Chapter 30: Battle to the Death

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Sasuke Gif

Raise Hell by Dorothy


Chapter 30: Battle to the Death

The duo follow the voice of their enemy and see him standing on the pillar, free from any wounds he's received. Tsuki stands a little distance away from the Uchiha as she silently seethes, but instead of lashing out, she's keeping her calm while trying to focus on a plan. Yes, she wants to ruthlessly murder the elder in front of her and give him a painful death, but she needs to keep her head steady. Because if she lets her emotions run wild, she'll waste her chakra and be the one who dies instead.

Sasuke, who's more hotheaded than the Haruno, glares upon the elder as he reactivates his Mangekyo Sharingan. Since Danzo's on the other end of the stare, he gets surprised as a murder of crows suddenly appears from behind Sasuke.

Looking around in alarm, he watches as the crows surround him. But that's not what surprises Danzo. No, it's the fact that Itachi Uchiha is standing behind him, alive and healthy. As the Uchiha glares at him, Danzo stumbles back with fear.

"T-this is," Danzo mutters, stepping back.

"Die," Itachi states, activating  Amaterasu as blood rolls down his right eye.

In that instant, Danzo is swallowed by a large gust of black flames. Immediately, he checks his right arm and watches as the eye doesn't close. Upon noticing this, realization smacks him across the face as he acknowledges the illusion.

"I'll commend you for actually trapping me in a illusion," he states, still covered by the painless black flames of a Genjutsu.

Just as the flames start to disperse, Sasuke appears behind Danzo and runs towards the latter, trying to pierce him with his katana. Danzo smirks.

"However," he muses, just as Sasuke's body becomes paralyzed.

Standing still in his spot, katana inches away from cutting into Danzo's back, Sasuke is filled with shock. Trembling, he's unable to move and that frustrates him.

"Sasuke, now's your chance! Don't stop," Karin shouts from below. Tsuki, who's also witnessing this, runs into the action.

"Compared to Itachi's Tsukuyomi, where he could alter your perception of time at his whim, you're as far below him as the land is below the sky," Danzo continues, stating the difference between brothers.

"A seal that binds the body's movement, he must've placed it when he choked him," Madara concludes from earlier observation.

Is Sasuke paralyzed, Karin questions, before mustering up the courage. Since she's closer to the pillar, she jumps up and runs towards Danzo.

No need to bother with any special techniques on this one, Danzo states, looking at the incoming Uzumaki. Just as she nears him, Danzo lifts his leg and kicks her away. Since he infused his foot with chakra, Karin flys a great distance away from the pillar.

A plain old kick, huh. He must be trying to conserve his chakra...well, not for long, Madara muses as he watches Karin crash into a tree before switching his gaze towards the Haruno.

Using that as a distraction, Tsuki appears in front of Danzo and brings down her fist. Stepping back, he avoids the chakra infused fist. Slightly stumbling, Tsuki keeps up with her entourage of attacks. Dropping to the floor, she sweeps her leg towards his feet. Jumping back, Danzo dodges it once more. Rushing towards him, Tsuki jumps up and delivers a roundhouse kick which he blocks, making the man stumble back. Pushing him back with her legs, Tsuki flips and lands on the pillar. Sending him a glare, she smirks before making hand signs and running towards him.

"Dark Arts: Devil's Touch," she announces.

Nearing him, Tsuki brings down her palm and reaches out to touch him. His eye slightly widening, Danzo abruptly steps to the side making her stumble. Stumbling forward, Tsuki touches the pavement of the pillar and instantly the stone scorches to a black shade, steam rising from her hand.

Her hand burned the pavement, I need to keep my distance. Her powers are still unknown, Danzo observes the burnt stone before narrowing his eye.

"Wind Release: Violent Wind Palm," he declares, directing his palm at Tsuki.

The Haruno, who was standing up from her position, widens her eyes. Trying to jump away, it was too late as a strong, pressurized, wind current crashes against her body. This attack sends Tsuki flying to the opposing pillar, pushing her against the stone. As soon as the wind stops, she's left buried in the crevice she created.

