Chapter 26: Disaster

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Back so soon? I know, you love me, lolol XD

Warriors by Imagine Dragons

Sasuke gif

I, the Insomnia queen, dedicate this chapter to ALL my readers because they are the sole purpose and inspiration to all my writing! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!


Chapter 26: Disaster

Third's POV
In a darkened room, there stands two shinobi. One is a Kunoichi who is considered both a criminal and a traitor, she carries her large fan on her shoulder as she walks over the many dead samurai. The other is a Shinobi who is considered an international criminal, he holds his katana in his left hand as he turns to last samurai. Stalking towards the man, he stares down at him with murderous eyes.

"So you're not alone," the samurai asks, eyeing the female behind Sasuke.

But before anyone can do anything else, the ceiling above them suddenly explodes, debris raining down on them. As the clouds of dust disappear, both Sasuke and Tsuki are staring at a raging Raikage. Besides him, are standing both Darui and C, his personal guards.

"Brats! I'll teach you to fear my anger," A, the Raikage, yells at the duo.

In that moment, Sasuke activates his Sharingan as Tsuki opens her fan, both preparing to fight the said Kage. Immediately, without a plan, Sasuke rushes forward.

"Sasuke, don't rush in alone," Tsuki yells after him. But all she receives is silence as he ignores her.

"Suiton: Mizujinheki," Darui performs just as Sasuke is in front of them.

The jutsu, itself, is a fair size of water that attacks the opponent In a torrent like fashion. In this case, it soaks Sasuke's body with water while pushing him back, something Darui intended. With quick movements, Darui performs another jutsu.

"Raiton: Kangekiha," he announces the lighting based attack.

This attack, itself, is a stream of lightning that directly hits the enemy, encasing their body. In Sasuke's case, since he's soaked and because lightning and water increase each other's power, the jutsu is much more powerful.

Getting attacked, Sasuke's body flies back. But before he could hit the ground and further injure himself, Tsuki catches him as she adds chakra to her feet, withstanding his weight.

"You idiot, you can't just charge in there without a plan. You're going to get yourself killed," Tsuki hisses as she sets him down.

Since she has to protect him, also because she doesn't really want him to die, she quickly, but carefully heals his wounds. Placing her hands on his upper back, she allows the familiar mint green color envelope her hands. Healing only the major cuts from his body, she quickly finishes.

"There, and be careful this time! I'm not always going to be around to heal you," she reminds him.

"Boss, it seems our intel was correct. Looks like it's lightning based," Darui tells the Raikage, referring it as Sasuke.

"He can use fire too. He'll probably follow it up with a Katon. The girl next to him uses Medical, she'll cause problems if she continues to heal him. Darui, be ready to use another Suiton," C informs his colleagues.

So they have information on us, mostly Sasuke. I guess this will be more difficult than it seems, Tsuki thinks, narrowing her eyes at the trio.

"These are Kumogakure Jounins, the one in the middle is the Raikage. This won't be easy," Jugo says as he stands behind the duo.

Tsuki turns her head to acknowledge him as she barely notices his presence. Nodding at his observation, she turns to look back at the Kumo Shinobi.

Suddenly, their attention is caught as C begins to form hand signs. Preparing for another lightning based attack, Tsuki opens her fan since wind is its weakness. Unfortunately, her hypothesis was wrong as they get blinded by a harsh ray of light, unable to see a single thing.

"Something's coming," Jugo warns them.

Just as he finished, they get alerted by the Raikage's presence. Having his fist drawn back to attack Sasuke, Tsuki remembers her objective. Just as the Kage brings down his large fist, Tsuki pushes Sasuke away, taking the hit.

Getting hit in the stomach, the strong impact sends her flying. Dropping her fan in the process, Tsuki crashes against the cement wall, creating a body sized hole.

Spitting the blood from her mouth, Tsuki curses as she feels the pain of her cracked, maybe broken, ribs. Pushing herself from the crater, she falls to her knees as her body feels limp. Son of a bitch, she internally screams, glaring at the Raikage.

The Raikage goes to attack again, not fazed that Tsuki took the first punch. Swing his fist down, once more, it gets blocked as it's Suigetsu who stops the punch. Well, to be specific, it's the sword he wields that blocks the punch. 

Not wasting time, A infuses his fist with lightning and cuts through the blade. Not wanting to die, Suigetsu turns his arms to water and creates a space between them, jumping back to where Sasuke stands. Tsuki who joins them, has her hand against her ribs as she heals her ribs.

