Chapter 27: His Goal

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Monster by Paramore

Madara/Tobi/Obito gif

Chapter 27: His Goal

Tsuki's POV
Standing upside down on the ceiling, I glare with all my murderous intent towards the man who ruined my life. With Sasuke next me, I feel an aura of hate surround me as he also glares down at the man who made a mess of his life. I ignore all the other  Kages, seeing as there is only one person in this room that I want to kill. I want to give him the most painful death that anyone will ever experience in the existence of history.

I'll show him pain.

Suddenly, I see a man, probably the leader of the samurai since he uses the same technique. Jumping up to attack us, he swings his katana at both Sasuke and I, since we're the threat towards them. I show no signs of worry as the sharp blade nears us. As expected, Sasuke, who's also a skilled swordsman, blocks the katana with his own.

"Not bad," the man comments.

Unexpectedly, an explosion goes off as the attention is on us. Looking down, I curse as I see Danzo and both his guards missing. My glare deepens.

He used our distraction as a time to escape! Coward, I frown at the thought.

"Sasuke! Danzo's getting away," Karin exclaims making me scoff.

Great job at stating the obvious, I throw her a sideways glare.

I then watch as one of the Mist's guards goes to chase after Danzo. "Mizukage, Chojuro, you stay here! I'll go after Danzo! We haven't settled the matter of the summit yet," he informs as he reaches the hole in the wall.

"Alright, but don't chase him too far," the lady, who I assume is Mizukage, yells at him.

"Yes, ma'am! I'll leave Akatsuki to you," the man declares, leaving.

Jumping down, and flipping, I land in the floor as Sasuke does the same.

"Karin, Tsuki! Follow me," Sasuke tells us.

I roll my eyes since I'm already standing next to him. Karin runs up behind us as we prepare to chase down the Hokage. But before we could reach the wall, a lava based jutsu seals the hole as it blocks our only exit. Turning on my heel, I glare towards the Mizukage who most likely performed the jutsu.

"Akatsuki violated Kirigakure and made Yondaime Mizukage their plaything. Looks like the Uchiha clan has some good looking men," she informs us, wiping the lava from the corner of her mouth.

I narrow my eyes at her, we don't have time for this!

"Don't interfere," Sasuke glares at her.

She sighs. "Such a good looking man, what a waste," she states, still oogling Sasuke.

My jaw tightens as I clench my fists, digging my nails into my palms. Pushing the sensation of jealousy away, I decide to focus on the scene in front of me and glare murderously at her. From my peripheral vision I see Karin's body shake with anger, probably letting the jealously overwhelm her. Typical fangirl.

The Mizukage sighs. "But I'll give you a kiss to remember me by," she says, seductively.

My eye twitches.

"Who the hell do you think you are!? An old hag like you has no right to be acting all seductive," Karin screeches vehemently. But for once in my life I kind of agree with her.

She smirks as she suddenly stands from her chair to an offensive position. "If you're not going to join the fight, Tsuchikage, please get out of here," she says, already forming a hand sign. 

The old man simply grunts. But that's all the Mizukage needs before she's sending another jutsu at us.

"Lava Style: Melting Apparition Justu," she announces as she sends another blast of lava.

Not wanting to die by melting, I simply jump towards the ceiling and kneel upside down. From my view I see that Karin jumps away, falling to floor next to Zetsu's dead clone. Sasuke, like the arrogant Uchiha he is, stands in place as he displays his power, summoning the Susanoo.

He's going to waste his chakra if he continues using his Mangekyo Sharingan, I shake my head at him.

"Chojuro," the Mizukage yells.

"Right," the man next to her says.

I watch as he takes the bandaged sword from his back, preparing an attack. He's one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist! The bandages unravel from the sword, showing its true form.

"Hiramekarei Release," he yells as his chakra surrounds the sword, making a somewhat hammer.

With that done, I watch as he runs towards Sasuke. Accessing the situation with my eyes, I see that behind Sasuke is the wall that the Mizukage first sealed. Seeing the outline of the room, there's probably a hallway in the other side. Then my eyes widen.

