Chapter 11: I'm Dead, Yet I'm Breathing?

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Quick note: This Chapter will have a torture scene, so if you have a really WEAK stomach, do not read.
There would also be vivid pictures/drawings.

Also, I hope you enjoy my drawing up above/ side. Both Tsuki and Sakura :)


Chapter 11: I'm Dead, Yet I'm Breathing


Third POV
Tsuki stared at the masked man with new horror. This wasn't the man she hated or usually beat. No, he was different, who is he, she wondered.

She backed away from the man, trying to escape, but it was fruitless as she hit the wall. She's trapped.

The man saw what she was doing, so acting quickly he pulled her into his personal dimension. Discarding her tattered cloak, he threw her on a pillar that's the height of a table. On their own mind, the cuffs instantly strapped her down as he got a table of torture tools.

"W-what are y-you doing," she asks. Fear lacing her usual confident voice.

"I'm going to break you apart. Destroy every once of doubt, making you beg me to kill you. Erase all sense of feelings as I make you into an unemotional pawn for the Akatsuki," he says a bit too sadistically.

When he turns his head to look at her, that's when she sees it. His eye. The red gleam, shines bright in the darkness. He has an ominous aura surrounding him which makes chills run down her spine.

"H-h-how? W-why do y-you have t-the Sh-Sharingan," she questions.

"Because, I'm Madara Uchiha."

Before she has time to question him, a hot searing pain flushes down her abdomen. He took a knife and stabbed her, twisting the blade just to add more pain. Behind his mask shows a malicious grin as he listens to the sound of ripping flesh. He's enjoying the look of pain in her eyes.

Tsuki let's out a piercing scream as the blade twists on her side, sending endorphin throughout her trapped body. Tears roll down her sunken cheeks as she let's out a groan. Finally, the pain subsides as Madara takes out the blade.

Instantly, the wound heals making it seem like it was never there. Tsuki's body relaxes, but that ends soon as Madara gets a scalpel and thrusts it into her chest.

"Every time you make a sound, you'll experience more pain. Also every time you pass out, I'll wake you up and torture you," Madara explains.

She tries to nod, but screeches in pain as Madara cuts her from the chest to her stomach, slicing her open. She gasps and chokes on air as the pain fills her core.

"Look at that wound, why don't we heal it," he says in fake concern.

Getting a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide, he opens the brown bottle.

"P-please! Please d-don't," Tsuki sobs.

He ignores her and merely let's out a chuckle from amusement. Tilting the open bottle over her stomach, he pours the liquid. Tsuki screams as the stinging sensation burns her open wound. The screaming soon turns to chokes and gurgles as Tsuki drowns in her own blood, unable to breathe.

Madara soon stops, letting her wounds heal back, like they never existed.

Tsuki sighs in relief, as tears stream down her face. Her eyes dilated, chest heaving, and sweat trickling down her temple. Too much pain, in so little time. Or was it.

It this Space Time jutsu, Madara could manipulate time to his will. Seconds here could be hours in the outside world, maybe days, even years.

Just when she thinks It's over, it just started. Madara grabs a hammer and slams it on her left arm. The same arm Gaara broke. She bites her lip trying to stop the scream, but the growing pain wins and she lets it out.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHhhhh," she screams as she feels the bone shatter.

The pain reminded her of her battle in the Chunin Exams. With relenting pain and anguish, her body goes into shock. Tsuki's body thrashes against the stone pillar as her body has a seizure. After a minute or two, the girl's body finally falls limp.
This time Madara doesn't let her arm heal, instead he wakes her up, by pouring water on her unconscious body. Upon feeling the cool rush of water, she gasps, eyes open in alert.

"Since you passed out, your cuts, wounds, burns, broken bones, anything I do to you will not heal. The pain will increase as I torture you," Madara speaks with malice.

He rips the bandages off her right arm, looking at the burned skin she recently gained. In an instant an idea pops into his head. Grabbing a blow torch, he switches it on, lingering above her scarred skin.

Tsuki could feel the heat of the torch sting at her skin. She wants to beg him not to do it, but it'll be useless. She got herself into this, there's no escaping now.