Tsuki could now feel the pressure off her as the weight lifted, leaving her body aching with soreness. She could feel the warm trickles of blood due to the cuts she received as shards of stone pierced into her skin. Clenching her jaw, she raises her arm and digs herself out from the body-sized crater.

"If Sasuke knows the truth about Itachi, Akatsuki must know as well. There's no more hiding it, seeing as that Haruno girl, also Akatsuki, knows," Danzo states towards Madara, making him stand from his sitting position.

Then Danzo turns to Sasuke, taking the katana out of his hands. "Why, Itachi? Why did you bother saving this pathetic infant's life?"

Sasuke, Karin worries, trying to get up.

"Look at him. Look at what he's become. Your one, your only..failure. But he couldn't kill his little brother. Crying his bloody tears, he killed his emotions, exterminated his kinsman to save his village, but he couldn't kill you. Is this getting through," Danzo continues, raising the katana.

Karin screams, Madara prepares his Kamui, and Tsuki grits her teeth, letting Cerridwen's half power to run through her.

Just as he swings it down towards Sasuke's neck, he gets pushed back as the Uchiha reactivates his Susanoo. Getting a cut in his bicep, Danzo jumps away to avoid any more danger. Though this time the Susanoo isn't just the bones of a skeleton. No, this time, it has muscle, nerves, armor, basically a whole nother layer, making it much more stronger. In its hands, the Susanoo wields a bow and arrow.

"Ahhhhhh," Sasuke screams as he pushes past the seal.

Susanoo? It looks completely different from the previous one, Danzo panics. (At the disco, lolol)

Is that really Sasuke? This feels nothing like his normal chakra, Karin questions, sensing the much colder and darker chakra.

"Yes," Madara comments, watching the fight. Every step of the way, his hatred has made him more the point his body reacts to it. This is going well..he even broke the seal.

Tsuki closes her eyes, sighing with relief, but then she furrows her brows. He's letting his hatred control him, if he doesn't stop soon, he's going to become dangerous. Not just to Danzo, but to everyone.

Landing on the non-broken half of the bridge, Danzo kneels in exhaustion. That's the moment when Sasuke's Susanoo draws back the arrow before releasing it. Flying towards Danzo, the man frowns.

No time for seals! No other option, he decided.

Just before the arrow pierces into the man's body, Danzo's right shoulder transforms into a large tree. Instead of hitting Danzo, the arrow hits the tree, a few feet away from the man.

That was enough to alter the trajectory...somehow, Danzo glares at the tree besides him.

"That's a wood element technique," Madara states from his place. Aha, I get it, with all those Sharingan eyes, I always thought that the fact that non-Uchiha could use them is proof they held undiscovered secrets.

Danzo's chakra level just took a huge nosedive! But why did he even need to dodge Susanoo's attack? A minute ago it was like he couldn't be killed, Karin frowns, narrowing her eyes at the said man.

Orochimaru, you bastard! You must've spent a lot of time working with Danzo, Madara curses. He implanted you with the First Hokage's DNA and augmented your physical energy, didn't he Danzo?

On Danzo's shoulder is a pale face which resembles the late First Hokage, Hashirama Senju.

No, he would've died! If he hadn't avoided that attack, he'd be dead, that's why he used that move, Karin gasps, eyes widening, realizing Danzo's previous tactics. "Sasuke, Tsuki! That's the real Danzo!! You'll be able to kill him now," she screams, alerting the duo, but also everyone else.

That girl's a sensor type!? I've been found out...a bit, Danzo frowns before he makes a series of hand signs.

At this Sasuke urges the Susanoo to shoot another arrow. Tsuki's fuchsia eyes widen before she musters up her strength and pulls herself out of the crater. Landing on the bridge, she forgets the pain rushing up her body and runs towards Danzo. Unfortunately, for the duo, the arrow hits Danzo's body just a moment too late.

Yes! I knew it! After he used those seals, his chakra chakra changed slightly! He used a technique! I'm about the only one who could notice such a small change. I don't think that arrow made it in time, damn it, Karin concludes from all her previous observations.

