Chapter 9 The beginning of the fall

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Y/n was walking around the sitting area checking if anything was of. The fight between Penny and Pyrrha had started Y/n had an uneasy feeling about it. But he brushed it of and continue his scanning of the arena. But again his semblance started to show him shattered images but this time they would disappear really quickly leaving Y/n with a headache, he started to head twords Ironwood so that he could warn him of this but he was to late. Y/n saw the fake huge wall of swords and he knew were this going to go his eyes again became like cracked glass and he started to see two different things in on the wall of swords wasn't there in the other it was there. He tried to shout to stop the match but he was losing strength quickly. Pyrrha had used her semblance an that resulted in Penny getting cut in to peaces, after that happened Y/n regained his sense and could only watch in horror at what happened. After that the arenas big screen started playing a video of some edgy bitch talking about some really stupid shit everyone civilian that was in the arena was terrified. A giant nevermore landed on the glass roof of the arena. Y/n deduced that it soon would break trough. He takes out his scroll and sends a quick message.

(Y/n)‘ Civilians leave the arena as quickly as possible! Head to the bullheads that are ready now!‘ the civilian start to run twords the all possible exits. The nevermore breaks trough, Y/n sees that Pyrrha is still in the arena next to broken Penny(it hurts to write this.) he tries to get to her but all the people that are running twords the exits are getting in his way he takes aim at the nevermore. But to his luck he doesn't have to take the risky shoot, the students from all of the academys attack the nevermore.

(Y/n)‘ Good job kids.‘ he says to no one in particular. He debates should he help them or go make sure that all civilians safely leave the area. He see that the students are dealing with it without trouble so he heads to the outside. And he is meet by a beowulf almost biting his head of after he just existed trought the arenas door to the outside. Y/n blasted the beowulfs head of with a single shoot that hit the beowulf right in between the eyes.

(Y/n)‘How the hell a beowulf got here!?‘ He looks around and sees that the area is being flooded with grimm. Y/n checks his revolver.‘ damit, should have brought more ammunition.‘ From inside of his coat he puls out one of his knifes. And starts making his way twords the bullheads, skilfully with just a knife killing any grimm that stands in his way.

When he gets to the bullhead Y/n heads for the cockpit he has to squeeze trough a lot of people. When he enters it he tell the pilot.

(Y/n)‘ Can you drop me at Beacon academy.‘

The pilot looks behind Y/n at all the people.

(Pilot)‘ With this much people and the amout of flying grimm in the air that would be a suicide and the protocol require me to bring the people to a designated safe location as fast as possible.‘

Y/n grabs the pilot and lifts him up so he would be looking straight in his eyes and holds a knife to his neck.

(Y/n)‘ Just get me as close as you can.‘

(Pilot)‘Yes sir!‘ Y/n lets him go and he slumps back to his seat. Y/n walks to the back of the bullhead as the pilot finally takes of and heads twords Beacon academy. Approximately 15 minutes later a group of 4 small nevermores would attack the bullhead.

(Pilot)‘I can't avoid them with this many people!‘ he shouted to Y/n. The ship shakes from a hit of the nevermore Y/n has to grab on to the wall of the bullhead. Trough on of the side window Y/n looked at how far the academy grounds were.

(Y/n)*to himself*‘This will do. Clear the path from the cockpit to hear people!‘ everyone lisened. He jogged back to the pilot.‘Open it.‘

(Pilot)‘ Are you crazy the nevermore will get in.‘

(Y/n)‘ I'll deal with them, after that you fly these people to safety.‘

The pilot hesitates on what to do.

(Y/n)‘Just god dam do it.‘ The pilot opens the cargo door and Y/n starts running twords it. He jumps out spins back around so he can aim at the nevermore his eyes light up with a tint of f/c he pulls out his gun from the holster, one of the nevermore was getting close to grabbing some people out of the bullhead, aims and shoots four times, every single nevermore is hit straight in the head and they fall down. After than Y/n quickly in mid air repositioned himself so he would be falling twords the academy yard.
The pilot quickly closed the cargo door.

(Pilot)‘ The insane bastard did it, now time to get out of here.‘

Y/n can see as the bullhead flies of to the city.

Y/n braces for impact. And lands two feet from the edge.
His landing causes a large dust cloud to rise. All the grimm in the immediate area look at him. A beowulf carges at him and pounces. Y/n steps to the side and lets gravity do all the working. The beowulf can be heard roaring as he fall of the cliff.
(Y/n)‘Which one of you ugly bastards is next.‘ The grimm that are around him growled at him. Sadly the grimm this time took a smarter approach and started to slowly close in on Y/n. But that was a mistake on there part.
Y/n shoot four more times and opened himself a pat to the closest metal door to enter the academy. He made a run for it. Surprisingly he was capable of dodging and making it to the door. As he opened the door he dropped a few  grenades outside, all of the granades had there rings puled out, and he quickly closed it. A large explosion killed all the grimm that were next to the door. The explosion also coused the door to fly of it hinges and fall on Y/n.

Y/n kicked the door of himself stood up dusted of himself and continued making his way to Ozpins elevator. On the way there he encountered some white fang members and grimm to conserve ammunition he used the many throwing knifes, that he has on the inside of his long coat and his larger knife that he used to take out enemies that got to close.
He finally reached the elevator entered it and pressed to button for the basment.

3rd pow

We can see as the elevator door closes leaving Y/n inside and starts to descend.

What avaits Y/n at the basment. Find out in the next episode.

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