Chapter 8 Accidents happen, but this is no accident

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3rd pow

The next day Y/n went to the Amity Colosseum were just a few minutes ago a duel was finished between two Atlas students and two Beacon students.

Y/n pow

I got of the bullhead that had lifted us from Beacon grounds to the colosseum. I was walking to the sitting area, while walking I got distracted by the TV that were showing the latest match and its victors. By doing so I bumped into a girl with orange hair. It felt like I just ran into a steel beam I almost fell over because of it but I was capable of recovering from it.

(Penny)‘ Are you alright sir.‘

(Y/n)‘ I'm not that old to be caled sir, I'm not even middle-aged, I'm 43. And also congratulations on your victory, I imagine your „father“ is happy to know that your combat ready.‘

(Penny)‘ Sir you know my father?‘
Pennys teammate walks up to her.

(Ciel)‘ Penny we need to go.‘

(Y/n)‘ ohh I'm sorry if I'm taking up to much of your time. I best be going on my way.‘ I walk of to were team RWBY is sitting.

While walking I hear the announcement that the next duel soon will start. Some time later I find were Ruby, Blake and Abellona are. I sit down next to Ruby.

(Y/n)‘ So who is fighting now.‘

(Ruby)‘ Weiss and Yang.‘ for short amout of time my eyes light up with a faint f/c(favourite coler).

(Y/n)‘ Well this is going to be entertaining.‘

(Blake)‘ What do you mean by that Professor.‘

(Y/n)‘ Just watch and see.‘

3rd pow

Yang and Weiss could be seen standing in the middle platform of the arena waiting for there opponents to show up. I'm certain that everyone know what happened next so lets not make my write all of it. In short the opponents weren't what Yang and Weiss expected and Yang lost the word battle with one of the opponents and was getting angry.

(Ruby)‘ oh, here we go.‘

(Y/n)‘ Told ya.‘

The battle began and Yang got separated from Weiss. The fight went on with them facing there opponents separately.

(Y/n)‘ I have a question Ruby?‘

(Ruby)‘ Yes?‘

(Y/n)‘ What are you being thought in Beacon because it doesn't look like your thought to fight.‘

(Ruby)‘ Why do you say that.‘

(Y/n)‘ Look at how Weiss and Yang are fighting, Yang is fighting blinded by her rage-'

(Ruby)‘ She always like that.‘

(Y/n)‘ And Weiss she is facing against an opponent that is most comfortable with fighting one on one and she isn't regrouping with Yang something that would be so beneficial, your teammates are allowing there opponents to dictate how the flow of battle goes and that is one thing you have to not let happen in a fight.‘   when Y/n finished his rant he noticed that the big screen of the arena showed that Yang and Weiss won and that Ruby and Blake had left to go congratulate there teammates. Y/n was about to go and also congratulat them but he got a message on his scroll to come to Ozpins office. So Y/n left.

Y/n was walking down the corridor that led to the elevator to Ozpins office, when he noticed someone entered tgat elevator.

(Y/n)‘ Could you hold the elevator for a second.‘ he increased his speed and quickly enteres the elevator inside it the person that hed entered the elevator before him was Pyrrha.‘ Well look who we have here. What does bring you Pyrrha to Ozpins office.‘

(Pyrrha)‘ I was invited by the headmaster to come.‘

(Y/n)‘ What a coincidence me to.‘ the elevator reached Ozpins ofice and the doors of the elevator opened up.‘ Ladys first.‘

Pyrrha enters the office and Y/n just a tad bit later also entered. Y/n stayed near the elevator while Ozpin had his talk with Pyrrha. Y/n really didn't like this, he didn't like the fact that they are going to make a child take a choice like this and that he would be apart of the people that would drag her into the fight against Salem. Every essence of Y/n being said to go now and convince Pyrrha that this choice would only bring danger to her but he knew that he can't do that, that he can't deem a single person safety more important than all humanity. So he stayed quite during all of until they got to Amber.

After Pyrrha gave her answer that she will do it she asked isn't that what you wanted me to answer. And Ozpin say that is what they want.

