Punishment Or A Push!?

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*Third Person POV*
Senku wanted to plead too, but decided to just be quiet until we stopped.
"Alright we will decide your prize now!" Yuzuriha said and grabbed Taiju's arm dragging him fare away from the other two.
Y/N growled and crossed her arms, 'What are those two plotting?' Her head was questioning their meeting. Senku looked at the girl, he noted she chewed her nails when she is nervous. A bad habit really, but maybe he could make gum or something to help that... soon. he shook his head and glared at the two as they whispered. 'I hope its nothing too weird.' He blushed faintly looking too the ground.
*Your POV*
"Senku..." you whispered holding your hand over your mouth, hiding it from the other two.
"Huh, what do you want Shorty?" Senku cracked his neck, you made a disgusted face when he did and said it like that.
"I'm going to ignore your tone... but we need hook them two up!" You said with a fist now, resisting the urge to punch his stupid face!
"Ohhhhh~ and how do you propose on doing that?" He asked with a smirk.
"Hehehehehe come here and I'll tell you." And the plot thickens.
All four where scheming together to ship the other, nothing was going to stop any of them from achieving those goals and dreams!

~~~~~TIME SKIP A BIT~~~~
*Senku POV*
"OK WE GOT IT!" Taiju and Yuzuriha rushed back where we were.
"YOU TWO... HAVE TOOOOO.... KISS!!!" They begun too giggle like school girls!
My face and body started to heat up,'THAT'S THE BEST THEY COULD COME UP WITH!?!?! NEVER IN TEN BILLION YEARS COULD THEY MAKE USssss....' I suddenly remembered this might help Y/N and her challenge... there must be another option, right!? If I just play my cards right I could change this up...
I shrugged and smirked," That's all! You guys are so uncreative! Let's get this over with!" I walked to Y/N she was tomato red and looked shocked with my response. She had her arms up and was trying to block me holding my face, she didn't expect me to do this!
"Ummm- hey could we change the prize, I didn't want to jump the gun that far!!!" She stuttered fending me off with her hand over my mouth. I kept smirking, nothing those idiots could come with could help her now...
"Alright we had another in store just in case this happened!"
I deadpanned and sweat dropped,'THEY MADE A DIFFERENT OPTION!?'
"Oh yes we will do that! It can't be as awful as kissing lettuce head!" She waved me off!?
"HEY DON'T KNOCK IT TILL YOU TRY IT YOU- YOU-" i tried to defend my manly pride that was deep down inside myself, but stopped.
'It's not like I wanted to kiss her... any other thing they throw at us will be ten billion percent better anyway!' I gritted my teeth as Taiju begun to speak.
Y/N and I turned red again steam coming out of our ears!
"Alright...and what if we don't do either!?" Y/N squeaked.
"Taiju will tie you both up together and you'll have to stay like that until we say you can be let go~" Yuzuriha smiled sweetly as Taiju held some rope looking scary behind her.
"OK OK WE'RE GOING, PICK OUT A SPRING AND WE WILL BATH!" As soon as Y/N shouted that I felt her grab onto me and drag me around the whole damn place!
*Your POV*
"Let's get this over with... they really picked the smallest one they could find, didn't they?" We both sweat dropped as we looked at the pool.
"Two hundred and forty three centimeters... It's definitely the smallest." Senku chimed in.
"Well they didn't say we had to look at each other, or be near one another... So ill go too one side and look the other way if you do the same on this side..." I blushed as I walked away, I notice Senku nod.
Each of us took off our clothes and got in backwards. The water felt so nice though! Maybe this was a prize, even if this spring hole was small.
'Maybe the kiss woulda been better... or this could work too, but it's so weird!' I mentally yelled thrashing around a bit as I tried shaking it off.
I heard Yuzuriha walking my way, looking away, and she gave me a bar of soap! Perfect!
"Hey Senku Look!" You lathered the soap in your hands and made your fingers into a circle, then blew bubbles in Senku's direction.
"HEY!? DIDN'T YOU SAY WE WOULDN'T LOOK AT EACH OTHER!?" He yelled while splashing at the bubbles... and you!!!
