Chapter 10: A Traitor Caught

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Disclaimer: don't and never will own Naruto.

Here's a song I felt that went well with Tsuki's life.

Blasphemy- Bring Me The Horizon


Chapter 10: A Traitor Caught


Tsuki's POV
I stood on the edge of the cliff watching the whole scene unravel before me. The cries of my sister filled the air as I watched tears cascade down her pale stricken face. Her eyes held sadness, guilt, remorse, and pity. She was punishing herself for my downfall. Well, my clones downfall. It's a simple, but hard jutsu to perfect. The Blood Clone. A clone that could bleed like a real person and stays in place even though it received a fatal blow.

If you're wondering how I'm able to know what's happening, it's because I could see. The blindness was temporary. When I use Cerridwen's power to heal someone, I become blind. The more fatal the wound, the more days I become blind. In my case, I became blind for two days.

My attention draws back to my sister as she screams in anguish.

"NO! W-why did she have to die?! It should've been me, not her! She's so much stronger and has more potential than me! She's suffered too much! It's all my fault! I-it's a-all my f-fault," she yells, breaking down in the end.

Naruto walks up to her and places a hand on her shoulder, "Sakura-chan it's not your fau-

"NO! IT IS MY F-FAULT! I pushed her away! I made her life hell! I tormented her! I destroyed her life! I hated her when I should've loved her! I was jealous of her! Just because she was smarter, more beautiful, and more stronger than me! She had friends, but I took them away by telling them lies! I forced my parents to hate her," she explains, cutting Naruto off.

As much as I wanted to run into her arms and forgive her, I couldn't. I had to play the part of being 'dead' and continue my life in the Akatsuki. I have to force myself into being the enemy they portrayed me to be.

A killer.

A traitor.

A criminal.

I can't have any ties to them, even though I want to be a part of them again and live the happy life in Konoha. Unfortunately, I chose to be a criminal and now I have to act like one. The doubts that swim in my dark mind, I need to drown them, making them disappear. I need to swallow my guilt and continue on my wary way towards my life in the Akatsuki. Thankfully Kakuzu and Hidan died, so I don't have to worry about them spilling about my betrayal. If Leader-sama knew about my wrongful action, he would no doubt punish me or worse, kill me.

I'll continue my life as a Akatsuki member, but I won't participate in harming the Leaf Village. I'll help them through the shadows, giving them information about the members of The Akatsuki and what their goal is. With Sunagakure, I don't really care about them since were not in good terms, so I'll still harm them here and there. The other villages I'll participate in attacking them since I have no ties to them.

This is my life now, and it's too late to turn back.

I ignored the crying of my sister and the looks of sympathy of the Konoha ninja and went my merry way. I entered the fortress of trees and ran towards Amegakure. Even if my body is screaming to stop and rest since I'm low on Chakra, I push through the pain. If I keep running and don't stop I'll make it there in one day.

Sasuke's POV

I stood in a field, unscathed as I rendered hundreds of men unconscious. Some with wounds, others just knocked out.

I need to become stronger.

The single thought floats in my head as I'm panting lightly. If I'm this easily tired than I won't be a match against him.

"I sssee that you can't kill them yet," Orochimaru says, coming out from the tree line.

"Hn, there's only one person I want kill," I state.

Not wanting to deal with him, I make my towards the base. As I'm walking, I pass an older lady dressed in a green kimono. Probably another of the snake's henchmen. I ignore her and continue walking through the forest.

In the distance, I hear a poof.

"Lord Orochimaru, it seems Konoha have taken down three Akatsuki members," Kabuto says.

"I sssee, sso who'ss the memberss who fell from Konoha'ss handss," Orochimaru hisses.

"Ah well, it seems that Shikamaru Nara killed Hidan. Impressive, I must say. Kakuzu died at the hands of both Naruto Uzumaki and Kakashi Hatake. And lastly, Tsuki Haruno died from a Chidori to the chest," Kabuto explains.

My blood runs cold at the mention of Tsuki's death.



'- from a Chidori to the chest'

The only person who could preform a Chidori besides me is.... Kakashi.

Fueled with anger, I punch the tree besides me, making it crack in half. But the mention also fills me with relief.

At least it wasn't me who killed her.

Tsuki's POV
The grey rain clouds greeted me, as I entered the gates of Amegakure. It was early morning, but it's hard to tell time when there's clouds covering the sky. Not for me since, I'm already used to this weather. I immediately get pelted with rain, making my clothes soaked.

Walking through the somewhat empty village, I make my towards the base. I greet the people with a subtle wave as they bid me a good morning.

