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The darkness, it was so vivid.

The wind blowing, so cool and invisible. It was amusing, perfectly executed to such a smooth degree. It was coming in puffs. Warm, light puffs.

Ian was in his own little world. It was dark, but there was a comfort of warmth and protection wrapped around his arms. He felt heat, constant light heat. It was hitting his head over and over again, wind? No, that's not how wind felt. The air was thicker, hotter.

He moved around slightly as his body had become in tact, it was awake. His bed felt different, it was warmer than usual. He flinched once he felt his body begin to move up and down along with the breaths of his 'bed'. He became suddenly confused as his hands roamed his once again, 'bed'. He slowly felt adrenaline run throughout his body, it was a human as he could infer. It was scary, it was horrifying, it was terrifying.

He quickly slapped the body, feeling hands grip his wrists. He became panicked, the feeling he always got once he was touched. He squirmed around as the feeling of his wrists being captured intensified, he was being pulled back down. He was confused, what was this force? Why was it trying to trap him?

He felt his body being tightened to the squishy bed, hands were gripping his ankles. He soon felt the urge to cling back to the bed, he wrapped his arms around the body as the hands began yanking on his ankles, the arms wrapped around his upper body yanked back.

Ian was in the middle of war, it was mad. The forces were both so strong, he felt his heart race as the arms around his upper body were being pulled also.

Everything happen so fast, the arms were ripped away from him, vibrations stinging his skin. He felt ringing in his ears, it was constant. The darkness was hurting, it was killing his body, he wanted so desperately to know what was going on.

He was being rolled away, the wind was hitting his face, it was hurting. His breath was uneasy as a hand gently touched his face, it was cold but warm at the same time. He felt comfort, but why? He's never felt this way before.

He soon felt all the nerves in his body flinch at once as he felt an unfamiliar feeling of smooth, crisp air. The humidity was dampening his hair, it was warm and hot. He turned his head to different angles as the air hit different parts of his face.

He inhaled a slow, deep breath as the air filled his lungs and exhaled. It was like the wind had aired out spiderwebs in his lungs, and pushed the wisps out. He felt free, he felt the hand leave his face and felt the inertia hit him hard once the wheelchair suddenly stopped and an arm stopped him from flying forward.

He was quickly picked up, his body leaning against a warm, silky clothed chest. The feeling of protection was slapping him in the face over and over again. He was moving as he felt the body, it was running. He didn't know where to, but he just knew that he was going somewhere with someone who was a good person, or that is what his head was saying.

He gently moved his hand upwards to touch the persons neck, it was defined yet young. He became curious as his hand caressed the cheek of the human, getting a hand on his own cheek in response.

He felt confused, where were they? He didn't recognize this setting, it was different. He had been in one constant place for so long, but now.. he was somewhere different. Was he in danger? Was he going to die? He didn't need to think about that as he was set onto something crumbly and hot. He moved around as he hugged his knees tightly.

He was scared, the feeling of constant nerves stinging him in his stomach. It was like a mix of butterflies and bees all at once, what was happening in front of him? Who had taken him here? Why?

He felt his hand being lifted and fingers nudging between his own. It felt lovely, the feeling shot sparks down his arm, the bees and butterflies were gone, it was just.. his heart beating. He had never felt this way before, it was weird. He could feel the vibration of his heart hitting his chest like a mallet on a nail.

Tingles were shocking his finger tips as his hand was given soft, comforting squeezes. He just had the urge to trust this person, he didn't know who it was, why they took him here or if they even are a good person. But he knew.. he just knew that he was going to be alive, free and protected.. for now.

Anthony stared at Ian in amazement, the fact that they had escaped that mess of a place. And he had only escaped with a couple scratches, bruises and well, one Ian.

He surprisingly had Ian's hand interlocked with his own, it was beautiful to watch. Ian's pale blue eyes, moving each time he guided Ian's hand to different angles. The doctors tried taking Ian away, but Anthony fought. He fought until they escaped, but now they were safely beneath a tree. They were far from the hospital, but not far enough for Anthony's satisfaction. He was worried for both of their lives, they could be separated and held in that prison for the rest of their lives and he would be miserable without the sight of this beautiful soul.

But- back to what was just now happening.

Ian's hand was small compared to Anthony's, it made him smile. Ian was carelessly letting his eyes face the distance. His hand was limp in Anthony's, but he was absolutely awed by how sleepy Ian looked, his lips were gently parted and his head was softly laying on the soft brown wood of the tree. This boy was beautiful, and he was planning on spending every single day with him. He felt his heart beat out of his chest once he looked over, seeing many people walking around casually. He had never been so used to the outside world.

All he needed was Ian, and the thought of how Ian needed him filled his head. Motivation. It was constant, it was perfect. He needed to feed Ian something, he looked so helpless and hungry.

Next plan: Food.

(AN: Hey guys ^_^ Sorry it took so long, but here it is, ha! *points finger guns* This was sorta rushed xD So I will understand if you notice the sloppiness as I do XD)

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