She's planning on trapping him and to fight him, I narrow my eyes as I frown at my conclusion.

Just with that in my head, I watch as the Mizukage's plan falls successfully. The sword made hammer hits Sasuke, the collision making him crash through the lava sealed wall. Next thing, I know is that the woman is running towards the exit leading to the hallway. Turning my head, I see that the lava is beginning to close off again.

I need to move now!

Pushing off the ceiling and landing on the floor with a flip, I catch the attention of the others. But before they can do anything, I quickly, with a flash, jump through the closing wall. As I jump through, some of the lava grazes my skin, making me hiss in pain. Ignoring my pain, I find Sasuke on his knees and hands as his Susanoo extinguishes. Shaking my head, I already know that he drained himself of chakra. Idiot!

Falling right besides him, I already place my hands on his back. Healing all his cuts and injuries, I let my hands envelope with the usual mint green glow. While I'm healing him, I give Sasuke some of my chakra since I have more than him. I mean, he fought against the Raikage, used his Mangekyo for both Ameterasu and Susanoo multiple times.

"Try not to use all your chakra, I'm not going to keep giving you mine. I know you want to rush and fight Danzo already, but don't be reckless with these Kages," I tell him, somewhat scolding him.

"Hn, I'm not asking for your help," he retorts, quite rudely as he glares at me.

"Well, I don't have a choice! Madara is forcing me to protect you," I inform, raising my voice as I'm unaffected by the glare.

Turning away with silence, Sasuke says nothing else. With comfortable silence, I continue to heal his damaged cells and take away his pain as I give him a bit of my chakra. Well, that's until the Mizukage crashes the party. Seeing that I also came along, her eyes narrow, seeing as I wasn't a part of her plan. I smirk.

"Now that we're alone, along with her. Look behind you, I blocked that wall the first time I attacked. The room's completely sealed, no way out. I can use fire, water, and earth, so I have two Kekkei Genkai," she informs, making hand signs.

My eye twitches with anger, but I keep my guard up. So, lava style isn't her only attack? Figures, she is a Kage after all.

"Vapour Style: Solid Fog Jutsu," she says as she completes the final sign.

Quickly standing up, I reach into my weapon's pouch and take out a scroll. Doing a single handed tiger sign, I release the object within the scroll. My twin fans. Since there isn't enough room to wield my large fan, I resort to the next best thing. Besides me, Sasuke resorts to using his Susanoo as a defense, once again. Shaking my head at him, I step forward.

"Wind Style: Wind Scythe Jutsu," I thrust both fans forward.

The wind of my jutsu causes the vapor to be pushed back, but the Mizukage blows more vapour. Eventually, the room is filled with vapor as it burns away my wind. As the vapour touches my legs, I step back as it burns me. Hissing in pain, the vapour begins to burn at both Sasuke and I. Turning at the sound of his painful grunts, I see his Susanoo melting.

What is this!? It burns and melts!

Watching as the fog burns my arm, I lift my limb and watch as it sizzles. Burns? Melts? Liquid turned to fog? It's acid!

My thinking comes to an end as I hear Sasuke scream besides me. Quickly turning my head, I watch as he falls back on his knees. He grips his left shoulder in pain which causes me to rush towards him, ready to heal him.

As I reach him, I drop to my knees in pain as a large cloud of vapour touches my right leg. I bite my lip, stopping the cries of pain from escaping, as it burns right through my pants, licking my skin. Grunting, I push through the pain and begin healing Sasuke since he's Madara's main priority.

"Looks like the fight with the Raikage really wore you out. Unfortunately, for you, I have no intentions of helping you. It always hurts my heart to melt a good looking man, but you're going to have to die," the Mizukage says, pointing at Sasuke.

"Hn," I grunt as I force my chakra to heal Sasuke. He's not dying, not on my watch!

Just as she's about to form more hand signs, white lumps start to appear from her body. Narrowing my eyes, I recognize the lumps as they start to form into Zetsus.

