? How could she really allow herself to lose to Feng Qing? It was just that the current situation forced her to do this.

Feng Jianing, who was kneeling on the ground, trembled slightly. She looked like she was crying because of what happened just now, but it was actually because of anger and hatred. She swore in her heart. Feng Qing, you damned wild girl, little slut, shameless slut. I'll kowtow to you today. In the future, I'll make you pay ten or a hundred times!

As she thought this, Feng Jianing said something else. "Qingqing, my sister, I was wrong. I kowtowed to you. I was wrong this time. I kowtowed to you. Please forgive me."

Feng Qing raised her eyebrows and didn't say a word as she watched her kneel on the ground and perform. She wanted to see how far Feng Jianing could act.

"Qingqing, if you're unwilling to forgive me, I'll keep kowtowing to you. The time you forgive me would be when I get up." Seeing that Feng Qing had no reaction, Feng Jianing kowtowed again.

"Qingqing, please forgive me. I was wrong."

"I was wrong. Please forgive me."

"Qingqing, I really know my mistake. Give me a chance to turn over a new leaf..."

Chapter 584: She's Just An Adopted Daughter

The surrounding people and the royal families all started to plead for her after they saw that Feng Jianing had already knocked her head until blood was flowing out of her forehead.

"Master YLL, please forgive Miss Feng Jianing this time."

"You're all from the Feng family. Since your sister has sincerely apologized, forgive her. She just wants to win the championship."

"Forget it, let's give her a chance. Her forehead is already bleeding. If she continues to kowtow, she will definitely die in this Sacred Hall."

The corners of Tessa's lips curled up as she looked at Feng Qing smugly and asked, "Did you hear that? Now, other than you, the biological sister, everyone has already forgiven her. Could it be that you, the biological sister, can't compare to us outsiders?"

Feng Qing also curled her lips and looked at Tessa with a faint smile. "What made you so confident that I'm her biological sister?".

As soon as these words were out, the entire banquet hall fell silent. It felt like even a strand of hair could be heard on the ground. Feng Qing's voice wasn't loud, but it could be heard very clearly by everyone. Especially when she spoke, her powerful aura made everyone feel like they couldn't breathe.

Xing Yue wanted to help Feng Qing after seeing this, but Xie Jiuhan stopped him. "What are you doing?"

Xing Yue raised his eyebrows. "Are you blind when you wear a mask? Didn't you see those people bullying your wife?"

Xie Jiuhan said coldly, "You don't have to help her. That's my wife. I'm not even anxious. Why are you so anxious?".

Xing Yue was so angry that his nose was about to tilt. "Hmph, it's fine if you don't want to help, but don't stop me."

He couldn't help but feel sorry for Feng Qing after seeing how everyone was forcing her to forgive Feng Jianing under Tessa's lead. He wished he could beat all of them up.

Xie Jiuhan curled his lips under the mask. "You'd better stay here obediently. You'll know how powerful my wife is later."

Xing Yue: "???"

Feng Qing took a deep breath and said slowly when everyone was staring at her in disbelief, "Although everyone is surprised, I'm not saying this out of anger, but the truth. Feng Jianing isn't of the Feng family's bloodline at all. She's just an adopted daughter. If we hadn't been deliberately swapped at the hospital, she wouldn't have become the adopted daughter of the Feng family, and I wouldn't have been wandering outside. She definitely wouldn't have replaced me as the beloved daughter of the Feng couple."

Feng Jianing, who was still kowtowing, stopped after hearing this. She suddenly raised her head and glared at Feng Qing, saying hysterically, "No wonder you're not willing to forgive me. It turns out that you've always hated me in your heart. Do you want me to die in the Palace before you can forgive me?"

Xing Yue was stunned. This was the first time he knew about this relationship between Feng Qing and Feng Jianing. He also realized that Feng Jianing wasn't of the Feng family's bloodline at all. No wonder after Feng Jianing was caught, Feng Yuanzhou and Fu Anlan took a plane back to Xia country overnight.

