Chapter 29: No Where Left To Run

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Monsters by Ruelle

Danzo Gif

A/N: The fighting details will change since Tsuki's a part of the plot. Also, the number of Sharingans implanted in Danzo's arm will slightly rise because if not, it'll be too easy of a fight. That's all, thank you!

Chapter 29: No Where Left To Run

Third POV
Cold, crispy air from the Land of Iron pokes at the skin of both the Konoha and Suna Nin. They stand outside the inn as Temari just finished briefing the Leaf Shinobi of the earlier events that took place at the summit.

Yamato releases a heavy sigh. "Wow, talk about a long meeting. I knew Danzo couldn't be trusted," he made obvious.

"I've never been enthused about the idea of becoming Hokage. But even in this situation, I can't do anything until we get back to the Leaf village and get everyone else's opinions," Kakashi acknowledged the idea.

"Madara declared war on the whole world, there's no time for politics," Temari says with evident irritation.

"I have a feeling everyone will agree right away. We can continue the discussion once Kakashi-senpai is Hokage. They know that if they wait, Madara will make the first move and we'll be stuck reacting to them," Yamato consoled.

"Very true," Kakashi aggreed, but then he caught Naruto's features. Sighing, he looked back at the Sand Siblings. "Then, there's Sasuke and Tsuki."

"Sheesh, I can't believe they attacked the summit," Yamato comments with disbelief.

This time it's the youngest sibling who speaks up. "Naruto, just so we're clear, this is a war to protect the Eight Tails and the Nine Tails. In other words, a war to protect you. And in doing so, the whole Shinobi world. I, as the Kazekage, am putting my life in the line for you. And if Sasuke and Tsuki, members of Akatsuki, stands against me, they'll be shown no mercy," Gaara states, matter of factly, but also out of concern.

Naruto stays frozen, his eyes closed shut as he's stuck in what to believe. Two of his teammates, comrades, friends are changing before his eyes. One second he's remembering them when they were young, then the next second they're both criminals, internationally wanted and a part of Akatsuki, the very same organization that wants to hurt him.

"Sasuke has stopped looking for you. He seeks the darkness of his own free will," Gaara informs, making Naruto's eyes snap open with shock. But before he can say anything, Gaara continues. "But Tsuki, she's on the bridge between the light and the darkness. It seems like something or someone's holding her in place, keeping her at bay. She still has a chance, but if whatever is keeping her in the darkness maintains, she will never be free. Naruto, you once said to me 'I'm the future Hokage'! Well, I became the Kazekage."

Naruto looks down at the snow covered ground. Suddenly, he looks back up as he feels a hand in his shoulder, looking into Gaara's teal eyes.

"If you're truly prepared to take up the mantle of a Kage, then as Sasuke's and Tsuki's friend, you need to know what to do," Gaara tells him, holding his gaze and states into Naruto's azure eyes.


In a wooded area, there's a bridge that connects two lands. On this bridge, Madara jumps from his pillar to another as he's suddenly attacked. Avoiding the blast, Madara watches with momentary shock as he sees Danzo take out his right hand.

"Fu, Torune, back me up. I'm releasing my right arm," Danzo orders as he uncovers the said arm.

As he released his arm, Danzo removed the screws from the metal arm case. Each time he released a screw, the metal gears grinded. Each time he removed a screw, the closer he got to revealing his arm, his weapon.

"You're ready to go, eh, Danzo," Madara says to himself, still watching.

"There's no telling what Madara's capable of. Be cautious," Danzo warns both his guards, Anbu.

"Yes sir," both Torune and Fu answer in synch.

"Torune, we need to be working in concert of we're to be effective," Fu states.

"I know," the Aburame answers with usual monotone.

Instantly, the two Foundation members race towards the Akatsuki leader. Jumping in the air, Torune's the first to act as he throws a montage of kunai. But seeing as Madara is known as the most dangerous ninja, he simply rolls to the side as he easily dodges the kunai like it's nothing. Safely avoiding the barrage, he tenses as he feels a presence behind him. Turning his head to look over his shoulder, Madara spots the Yamanaka forming the hand signs of his clan's jutsu.

Mind-Body Switch, Fu says in his head, directing the jutsu towards the Akatsuki member.

That's until his eyes widen in shock. He watches as Madara sinks, phasing through the stone column to avoid the attack.