Just a few feet from where he was currently standing, Danzo reappears with no harm to his body. Upon seeing he's unscathe, Tsuki narrows her eyes.


'Yes?' the Goddess questions.

'I think it's time show him our new powers, don't you agree,' Tsuki smirks.

'About time! Let's do this,' Cerridwen urges with determination.

Following the hand signs that the Goddess informs of, Tsuki performs one of the many new jutsus she's obtained due to the former's powers. Making the last seal, the Haruno feels chakra envelope her whole body.

"Dark Arts: Veil of Shadows," she states from her spot.

Immediately, the girl sinks into the ground as she uses the shadows as a source of travel. Moving in the darkness is easy as her body moves fluidly, but most importantly it's stealthy, perfect for someone like her. Right now, Tsuki will wait for the perfect moment to attack.

Above ground, Karin is the only one aware of the girl's presence underground, seeing as she's a sensor. Also, being the sensor of the quartet, Karin looks over to Danzo as she notices the change of his chakra. Since the Uzumaki isn't fighting, all she can do is gather information while trying to solve what technique Danzo's using.

"There are twelve Sharingans I can see, plus the First's DNA. The power of the Uchiha and of Hashirama in one man..Probably all so he can control the Nine Tails himself. He's after Naruto, too," Madara says to himself as he watches from afar.

Karin's eyes widen with the sudden decrease to Danzo's chakra. Danzo's chakra took another dip, that technique must pose a lot of risk to him. Aha, that's why he had to release it, to conserve chakra! And another eye, those Sharingans must be related to the technique. Something about those eyes closing is really important, she theorizes.

Madara narrows his eye at Danzo, watching as the eye closes. "It's the only explanation. he eye technique that even the Uchiha clan declared to be forbidden, Izanagi," he confirms.

Suddenly, Sasuke coughs up blood as his chakra exhaustion finally takes a toll on him.

Sasuke, Karin panics, wanting to help him. Although, she realizes that she's no help and stays where she is, not wanting to get in the way. Don't freak out! I can still help him by analyzing Danzo's technique!

Danzo, who notices Sasuke's state, rushes towards him. But just as Sasuke readies another arrow to shoot at him, Tsuki quickly appears in front of Danzo. His eye widening in surprise from the sudden sight of her, the elder tries to avert on his plan of attack.

But before he can move it jump away, pale hands grip onto his legs, stopping his movements. Tsuki gives a dark smirk as her eyes flash with bloodlust.

"Burn," she grins maniacally.

Placing her right hand on his chest, Danzo screams in pain as his body begins to burn from the inside out. Trying to inch back from her touch, Tsuki grabs a hold of his face and glares into his eye. Still screaming, Tsuki listens, not flinching and watches as his body experiences one of the most excruciating torture known to man. Right now, his inner organs are melting to a liquidated state, his flesh burning and blistering. Eventually, all that's left from experiencing the Devil's Touch, Danzo's body is literal bones.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Karin mumbles after watching the scene.

Izanagi, for the briefest moments the user can take disadvantages like wounds or even death and turn them into nothing more than a dream, Madara muses as he watched the scene between the Haruno and Danzo.

Appearing from another spot, Danzo makes hand signs to a jutsu. "Wind Element: Vacuum Bullet," he says before inhaling and blowing a large gust of wind.

Stuck in a moment of surprise, Tsuki gets pushed back by the jutsu that hits her. Repeating the events of earlier, her body crashes against the pillar that Sasuke's currently standing on. As Danzo directs his attack on Sasuke and his Susanoo, the latter slightly stumbles back, clearly too exhausted. Groaning at the pain her back is enduring, she stands back up and pushes the pain away. The duo's body's are finally beginning to feel the toll of this fight and their previous one at the summit. Their chakra running low. Tsuki is only managing due to Cerridwen, but if Sasuke keeps going at the pace he's going at, he'll run out.