If he had known that they weren't biological sisters, he wouldn't have had so many scruples back then. Otherwise, how could he have allowed Tessa to save Feng Jianing from prison so easily?

Of course, he finally understood why he didn't like Feng Jianing when he liked Feng Qing so much. It turned out that Feng Qing and him were real relatives.

Feng Qing stood there with an indifferent expression, completely unmoved as she looked at Feng Jianing questioning her. She tilted her head and said in a cold voice, "You make it sound good. If you have the ability, go and kill yourself. Let us all gain some experience and learn from you that spirit of not being afraid of death."

"Enough! Feng Qing, even if you're not related to Feng Jianing by blood, even if Feng Jianing has done many wrong things, she has already kowtowed to you and admitted her mistake. Do you really want to force her to death before you're willing?" Tessa said angrily.

Feng Qing still had an indifferent expression on her face. "What has it got to do with me? She was the one who said she wanted to kill herself. Since she dares to say it, she has to dare to do it. Otherwise, what's the point of just saying that?"

"Feng Qing, you're really something. I really didn't expect that you're so cold-blooded and heartless. I asked Feng Jianing to attend the banquet because I wanted her to beg for everyone's forgiveness with the greatest sincerity. Everyone forgave her, but not only did you not appreciate it, but you even wanted her to really die. Do you know where this is? This is the Sacred Hall of Country F's Imperial Palace, the top banquet organized by the current Imperial Concubine of Country F. You actually want to kill someone at the banquet. This is an unforgivable felony!" Tessa said with a twisted expression.

Chapter 585: The Protagonist Is Master YLL

"Alright, stop talking!" Suddenly, a gentle and dignified voice sounded. Everyone turned around and saw the organizer of the banquet tonight, Imperial Concubine Anna, walking over with a group of core members of the royal family. When everyone saw them, they took the initiative to open a path and salute along the way.

Tonight, Imperial Concubine Anna was wearing a traditional robe from Country F and a set of jewelry filled with beautiful patterns. She was dressed up in a retro and elegant manner, exuding a noble aura and the dignity of a royal family.

Imperial Concubine Anna walked past the crowd and looked at Tessa. "You should know that the protagonist tonight is Master YLL, not Feng Jianing. Don't let everyone lose their appetite because of her."

Tessa hurriedly said, "Your Highness, I've already apologized to you on Feng Jianing's behalf. Didn't you already forgive her and tacitly agree that she could attend the banquet tonight? Since you happened to be here, why don't you be a witness and personally witness Feng Qing and Feng Jianing reconcile?"

With that, she turned around and waved at the door. Two people belonging to the Presidential Manor walked over. One of them was holding a plate with five glasses of red wine on it. This was a tradition of Country F. If the two of them wanted to reach a compromise or reconcile, they had to drink five glasses of wine together. It could be red wine, fruit wine, but not a beverage.

Tessa helped Feng Jianing, who was still kneeling on the ground, up and pulled her to Feng Qing. "Today, I, the daughter of Country F's President, will personally settle the grudge between the two of you. At the same time, Imperial Concubine Anna will be your witness. Such sincerity, such a grand scene, and ceremony should be enough, right? What do you think, Feng Qing?" With that, she picked up a glass of red wine and handed it to Feng Qing. She gestured for her to quickly accept it with her eyes, but Feng Qing acted as if she didn't see it and didn't move.

The corners of Tessa's lips curled up as she said in a low voice, "Feng Qing, have you thought it through? Imperial Concubine Anna is here to personally witness today. You will show respect to her, right?"

However, Feng Qing still didn't move. She had no intention of taking her glass of wine. Tessa still maintained the smile on her face and handed the glass to Feng Jianing when she saw that she didn't move.

Feng Jianing took the glass of wine and looked into the glass seriously. Feng Qing saw her small action. For some reason, she felt that Feng Jianing seemed to be very nervous.

