I Died For You!?

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*Senku POV*
"LET HER GO YOU BASTARD!!!" Y/N growled at Tsukasa, he inched the spear near Yuzuriha' a neck closer!
"Ah, Ah. Don't take another step, or this girl gets a nasty scratch." He threatened, such a cheap trick!
My heart pounded, but I knew exactly what to do! Hopefully fueled rage Y/N wont ruin it...
"Well, Tsukasa you are especially grumpy today hmmm. Is it because you know exactly why we are here? You're clever I'll give you that." I heard Y/N growl, I understood, but keeping calm is the best choice for this situation right now.
"If you continue this path it will only be war and destruction, back to where we started... a tainted world." Tsukasa was going to do anything to stop that even, to kill our friend.
"So, your going to kill Senku the science guy to accomplish that goal?"
"Yes, I'll even kill her... she is exactly like you Senku, and I'm sure she will continue even after you're gone!"
I looked over to Y/N she was shaking a bit as she curled her hand into a fist, I had begun to shake a bit myself. I will not allow that monster to hurt her or anyone!
"But before your deaths, I'd like for you to give me the ingredients to the miracle fluid."
I cracked my neck before looking away," Nope, unlike you I can only see things as logical or illogical. So, I don't care one millimeter if you kill either of them. I mean there are plenty of other females to revive..." before I could finish he sliced Yuzuriha's hair into a pixy cut! Both myself and Y/N gasped stepping forward a bit.
"You should have buried this one, but either way your not going to be able to negotiate. You have precious friends to care for, unlike me. I win this one, Senku." He glared down at the both of us, me in particular.
Yuzuriha begun to giggle," I appreciate the hair cut. It'll be much easier to tackle care of now, in this stone world." Tsukasa looked surprised as she grabbed the spear and put it to her neck.
"YUZURIHA NO!" Y/N screamed putting out her hand towards them. To be honest I was rather shocked myself, I couldn't move, I was sweating so much!
"It's alright Y/N. Just don't give him the recipe, either of you. I mean I'm not important, you both have to survive. For everyone's sake, for their future."

~~~~~WEE TIME SKIP~~~~~
*Senku POV Still*
Tsukasa jumped down after Y/N told him the recipe, he went passed her... fortunately.
"Promise me Senku, that you'll give up on science. Give up on science for your life?" He asked like that was an option.
I gave a half-assed smirk closing my eyes to think a bit. Then I opened them, looking up to Tsukasa.
"No, I can't. I can't do that."
He tilted his head back with an inhale. He smiled looking down to me again,"Of course not, I knew that was going to be your answer."
I chuckled," Now don't go giving me that crap! We both know, no matter the answer, you would've killed me. Just kill me in one blow." I cracked my neck and continued,"Becuase leaving me to suffer till I die, is illogical and inefficient."
"Don't worry Senku, I'll Sever your servical nerve. It'll be instantaneous, knocked unconscious, and die without suffering, I won't miss." He lifted his spear and walked a ways behind me.
'Here it comes.'

Suddenly, I was pushed forward!?!?! As I fell, I turned my head, I seen Y/N!!?!?! Her eyes were empty, she was hit instead of me!!!
'This can't be real...right?! RIGHT!? ANYTHING BUT HER! NOT HER!' My head raced, but everything seemed to be going in slow motion as we fell.
I could hear Taiju in the distance, then Y/N's body finally landed on mine.
I felt water rush down my face... I rolled Y/N over on her back, hugging her into my arms. My throat was dry, I couldn't say anything, was I crying? I don't remember anymore... A pain in my chest took over my body as I looked at her face. I was shaking as I checked her heart beat. Yuzuriha rushed over and dropped to her knees crying.
"SENNNKKKKUUUU, YUZURIHAAAAA, Y/NNNNNNN!" Taiju slide across on his knees to where we were and begun to sob after seeing her limp body in my arms.
"I missed... what a shame she would have made an amazing alli or even... an excellent wife." I glared up at Tsukasa, growling deep in my throat when he stated that. My grip tightened on Y/N.
"Oh, well... lets try this again." Before Tsukasa could try again, Taiju threw a bolder into the air, making him keep an eye on myself and Taiju. While, Yuzuriha threw black powder bag we made before all this happened!
'Brilliant Guys!' I thought as I tried getting up, carrying Y/N lifeless body into the woods.
"GOODBYE TSUKASA!" Exclaimed Taiju as he grabbed Yuzuriha's hand running behind me.
Another explosion, bigger than the last, had covered Tsukasa completely! We escaped... barely!

'Hopefully... that will give us enough time! Hold on Y/N I'll save you... With all my might!'

Another done! YASSSSSSSS, I might do one more today before calling it quits. Do you guys think I'm doing a good job with these POV's?


I love that vine.... anyway I'd love to hear feedback more! I enjoy hearing from everyone!

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