...And then take his own attacks or other advantageous objects and make them real. Complete control over the one's personal reality, the ultimate illusion, meant to be used on oneself. Afterwards, the eyes of one who uses Izanagi will be stricken blind, and close tight forever, but he's got a huge stock. There's a limit on how long one can use Izangi. He must've let Orochimaru experiment on him to somehow force the technique to last longer, Madara continues, theorizing Danzo's attacks.

Karin, who's standing a little ways from Tsuki, stares at Danzo as she tries to figure his next plan of attack. She may be useless in the current situation, but at least she'll do everything to obtain as much information as she can to help the duo. She'll use her eyes and sensory skills to obtain the said intel.

From his spot on the bridge, Danzo looks up towards Madara, noticing that he made no moves to join the fight. Nonetheless, he'll keep his guard up and save as much of his chakra in case Madara changes his mind. Because from using Shisui's eye earlier at the summit and fighting the duo, he's only limited to using a said amount of chakra before running out. Looking down at his arm, he sees that he only has seven eyes left.

With his thumb, he wipes blood from the wound on his bicep before running it across his palm. "I'll take a chance on the next minute," he declares, performing the summoning jutsu; a Baku.

Immediately, the Baku roars and inhales the air like a vacuum. Sasuke uses his Susanoo to stay in place as the air currents try to push him towards the summoning. Tsuki, who's on the bridge, slides across the stone as she gets pulled in. Quickly, she summons the black chains and they instantly wrap themselves around her, keeping her grounded.

That summon's a Baku? The mythical Chimera that devours nightmares, it's bigger than I would've expected, Madara concludes, still sitting, not really affected from the vacuum at his distance.

"C-can't lose sight of Danzo," Karin says to herself as struggles against the Baku's attack.

Even Susanoo can't move in this, and the Baku's suction will increase my power, Danzo states to himself as he runs towards a currently vulnerable Sasuke. He then makes a series of hand signs, "Wind Style: Vacuum Blade Rush!"

Just as the blades hit Sasuke's Susanoo, Tsuki is still in her suspended spot creating the similar signs Danzo preformed. Biting her thumb, she finishes the seal, "Summoning Jutsu!"

With Cerridwen's power, a large cloud of smoke appears in the area. As the cloud vanishes with the wind, Tsuki's fuchsia eyes widen at her newly arranged summon. Crouched and ready for attack, black fur along with red intricate designs which resemble flames, tail waving side to side, and finally two skeletal heads growling towards the target while one spits out fire.

A Cerberus? The hound of Hades, a monstrous multi-headed dog that guards the gate of the Underworld. Oh, Tsuki, what great powers do you hold within yourself, Madara smirks from behind his mask.

Before the Haruno girl speaks up, Cerridwen interrupts her. 'He goes by Cerberus, I'll make you sign the contract later, but he already knows who you are. Treat him with respect or he'll kill you,' the Goddess chuckles.

"Right. Cerberus, can you dispose of the threat," Tsuki yells towards the large dog.

"A Baku," one head questions. "That fat elephant isn't going anywhere," the middle head declares. "It's about time we roast that beast," the last head grumbles.

Tsuki smirks. "Then do as you wish," she tells them.

"Hell Style: Hade's Wrath," they announce before spewing hot, black, flames towards the Baku.

As planned, the elephant like beast devoured the flames and instantly cries out in anguish. Stumbling back and shaking its head, the Baku continues to roar in pain. Similar to Tsuki's Devil's Touch, the Baku is experiencing the same pain as Danzo. Feeling its insides burn, the elephant finally endures too much before disappearing in a large cloud. The hell hound is left laughing at the summon's pain.

"That elephant was always a wimp," the middle head chuckles. "They say that Bakus can devour nightmares, yes," the head on the right questions. "That's right, but it did no such thing to us, seeing as we're a nightmare. Ha! He's nothing, but a blubbering idiot," the head on the left laughs.

Tsuki shakes her head at the summoning, finding amusement from their banter. "Alright, Cerberus, thank you for your help! You're dismissed," she announces, waving them off.