"He'd have torn my arms off if they weren't made of water! Gah! Look at my sword," Suigetsu complains.

"At least you can turn into water, unlike me, who took the full force of his punch," Tsuki says, groaning in pain.

"Hn, why did you take it then," Sasuke questions.

This ungrateful brat, she thinks, glaring at him. "Why? Because I was ordered to. If you were to get fatally wounded, Madara would have killed me," she viciously sneers.

"Hn! Guys, I don't need your help," Sasuke tells them, ignoring what Tsuki just said.

"This is the thanks we get for saving your ass!? Guess I shouldn't have expected anything else from you," Suigetsu exclaims, pointing at the Uchiha.

"Tell me about it," Tsuki mutters as she finally finished healing her ribs.

Man, those ninjas are rough, the sole survivor of the earlier samurai thinks as he hides behind the pillar.

"C, check the area and see if he's got anyone else with him. I don't want them to keep popping out of nowhere," Darui demands, looking at the quartet.

"There should be one more, but it'll be hard to fight if I'm concentrating on that," C informs.

"I don't need you, the boss and I can take care of it," Darui says to the sensory nin.

"Karin would have been able to find Danzo, but it's too late now. She'll probably hide her chakra, I know she has that ability," Suigetsu explains.

The mention of Danzo makes both Sasuke's and Tsuki's blood boil with rage.

"The guy in the back is a sensor, we'll have to kill him....I'll do it," Jugo says, stepping up as he lets his curse overtake him.


Back in the room where all the other Kage reside, their bodies are tense as they feel the level of chakra below them. But nonetheless, they focus on the matter at hand, Danzo.

"Ao, please check if the Hokage's powers are currently in use," Mei tells to her guard.

"No, I only sense acupressure chakras flowing peacefully. The tech's no longer working," Ao reassures the Mizukage and the others.

Danzo smirks. "Don't worry, it's not something I can use multiple time a day," he smugly informs.

"I'll be the one to make that decision! You can't be trusted," Ao accuses, narrowing his eye.

"I had no idea there was another Byakugan out there. We should have killed that Hyuga traitor sooner," Danzo says tauntingly.

As he says that, Gaara and the Iwa personnel look at him, the latter glaring.

"You're probably planning to kill me for finding out your secret. But you won't do so easily," Ao says, confident in his own skills.

"If it comes down to it, I'll fight. I can't help, but think there might be a connection between that power and the one that controlled the Fourth Mizukage," Mei informs, suspicious towards the power Danzo hides.

"Hokage, all techniques are forbidden here. You didn't have enough faith, I would have chosen you anyway," Mifune honestly states.

"Maybe, but I couldn't take that chance. I will do whatever it takes to protect the Shinobi world," Danzo confesses. He then looks down before continuing. "This world must become one. Just as the First Hokage, Hashirama, gathered the clans to make the village. That will never happen through discussion, taking the time to do it morally won't do anything. Eventually Akatsuki will destroy the Shinobi world," he finishes as he looks up, narrowing his eye.

"It takes time to make ideals a reality. If you're hasty, you'll lose sight of everything else and make mistakes, just like now. Not that your ideals are realistic. You may think you're doing good, but the results breed mistrust, ill feelings, and hatred. Danzo, I can not trust anything you say," Onoki concludes, glaring at the Hokage.

"Whether you trust me or not, what we need are results," Danzo defends.

"If that is what this world is, what humans are, there is no future. Understanding and faith, it you take those away all that's left is fear. I can't accept your lack of morals and how quick you are to give up," Gaara says as he remembers his past, thinking of Naruto.

"Easy for you to say, you know nothing about running a village, boy. If you have any questions, now's the time to ask. We'll give you advice! Right, Danzo," the Tsuchikage tells the young Kage before laughing. 

"What was that, old man," Kankuro yells, defending his younger brother, ready to punch the elderly man. 

"Calm down, Kankuro! Regardless of his actions, he's still the leader of his village," Temari stops him from doing anything stupid.

"I have one question for you," Gaara informs.

"Alright! I'll answer any questions you have, boy," Onoki yells him.

"When did you rise above yourselves," Gaara asks, daringly. This stuns both Onoki and Danzo to silence while Mei smirks.

"Heh," Kankuro smirks in amusement at his brother's actions.