"He dropped inside the pillar. That at least confirms he's capable of phasing through solid objects," Fu informs his partner.

"Can you still track his chakra," Torune questions as he walks towards him, knowing that Fu specializes in sensory.

"No, it's completely disappeared," he responds, walking a short distance towards the center.

Then suddenly, Madara rises from within the column and Fu instantly unseathes his tanto blade and spins to attack him. Instead of getting a clean cut off his head, Madara lets the tanto blade phase through. Just as it goes completely through, Madara grips Fu's hand, stopping the latter's movements. Then Madara acts, raising his right arm he directs a punch towards the Yamanaka. But much to his dismay, the Aburame throws a kunai at him, making Madara release Fu from his grasp. Letting the kunai phase through him, Madara then jumps away and creates distance between him and the two Foundation members.

"A sensor and the Mind-Body Switch seal, you must be from the Yamanaka clan," Madara muses.

"His whole body, it becomes untouchable when he uses that technique for defense," Torune informs.

"And he solidifies it again to connect with attacks. Meaning we need to strike when he counters it," Fu advices as he learned Madara's fighting techniques.

"Well done. That was a comprehensive analysis," Madara dryly compliments.

Leaning to the side, Torune whispers to his partner. "We can make his counter match our timing. We'll attack one after the other, and only aim to connect with the second one. The first will be a trap," he informs with the plan.

"I'll take point. He already knows I can use the Mind-Body Switch, but he hasn't seen your technique yet," Fu announced.

"Roger," the Aburame agrees.

With that, Torune raises his hands to his mouth and removes the gloves with his teeth. Biting them off, the skin of his hands are a darkened purple due to his nano-sized bugs, Rinkaichù. The bugs themselves are rare among the Aburame clan, theses bugs specialize in poison, so whenever Torune touches someone, they become infected. The opponent, however, they suffer immense pain which leads to their deaths as the bugs invade their bodies. 

Fu, who went first, runs towards Madara with his tanto blade raised in his right hand, ready to attack. Just as he's in front of him, he swings the blade. Unfortunately, for Fu, Madara already foresaw this plan of attack and let's the Yamanaka fall through his body. Torune, who was following behind Fu, attacks and directs a punch towards Madara. Attempting to land the hit, the same thing happens, he falls through the phased body and accidentally touches Fu's forearm.

In immediate pain, Fu falls to the ground as the poison starts to spread throughout his arm. "Argh! Ahh," the Yamanaka groans in pain.

He was only going through the motions, he was still intangible. Damn it, he got me, Torune internally states, scolding himself.

From his spot, Madara watches with interest, but also caution. Lucky that he didn't let the Aburame touch him. With his Sharingan activated, he watches what's happening within Fu's body. "Oh no...a chakra injection that destroys the target's cells. Looks like it hurts," he dryly notes.

Torune kneels beside his partner and takes his forearm. "Sorry Fu, I'll get them out," he informs, retracting the poisonous bugs from his body.

"Excuse me, not chakra, but nano-scale poison bugs. They're practically cells," Madara corrects himself, still watching the duo. "So you wield a technique that's closely guarded even within the Aburame clan. Aburame Shikuro (Torune's father) had the antibodies, so you must be his kid then? Look at you, working for Root. You found yourself some useful underlings, Danzo," he exclaims before sinking into the column, once again.

Danzo says nothing as he stays silent.

Fu huffs, rising to a kneeling position. "Thanks, Torune," he says once he's free of poisonous bugs.

"Stay alert, Fu! Be ready to detect his location when he reappears! We'll get him next time," Torune warns as he removes his long sleeved tunic, standing shirtless.

With the removed clothing, you could see that the nano-sized bugs are spreading up his arms and across his torso, rising towards his head. This doesn't hurt the Aburame, actually it's a defense tactic. If anyone tries to attack him, the enemy will touch the bugs instead.

Suddenly, Madara appears behind Torune and he makes it his priority to not touch the Aburame. Using his Sharingan, Madara uses the Kamui to capture him instead.

"Shit," Fu curses as Torune disappears in a swirl. Did he just absorb Torune?

"Looks like he contaminated my right arm with those poison bugs," Madara states before cutting off his arm without hesitation.

Fu stares with momentary shock, but Madara continues like nothing happened, after all it was just a Zetsu arm. Swiftly kicking his arm towards the Yamanaka, Fu ducks to dodge, but unfortunately for the latter, it was just a distraction.