As soon as the hot flame licks at her arm, Tsuki writhes in pain. She arches her back and bites her lip to endure the searing pain. Finding her lip useless, she clenches her jaw and shuts her eyes as the pressure increases. Noticing how she isn't screaming, Madara turns up the heat. Needle like pain stabs her in a repetitive motion as the flesh in her arm burns. Giving up, she let's out a choked sob.

"S-stop it! Please! STOP," she yells, breathlessly.

"No can do, my darling. You'll suffer for your sins," his monotone voice says.

Placing, the blow torch on the table, he turns back to the sobbing teen. She's already cracking. Slowly falling apart.

"Since you played the part of being blind, how about I make it come true," his deep voice states.

Grabbing a thin scalpel, he walks back to Tsuki. A sadistic grin plays behind his orange mask. He gently removes the hair that hides her right eye, leaving it vulnerable. Her eyes widen in fear. They dilate on the scalpel that's hovering above her eye. With his free hand, his fingers keep her eyelid from closing. It seems like time slows down for the girl as the scalpel plunges straight into her eye, destroying the nerves.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH," Tsuki screeches.

Her world seems to fall apart as pain evades her body. The noise goes quiet as static rings in her ear. Her mind goes empty as it finally turns non existent.

Her body goes numb.

Her mental mind turns into a disaster.

Her emotions erased to oblivion.

She's gone.

Tsuki's dead.

Nothing, but an empty shell.





After so many agonizing torture techniques, Tsuki stares up at nothing. Her mind blank.

After, she's gained a broken and swollen arm, a useless eye, unable to see, a bruised black eye, several burns which destroyed her nerves, cuts decorating her whole body, a sliced neck, not to deep to kill her. Her long hair, cut to her neck. Broken fingers on both hands. Also a double sealed Goddess, who's unable to help her host. But most of all, empty of all doubt. All feelings gone. Her mind's a mess as she's been put in too many Genjutsu's, mentally torturing her. Her memory forgotten.

Madara stands away from her, grinning like a mad man as he praises his work of art. Done with her, he brings her back to the outside world. Throwing her vacant body to the couch, he walks towards Pein's office.

Walking the empty halls, he finally reaches the mahogany door, pushing it open.

Konan and Pein snap their heads up, putting all their attention on Madara.

"I'm done. She'll no longer betray us. She's our pawn for whatever job," he says a bit happy.

"Can we see her," Konan asks. She's a bit worried for the young girl even though she betrayed them.

"Yes, but I'm not to sure if she'll remember you. I had a bit too much fun," Madara informs.

"Lead the way," Pein ushers.

Nodding, the masked man takes the lead, ushering them through the empty halls. Upon arriving, Konan gasps in horror as she lays eyes on the girl. Tsuki has an empty look in her eye as she stares at the wall.

"What did you do," Konan exclaims.

"I did my job, woman," Madara sneers, "and don't ever raise your voice at me again."

Gulping, she nods. Konan takes a step back in caution, not wanting to tick him off.

"My jobs done, I'll be leaving," Madara informs before leaving in a swirl.

Without waiting another second, Konan rushes towards the teen. The blue haired woman, notices all her wounds and scars. She looks at her changed appearance, the short pink hair, the bandaged eye, and the dead expression on her face.

"God, what did he do to you," she softly asks.

Tsuki's eye leaves the wall on turns to Konan, "w-who are you," she asks with a raspy voice.

Konans breath hitches, inside, her heart cracks upon hearing that. She grew fond of Tsuki, but watching her like this, saddens her.

Weakly smiling, "I'm Konan," she says.

But it falls on deaf ears as Tsuki doesn't respond. She's back to staring mindlessly at the wall.

"It's useless Konan, she's not the same," Pein informs his partner.

"I know, but he didn't have to be so brutal, she's barely alive," she says full of concern.

"But that's what she gets for betraying us, lying ,and having doubts," Pein says without care.

"*sigh* I guess, anyways I'll just heal her for now," Konan states.

The woman, walks up to the unresponsive teen and hauls her up. Putting one of Tsuki's arm around her neck and placing her hand around Tsuki's waist, Konan takes her to the infirmary.

Setting the girl on the bed, Konan turns around and rummages for medical supplies. Grabbing bandages, ointment, disinfecting cream, and stitching supplies, she walks back to Tsuki. Sitting in a chair besides the bed, she places all the supplies on the table.

"This might hurt a bit," Konan states before staring the healing process.





After an hour or two, Konan finally finished tending to Tsuki's wounds.