The middle head just huffs a cloud of smoke, raising its head in an arrogant manner. "We can go back to mother," the head on the right questions, almost innocently. "Yes, and stop calling Lady Cerridwen 'mother' she's just our master," the head on the left corrects.

That was everything they said before taking their leave, via cloud of smoke.

A fire technique, nice use of the winds' suction, Madara muses.

And with the Baku gone, Sasuke turns around and punches Danzo with the Susanoo. The latter goes flying from the impact and crashes against a pillar. Karin who's hiding behind that very same pillar, peels from her side and watches Danzo's arm.

56, 57, 58, 59, 60, she counts down and watches as another closes. That eye closed after about sixty seconds, and the moment it did, Danzo's chakra took another dip.

With exhaustion in his body, Sasuke falls to his knees, huffing out of breath. His Susanoo returning to its first stage of just bones. Tsuki turns on her heel and spots Danzo lying on the floor, starting to get back up. The Haruno spots the Uzumaki standing a few several feet away from him, watching his every movement.

If nothing else, those eyes indicate how much longer he can keep up that weird technique. Just six left, about 360 seconds. He can only keep that technique activated for another six minutes! But he might have more eyes hidden somewhere else, Karin confirms, making a theory. Her lips make a thin line, frowning, as she narrows her red eyes. It's definitely consistent, Danzo attacks connect, Sasuke's and Tsuki's don't. He's gotta be trying to kill them while the techniques active. That way of they trade blows, Danzo comes out on top. 

Sighing, Karin comes out from her spot and looks between the duo. "Sasuke! Tsuki! I figured something about his technique! Listen up,' she screams.

"So when all twelve of those eyes on your arm close, your technique will end," Sasuke questions, breathing heavily.

Danzo's eye widens, " know about Izanagi?"

"I do now," Sasuke exclaims, jumping off the pillar. Tsuki gives a smug smirk.

"That old trick. You're a precocious little brat," Danzo growls.

"Y-you moron! Why are you attacking?! You need to run away! Fight him from a long distance," Karin shrieks.

Tsuki scoffs. "Karin, for someone who's been observing this whole fight, you're pretty stupid! The only way to fight him is up close and fast," she informs before taking a run towards Danzo.

Unfortunately, Sasuke was the one who reached him first, using his Susanoo to punch him against the pillar. Appearing in front of Sasuke, Tsuki quickly acts and directs a kick towards Danzo. Stumbling away, he jumps to create a distance, but that doesn't stop the Kunoichi. Making rapid hand signs, she gives a dangerous smirk.

"Lunar Style: Force of Gravity," she announces.

Thrusting her hands out and pushing forward, a strong, pressurized, wind current escapes her. To Danzo, it seemed as a large force pushed him back and against another pillar. Twisting her arms and semi squatting, Tsuki adds more pressure (Like Kame Hame Ha). Gritting her teeth, she adds all her strength and pushes forward. Danzo, who currently pinned against the pillar, feels as if his bones are getting crushed. Between the stone and the gravitational force, Danzo is getting sandwiched. Eventually, with all the pressure from both sides, Danzo's bones puncture his organs and kills him instantly.

Much to her distaste, Danzo reappears and she drops her jutsu. Huffing with the exhaustion of her chakra drainage, she ignores everything and continues pushing forward.

"I'm not giving up, not now! Not when I'm so close to killing you! I will defeat you," Tsuki screams with a crazed look in her eyes, her revenge getting the best of her.





With the completion of these hand signs, Tsuki slams her palms against the ground. Smirking, she feels Cerridwen's power run through her body and out her hands. Not a second too soon, the bridge begins rumble as it shakes. The bridge starts to break making everyone's eyes widen with surprise.

Large, small, all sizes of ruble rise from the ground and into the air. Separating into three locations, the ruble starts to form into humanoid figures.

"Dark Arts: Satan's Soldiers," Tsuki gives a dark grin, presenting the solders behind her.

Three soldiers, made out rock and ruble while engulfed in flames, stand behind the young Kunoichi. Glaring with murderous intent towards Danzo, she points at him.

