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Ian pulled away, the tips of his fingers shocking his own lips as he looked into oblivion. A tiny smile slowly stretched his face, was this love? Was this the tingly feeling he's always wanted, he could feel that spark that shocked his spine like a razor scooter.

Anthony couldn't speak, Ian wouldn't hear him anyway. His brown eyes stared at Ian's confused face, he lifted his hand and interlocked their fingers. The droplets got louder, but all he could focus on was the beautiful angel sitting in front of him. Ian's cheeks were the brightest of red, he was truly freezing.

Anthony softly rubbed his finger over Ian's hand, the soft skin plated with droplets of water and cells. Ian flinched at the sudden touch, his breath hitching like a vast amount of wind just hit.

Anthony kissed Ian's hand lightly. If this was where they would sleep until they had money, than so be it. The gowns were not very covering so this night would be even worse. They had tiny goosebumps speckled across their icy skin. Their was a strike of white lightning that stabbed the sky, causing Anthony get still and wait for the thunder.

He looked down at Ian who began nuzzling his cheek against Anthony's chest, it was freezing but as their skin touched, it had the tiniest hint of warmth that made Ian smile, and the bumps of heartbeats that tapped his ears every so often, made him feel immediately sleepy.

He lifted the hand that had interlocked with Anthony's and laid it on his own chest, allowing him to feel his heartbeats. Anthony smiled at Ian's gesture, but his heartbeat felt off, he pressed his hand closer.

Ian's heartbeat sounded like it had a pause before it pumped. Anthony shuddered beneath his breath and closed his eyes. They needed to fall asleep, the storm was making them freezing cold, being unaware would hopefully cleanse them of this feeling for at least a couple of hours.

The wind blew past their skin, Anthony shivered and Ian nuzzled closer to Anthony. He could feel his ice cold skin, it made him shake in response to the feeling, so he pulled Ian closer and hugged his ice cold body to his chest. This would be a long night.

•     •     •

Anthony heard Ian's soft breaths become shallow, the slightest change in wind that came from his lips signaled that was fast asleep. This calmed Anthony, now Ian could finally live through this night.


I watched his lips part and then come together as he breathed, it was so beautiful. I wish he could see me, he could accidentally be taken by another person and mistake it for being me, if only he had one of the most needed senses.

I would kiss him, just to feel his wet plumpness touch my lips, but he was asleep and I didn't want to wake him. The storm was cleared up, it had only been two hours from when we first sat down and it was already gone and filled with soft grey clouds, what a miracle.

Ian needed time to sleep, I was sure that he was exhausted, he did always see dark but he felt things, emotions and touch. It made me feel despair, having my blind eye compared to him? It was like I was saying I had a gun shot through my ear and he had a gunshot through his neck! Okay- that's kind of extreme. But you get the point.

I would have to find food soon, I know he'll be hungry.


Anthony gently rubbed Ian's damp forehead, he stirred slightly, a soft snore flowing from his throat. He smiled and gently stroked Ian's cheek, nudging him off of his lap and laying him on the bench.

He waited for a sign of him waking up but it never came, he was fast asleep and he needed it, Anthony wouldn't bother him.

He slowly got up and stretched his back, the sun was beginning to come up, it must've been early in the morning. The sky was patched with orange, yellow and red, it was so beautiful. He deeply wished Ian could witness something so gorgeous to the eye.

He looked to his right and saw a couple arm and arm, a baby in their hands. He flinched and jumped backward to cradle Ian, his eyes flung open and jumped up, frantically waving his arms around. The couple looked over.

"Is everything okay, Sir?" The man asked, his eyebrows raising in curiosity to why Ian was being a lunatic, but the question didn't phase Ian as he couldn't hear a thing.

Anthony quickly held Ian's hand, Ian quickly stopping to examine Anthony's skin qualities, reaching the tips of his fingers to rub Anthony's butt nose. He suddenly got calm and nuzzled towards Anthony with affection.

He exhaled in relief and looked over. "Sir? You all are wearing gowns. Are you looking for the nearest hospital? Or some clothes?"

Anthony paused for a moment, quickly pointing a finger. "Could we please have some clothes! I beg of you! Even a simple jacket would do!" Anthony begged, his hands clasping together.

The couple widened their eyes and watched as Ian clung to his side. "H-He can't see- or speak- or hear! Please I beg for some clothes!" Anthony whimpered, his eyes darting to Ian.

The man thought for a moment and walked up to Anthony. "You all are Young- like 16? You don't look the kind of people who would do drugs." The man sighed and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. "Would this do?"

Anthony's eyes sparkled at the money and let his head nod at a fast pace. "Thank you! I promise this will be used wisely!"

The man nodded and handed over the bill, turning to his wife who gave him a polite smile. He turned back to Anthony, gave a nod and walked down the sidewalk with his wife and child.

Anthony grinned as wide as he could, he could use this to buy Ian a warm sweatshirt. Ian looked around, obviously confused by the situation as he continued to cling to Anthony in safe reassurance. Anthony smiled and laid a hand on top of Ian's soft, pale hand. They were going to get through this.

Anthony held Ian's hand as he stood up and started walking down the damp sidewalk, looking for a cheap store to buy things. They got weird looks from people- he made a confused face. Oh right- their gowns.

He held Ian close and he suddenly saw a store, it looked like a Wal-Mart. They could definitely find something that would only cost ten dollars at the least.

He pulled Ian and ran into the exit, everyone's eyes instantly onto them. He felt red flush his cheeks as embarrassment flowed through his veins. He needed to be strong, for Ian.

He pulled Ian by his side and ran into the clothes section, Ian quickly being slapped with cloth and denim. He flinched and quickly ran forward, hugging Anthony tightly for comfort. Anthony chuckled and looked around, then at the twenty dollar bill, so little to work with.

He gently picked up two jackets, each only two dollars! What is this? Black Friday? He smiled widely and handed them to Ian, him gladly cuddling them. Anthony strolled around and found some slippers, only a dollar each. He felt his heart flutter and picked up two pairs, making sure to measure Ian's tiny foot.

He looked over at some joggers, they seemed to have fuzz on the inside of the cloth. He looked at the price, five dollars...buy one get one free! He packed two pairs into Ian's arms and nodded. They walked to the cashier and paid. They only had nine more dollars, dammit.

He grabbed the bags and walked out with Ian. Maybe when they got more money, he could buy them a harness so he couldn't lose Ian. He smiled at the idea and sat on a bench beside the curb to try on their new clothes.

He gently rubbed Ian's shoulder and pushed on the large sweatshirt, Ian's lips curling into a shocked smile as he rubbed into the fuzzy material. Anthony smiled widely and picked up the joggers, his fingers slipping onto the waistband and pulling it onto Ian. "Stylish~" Anthony cooed.

Ian nuzzled into the pants and a wide grin cornered his cheeks as he squinted his eyes in delight. Anthony awed and slipped the slippers onto Ian's small feet.

He sat down and pulled on his own items, curling into the warm cloth. Now they definitely looked like Hobo's.

Oh wait- back to square one: Food.

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