"What should we do Gaara? We aided Konoha in trying to rescue Sasuke, but now he's part of Akatsuki. Not to mention, Tsuki's also from Konoha and she's been with Akatsuki for more than three years," Temari says, informing her brother.

"Sasuke and Tsuki, eh," Gaara muses, thinking back from when he first met them to how cold they've gotten.

"He got you there, gramps," Kurotsuchi laughs.

"Shut up," angry that she's right.

"Tsuchikage, what should we do? Shall we prepare for battle," Akazuchi asks.

"Fool! What if my hip gives out," Onoki scolds.

"I want to see Sasuke, they say he's the one who killed Deidara! Also, this Tsuki girl, she worked with him in Akatsuki," Kurotsuchi says excitedly.

"Do as you like! But stay out of the Raikage's way or you'll get yourself killed," Onoki tells the young women.

"Yes," she exclaims. She then turns to her partner. "What do you want to do, Akazuchi," she asks.

"I'd better stay here in case the Tsuchikage's hip goes out," he knowingly smiles. She nods.

"Danzo, let one of us go down there and get the Sharingan," Fu whispers to his superior which catches Ao's attention.

"You stay here, Konoha! The Raikage told me to keep an eye on you," Ao yells at them.

"Fu, Torune, stand down! We don't want a fight," Danzo orders his Anbu.


Back down stairs, Jugo lets his curse overtake him as his body begins to transform. But as he changes, so does his personality because in that instant he becomes extremely violent.

"Hahaha, I'll kill ya," Jugo yells with excitement.

"Wow! His personality changed even more than his appearance," Darui says, observing his change.

"Stay in your guard! His chakras are huge," C yells from the back of the room.

Suigetsu looks over to Sasuke. "Now that Jugo's in killer mode, do you think he'll remember we're in his side," he asks.

"He better because I don't plan on dying today. There's too much on my agenda," Tsuki frowns as she thinks of her main goal.

"DON'T PUSH YOUR LUCK," the Raikage yells, raising his chakra.

Suddenly the Raikage, rushes with lightning speed towards Jugo. With his fist up, he flashes in front of the bipolar boy as he delivers the punch. Just as A's fist is inches away from Jugo's face, the latter creates a sheild, blocking the fist.

Suigetsu, who decides to attack the most vulnerable, appears behind C. Just as he's going to cut him with the broken sword, Darui appears and blocks the blade.

"Nice sword," Suigetsu smirks at Darui.

"Yours may be broken, but you can't have mine," Darui retorts, adding pressure.

Tsuki, who sees that C is vulnerable and completely unguarded, she rushes towards him knowing that no one will get in her way. Unstrapping her fan from her back, she opens it and performs a jutsu.

"Wind Style: Wind Scythe Jutsu," she mutters, thrusting her fan forward.

What!? I didn't even sense her coming, C thinks as his eyes widen.

Luckily for Tsuki, no one's there to stop her attack as it slices at the Kumo Nin. She knew that hiding her chakra and having him distracted would have led her to her upside.

But just as she's about to attack again, Tsuki gets distracted as the Raikage punches Jugo into a wall, pinning him down. She watches as his body goes limp.

"One down," the Raikage says, beginning to walk away.

That's until Jugo moves again. "Hahaha, die," he yells, pointing some sort of lasers at the Kage.

Tsuki smirks at the scene as the Kumo Nin stare in shock, surprised that someone survived one of the Raikage's chakra infused punch. Tsuki survived a normal punch, but a chakra infused punch by the Raikage, himself, is like a miracle.

Shooting the laser, it creates an explosion as it partially destroys the room. One of the supporting pillars falls to the ground in pieces. The floor, itself, rips apart as it covers the room in debris.

Suddenly, Sasuke appears next to Tsuki and casts a Genjutsu on C, who's next to the girl. Sasuke used Jugo's attack a distraction which left the sensor completely open.

"Hey! He was mine," Tsuki yells the Uchiha. All she receives is a glare.

Bastard, she glares at him. But as she takes a closer look at him she frowns. Noticing how he's squinting his eyes, she knows that the Sharingan is effecting his eyesight. Walking up to him, she pulls his hand away from his eyes. At this, he goes to pull away, but Tsuki gives him a hard glare.

"Stop, I'm going to release some of the pressure from your eyes," she informs the Uchiha.

Letting her free hand glow green, she softly places it in his eye. Doing it one at a time, she carefully, but quickly releases the pressure that's pushing against his eyes. It's a little, but it helps a great deal.