"Zetsu, always appearing out of no where," I whisper to myself.

I watch as the lump eventually grows to a full sized Zetsu. While the one's on the Mizukage's body wrap around her, encasing her and leaving her stuck in place.

"'s that Akatsuki guy," she yells with surprise. No, really? I thought it was a dancing cow wearing leg warmers!

"I can't believe no one noticed my Spore Technique. The Kage sure are a bunch of fools," the Zetsu exclaims.

"M-my chakra," the Mizukage says with shock.

It seems that the Zetsus are taking her chakra as he seems to grow. But for what?

As if they can hear my question, they suddenly dash towards us making me step away from the Uchiha. Two with Sasuke and one with me. Latching to our bodies, I instantly feel the increase of chakra within me. Looking at Sasuke from the corner of my eye, I see he regains his posture, also gaining the new amount of chakra.

Smirking at the raise of power, he uses the Susanoo to destroy the wall. Even though, Sasuke has more chakra, he's still exhausted. With a new escape, he exits the acidic atmosphere to the main room, panting. Not wanting my skin to melt off my body, I also leave into the other room.

"Sasuke, are you okay," Karin screams, worried for the man she loves.

Gee, thanks! What am I? Chopped liver?

Ignoring her, I walk back to Sasuke with intentions to heal him. I can't seem to finish healing him since we keep getting interrupted. First, I seal away my fans then I place my hands on his back. This time Sasuke willingly allows me to heal him as he also wants to return to full strength.

Quickly, but carefully, I heal all his burns. Forcing my chakra, I focus on relieving the scarred tissue and any abrasions he sustained from the Raikage. But again, like always, we're interrupted as someone else intends to fight us. Sigh.

"It looks like she's having a little trouble. Akazuchi, shall we join the fight," the Tsuchikage says as I glance up at him.

"Yeah," the man besides him agrees.

Rushing to heal the last of Sasuke's wounds, I ignore the actions happening above me. Healing the last burn, I step back as I finished healing the majority of his wounds. Wiping the sweat off my forehead with my arm, I release a heavy sigh.

All this healing is taking a toll on me!

Just as I finished, I watch as the two Iwa Nins release themselves from the molds that were holding them in place. There's a rock monster of some sort eating the Zetsus, while the Tsuchikage does a jutsu to release the mold. Once he did that, it comes crashing down next to Karin, who jumps to avoid it.

Ignoring her screeching, the Tsuchikage comes flying towards us. "I can't believe a brat like you killed Deidara," he says.

I raise a brow, smirking. "Well, to be specific, he died with his art. With an explosion," I specify which he ignores. Rude much?

"I have nothing against you two, but the whole ninja world wants you dead. See you," he finished before creating a jutsu.

Before I have any time to react, the jutsu, which is a particle like cube, increases in size and traps both Sasuke and I.

"Particle Style: Atomic Dismantling Jutsu," he announces as the cube shines brilliantly.

"SASUKE," is the last thing I hear before I go unconscious.

Third POV
As Onoki's jutsu disappears along with Tsuki and Sasuke, Karin is staring dumbfounded at their place. Her eyes widen as tears blue her vision.

"Sasuke's chakra...Tsuki, are gone! N-no, it can't be," she says with a shaky breath, letting her tears fall.

"Of course they're gone, their bodies were smashed to smithereens. And you're next," Onoki informs, turning to the crying Uzumaki.

Suddenly, A, Gaara, Kankuro, Temari, Darui, and C, all enter the room. Walking in, Kankuro instantly helps a struggling Chojuro as he uses his chakra strings to pull the Zetsus off the latter's body. Then, A, who walks to the middle of the room, looks around.

"Where's Sasuke and that girl," he demands towards Onoki.

"I smashed them to bits," the Tsuchikage says proudly, raising his fist.

"What!? That was my job! How dare you," the Raikage roars with evident anger.