Tessa looked at Feng Qing again and said, "Imperial Concubine Anna, the Presidential Manor, the royal family of Country F, and so many socialites and media personnel are waiting for you. It's fine if you don't accept the wine I handed you. The five glasses on that plate are yours."

Upon hearing this, Feng Qing finally moved. She raised her hand and picked up a glass of wine from the tray. Then, she walked over to Feng Jianing and handed the glass over. At the same time, she changed the glass of wine in Feng Jianing's hand. Although she didn't say a word, her gaze as she looked at Feng Jianing was filled with coldness.

Seeing Feng Qing do this, Tessa said unhappily, "Are you afraid that I'll poison the wine? You actually changed the wine. If you're worried, there are still five glasses of wine on Jianing's tray. You can totally choose those that aren't poisonous."

A meaningful look flashed across Feng Qing's eyes as she heard her say this. She was the ancestor of poison. Tessa's little tricks were too clumsy, but she was too lazy to expose anything and cooperated with Tessa in acting.

Feng Qing could see very clearly. Tessa didn't go to the five glasses of wine that belonged to her. Instead, she took five glasses of wine from Feng Jianing's tray.

Feng Qing held her glass and said after the two of them had picked up their wine, "Today, I'll have a drink with the two of you because of Imperial Concubine Anna. I hope that after this glass of wine, you and Feng Jianing will never appear in front of me again, especially you, Miss Tessa. You're so loving and like to interfere in other people's business. It's a pity that you're lowering your status in Country F's Presidential Manor. Why don't you let Imperial Concubine Anna give you the title of an Enthusiastic Ambassador of Country F and go out to the poor areas of various countries to show your love? You can definitely show your love in that way. Not only can you help more people, but you can also add to your own fortune."

This was the most she had said today. Half of it was directed at Tessa. She had seen many people who liked to poke their noses into other people's business, but this was the first time she had seen someone like Tessa. One that had never experienced the bitterness of others shouldn't persuade others to be kind. Tessa's so-called love had successfully disgusted her.

Chapter 586: Relapse

When she heard Feng Qing's words. She only stole a glance at the glass in Feng Qing's hand from time to time. She knew very well what was in the glass.

"Alright, then let's have a toast and never see each other again." As she spoke, Tessa seemed to be afraid that Feng Qing would run away. She held her glass and clinked it with Feng Jianing, who also clinked it with them.

The corners of Feng Qing's lips curled up. She elegantly raised her head and downed the glass of wine. Then, her cold eyes swept across Tessa and Feng Jianing's faces. Feng Jianing choked after taking a sip and started coughing. Hence, she took the opportunity to put the glass of wine back on the tray.

However, before she could let go, Tessa frowned at her. "Jianing, although you can't drink, you have to drink this glass of wine. After all, Feng Qing also drank the wine, which means that she has forgiven you. Then you have to drink all the wine to express your respect and gratitude to her."

Upon hearing this, Feng Jianing smiled awkwardly, but in her heart, she scolded all eighteen generations of Tessa's ancestors. Suddenly, she felt that Feng Qing was especially right. This Tessa who was full of love and justice seemed to be quite annoying.

Feng Jianing gritted her teeth and said, "Alright, I'll drink."

As she spoke, her hands trembled as she picked up the glass. She gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, drinking the glass of wine that Feng Qing had exchanged for her with the intention to die.

Tessa finally smiled when the two of them had finished drinking. She seemed to be very satisfied with the current outcome. Therefore, she watched Feng Qing and Feng Jianing drink all eight glasses of wine. Because she had taken one, Presidential Manor had to make up for it.

After finishing the ten glasses of wine, Tessa said with a smile, "Since we've reached a compromise, I'll take Jianing away first. As Her Highness said, I hope the entire Sacred Hall will be honored by your presence tonight. Master YLL, goodbye ~".

With that, Tessa nodded at Imperial Concubine Anna and turned to walk out of the banquet hall. Feng Jianing saw no point in staying as her master had left, so she left with her.