"Again, stop straining yourself. I'm not always going to be around to heal you," she smiles.

Just like the moment they took down the samurai samurai together, Sasuke feels a tug at his chest, longing for her to be by his side. To once again hold her in his arms. But like last time, he remembers that she's a liar and only uses people for her own selfish reasons.

"C, what are you doing sleeping!? Stand up," Darui yells as he fends off Suigetsu.

"Who's next," Jugo yells, a bit too sadistically.

But unfortunately, for Jugo, he gets sucker-punched by the Raikage. With the brutal impact, Jugo goes off flying, crashing against the cement wall exactly like Tsuki.

Next thing, Sasuke suddenly flashes behind the Raikage, katana drawn to attack. Although with the sudden actions, A senses the Uchiha behind him and moves away just in time to avoid the blade to his neck. Quick with his actions, Sasuke produces a Chidori and races forward, challenging the Raikage. Aiming for the older man's heart, A raises his lightning infused elbow in attempts to block the incoming attack. Lightning versus lightning.

The Chidori pierces the man's chest, but it's not deep enough to cause fatal damage. It's just a flesh wound. Unfortunately, that leaves Sasuke completely open as he's in dangerous territory. Too close to the Raikage to escape any incoming attack.

Idiot, Tsuki internally screams as she watches the whole scene. She looks at the situation trying to find any openings as figures out how to help the Uchiha. But it's useless, Sasuke's literally in a deathtrap. If there was anything to help him, Tsuki would be too slow to reach him. The Raikage is the fastest man alive, no one can beat his speed or his strength.

"Using a Raiton to increase an attack's power and penetration? That's Hatake Kakashi's trick! To be able to touch even when I'm glad in Raiton armor, that's really something," A states, impressed.

"Damn it! Is there no hope," Suigetsu exclaims, still dueling with Darui.

"Nope! Sasuke's as good as dead," Darui boasts, swinging his sword which gets blocked.

Suddenly, everyone stops momentarily as they watch the Raikage lifts Sasuke upside down.

It's now or never, Tsuki screams in her head. Doing what she intended to do earlier, she channels chakra to her fingertips. Doing this, her fingers get tipped with chakra. Furrowing her brows, Tsuki bites her lip and slams her hand on her stomach. With incredible pain overwhelming her body, she adds pressure on her lips as she bites down her screams. Her stomach churns with an upsetting sensation as she slightly opened the gate holding Cerridwen.

Almost instantly, the black vines of Cerridwen's power decorate her pale skin as her chakra levels increase.

It worked, Tsuki smirks as the pain subsides.

Just as the Raikage is about to slam Sasuke to the cement floor, Tsuki rushes forward. Using the speed of the Goddess inside her, she swiftly takes a hold of Sasuke's body and carries him away. Once she's a good distance away, she sets the Uchiha down. But when she does, Tsuki notices the purple skeletal armor surrounding him.

T-that's Susanoo! Then that means he has the Mangekyo, she gasps, eyes widening.

"C, are you alright," Darui asks as he kneels next to his comrade.

" it over," C asks, waking up from the Genjutsu.

"Are you alright? You kinda scared me, thought you were going to die right there," Tsuki sheepishly asks, rubbing her neck.

"Hn, I didn't need your help," Sasuke says as he stands up, still encased in the Susanoo armor.

"Well, a 'thank you' would be nice," Tsuki pouts, crossing her arms.

"Is that the Mangekyo Sharingan? Hmph," A asks before releasing another surge of chakra.

Tsuki stumbles back at the increase of power. Her eyes wide. I mean, she barely kept up when he didn't increase his chakra, and that's because she used Cerridwen's power. At this rate she wouldn't be able to keep up, unless she released Cerridwen's full power, but she hasn't reached that level of chakra yet. The levels are exactly like the phases of the moon, Tsuki barely has the quarter phase, hence the quarter moon on her forehead.

"He beat me with an illusion. I still can't really move. Every once in a while you'll find a genius like that," C says, impressed that he was taken down so easily.

"Hey, C! Do Sasuke's eyes do they look different to you," Darui asks as he helps his partner up.

"Is that the Mangekyo Sharingan," C questions. So that's why Raikage's keeping his chakras active! He's going to counter it with Shunshin no Jutsu.

Raikage's chakras are still rising! These are Tailed Beasts levels, Karin thinks as she continues hiding in the upper level.