(Y/n)‘ Not what I want.‘ Glynda glared at Y/n.

(Glynda)‘ Y/n we don't have time for this we all had agreed on this didn't we.‘

Pyrrha looked at Y/n.

(Pyrrha)‘ Why is that Professor, do you think I'm not good enough.‘

(Y/n)‘ No you are more than good enough, it just doesn't fell right for me to push a child to fight in our war. But it's not like it matters if it fells not right to me, I just want to warn you Pyrrha don't take this choice lightly.‘
And Y/n walked of leaving Pyrrha, Ozpin and the others to have there story time.

After Y/n left he went to the colosseum and started walking around the arena watching everything that happens. Basically doing his job of being Beacons security. The finals were starting and he saw that the first mach of the day will be Yang versus Mercury Black. The name of the man sounded familiar so he decided to watch the match. Well Yang won but something unexpected happened. Y/n eyes were shining a week tint of f/c but this time his eyes seemed to become like cracked glass. At the wery same moment Yang broke Mercurys leg. Y/n at the moment was holding his head as he seemed to be seeing two really different things happening, in one of them Mercury attacks Yang and she hits him out of self defence in the other he sees Mercury walking next to Yang and her hitting him and breaking his leg.

(Y/n)*whispers*‘ What the fuck just happened?‘ his eyes started to return to normal but he felt weakened. He looked around and heard everyone booing Yang.

Yang was taken away by Atlasian soldiers Y/n made run after them to find out what just happened.

Y/n had to wait outside team RWBY dorm because of Ironwoods orders and the stupid robots. Y/n wanted to smash them but he didn't want to make the situation worse. He heard most of what Ironwood said. When Ironwood finally left the room he was faced with pissed of Y/n.

(Y/n)‘ You could of whent easier on her.‘

(Ironwood)‘ I can't do that, after what people saw I have to be strict to her.‘

(Y/n)‘ What do you believe happened.‘

(Ironwood)‘ Why do you out of all people care. I would of imagined that you would be the happiest that something like this happened.‘

(Y/n)‘ As hard as it is for you to believe my words listen just this one time, someone interfered in that match.‘

(Ironwood)‘ Your speaking nonsense. What proff do you have.‘

(Y/n)‘ Yang tried to tell you that Mercury was about to kick her from behind and that she only did that in self defence.‘

(Ironwood)‘ Yes she did how do you know that?‘

(Y/n)‘ I saw the same thing, well I also saw the one were she breaks his leg for no reason but that doesn't matter.‘

(Ironwood)‘ Even if you are telling the truth I can't change anything the people will believe what they saw.‘

(Y/n)‘ I know, I'm just making sure you aren't going to lose thrust of her.‘

Ironwood continue on his way to were he was going, as Y/n turns around and debates what to do should he go say what he saw to team RWBY or should he just let it go and not bother them by making them more paranoid than they were, he decides that he will tell Qrow and if Qrow wants he can tell the girls about it. Y/n used his semblance to locate Qrow and started to head there. He reached Qrow fast because he wasn't far away.

(Y/n)‘ How your niece doing.‘

(Qrow)‘ Don't know she is dealing with allot.‘

(Y/n)‘ Please tell me you believe her.‘

(Qrow)‘ I don't know what to believe for a long time.‘

(Y/n)‘ I can't tell you that she is telling 100 percent truth but I can tell you certainly something was of with those last moments when she punched Mercury. Someone was doing something that effected what Yang saw.‘

(Qrow)‘ How do you know that.‘
(Y/n)‘ Because I think the same thing that happened to Yang effected me in some way.‘

(Qrow)‘ What do you mean by that.‘

(Y/n)‘ When all that was happening my „semblance“ went haywire, I started seeing stuff that was happening and wasn't happening, I think, and I couldn't tell the difference and if it's hard for me to distinguish the difference Yang wouldn't be capable of even seeing  if something was of.‘

(Qrow)‘ Maybe your just getting old. But if thats true we should look in to this more.‘

(Y/n)‘I was going to do that anyways. Well I should get going I am supposed to be the security staff helper at the colosseum.‘ Y/n walks of to the colosseum.

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