Feng Qing couldn't help but frown as she looked at Feng Jianing's back view as she left. Her ears told her that Feng Jianing's heartbeat was abnormal. It sounded very nervous, and in her nervousness, there was a little anticipation and excitement.

The corners of Feng Qing's lips curled up slightly. She naturally knew what Feng Jianing was nervous and looking forward to. Unfortunately, she was destined not to get what she wanted.

Just as Feng Qing retracted her gaze, Tessa, who had just taken a step out of the banquet hall's door, stumbled back and fell to the ground.

The entire banquet hall was silent and terrifying at first when they saw this. Then, all sorts of exclamations and screams rang out, almost making one deaf.

Imperial Concubine Anna's voice sounded. "Quick, send someone to take a look. What happened to Miss Tessa? Why did she fall?"

However, the guests who were closer to Tessa could see very clearly that Tessa was lying on the ground twitching. White foam was flowing out of her mouth, and her hands were in the shape of chicken claws. Her bright eyes were constantly rolling up, and she looked very sinister and terrifying.

Upon hearing the Imperial Concubine's orders, the guards in the palace immediately rushed over. They had planned to help Tessa up, but as soon as they approached, they smelled the stink of feces and urine, almost making them vomit.

"Oh my god, what happened to Miss Tessa? Is she having a seizure?"

"Oh my God, what do we do now? Did someone call an ambulance? It looks pretty serious. I'm afraid she has to go to the hospital." "This is unbelievable. She was clearly fine just now, so why did she have a relapse? I don't think I heard of anything wrong with Miss Tessa in the past."

The guests pinched their noses and looked at the twitching Tessa in confusion. No one knew what had happened. Now Tessa was covered in disgusting things. Even the royal guards looked at Tessa in disgust.

Feng Jianing, who was following behind Tessa, also pretended to be flustered after seeing this. However, she only watched helplessly as Tessa twitched. She had no intention of going over to see her.

Xing Yue quickly walked over and smelled a nauseating smell. He squatted down to check on Tessa's condition. After observing for a while, he seemed to have thought of something, so he took off his military uniform and covered Tessa with it. At least, it made her look less miserable. Although he was also a little dissatisfied with Tessa's unruly and willful temper, the two of them had grown up together. Moreover, Tessa had called him brother, so he naturally wouldn't just watch and do nothing.

Chapter 587: Live Acupuncture

Feng Qing walked up to Tessa and looked at her indifferently. "She's having acute epilepsy."

Upon hearing this, Xing Yue looked up at Feng Qing in surprise. Tessa had indeed had epilepsy since she was young, but she had been taken care of very well, so she rarely acted up. How did Feng Qing know this?

As the daughter of the Presidential Manor in Country F, Tessa's illness had always been a secret. In order to not let the status of the President be affected by his daughter's illness, the President of Country F could only do this. In Country F, which used perfume as a tradition, epilepsy was treated as a 'dirty illness'. Anyone who had this illness would be despised.

All these years, Tessa had been taking drugs to control her epilepsy under the guidance of a professional private doctor. Coupled with the excellent living conditions, she had only had two relapses since she was young, and today was the third.

However, Tessa's sudden relapse puzzled Xing Yue. Could it be that she relapsed because she drank a glass of red wine?

Feng Qing did not know what Xing Yue was thinking. Instead, she picked up a knife from the dining table beside her and squatted down in front of Tessa. She pried open Tessa's mouth and placed the silver knife in her mouth. The guests were secretly impressed when they saw that she did not mind the filth that was spewing out of Tessa's mouth.

Feng Qing slowly heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that Tessa had bitten the knife tightly. This way, she wouldn't bite off her tongue, or else she would easily 'bite her tongue to commit suicide.'

At this moment, Imperial Concubine Anna walked over. She was surprised to see that Feng Qing had gotten a bag of silver needles from nowhere and was quickly stabbing Tessa's head.