Still looking at Sasuke, Tsuki notices the sudden tear of blood that falls from his eye. Don't tell me, she releases a silent gasp. Not wanting to be in the crossfire of that jutsu, she steps away and stands by his side, instead of in front of him.

The next thing she sees, is a ball of black flames racing towards the Raikage. The eternal flames, Amaterasu. Just as they're about to hit A's chest, he side steps so fast that if you blinked you would've missed it. Instead, the flames hit the surviving samurai who was standing at the back of the room, behind A.

"Wahhh," the samurai screams as his body begins to burn.

"Put out the flames," a reinforcement samurai cries as he runs towards his comrade.

"They're no ordinary flames, stay back," C yells at him. Amaterasu hits whatever he's looking at.

Suddenly Tsuki tenses as she feels a presence behind both her and Sasuke. Noticing this too, Sasuke quickly takes a hold of Tsuki and covers them with his Susanoo and Amaterasu.

"Raigyaku Suihei," A yells as he delivers a chakra infused karate chop.

Even with the shield of both Susanoo and Amaterasu, the Raikage doesn't hesitate. He still delivers the attack.

"Don't underestimate me," he yells, sacrificing his left hand.

Attacking both Sasuke and Tsuki, the duo falls to the ground as the Raikage's hand gets encased in black flames. At the close proximity, Tsuki feels the black flames lick at her skin, but she ignores the pain as she sends chakra to heal the burns.

"Raikage! No way," C exclaims with marvel, surprised at the man's actions.

"I can't believe he gave up his left arm," Darui states with equal surprise.

"You're done for! Guillotine Drop," A yells.

Tensing again, Tsuki feels the Raikage's presence above them as he prepares to deliver a kick. Quickly jumping on top of Sasuke, she prepares to take the full force of the attack once again. Sasuke tries to use the black flames as a shield, but the Raikage is too fast. So, shutting her eyes, Tsuki waits for the inevitable moment for when her spine will break.

Luckily that never happens as his kick gets blocked by the familiar golden sand of the Kazekage. Releasing a shaky breath, she slides off Sasuke's body and lies in the floor. Tsuki could feel her heart hammer against her chest as she came face to face with Death. Shaking her head, she collects herself and returns to her stoic self.

"Gaara of the Desert," Sasuke mutters, looking at the redhead.

Oh, the memories, Tsuki thinks sarcastically, smirking.

"So, these are the undying flames of Amaterasu," Kankuro says, using chakra strings to rip the shield off the samurai.

"Stand down, Samurai. This is between ninjas. There's no need for you samurai to lose your lives over this," Gaara informs, dismissing them.

"S-sorry Kazekage," the suited samurai says before leaving with his comrade.

"What the hell is going on," Suigetsu mutters, eyeing the scene from his place. Well, since he's pinned to a column by Darui's sword.

"Why have you interfered, Kazekage!? If I don't like your answer, I won't let you off easily," A yells at the younger Kage.

"If you have continued to attack, the black flames would have harmed you even more," Gaara informs the Raikage. Then he looks to the duo. "Besides I wanted to talk to Sasuke and Tsuki."

"Hmph," A grunts. Looking down at his left arm, he doesn't hesitant to cut it off.

"B-boss," Darui exclaims.

"C, hurry up and stop the bleeding! I'll attack Sasuke as soon as you're done," A demands.

"Yes sir," C answers, already starting. Not only was he able to touch Raikage through his Raiton armor, but he managed to survive two major attacks. Of course, the girl stepped in before he was really damaged. She also managed to survive a direct attack from the Raikage. The Amaterasu, I'm certain that it's his left eye that controls it.

"You're eyes are still the same," Gaara says to Sasuke, referring to the hatred and murderous intent. He then looks to Tsuki. "Your eyes have slightly changed, but you still hold the same hatred and loneliness," he informs her, thinking from the young Genin to the cold killer.

Tsuki narrows her eyes, but she knows that it's true. She changed, but she still holds the same feelings. Hatred towards the people who all wronged her and the sadness for the past, the betrayal.

"I've realized that living for revenge doesn't solve anything. It's not too late for you two, don't escape into your own little world, possessed by hatred. You won't be able to return," Gaara explains, trying to reason.

"So? If I return, what is there left for me," Sasuke asks.