"THERE'S NOTHING TO LOOK AT SMARTASS!" You retaliated splashing back.
"OH THAT'S IT!" and that went on for a while as Taiju and Yuzuriha watched from a different hole.
You were so mad, you didn't realize how close you had gotten to Senku! You took notice after he grabbed your wrist!? You froze at his grip, and blushed, he was looking away, normally he wasn't such a gentleman like this... and his hair was so adorable wetted down!!!
"I'm done splashing you now, so could you... you know go back to your side." He asked, finally you seen a small blush on his cheeks.
'Time to commence, Seduce Senku Ishigami!' You thought with a snort.
"Nope! I'm gunna stay right here... with you~!" You smiled brightly at him, you grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers into his, he was tense, still looking away.
"I got an idea! What if I helped you wash your back and then... you help me with mine?"
You felt his hands leave yours and he was crawling out!?
"Nope not doing that, bye..."
"SENKU GET YOUR ASS BCK IN THERE TIME IS NOT UP!" Yuzuriha was scary when it came to these kinds of games, he came slinking back into the water, with a defeated look and sighed looking at me now.
"Fine, if we do this can you please go to your side."
"Oh, your saying please now! Hehehe I really am training you well, you'll be boyfriend marterial in no time!" I did a "Ok" sign with my hand, he was crawling back out?!?!?
I was waving my hands frantically,"Ok! Ok! Yes, just don't leave again!"
"Hand me the soap, I'll go first."
"O-oh ok then..." you stuttered and grabbed the soap handing it to Senku. You turned around and you felt Senku's hands on your back rubbing your skin gently with the suds. You shivered as he did so, his hands were much bigger and a bit more callused, but it felt oddly good.
Over your shoulders, down your shoulder blades to your sides and down your spine just above your butt. This tingly feeling was forming in your stomach as he continued then he stopped.
"My turn." He turned around and had the soap in his hand behind his back.
"I'm sorry if it doesn't feel as good, I've never done this before." You shyly replied lathering your hands.
"Heh I never done that either... so you can't be too bad." Was huge being supportive?
You touched his shoulder blades and begun to message there. Then over the shoulders, down his spine, to his sides, then stopping a little higher above his... well you know...
"OK YOU TWO YOU CAN GET OUT! IF YOU WANT!" You heard them giggling like hyena! You looked at Senku, he looked back, both of you thought the same exact thing!



"Alright you ready, partner." Y/N asked as a herself and Senku inched closer to the unsuspecting teens still soaking.
"Ready when you are."

Senku threw the bar soap high and it splashed into a near by spring hole on the opposite side of where Yuzuriha and Taiju where they both turned their heads toward the noise unaware of what was happening.
"W-what was-"
Y/N did a flip forward grabbing the flimsy wall Taiju made, landed on the other side feet to the ground and yeeted it away!?
"NOW SENKU!" She commanded looking over to Taiju's side.
Senku was directly behind Taiju, and he kicked Taiju forward!??!?!
The hole Taiju and Yuzurijha were in was a bit longer, but Taiju staggered towards Yuzuriha!
She screamed and covered her breasts as Taiju landed on top of her making a huge splash.
Y/N and Senku smirked and chuckled,"Bullseye! You two hurry up and get together! MAKE TAIZURIHA HAPPEN!" The H/C haired girl shouted at the water, jumping up and down.
"Ha! We need to work on other shipping names for them." Senku said with a smirk looking at the girl.
"I thought you weren't the type to ship things?" Y/N asked giggling.
Senku and you high fived!
"Some things are worth shipping, and this plan of ours was actually... kinda..." before Senku could finish Taiju grabbed his ankle and poundage him into the water! Steam coming out of his nose and ears, he was as redder than a fire tuck!
"SENKU! Y/N!" He yelled.
Suddenly Y/N felt a menacing presence behind her, it was an enraged Yuzuriha in a towel.
"HAHAhehehe... I'm in danger..."

Holy shit guys, that was a long chapter I hope y'all enjoyed it! On too the next one! Imma try make them not this long if i have too! ;3

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