"Jesus, what is YLL doing? Is she stabbing Miss Tessa in the head with a needle?"

"Can anyone tell me what Master YLL is doing? Does she dare to hurt Miss Tessa in public?"

"If you're ignorant, don't talk nonsense. The silver needle used by Master YLL is a traditional Chinese medicine technique in Xia country. It's used to treat illnesses and save lives. You guys should learn more."

"What? Silver needles? You can stab your head with this? Nonsense!"

"I only know that when a person is sick, they have to go to the hospital. Compared to that silver needle, I believe in the most advanced medical equipment in the hospital." The bodyguards in charge of Tessa's safety only surrounded her in the middle, but when they saw Feng Qing stabbing her head with a needle, they immediately rushed forward to arrest her.

At the critical moment, Xing Yue stood forward. He stopped the bodyguards from the Presidential Manor. Although he didn't know if Feng Qing would perform acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine, he still trusted Feng Qing unconditionally.

With a focused expression, Feng Qing raised her hand and pierced the needle into Tessa's head quickly, accurately, and ruthlessly. Shortly after, she inserted a bunch of silver needles into Tessa's head. When the last silver needle landed on her, Tessa, who was still twitching violently, immediately stopped. It felt as if someone had pulled out the power.

Xing Yue heaved a sigh of relief after seeing this. He felt that he had made the right bet. Feng Qing had used the magical Eastern Acupuncture to save Tessa's life.

Feng Qing pulled the acupuncture out of Tessa's head one by one when Tessa had stopped twitching, and her mouth was no longer foaming or rolling her eyes, and her bruised face had also recovered some color.

Xing Yue asked, "Is she fine?"

Feng Qing nodded. "Yes, but let's send her to the hospital for a full body checkup."

Xing Yue nodded and wrapped Tessa in his military uniform to carry her. Then, he smiled gratefully at Feng Qing. Feng Qing looked at him hugging Tessa, but her good-looking face revealed a hint of sadness.

At this moment, the sound of an ambulance rang out. Three doctors carried a stretcher in. Xing Yue gently placed Tessa on the stretcher and sent someone to the hospital with her.

After doing this, Xing Yue turned to look at the two trays on the table and ordered, "Someone, bring the wine that Tessa drank to the Presidential Manor and find a professional organization to do the testing. I want to see if someone tampered with the wine."

When he said this, he even glanced at Feng Jianing without a trace. If he didn't guess wrong, Feng Jianing should have done something again.

The moment that was said, a lady said, "That shouldn't be. If there's a problem with the wine, why are YLL and Feng Jianing fine?"

Another man, who seemed to know a little about medicine, said, "Patients with epilepsy have different bodies than normal people. The same thing, such as chemical drugs, stimulating food, and so on, might not have any effects on normal people, but it might cause the epileptic person to act up."

Chapter 588: Interrogation In The Hall

Suddenly, a member of the royal guards ran to Xing Yue and bowed to him. "Report Sir, when Miss Tessa was drinking just now, we found a waiter sneaking out of the palace, so we detained him."

Upon hearing this, Xing Yue's expression darkened. He couldn't help but turn to look at Imperial Concubine Anna. The waiters were all from the palace, so he wanted to see what she meant.

"How dare he! How dare he do such a thing at my banquet? What are you waiting for? Hurry up and bring the person you detained here. I want to see who gave him the guts." Imperial Concubine Anna said angrily.

She was not pretending, but she was really angry. She had not held a banquet of this level for a few years. She wanted to take advantage of this International Fragrance Competition to have a good time, but she did not expect such a thing to happen. It was simply slapping her and the Country F's royal family's face. Tessa, the daughter of the Presidential Manor, had a relapse here. If she didn't give the Presidential Manor a satisfactory explanation, it would easily cause internal strife between the royal family and the regime in Country F, which was something she didn't want to see.

The detained waiter was brought up very quickly. Xing Yue sized him up and asked, "Tell me, why did you run away?"