"You still have a chance. So, quit your whining, Raikage," a new voice announces as they appear in a swirl.

Shocked, they turn to see Madara carrying the unconscious duo. Sasuke's draped on his right shoulder while he carries Tsuki with his other arm.

"Sasuke," Karin happily shouts with relief.

"My name's Madara Uchiha. I'm here to explain something to you. I just want want to make that clear," the masked Akatsuki informs.

"What is it," A yells, already fed up with today's events.

"I want to tell you about my goal. The Tsukuyomi plan," Madara tells them.

"It appears that as C said, the Hokage has fled," the Raikage mentions.

"Yes, thanks to Sasuke and Tsuki," Onoki answers him.

Then out of no where, A uses his speed to throw a punch at Madara. But like many before him, A just phases through and punches the wall instead. As his fist meets the wall, it obliterates it as it creates an even bigger hole.

Tsuki stirs at the commotion, but before she even has the time to fully wake up, she feels her world soon. Madara sends both the girl and the young Uchiha into his dimension, avoiding for the Kage to harm them any further.

"I have no interest in hearing the twisted plans of Akatsuki! I can not understand you people! Now, hand over the brats," A yells, raising his chakra.

"First, you listen to my explanation. Then, I may comply, depending on your answer," Madara states.

"Let's be calm about this, Raikage. Let's hear what he has to say, and then make our decisions," Onoki says, being the mediator.

"Tch," A grunts, finding no other reason, but to agree.

Madara then turns to look at the Uzumaki besides him. "Heal Sasuke up for me," he informs before swirling her into his dimension.

"That must be Madara's ability," Kankuro mutters.

"It looks like Time-Space Ninjutsu," Temari replies since she heard him.


In Madara's dimension, Tsuki opens her eyes, squinting in pain from all her injuries. Forcing herself into a sitting position, she takes a look at her surroundings. Her eyes twitches in irritation before she releases a groan.

"Ahh, not this place again," she sneers, glaring at the scene.

Turning her head to the side, Tsuki notices an unconscious Sasuke lying in the cubic pillar next to her. Sighing, she pushes all the memories of her last visit here away and goes to move towards Sasuke. But just as she starts to stand up, she tenses as she see the familiar swirl appear.

Holding her breath, she reaches towards her kunai holster. But just as she's about to take a kunai in between her fingers, she slumps back and sighs.

"Oh, it's just you," Tsuki says, seeing the vibrant red hair of Karin.

"W-what is this place? Where are we," the Uzumaki asks.

"We're in the wonderful world of Madara's own dimension," Tsuki says, rolling her eyes. "Now, why are you here?"

"I was sent to heal Sasuke," Karin informs as she starts the process.

"Alright, since you're doing that, I'll do my own thing," Tsuki states, returning to her sitting position.

Closing her eyes, she starts to meditate. But one thing's on her mind.

She has to talk to Cerridwen in person.


Back with the Kages and Madara, the latter jumps from his spot and lands on the small stage. The Kage and their guards all pay attention to his every move.

"Now, then, it looks like you're all ready to listen, ladies and gentlemen," Madara speaks up.

"Why is it that you seek to win Sasuke over? And Tsuki, why do you keep a close eye on her," Gaara asks.

"A Sharingan that can even activate the Susanoo, is a rarity. In fact, I wanted to give the opportunity to train them further in combat with the five Kage. It was I, who sent him here. I would have liked to have him weaken you to the point where I can take you hostage as well, but it looks like that was too much to expect. And Tsuki, she has something real important that's inside her. Something that has a great value to my plans, that's why I keep a close eye on her. The goddess, Cerridwen, if Tsuki ever unlocks her full power, my goal will be a success," Madara informs them. If he wasn't wearing the mask, everyone will be able to see his smirk.

"Hostage? For what purpose," Mei questions.

"Just to ensure that the Mooneye operation plays out smoothly," Madara answers.

"It certainly is a shock to hear that Madara Uchiha still lives. But why would a man of your calibre resort to these roundabout tactics? Surely with your power you can accomplish anything," Onoki tells the masked man.