I arrive at the familiar metal door of the entrance and produce the occasional hand signs. Slamming my hand on the wet floor, the door opens on cue. I walk into the dark lit building as the door slams shut behind me. I proceed forward, making my way around the maze like halls.

Walking further into the base, I hear murmurs of different conversations. I follow the noise and soon find myself in the main room. Immediately, I see the usual. Tobi screaming like a child as he flails his arms like a mentally deranged person. Kisame having a one sided conversation with Itachi. Diedara making a new clay sculpture as he glares at Tobi. Konan sitting silently as she makes some weird origami thing. Leader-sama sitting silently with his eyes closed and arms crossed over his chest. Then lastly is Zetsu having a conversation with himself.

I walk into the room, and that's when Tobi notices me.

"Ah! Tsuki-senpai, you finally arrived, Tobi was so worried," he screams as he runs up and hugs me.

I stiffen at his touch, but instantly push him off. I then raise my arm and punch with a chakra infused fist. On contact, his body flies towards the wall, crashing on impact.

"I told you not to touch me," I seethe, nostrils flaring.

That's when everyone notices me.

"Damn, what happened to you," Kisame says, "you look like shit."

"Huh," I say confused.

I take the chance to look at myself. Hair limp and tangled, it's not in it's usual curled waves. The color seem more pale than usual. My cloak is disheveled and torn in several places. Touching my face, I could feel the bags under my eyes. They're a lot more deeper, probably darker as well.

"You're also bleeding," Konan says, concerned.

She's right.

I have a wound on my side, but not by the enemy. More like self inflicted. I had to look believable. Like I put up a fight.

"I-it's nothing, just a flesh wound," I say nonchalantly.

"A flesh wound?! This cuts deep, and you're losing A LOT of blood," Konan screams.

"Fine, but I really don't care," I say, not worried at all.

"Tsuki," Leader-sama says.


"What's the report on your mission," he asks.

Everybody already left, so the only one's in the room are Konan, Tobi, and Leader-sama. I gulp visibly.


"We were making our way towards Konoha, but it seems that a team ambushed us. The team consisted of Kakashi Hatake, Ino Yaminaka, Chouji Akimichi, and Shikimaru Nara. It looked like they wanted revenge for fatally wounding their sensei so they attacked. The Nara boy skillfully tricked and killed Hidan. While Kakashi fought with Kakuzu. I fought with the other two. Then a back up team arrived. It was a man called Yamato, Naruto Uzumaki, Sai, and Sakura Haruno. Sakura and Sai went to help Shikimaru as the rest stayed. Then Naruto helped Kakashi defeat Kakuzu while I was fight Yamato. He had Wood Release so it made things harder. Unfortunately, I ran out of chakra and he managed to wound me with a Wooden branch that stabbed me in the side. Soon after that, the rest of the shinobi returned leaving me outnumbered, so I replaced myself with a clone and came here," I explain, clearly lying.

"Very well," he says.

I let out a sigh of relief. I close my eyes, but I open them on impact.

"Almighty Push."

I fly back as the force pushes me, I crash against the wall and fall to the floor. Groaning in pain, I lie on the floor.

So this is how Tobi feels.

"I've been keeping an eye on you Tsuki. I know that you healed Asuma Sarutobi, making you blind for a short amount of time. I know that you betrayed the Akatsuki. I had Zetsu watch you, for suspicious reasons, fortunately I was right. You still care about your comrades, unfortunately, I have no mercy against traitors," he informs.

With wide eyes I watch as he takes out a metal rod. I watch in fear, stumbling back against the wall, he quickly makes his way towards me. In blinding speed, he stabs me on my right side, just below my ribs. I bite my lip, trying not to scream in pain.

"You will suffer until you learn your lesson. You'll know the true meaning of pain," Leader-sama says.

I stare into his purple ringed eyes in fear.

No, no, no, no!

This isn't supposed to happen!

I had a plan!

"She's all yours," Pein says to Tobi as he takes his leave with Konan.

The room fills with silence, but it's soon broken.

"Now let's show you what happens to a traitor," Tobi says.

Not with his cheery voice, but in a deep evil filled voice.

"W-who are y-you," I ask with a new batch of fear.

"Your nightmare."

Well, that was Chapter 10, how'd you like it. Sorry it was short, my mind's dry of ideas.

So how did you like it when you found out about her 'blindness'?

Or what about Sasuke?

How'd you like it when she got caught?

Oooh, suspense.

What do you think will happen?

Anyways don't forget to





JA NE, my fluffy pink unicorns!

¿? What would you chose to be your summoning animal?¿

Mine would be a cat, why? Cus I think they're cool!

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