Although Xing Yue looked very sunny, his stern face was still very frightening. Coupled with his innate toughness, ordinary people did not even dare to breathe loudly in front of him.

The waiter's legs trembled violently. If not for the support of the two guards, he would have fallen to the ground and could not move. The waiter's face was pale. He admitted with evasive eyes, "Yes, I drugged the wine, but I only knew that it was laxative. I didn't expect it to be like this..."

Xing Yue's expression was cold. "Who instructed you to drug her?"

Upon hearing this, the waiter's Adam's apple bobbed. Then, he turned to look at Feng Qing on the other side, his triangular eyes flashing with a complicated expression. At this moment, Xie Jiuhan walked to Feng Qing's side and took out a few disinfectant wet wipes from his pocket. Feng Qing took the wet wipes and wiped the dirty thing on her hand as she looked into Xing Yue's eyes. "Do you think I asked him to drug the wine?"

Xing Yue retracted his gaze and turned around to walk to the waiter. He said condescendingly, "Are you sure she instructed you?"

The waiter's eyes flashed. He did not dare to look into Xing Yue's dignified eyes for a moment. He was extremely nervous. This kind of interrogation made him feel like he could not breathe.

Xing Yue's face darkened as he said emotionlessly, "Then tell me, how did she order you to poison the wine?"

Hearing that he was finally asking about the main topic, the waiter hurriedly said, "Two nights ago, she found me in private and gave me two million yuan to drug the wine. She told me that it was only a strong laxative, and it wouldn't act up immediately after drinking it. The time was enough for me to escape the palace. I didn't expect that she would actually harm me, that it wasn't a laxative at all."

After Feng Qing finished wiping her hands, Xie Jiuhan got someone to bring over a basin of warm water. Feng Qing placed her hands in the basin and slowly washed them. She washed her hands with the high-end soap again and again. It was not that she was obsessed with cleanliness, but Xie Jiuhan was. Every time she washed off the hand soap, the man would squeeze some new hand soap into her hands.

Just as the waiter finished speaking, Feng Jianing was the first to jump out. She criticized Feng Qing with a look of realization on her face. "Oh, I know. You must have instructed it. If I didn't guess wrong, you should know that Miss Tessa released me from prison, so you wanted to attack her, right?"

Feng Jianing couldn't help but snort coldly when she spoke up to this point. She looked at Feng Qing viciously and said, "But this time, you offended the Presidential Manor, no one can save you. You bribed the waiter to poison the wine and deliberately poison the President's daughter. You only wanted Miss Tessa to have diarrhea, but you didn't expect her to have epilepsy, that this strong laxative will cause a huge reaction in her body. So she was humiliated and had a relapse during the banquet!"

As expected, under Feng Jianing's lead, everyone's eyes fell on Feng Qing. Although no one said anything, everyone looked at her with judgmental eyes. It wasn't that they weren't smart, but Feng Jianing's argument was reasonable. She didn't dare to do anything to Tessa and could only give her laxatives to take revenge. This was very consistent with the hearts of those who hated Miss Tessa. And the only person at the scene who had a reason and a motive to do this to Miss Tessa was Feng Qing.

Chapter 589: Chronic Poison

"No way, could it be that all of this was directed and acted by Master YLL? If that's the case, then her scheming is too terrifying!"

"First, she drugged Tessa, then she stabilized her condition on the spot. She was so calm from the start. Most importantly, she brought those silver needles with her when she came to the banquet. This is too unreasonable for a normal person."

"Previously, she even deliberately exchanged glasses with Feng Jianing. At that time, did she already know that there was something in the wine? Or was the entire bottle filled with something? Was she just pretending to be mysterious?"

"She knows how to mix perfume and also knows ancient Chinese medicine. It shouldn't be difficult to drug someone with laxatives, right? I studied medicine in university and have dabbled in some Chinese medicine knowledge in the past. I know that the medicinal herbs used in Chinese medicine are very broad. There are dozens of prescriptions that can cause people to develop diarrhea."