"The wounds from my battle with the First Hokage, Hashirama, were too deep. Right now, I'm powerless, I am nothing more than an empty shell of my former self," the Akatsuki member explains.

"So this 'operation' is for the purpose of returning to your former self," C concludes.

"Well, that is one way of putting it, but that is not all it entails," Madara answers the Kimo Nin.

"What are you plotting!? What exactly is this Mooneye operation," Mifune exclaims, questioning him.

Madara sighs. "I would like to take my time with this tale, if you don't mind, I'll just take a seat," he states, sitting on the floor.

"We're asking you what this plan of yours is," Kankuro impatiently yells.

Lifting his left arm, Madara raises his index finger. "To have everything become one with me! I mean to achieve a 'complete form' in which all is united," he answers ominously.

Everyone in the room stares at him with undying shock.


Opening her fuchsia eyes, she takes in the scene before her. The sky is a beautiful mix of colors as she sees the sunset. Below her, Tsuki's sitting on the cool, lush grass as the green blades softly kiss her skin. Besides her is a tall, gorgeous, cherry blossom tree as its velvet soft petals dance in the wind. The tree itself is hemmed with surrounding red tulips. In front of her is a sparkling blue pond and inside are two koi fish, one black and the other white, swimming in a circle.

"Wow," she breathes with astonishment.

Standing up, she looks around her as she tries to find the goddess. Turning around, she's suddenly enveloped in a firm hold of strong arms. Tsuki's eyes widen, her cheeks flushing as she's monetarily caught off guard.

Eventually, the person hugging her lets go and Tsuki's eyes widen at the familiar face. Her cheeks flushing even more.

"I-Itachi! You're awake! You're oka-" Tsuki starts, but Itachi raises his hand to stop her.

Dropping his hand, he smiles. Not a smirk, but a true genuine smile. "Tsuki, thank you," he tells her.

"U-uh, f-for what? You have to be specific," she smile, her cheeks still flushed.

"For saving my life, of course. Because of you I'm alive and well. You don't know how much I'm thankful towards you," he informs.

"O-oh, yeah, I-I knew that," Tsuki says, trying to play it off cool.

"Right," he smirks down at her.

Cerridwen, who's off yonder, watching the whole scene unravel, smiles as she nods her head. "I ship it," she grins, clasping her hands together.

Walking towards them with her usual sass, she slaps Tsuki's back upon arrival. The said girl jumps in surprise before turning her head towards the smiling goddess. Tsuki gives her a glare.

"Why weren't you answering me," Tsuki questions, crossing her arms.

"Hmm, let's see. One, I almost died fighting Pein, that wannabe God. Two, I was in recovery from all the wounds I sustained. And three, I was watching sleeping beauty over here until he woke up," Cerridwen answers with her natural sass.

Tsuki's eye twitches. Wannabe God? Sleeping beauty? How typical of her to use perfect nicknames.

"Oh, alright," Tsuki says, seeing as she has nothing else to respond to that. "Uh, thanks for not dying, I guess."

Now Cerridwen's eye twitches.

"You guess!? You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me! And here I thought you loved me," the goddess exclaims, finishing with a waterfall of tears.

"Um, I'm sorry! You're right! And I do love you! You're the best," Tsuki stumbles, trying to find the right words.

Cerridwen immediately stops crying. "I know I am," she strikes a Gai pose, flipping her hair. "I'm the best of the best!"

"Uh, right," Tsuki says, unsure. It was all a ploy, stupid old hag!

Itachi just shakes his head in amusement after watching the two converse. But as he looks closer, he sees that Tsuki's clothes are all damaged, her skin burned. He narrows his eyes.

"Where were you before this," he asks in concern, gaining the duo's attention.

Tsuki cringes at the reminder. "I was with Sasuke because Madara told us to go to the Kage summit. Originally, we went to fight Danzo, that bastard, but the other Kage interrupted. We fought the Raikage and the Mizukage, but Danzo escaped," she explains.