Well, Tsuki smirks knowingly. She then looks down, frowning. "I would return, but I'm already too deep. My life's tangled and stuck in the darkness, there's no escape for me. Not until the person controlling me is dead," she explains, looking up at the teal eyes she once knew.

"Gaara, don't bother. If he could be convinced, Naruto would have not failed. He's a criminal now, a member of Akatauki. And Tsuki, she's been in Akatsuki for more than three years. She aided in attacking Suna while taking you, she helped destroy Konoha. She's a dangerous criminal who's listed in the Bingo books. They're not like you," Kankuro informs while glaring at the kunoichi, still mad that she was a part of almost killing Gaara.

"Besides, Raikage and those harmed by Akatsuki won't stay silent. By attacking the summit, they're guaranteed to be internationally wanted criminals, they have no future," Temari says, looking at the duo with narrowed eyes.

"Sasuke, Tsuki, you and I are the alike. We have walked through the same darkness of this world. That's why we are able to see even a sliver of light. Both back then and even now," Gaara continues, trying to convince them.

"I have long since closed my eyes. My only goal is in the darkness," Sasuke says, giving a dark smirk.

Tsuki looks down the side as her feelings conflict her, not even giving an answer. She knows he's right, heck if she could, she would run and change sides in an instant. But of course, if she does, she knows that Madara will follow her and destroy every inch of her happiness. Tsuki bites her lip as her eyes start to water, the familiar ache in her chest returning. Shutting her eyes and clenching her jaw, she pushes all feelings to the back of her head until she becomes numb.

"Don't make this personal, you're the Kazekage," Kankuro reminds his brother.

Gaara just stay silent.

"Gaara," Temari mutters, concerned for her brother.

Silent as ever, Gaara let's the sand of his gourd slowly stream out. "Yeah, I know," he answers as a single tear falls from his eye.

Suddenly, all three siblings get into fighting stances as they prepare to battle. Kankuro with his trusted puppet. Temari unstraps her fan, showing off the three moons. Then Gaara, who stands with his arms crossed as the sand spreads out behind him.

Tsuki also unstraps her fan, presenting the three moons to her opponents. She would use Cerridwen's techniques, but she's already using it as a chakra boost and for healing purposes. If she used the techniques as well, she would run out of chakra way too quickly. Plus, wind isn't her only element, Tsuki could use water and fire as well.

Sasuke keeps his Susanoo activated as he, too, prepares for the incoming battle. His eyes are beginning to ache, but not as bad as earlier since Tsuki released some of the pressure.

Karin, who's been hiding in the upper level, finally found the thing she's been looking for. Well, person to be exact. I've found you, Danzo! I gotta tell Sasuke, but he's surrounded by strong chakras.


Back at the room upstairs where all the other Kages reside in, Fu, Danzo's guard, gets alerted. Walking towards his superior, he whispers in his ear.

"It looks like the enemy has a sensory with them. They may make it here eventually, what do you suggest," Fu tells Danzo.

"We'll stay here. If they show up, we can use the resulting confusion to escape," Danzo informs him.

"Quit whispering! Unfortunately for you, I'm a sensor, too! I know the enemy has found out location! But you better not make a move! We'll take care of the enemy once they get here," Ao points out, yelling at them.

Looks like the summit might get interesting after all, Onoki thinks as he smirks.


Wow, Kurotsuchi marvels as she watches the fight between the siblings and the criminals.

Gaara uses his sand to deflect the flames of Amaterasu, in the process he protects his siblings as well since they don't have a defense. Tsuki stands next to Sasuke, waiting for an opportunity to when one of the siblings might become vulnerable. She also watches Sasuke, making sure he doesn't strain himself or act too rash to the point where she needs to save him.

"I can't believe I had to guard myself with an enton. I see your absolute defense is still alive and well," Sasuke comments.

"Aren't you done yet, C," A questions his guard.

"Almost," he replies, still focusing on the wound.

"Let me help! I'll go first! Then the rest of you attack at once," Darui says as he walks up to the Sand Siblings.

"Okay," Gaara agrees.

Getting into position, Darui performs his jutsu. "Lightning Laser Circus," he states, clasping his hands together.

"Puppet Technique," Kankuro says, raising his Sasori puppet.

"Great Sickle Weasel Technique," Temari yells, throwing back her fan.

"Sand Bullet Technique," Gaara states as his sand prepares several dozen bullets.