"So that's how it is! No wonder we all forgave Feng Jianing at the start, but she refused to forgive her. It was all to force Miss Tessa to be a peacemaker and drink with them. Only then could Miss Tessa fall for it and use her strange medical skills to clear her suspicion. Oh my god, this shrewdness is simply too deep. I really don't dare to imagine that YLL is actually such a person."

The surrounding guests had all sorts of imaginations as they saw that Feng Qing was still washing her hands and not saying anything. Many of them even said their thoughts.

Feng Qing finally finished washing her hands after using up a bottle of hand wash. Although Xie Jiuhan still felt that it was not clean enough, he could only think of this now. When he returned at night, he would use the ultraviolet light to kill the bacterias.

"Brother Xing Yue, I suggest finding someone on the spot to test the wine on the tray," Feng Qing said as she wiped her red hands with a clean tissue.

Upon hearing her words, Xing Yue recalled and hurriedly instructed the guards in the Imperial Palace to start moving. The bottle of red wine had already been sent to the Presidential Manor. Fortunately, there was still some wine in the wine glass they used back then. It was enough to collect the wine and do a test.

Feng Qing threw the tissue on the dining table and looked at Feng Jianing indifferently. Then, she looked at Xing Yue and said, "Also, I propose to perform a gastrointestinal examination on Feng Jianing immediately. We'll know what it is after a check."

Feng Jianing: "!!!"

"No, I don't want to do any gastroscopy. I didn't order him to put something in the wine. What right do you have to check on me? This is unfair!" Feng Jianing immediately shouted.

However, Xing Yue didn't listen to her. He directly asked the imperial guards to arrest Feng Jianing. It didn't matter if she did it or not.

Feng Jianing looked at Imperial Concubine Anna and shouted for help, "Your Highness, Your Highness, you're the fairest. Please help me. Feng Qing was the one who instigated it. Why should they check me? If they want to check, they should check Feng Qing. Your Highness, please let them let me go on account of my poor health!"

Imperial Concubine Anna raised her eyebrows. "Shut up! If you didn't come to the banquet, such a crappy thing wouldn't have happened today. A good banquet was ruined by you. It's like a bad apple who spoiled the whole bunch. If you really have a clear conscience, then obediently let someone check. Otherwise, the more you resist, the more it means that there's something wrong with you."

Feng Jianing turned to look at Xing Yue and shouted when she saw that the Imperial Concubine wasn't helping her, "Tessa is your younger sister. She was drugged by Feng Qing and fell ill. Why didn't you go and arrest her? Why did you have to do this to me? You, you're abusing your authority. You clearly like Feng Qing. For her, this little slut, you don't even want your younger sister. If you do this, won't you let down the Presidential Manor who raised you? Won't you let Tessa down for calling you brother for so many years?"

Xing Yue frowned and wanted to retort, but at this moment, a guard walked over and reported, "Report Sir, after testing the two glasses on the two trays, we found that the red wine on one of the trays had indeed been drugged. Moreover, it's a very rare chemical. This thing reacts with a certain chemical in the red wine and produces a fatal poison component that can poison the liver. However, this ingredient is a chronic poison and will only appear within two to three days after consumption."

The moment that was said, the crowd was shocked. The guests were inexplicably shocked. It turned out that someone really dared to poison and murder someone at the banquet hosted by the Imperial Concubine. Moreover, it was not a laxative, but a chronic poison with a high fatal nature. The guests immediately panicked. Many people hurriedly put down their wine glasses. Some people wished they could slap themselves. Why were they so greedy? Why did they have to drink red wine? Wasn't the juices delicious?

Chapter 590: Hu Pohong

After hearing the report from the royal guard, Feng Qing said, "As expected, bring me the red wine that has Hu Pohong."

The royal guard was stunned. Then, he asked warily, "How did you know that it was Hu Pohong?"