"Kage summit," he questions.

"Oh, yeah! I guess because Pein, also me, attacked and destroyed Konoha. Along with Sasuke capturing the Eight Tailed Jinchuriki, the Akatsuki became an international problem. Yeah, Pein died then Sasuke joined the Akatsuki, and Madara's in charge," Tsuki informs the Uchiha, filling him in on the current events.

Itachi nods. "Madara, be wary of him. He's not an enemy you want to make," he informs her.

Tsuki sadly smiles. "Well, it's already late. He for some reason, has it against me."

"That's because he's planning something that has to do with me," Cerridwen says, walking up to her host.

"Oh," Tsuki mutters. It feels like that's her main purpose in life, to be used and manipulated because of the power she holds.


"It's alright, Cerridwen, I don't blame you. I blame the people who want your power. I blame Danzo and Madara, not you," Tsuki seethes.

Cerridwen smiles as she places her hand on the girl's right shoulder. "That reminds me. Back when you were fighting the Raikage, you opened the seal, remember," she questions.

"Yeah, what about it." Tsuki asks, looking at the goddess.

"You didn't reopen the seal, you opened the second seal," Cerridwen clarifies.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that you releases the second stage of my power. Half a moon, half my power," Cerridwen informs.


Back with the Kages, Onoki glares towards Madara as the other still stand dumbfounded.

"One with you? One united? What does that mean," he questions angrily.

"There is a stone monument passed down amongst the Uchiha for generations. Even now, it lies beneath the village of Konoha. Upon it are recorded the secrets left to us by the Rikuduo Sennin. Without our eyes, it's impossible to read. What's more, the Mangekyo Sharingan can decode more than the Sharingan, and the Rinnegan still more than that," Madara explains, with vague details.

"Now this is starting to get ridiculous! The Ridukuo Sennin," Onoki exclaims with disbelief.

"I speak the truth. The Sennin existed," Madara defends.

"Enough with this dawdling! What has the Ridukuo Sennin got to do with this plan of yours," A yells with frustration as he punches the table.

"Do you know why it is that he became that stuff of legend, worshipped by the Shinobi world like a God? Therein lies the connection between that man and my goal," Madara answers, informing them even further.

"Madara Uchiha, you possess the Mangekyo Sharingan, and Akatsuki also possessed a man with the Rinnegan. You must know everything that is inscribed there," Mei tells the masked man.

"Let's hear it," Onoki demands.

"The Ridukuo Sennin saved the world. Saved it from a monster," he subtly tells.

"A monster," Gaara questions.

"Gaara, you once played home to but a portion of that monster. The monster in question was a fused form of all the Bijuu. A being possessed of the ultimate chakra, the Juubi," Madara bluntly explains.

Everyone in the room enters a shocked silence, once again.

"Surely the Bijuu's tails only go up to nine," Temari yells defiantly.

"As I said, it it a fused form of all Bijuu," Madara clarifies. "The Ichibi through the Kyuubi are nothing more than beings created from the divided chakra of the Juubi by the Rikudo Sennin."

"I got a bad feeling about this. This is why the Akatsuki are gathering the Bijuu," Kankuro concludes.

"The Rikuduo developed a specific Ninjutsu in order to protect the world from the Juubi. Even now that Ninjutsu is being quietly passed down. The seal that creates a Jinchuriki. Yes, the Ridukuo Sennin was the Juubi Jinchuriki. I'm prefer to suppress its power, he sealed it within his own body. As the man who freed the world from the Juubi, the Sennin was worshipped by the people like a God. But the Juubi's chakra was so massive and foul that if the Jinchuriki were to die, it would escape the seal and terrorize the world once more. Fearing this upon his deathbed, he used the last of his power to divide the chakra into nine portions and scatter them across the world. And with that, the Juubi's real body was sealed and blasted away into the sky, becoming the moon," Madara explains with more detail.

"This is all too immense, can a human being really accomplish a thing like that," Darui asks, finding it hard to contain all the new information.