"Now, it's your turn," Madara declared as he appeared in front of him.

That said, Madara, like before, used the Kamui to capture Fu, sending him to his dimension.


Back in the Land of Iron, Naruto shrugs Gaara's hand off his shoulder. Gaara says nothing as he looks at Naruto's solemn face, instead he turns away.

"We relayed the message, our job's done. Let's go home, Gaara," Temari tells them. "We'll return to our village. The Sand will act as if you were the Hokage, Hatake Kakashi. As the Leaf's ally, we'll ask you to ensure that there's no confusion about what's happening."

"Roger that," Kakashi agrees.

"I consider you a friend," Gaara states, shocking Naruto. "As a child, 'friend' was simply a word. Nothing more, nothing less. But after I met you, I understood that the word's meaning was what counted."

Naruto stays silent as he looks at Gaara's back.

"Think carefully about what that word means, and what you can really do for Sasuke and Tsuki," Gaara advices, looking back at Naruto from over his shoulder.

With those words said, Naruto's truly stunned to silence, shock evident in his features.

"Move out," Gaara orders before taking his leave, Temari and Kankuro following.

"Naruto-" Kakashi cuts Yamato off by raising his hand.

"He needs to come up with his own answer," Kakashi tells him, looking at a struggling Naruto.


His abrupt presence alerts the three Shinobi. Tsuki tenses as her posture grows stiff, slowly, she turns her head to look at him. Karin, who's kneeled besides Sasuke, turns her head in surprise. The young Uchiha, who's sitting on the floor, stares up at the man.

"Let us out of here," Sasuke spoke, sending a glare towards Madara.

"Relax, would you? We'll leave in a second. I even have a little souvenir waiting for you outside," the older Uchiha informs, looking down at him before turning to the Haruno.

Tsuki narrows her eyes before they widen in realization. Don't tell me he...


Out on the bridge, Danzo stands alone. No guards, seeing as Madara captured them. Suddenly, his attention turns towards a swirl. And immediately his eye widens. Standing before him are four Shinobi, four members of Akatsuki.

"Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Tsuki, eh," he narrows his eye.

The Uchiha and Haruno duo glare murderously at the man who destroyed every inch of happiness in their lives. Finally, after a long time, the two will get their sweet revenge. Just staring at the man brings their blood to a boil, their auras take a sudden nosedive towards darkness making the air around them cold, filling the atmosphere with hate.

Madara bends down towards the kneeling Uzumaki. "You better get out of here. If you get drawn into this, you're toast," he advices.

Not needing to be told twice, Karin hurries to the side and hides behind the stone pillar. Madara, who also doesn't want to be a part of this, jumps to the furthest pillar and sits down. He'll watch everything from a distance, observing the duo.

"I couldn't have asked for more. Now, I can add both your Sharingans to my collection," Danzo says towards Sasuke as he unveils his right arm, showcasing his collection of implanted Sharigans.

Eeww, look at that arm! It's covered in Sharingans, Karin pointed out from her head.

"What's with the eyes in your right arm," Sasuke questions, still glaring.

"They've all got their story. It would take too long to tell them all," Danzo answers.

"Just as well. Hearing the reason would only make me angrier. I've already settled on killing you," Sasuke states.

"Good, then I'll say it. Those Sharingans are all souvenirs from the Uchiha massacre. You may not care, but I do. It just shows what he'll do to obtain such power," Tsuki comments from beside Sasuke, disgusted.

"Hn. But before I kill you, I need to ask one question," Sasuke declares. Taking Danzo's silence as an act to continue, he does. "Did you and the rest of the Leaf Village's leaders really order Uchiha Itachi to slaughter my entire clan?"

Tsuki doesn't need to ask for confirmation about her misfortune. I mean, who else has the power to convince people to betray her? Who else will convince the other leaders to agree on sealing a Goddess in an infant just so he will have the ability to use her powers? Who else?

Instead of answering him, Danzo makes a series of rapid hand signs. Sasuke deepens his glare as Danzo takes a run towards him, his three tomoe's changing to Mangekyo. The duo make no moves to avoid him, instead they stand still watching as the elder nears. It's Sasuke, who Danzo attacks first, only to realize his mistake.