He was afraid that Xing Yue would not understand these things, so he deliberately concealed the exact name when he reported just now. He did not expect that Feng Qing would say it out loud. Ordinary people could not come into contact with this kind of thing, and they had not even heard of it before. However, Feng Qing knew what it was, so it was very difficult for him not to be suspicious.

The corners of Feng Qing's mouth curled up. "I know because you told me. When you reported just now, you said that there was something in the wine that could produce a chemical reaction with certain substances in the red wine. Actually, I already know what it is. However, you guys aren't familiar with it.

"Hu Pohong didn't become a poison after it came in contact with a certain substance in the red wine. Instead, it only produces a poisonous substance as it reacts with a component in fig. Hu Pohong itself has a faint smell of wine and is completely dark red. This is very similar to red wine. Moreover, it can be preserved in a solid powder and will dissolve when it comes to liquid.

"However, with the current technology, it's very difficult to purify Hu Pohong, so most Hu Pohong can't be completely dissolved. A small portion of the powder will sink at the bottom of the liquid in a solid form."

The guests all pricked up their ears and listened attentively as Feng Qing had taken the initiative to explain it to everyone. This type of thing was worlds apart from them, so apart from Feng Qing, basically no one could explain it so clearly.

Feng Qing took a breath and continued, "Hu Pohong is a chemical that has only been developed internationally in recent years. It is used in scientific research and cutting-edge medical treatment on a small scale. Because the research on its performance was not completely done, not many people know about it. It has only been reported in some major international scientific journals."

Xing Yue couldn't help but ask, "What will happen if this thing is eaten?"

He was already starting to worry about Tessa's life after hearing that this thing was so powerful. Humans were not plants and trees, so how could they be heartless? Although he and Tessa were not biological siblings, he naturally had a kind of affection for her after living together for so many years.

Feng Qing looked at Xing Yue and said, "If someone eats Hu Pohong, especially after the Hu Pohong and red wine have a chemical reaction and produce a poisonous substance, there's a 90% chance of being poisoned. Moreover, because Hu Pohong itself will have a reaction with gastric acid, it will cause damage to the internal organs and cause bleeding, as well as other unknown serious illnesses."

As she spoke, the royal guard had already brought the red wine that was poisoned with Hu Pohong. Feng Qing leaned in to take a look and then shifted her gaze to Xing Yue.

"Brother Xing Yue, do you believe me after I say so much?" Feng Qing asked.

Xing Yue said firmly, "Of course I believe you. You definitely didn't order that waiter to drug the wine, but someone else did."

"Oh, have you already thought of who it was?" Feng Qing asked.

Xing Yue was stunned for a moment before he scratched his head and revealed an embarrassed expression. "Qingqing, thank you for thinking too highly of me. I just believe that you won't do such a thing, but I really don't know who did it. Could it be that you know who?"

Feng Qing didn't answer him. Instead, she picked up a glass that had the remaining wine in it from the tray and walked towards Feng Jianing. Feng Jianing guessed what she wanted to do and instantly struggled violently when she saw her come over with the wine. Unfortunately, she was held tightly by two royal guards. Struggling was completely useless.

"You, what are you doing? Feng Qing, I'm warning you, don't come over. I... Um..." Feng Jianing completely panicked as she looked at Feng Qing's cold gaze. Without giving him a chance to talk nonsense, Feng Qing pinched her chin and poured the remaining red wine into Feng Jianing's mouth.

"Wu, wuwu..." Feng Jianing's tears flowed out. She looked at Feng Qing pleadingly. Unfortunately, Feng Qing didn't give her a chance at all. After pouring the wine into her mouth, she pushed her chin up forcefully, guaranteeing that Feng Jianing would definitely swallow the wine before letting go.

Feng Qing released her after counting ten seconds in her heart. Feng Jianing exerted strength from god knows where and broke free from the hands of the two guards. She dug her throat crazily with her fingers. She no longer cared about her image or where she was. She only had one thought now and that was to spit out the mouthful of wine.

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