Tsuki's POV
The woman before me, healed all my wounds. I want to thank her, but my mouth can't seem to form the words. She talks, but I can't hear what she's saying. I watch her as she takes her leave.

I feel like I've been killed in a repeated manner. If I've been killed, how am I still breathing? My body feels hollow, empty. I feel constructed, trapped.

I look through my memories, but I find nothing. Everything's blank. All I know is my name and that I belong to a group called Akatsuki. I know all my jutsu and fighting skills, but my personal memories are gone. I'm not mad or anything, I just push it away, not caring.

Getting up, I walk to the door and leave the infirmary. Walking, I stumble through the dark lit halls and make it to the kitchen. I narrow my eyes in confusion as I see new people. It seems like the blonde one noticed me, as his eyes widen.

"Tsuki, what happen, un," he speaks with, I think concern.

"Who are you," I question, never seeing him in my life.

"W-what? Don't you know me," he says stepping back.

"No. Now leave me alone," I state, monotone.

"It's me Deidara, un," he clearly states like I know him.


I push past him, not caring who he is. If I had a relationship with him, I don't now. People create ties and ties are useless, they get in the way. All I do from now on, is kill people. It's kill or be killed. Simple as that.

"Wow, Tsuki-chan is mean," I hear.

I turn to the high pitched voice and find a masked man. I stare at him. His orange swirled mask, stirs something in my mind. Fear. I stare at him in slight fear, trying not to show emotion. I visibly gulp.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to," I say.

"It's okay Tsuki-chan! Tobi accepts your apology," he exclaims, happily.

I take a seat besides a man, with onyx hair and red eyes. He's reading a book, but I take no interest. He's not important. Across him, is a man with blue tinted skin, he somewhat resembles a shark. The man Deidara, or whatever his name was, sits across from me, with a look of confusion.

"So you don't remember me, hmph," he says.

"No. None of you. Why," I ask nonchalantly.

"Because we're friends," he says, almost sadly.

"Well, I don't make friends. So forget that we ever knew each other," I say harshly.

Before he got to say anything, I stood up and left the table. It's almost dinner, since that lady was cooking, but it seems like I won't be eating today. Walking endlessly, I wander around the twisting halls. I walk down the hall where the rooms are located. Finding a room with a moon emblem, I guess It's mine since my name means moon. I push the door open and I'm met with black and violet colors. The walls are grey, almost black, and the bed is purple. Mirrors align the walls, making me look at myself.

Short unruly hair that's been recently cut. Bandages cover my right eye, my other fuchsia eye is a pale color making me look dead. Darks bags lie under my eye as my cheeks are sunken in, looking sickly. But my black eye got healed. A bandage is on my throat, no wonder it hurt talking. Scars and stitches align my torso, my shirt ripped in multiple places. Bandages cover my right arm, my left arm is in bandages as well since it's broken, but it's to bring down the swelling. Multiple fingers are back to normal, but a few are in odd angles due to how they broke, I guess. My legs are in good condition, except my right leg that has slight burn marks from long ago.

I guess I got tortured for something I did. Whatever reason that got me here, I'm never doing it again. I work for the Akatsuki and only them. Everyone outside this group is my enemy.

I turn to my closet and pick out new clothes to wear, since the ones I'm wearing are all tattered. I pick clothes that will hide most of my injuries and scars, I'm not self conscious, but I don't want people asking me what happened. I slip off my clothes and change, I'll take a shower later since I'm already in bandages.

After I change, I leave my room and aimlessly roam through the halls. My body acts on it's own, as my mind feels like static. I ignore all the calls people give me as I walk, almost like a drone. Emotionless. All spark and curiosity in my eyes dead.

I'm just an empty shell.

Made for killing.

Nothing else.


But barely breathing.


Well, that's Chapter 11, hoped you liked it.

Anyways how did you like Tobi's/ Madara's Torture session? Was I too harsh on Tsuki.

Do you like what he did to her? Changing her appearance? Stabbing her eye? Burning her arm? Erasing her memories? Sealing Cerridwen so she won't help Tsuki?

Did you like my drawings?

Anyways, don't forget to





JA NE, my robot friends :)

?¿ What's your biggest fear?¿

Mine is heights, going on planes, and roller coasters. Its probably being up high and going at high speeds that scare me.

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