Intending to land a punch, his closed fist connects to the hard shell of the purple Susanoo. With murderous intent, Sasuke orders the hand of his Susanoo to grip Danzo's body, lifting him off the ground. Tsuki smirks at the sight as she allows the Uchiha to make the first move.

"Wow...that's Sasuke's version, eh," Madara muses from afar.

"This is the Susanoo, I presume," Danzo wheezes as the grip tightens around his body.

"No shit," Tsuki mutters, rolling her fuchsia eyes.


Back in the Land of Iron, Naruto's still struggling in what to do. He's stuck between helping his friends or doing what's 'right'. He wants to ask what to do, but this is something that he needs to figure out on his own.

"So..what's our next move? I think we should get back to the village and inform everyone as soon as possible. And then, there's Sakura to deal with," Yamato questions, naming the choices.

"I'm still with her, I'll make sure she doesn't go anywhere near Sasuke or Tsuki. So you can rest assured that she'll be okay," Sai's clone informs them.

"Maybe, but I feel like I should go personally and talk her out of this," Kakashi confesses. Sighing, he continues, "okay! Yamato, you and Naruto head back to the village. I'll hunt down Sakura and bring her back myself. She's nowhere near their levels, she's essentially marching to her own death. As for informing everyone about the summit, I'll send my ninja hounds ahead. We need to get the word out ASAP."

"Roger that," Yamato agrees.

"Okay Sai, tell me where she is, if you would," Kakashi tells the pale boy.

"Yes, sir."

Naruto still stands in his spot, thinking back to recent events. "Uchiha Sasuke, someone from the Leaf, attack our village," Omoi, the Kumo Nin exclaimed.

"He kidnapped our master! What the hell are you trying to pull? Sasuke's part of Akatsuki," Karui, the other Kumo Nin, yells at him.

"Itachi's life is the very definition of self sacrifice. He gave up everything up for the Leaf..and more than anything, his brother," Madara informs him and the Jounin in the room. "And Sasuke? Sasuke lost everything, he was left alone. That was the price the Leaf paid for its peace. Sasuke has made it clear that he won't forgive the Leaf for sacrificing Itachi's life so they couldn't enjoy peace. He wants revenge on them all. He's the real deal...a true avenger! His hatred, that is Sasuke's ninja way,"  Madara further explains. He then chuckles darkly, shaking his head. "Then, there's Tsuki. You all believe that she simply walked out of the Leaf and betrayed you? You couldn't be more wrong. From birth, she was cursed to host the Goddess, Cerridwen, who drove her last host to kill herself. The elders were the ones who agreed on this, and it's very similar to you, Naruto. There was a rule made to never tell her, but of course she figured it out. All Tsuki wanted was to be a part of something, she wanted the acceptance she never got, she wanted her sister's love. Tsuki was very forgiving, very selfless because she still loved her sister, she would do anything for Sakura's happiness. But how can she gain the love of someone who hates her? She was pushed away because the elders made conspiracies that Tsuki would betray her comrades, that Tsuki will kill them, that the Goddess inside her was controlling her. This forced everyone to betray Tsuki and push  her away. You pushed her straight into our hands and for that Tsuki resents the Leaf, She hates them, because they're the one's who caused her pain!"

"The Leaf is going to dispose of Sasuke and Tsuki itself. Your ex-classmates are preparing to act as we speak. Sakura's not stupid, either. She understands the position they put us in," Sai informs him.

"She plans to kill Sasuke and Tsuki herself," Kakashi fills in.

"If you're truly prepared to take up the mantle of a Kage, then as Sasuke's and Tsuki's friend, you need to know what to do," Gaara advices.

That's all it took for Naruto to break as his breaths suddenly become rapid. He clutches his chest trying to breathe, but it's no use, he's hyperventilating too fast and his lungs can't properly get the oxygen it needs. His limbs weaken, making him fall to his knees before falling face first into the snow. After that, it doesn't take long for the Uzumaki to go unconscious.


"I said 'is it true'," Sasuke demands, tightening the grasp he has on Danzo.

"Goddamn... you, Itachi, you told all your secrets right before you died, did you? I were really special to him," Danzo wheezes in between breaths.

Well, he's not really 'dead', Tsuki smirks. She shakes her head, letting out a scoff before looking at the man. "He's his brother, you think that's special enough? All that matters is that you and the other leaders forced Itachi to kill his own clan," she sneers, glaring at him.

"So it was true," Sasuke says hotly.

