Chapter 7 Some back story.

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(Yang)‘ So how did you all ended up as Y/n students?‘

(Blake)‘ I also would like to know that. He doesn't really seem as a guy that would be a teacher.‘

(Alaric)‘ At first it may seem like that, that he is an uncaring jerk which is only toying with you rather then actually teaching.‘

(Rosalle)‘ But if you stick long enough you will notice that all the things he does to you make you stronger in some way.‘

(Alaric)*laughs*‘ You're the one that knows that the best.‘

(Rosalle)‘ shut up at least I'm not the weeb.‘

(Alaric)*angry‘ What did you say?!‘ Alaric draws his katana.

(Rosalle)‘ You heard me samurai wannabe.‘ Rosalle aims her flintlock pistol at Alaric

(Weiss)‘ Could we return back to the topic.‘ Weiss steps in between them.

(Alaric)‘ Aahh yes were was at?‘ Alaric and Rosallee sheeted there weapons.
(Blake)‘ You were about to tell how you became Y/ns students.‘
(Alaric)‘ Well the events of me becoming his student took place around two and a half years ago. Before becoming his students I was apart of different criminal organisation the Triads. The first time when I met Y/n he and his gang had a business meeting with the leader, Y/n gave us an offer he wanted us to join his forces. While my leader didn't accept the deal he spent alot of time considering it because of the reputation that Y/n had as a criminal mastermind  and also because the leader knew the man that was like a father figure when Y/n was young. Two week later a gang war broke out. The trieds were destroyed in a single night I was the only one that survived. Y/n found me in the ruined households of the main house family. He had come to warn us about the upcoming attack but he was to late. When he found me I was about to commit suicide for failing to protect my master but Y/n stopped my and convinced to join his gang and become his students.‘

Blake appears next to him.

(Blake)‘ That is so sad, are you okay.‘(authors note; did I say that Alaric is wolf founus? Because he is.)

(Alaric)‘ I'm fine all of it happened ages ago.‘

(Yang)‘ And what about you Rosallee.‘

(Rosalle)‘ My story isn't as interesting as Alaric.... Well from the were day that I could talk I knew that I was different from other kids, as a child I would steal candy, lie to people, cheat. It brought me so much amusement. When I grew older I would read newspapers of what crimes and extravagant robberies were comited and always the best out of them would be the robberies done by Y/n and his gang. When I got old enough that I could run away from the orphanage that I grew up in I set out to find him and defeat him in his one game. At first I tried to out shadow him by committing the most difficult robbery ever but soon I learnt that outshining the robberies Y/n and his older gang the one that he was apart before he created this one was impossible. Then I came up with a idea to win against Y/n in a gambling what tipe didn't matter so I found him and challenged him I wasn't capable of winning but he recognised my talent and I became his student to learn from the best to become the best.‘

(Ruby)‘ Your story is so much better than Alarics it's not as depressing, no offence Alaric.‘

(Alaric)‘ None taken. And Rosalle your story is pretty much complete if you would ad all the times you were arrested when you tried to commit the grander robberies or all the time when you failed to cheat against Y/n when you were gambling.‘

(Rosalle)‘ Shut up Alaric.‘

(Weiss)‘ So your just a bunch of no good criminals.‘

(Yang)‘ Hey Weiss chill of they ain't so bad.‘

(Weiss)‘ They still are criminals that should be behind bars.‘

(Ruby)*sight*‘ Here we go again.‘
And so team RWBY and Rosallee with Alaric argued all there way back to there dorms.  Well it was more like Weiss argued against them all.
Back to Y/n pow.
I was shooting at some targets that I had set up.
3rd pow

Y/n shoot at the target. It can be seen the bullet hits the target right in between the eyes. The scene suddenly changed in the amphitheatre stood a lot younger Y/n with a sword attached to his hip, that had just shot at a target, next to him were three more young adults, there age was around 20. One was a female and the other two were males.

(The girl)‘ I can't believe it I lost to you. You must have cheated.‘

(The larger of two males)‘ We all were watching while he shot at the target he couldn't have cheated.‘

(The girl)‘ I can't expect this.‘

(Y/n)‘ After all those loses I finally beat you, All right!‘

(The girl)‘ It's  only a fluke you won't get so lucky next time.‘

(The smaller male)‘ A fluke or not that was some good shooting. What's your secret Y/n?‘

Y/n looks at his gun and sadly smiles and sighs.

(Y/n)‘ I guess boss is looking out for me from up there.‘ the girl playfully pulls Y/n cowboy hat down so it fould cover his eyes.

(The girl)‘ Let's get going to get something to eat I'll pay for all of us.‘

(The smaller male)‘ That's a new one, you never act so nice.‘

(The girl)‘ Hurry up because I'm doing this only once in the name of Y/n victory.‘ the girl walks out of the amphitheatre

(The larger of two males)‘ I guess we should hurry-' the further conversation buffs out as we again look at the whole amphitheatre the three boys are walking to the door, but were they stood before stands a greyed out Y/n ,the older one that we are familiar with, only part of him that isn't greyed out is his eyes that shine a faint f/c(favourite colour). Everything except for the reall Y/n starts to fall to dust as he regained colour and bow stood in the amphitheatre, the hand that was aiming the gun at the target started to shake . He grabbed his wrist with his other hand and held it closer to him.

(Y/n)‘ I guess I subconsciously brought myself exactly to this amphitheatre and didn't even notice that.‘

(Ozpin)‘ It was your teams favourite one.‘ Ozpin walks in to the arena.

(Y/n)‘ I still to this day don't understand what they found so special about it.‘

(Ozpin)‘ People are sometimes weird like that.‘

(Y/n)‘ Well sorry but I can't chat for longe I have places to be.‘ Y/n walk out of the amphitheatre and heads of to oum know were.

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