"As the Jinchuriki of the Juubi, the Sennin was beyond what we would call 'human'," Madara simplifies.

"So you are gathering those nine pieces of scattered chakra! That is to say, all the Bijuu, in an attempt to gain that beyond human power for yourself! But what do you mean to do with that power," Mifune asks, exclaiming towards the masked Akatsuki.

"I will restore the Juubi! And I will become the Juubi Jinchuriki myself! Using its power, I will magnify the power of my eyes to the ultimate level as activate a certain jutsu," Madara yells, informing them of his master plan.

"A certain jutsu!? What Jutsu is that!? What are you trying to achieve," Onoki yells, glaring towards the masked man.

"A massive scaled Genjutsu, reflecting my own eyes from the moon's surface! The infinite Tsukuyomi! I will cast my Genjutsu upon all humans living in the Earth's surface! Controlling all of humanity with that Genjutsu, I will become one with the world," Madara exclaims.

Once again, the people in the room are stunned to a shocked silence as they all take in the new information.

"It will be a world without hatred or conflict. Everyhting will be one with me; everything united. That is my 'Mooneye operation'. And all will come to plan since I posses the host of the Moon's Goddess," Madara says, almost excitedly.

"The host of the Moon's Goddess," Gaara asks.

"Tsuki Haruno, she holds Cerridwen, the Goddess of the Moon, the Underworld, of Dark Prophecy, and of Life. She's the key to my goal! It's even better that Konoha drove her away, and straight into my hands," Madara answers as he chuckles darkly.

"To hell with that! I won't give the world to you," A roars with anger.

"A peace born of illusion is nothing more than a lie. Peace only holds meaning if it's created in reality," Gaara tells him, narrowing his eyes.

"What do you expect us to find in such a world!? It would be devoid of hope, devoid of dreams! Nothing more than running from reality," Mei yells with outrage.

"So you mean to unite the world? That sounds similar to what Danzo was saying earlier, but it sounds to me rather than 'uniting the world' you want to take for yourselves," Onoki yells, glaring at the man.

"Haha! Well, do you five Kages think you could do any better? Surely you should have realized by now, there is no such thing as hope! The concept of hope is nothing more than giving up! A word that holds no true meaning," Madara yells, attacking their beliefs. "Now, hand over the remaining Hachibi and Kyuubi and cooperate with my operation. Otherwise war will be upon us!"

"War," Gaara questions.

"The Hachibi!? What is the meaning of this!? You already took him," A exclaims with outright confusion.

"We failed in the recovery of the Hachibi; he escaped from our grasp. He has achieved true perfection as a Jinchuriki and a Shinobi. As might be expected from your own brother," Madara informs with rare praise.

"Ahh, I knew it! I had a feeling that it would be something like this," Darui states knowingly. C, who's besides him, sighs, also knowing that a situation like this would happen.


"I will not hand Naruto Uzumaki to you," Gaara says, protecting his friend.

"I concur," Mei agrees.

"What say you, Raikage," Onoki asks the angry man.

"I will not hand my brother to this man," A defends his younger brother.

"I may not have power myself, but I have the power of the Bijuu I thus far collected. As well as the Akatsuki's own, Tsuki Haruno. You have no hope of victory," Madara informs, threatening them.

"We will not abandon hope," Gaara glares, standing up for what he believes.

"Very well, in that case, I hereby declare the Fourth Ninja War," Madara announces.

Welp, that was Chapter 27! Took a few long hours to write, but it's done! 5,426 words, whoo!

So what do you think!?

Itachi and Cerridwen are back, yay! Also, a little ItSuki (ship name) action happening with the hug!

Second seal? What new powers will Tsuki unleash?

What about Madara's plan to use Cerridwen's power, what will happen!?

Will Tsuki play along, or will she risk it all?

Anyways, don't forget to





JA NE, My little monsters!

¿? What's your favorite TV show?¿

Mine, it's either The Walking Dead, or Grey's Anatomy.

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