Karin shrieks as she feels both the duo's chakra darken to another level. She understands Sasuke since Itachi was his brother, but why Tsuki?

"To be a Shinobi is to sacrifice oneself. Closing your eyes to the sunlight, distinguishing yourself in the shadows. That is the true form of a ninja. Itachi was just one ninja among countless others across history who died the way he did. There are ugly truths in this world, but it's thanks to them that the peace is reserved. But've rejected Itachi's will, his cause. You'll never understand and now, by revealing his secret to you, Itachi has betrayed the Leaf-"

Danzo gets cut off as Sasuke clenches his hand, allowing the grip on the primary to tighten to an extreme level. It caused the Susanoo to squish Danzo's body, spraying blood everywhere.

"Don't ever speak Itachi's name again," Sasuke mutters darkly.

Tsuki's hostility that she was once known by, returned in a flash as she heard Danzo speak lies about Itachi. The one where she killed without remorse. The one where her blood itches to kill. She turned to the woman who's feared across the nation. She's not Tsuki Haruno, the girl who has feelings. No, in that moment she's The Dark Maiden, the one who's a cold blooded assassin. And Danzo triggered her.

Don't worry, Itachi, I'll clear your name, she says to herself.

"Yes, from here on out, we talk with our eyes," Danzo states surprising them.

Tsuki quickly turns around and glares murderously at the man in front of her. Seeing as Danzo has a kunai in his hand and aiming towards Sasuke, her blood boils. Not out of anger, but out of frustration. Allowing her chakra to run through her, she pulls back her fist and punches the floor, breaking it to pieces.

"I may be broken, a little bruised, and even permanently scarred. But I still wake up everyday with a tremendous will to fight! I am a strong woman who refuses to be defeated! This is also my battle, and I will not stand aside," she declares with determination, glaring towards the elder.

Sasuke stares at her in momentary shock. Karin blanches at her strength, paling, but also lucky that she never received the same treatment as the now shattered floor. Madara just smirks from behind his mask.

"I may not be as important as an Uchiha, but I will not be forgotten! You're still going to die, whether by my hands or Sasuke's, but I know for sure that I'll make it painful," she says before running towards him.

"Hmm, I haven't forgotten you. You're Cerridwen's host, you'r-," Danzo gets cut off.

Glaring, she uses chakra to make her faster and flashes in front of him. Jumping up, Tsuki uses the chakra in her legs and all the strength she muster up and delivers her signature high kick. To his mistake, he underestimated the Kunoichi.

With the sudden roundhouse kick, Tsuki decapitated Danzo, cutting his head clean off his body, 'killing' him. Landing from her attack, her face and right leg are covered in blood, she resembles an earlier version of herself when loyal to Akatsuki. The sight alone gives Karin chills.

"I don't care what you say," Tsuki sneers, glaring at the floor.

"Impeccable offensive power you both have," Danzo states from above.

Following his voice, the duo glances at the pillar that's across from Karin. He stands there, perfectly clean of any previous attacks. The Haruno silently seethes as her body begins to tremble with anger. Clenching her hands into fists, Tsuki rapidly thinks of every possible reason to why he's unscathed.

Just what is this jutsu, Tsuki thinks to herself, narrowing her fuchsia eyes at the man.

Karin, who's observing the whole thing, is thinking the similar thoughts. Sensing the duos chakra signatures, she finds no abnormalities. I can't feel any imbalance in Sasuke's or Tsuki's inner chakra..and my chakra is stable, so it can't be that we're caught up in a Genjutsu, so what kind of jutsu is this?

Sasuke, who's now in a larger form of his Susanoo, wastes no time in punching the pillar where Danzo's currently standing. But seeing as Danzo is getting more serious, he quickly jumps away and avoids the punch. Clicking his tongue with dismay, Sasuke rushes forwards and directs his Sharingan at Danzo, who's in mid air.

Amaterasu, Sasuke glares as a trickle of blood runs down his face.

Since Danzo was vulnerable in mid air, he had no where to run. And by that, he got swallowed up by the black eternal flames of Amaterasu. Disintegrating to nothing, Sasuke lands and dismisses his Susanoo, watching as Danzo's body burns. Panting with exhaustion, Sasuke slumps forward as he takes a short rest.

"Susanoo and even Amaterasu, that'll wear him out. He's overdoing it in testing his abilities," Madara states, watching the fight.