Once they announce their respective jutsus, they simultaneously attack on synch. Opening her fan, Tsuki prepares to use it as a shield and deflect all the incoming attacks. Luckily for her, Sasuke takes a hold of her collar and pulls her back into the safety of his Susanoo.

As the multiple justus combine, Tsuki watches as they crash against the large skeletal armor, not making a single dent. Her eyes widen, so this is the power of the Susanoo?

Once the cloud of dust disappears, their opponents stand with shock filled faces as they realize nothing happened. Letting go of Tsuki's collar, Sasuke smirks.

"Gaara, my defense is even more absolute than yours," Sasuke boasts as he gains a sinister look.

"This doesn't look good," Suigetsu says as he looks at the evil look on Sasuke's face.

This chakra, this isn't the same old Sasuke. He's too cold, Karin thinks as she feels the change of his chakra.

"What the hell is that," one of the remaining Samurai questions.

"Is this the power of darkness," Gaara questions.

He's definitely colder than he used to be. Is all this hatred changing him, Tsuki questions as she looks at the Uchiha next to her. Watching him closely, she notices how much he actually did change. She frowns, is this my fault?

"Only those who control the double Mangekyo can his this power. The third power, Susanoo," Sasuke says with a sinister smirk.

"Susanoo," Gaara questions.

"Is this the Mangekyo Sharingan," Temari asks.

"Uchiha, he's always hiding something," Kankuro scoffs.

"Darui! Sand folks! Retreat," C yells, feeling the same dark chakra as the Genjutsu.

Smirking, Sasuke takes a hold of Tsuki's waist as he makes the Susanoo attack the pillars. Destroying the support of the ceiling, it comes crashing down as it attends to bury everyone in debris.

"The pillars," a samurai cries out.

"What the hell," Suigetsu yells, still pinned to a pillar.

As everything comes crashing down, so does the upper level. Karin who's on the said level, falls as the floor beneath her disappears. Screaming, she falls towards the floor which is several feet too low. Unfortunately, she doesn't meet a premature end as Sasuke grabs her with the Susanoo. That's until he throws her to the ground from a safe distance.

"Oof," she grunts, crashing against the wall of a hallway.

Stepping inside the hallway, Sasuke release the Susanoo before letting go of Tsuki's waist. The said girl turns to him and gives him a nod of appreciation. Taking the the fan from her hand, she straps it to her back then releases Cerridwen's power making the black marking disappear from her body.

"Have you located Danzo," Sasuke questions the Uzumaki.

Tsuki stops in her tracks, snapping her head towards the redhead. At the mention of his name, her blood boils as her anger triggers to high levels.

"Y-yeah," Karin stutters, afraid of the Sasuke standing in front of her.

"Lead us to him," Sasuke demands, referring to him and Tsuki.

"W-what about Jugo and Suigetsu? Their chakras are still-" she says only to be cut off.

"Leave them, I have to find Danzo," Sasuke tells her. But seeing as she's hesitating, he snaps. "Hurry up and lead us to him!"

"A-alright," she squeaks, looking down to avoid his eyes. What happened to you Sasuke?


Back upstairs with the remaining Kage, everyone in the room tenses. Feeling the foreign signatures of chakra, they immediately know who the newcomers are.

"They're here," Ao announces.

Danzo stays silent as he starts to plan his escape.

Everyone else raises their guards, the personal bodyguards stand in front of their respective Kage, ready to defend them. They also prepare to fight, but the Kage's are their main priority.

"Up above," Fu yells, informing everyone in the room.

Just as he says that, the curtains behind every Kage get sliced in half as the duo make their appearance. Stopping with the theatrics, both Sasuke and Tsuki stand upside down on the ceiling as they both glare murderously at the Hokage.

Their next target to kill.

The man who ruined both their lives.

The man who deserves to die a slow and most painful death!

Danzo Shimura!

Well, that's Chapter 26! Whoo!!! I stayed up ALL night writing this because I was excited! 5,801 WORDS!

So what do you think?

I mean, Tsuki literally put her life on the line multiple times, just to save Sasuke! All because Madara told her to, that bastard!

But I did like how they protected and somewhat cared for each other!

So, can Tsuki ever escape from Madara?

Ooh! I can't wait for the next chapter, I'm too excited!!!!

Anyways, don't forget to





JA NE, My fellow samurai!

?¿ What's your favorite food, it could be anything!?¿

Mine, chocolate! I don't know why, I've loved it since I was a little kid! My dad always gave me chocolate, so that's that!

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