"Behind you," Karin shouts, warning Sasuke.

Tsuki, who's tired of being left out, makes an entrance and shows that she's not some easy pushover. Letting Cerridwen's quarter power run through her veins, Tsuki's image changes as the black vines make an appearance. She then draws back her fist.

"I told you, I'm not going to stand aside," she shouts with clear irritation.

Bringing the large chakra infused fist down, Danzo quickly stops in mid hand sign and jumps away, once again. Tsuki's fist lands on the stone floor that Danzo was previously standing in, and the pressure makes the terrain explode. Not wanting Danzo to change opponents from her to Sasuke, the Haruno quickly straightens herself out and runs towards him. While running, Tsuki quickly forms the necessary hand signs for Cerridwen's collection of jutsus.

"Dark Arts: Hell's Chains," she mutters to herself.

Instantly, the black spiked chains protrude from the ground and snake their way towards Danzo. The elder simply dodges the chains as they attack in repetitive motion, attempting to wrap themselves around his body and squeeze the life out of him. Unfortunately, the chains make no difference, Danzo continues to avoid them. Turning around, he performs an offensive attack.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Bullets," he announces.

Stopping in her tracks, Tsuki dismisses the current jutsu and forms new hand signs.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough," she states as she spreads her arms apart.

The jutsu she performed acts as a sheild against the incoming bullets. Danzo's vacuum bullets cancels out against Tsuki's makeshift shield, the gust of wind destroying the counter jutsu. Once, the jutsus disperse, Danzo jumps away, creating a distance. Sasuke, who's currently standing on his new summon, a hawk, since Tsuki destroyed part of the bridge. He hovers from a distance, watching the fight that's happening between Tsuki and Danzo. In the previous years, he's never for a chance to really witness Tsuki fight with her power.

"Oh? A new summon, I wonder when he got that," Madara muses to himself.

"Amaterasu, it's been a while since I've seen that. You are indeed Itachi's little brother," Danzo comments towards the young Uchiha. Then, he turns his attention to the girl. "Cerridwen's power, now that's something I've never seen. I wonder how it feels to control such great power," he mentions.

The duo send glares of hatred towards the man.

"Don't bring her into this! You'll never have the fortune to feel her power, unless it's me killing you with it," Tsuki seethes vehemently.

"Didn't I tell you not to speak of Itachi," Sasuke says through his teeth.

"Brothers. So while your powers are the same, what your eyes discern are different. The truth of Itachi and its implications isn't enough for you. You lie in the grip of hate, just wanting to lash out, making the sacrifice of the Uchiha clan for naught," Danzo professes.

"Sacrifice!? It was murder! You forced Itachi to kill his clan because you weren't willing to make another decision! If you and the elders didn't blame the Uchihas for the Kyubi's attack, none of it would've happened," Tsuki exclaims, seeing nothing, but red. Angry for the lies that Danzo continues to spew from our of his mouth.

Danzo sends a glare towards her, but says nothing. How does she know all this?

From the air, Sasuke urges his summon to speed towards Danzo, making an attempt to attack him. But again, Danzo counters the attempt.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Wave," he announces as he blows a strong stream of wind towards the hawk.

Wanting to avoid the jutsu, Sasuke jumps from his summoning and leaps towards the man, katana in hand. Already foreseeing this, Danzo quickly moves his arm up. Just as Sasuke's about to slice into his body, Danzo tightly grips the former's neck, stopping his moments. Gasping for air, the Uchiha thinks quickly and brings down his katana.

He slices Danzo's right arm off with perfect precision.

That's when Karin notices it as the arm falls to the ground, she sees three eyes closed, a fourth closing. This...She states at it with alarm and confusion, trying to figure it out.

"It's no use," Danzo speaks up from another spot.

Well, that was Chapter 29! Whoo, 4,932 words! The fight WILL continue in the next chapter because writing the whole fight in one chapter will be TOOOOOOO LONG!

So what do you think so far?

What will Naruto do?

Do Sasuke and Tsuki make a perfect team for revenge?

Is Tsuki doing right to defend Itachi?

Anyways, don't forget to





AU REVOIR, My fellow fluffy clouds!

Two Questions today, yay!

?¿What's your Zodiac? Mine's Virgo the Virgin.


What new powers should Tsuki get for the half seal she opened? (I will give you credit if I use it) ?¿

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