"Kill him," she demands towards the soldiers.

Instantly, they run with great speed towards the elder, each throwing a series of attacks. While they're fighting, Tsuki bends down and rests her hands on her knees, breathing heavily as her head feels light. Four new jutsus in a very short amount of time is definitely taking a toll on her. Especially, with previous events at the summit; healing Sasuke, getting hit with a Raikage's punch, using multiple wind jutsus, and now this, it's a wonder that she's still standing.

Looking up, she sees that two Soldiers are back to being a pile of rocks, probably defeated by Danzo. But the man isn't so clean himself, he has many burns to his body. Finally, she watches as the last soldier releases a large wall of flames towards Danzo. She spots Sasuke jump away as Karin is left shrieking, running from the fire. Fortunately, for the Uzumaki, the flames disappear as soon as it engulfs Danzo.

With his task done, the Soldier kneels with respect before falling back to a pile of rocks. Tsuki gives a laugh of relief, shaking her head. But again, to her GREAT dismay, Danzo reappears like nothing just happened. Clenching her jaw, Tsuki goes to stand up and continue the fight, but instead she falls to her knees. Gasping, weakness takes control of her body as Cerridwen's power disappears.

"W-what," she stutters as her hands tremble.

'Your body isn't trained enough to handle my power yet. Once this is done, I'm going to train you," Cerridwen informed her.

From her spot, Tsuki watches as the Uchiha releases shuriken from the seal on his forearm. The shuriken soon violently in the air before attacking the elder. Dodging them with ease, Danzo retrieves a kunai of his own before getting in an offensive position. Doing the same with his Katana, he encases it with Chidori.

Then, the two run towards each other, weapons in hands.

It wasn't long before time seemed to stop. Karin cries out for Sasuke as she watches the scene in front of her. Madara stays silent as ever, just watching as the events present themselves. Tsuki's eyes widen, not expecting that before narrowing her fuchsia eyes, frowning at the sight.

It seemed that both Sasuke and Danzo pierced each other with their weapons. Danzo's kunai stabbing Sasuke's torso as the katana stabbed through the elder's body. The only problem, is Danzo's body an illusion?

So this is the extent of Sasuke's power, Madara comments.

Idiot, always rushing in and never thinking, Tsuki shakes her head.

"You were too early, one eye is still open. Go and join Itachi and listen to him lecture you.," Danzo states with smugness.

Are you so sure about that, besides Itachi isn't dead, Tsuki smirks.

What's going on!? ..It feels like, Karin wonders before her eyes widen with realization.

Danzo's eye also widens, surprised and shocked at the same time. "W-what's happening!? Gah," he says, coughing up blood. Why isn't Izanagi working!!?

Danzo, it's just as you said. Its no match against Itachi's Tsukuyomi, which can control time, Madara muses.

In that moment, Danzo realizes that the last eye was an illusion as the Genjutsu wears off, showing a closed eye. "You bastard," he seethes towards Sasuke.

"You're the one who's going to join Itachi," Sasuke corrects.

I really need to tell him, Tsuki nods at herself.

Danzo then steps back before he falls to the ground, on his knees. Sasuke clutches his torso, trying to stop the bleeding.

It's a weak Genjutsu that doesn't last long, but the truck is knowing when to use it. So the last Sharingan must have closed when Tsuki last attacked him, before they stabbed each other. Sasuke is of the Uchiha clan and a ninja with the Mangekyo Sharingan, while Tsuki is from a civilian family, exceptional chakra control and the power of a Goddess.  From an observer's perspective, they're better than you. Sasuke cast a Genjutsu on you before you noticed and made it look like the last eye was still open. You can't tell how long the Izanagi is going to last yourself, so you were constantly checking the eyes on your arm and Sasuke didn't let that escape his notice. He knew he had to cast a Genjutsu on you, even if it was long enough to make you think there was still time left on Izanagi. Sasuke's not the sort to fail to take advantage of that, Madara concludes, summarizing the whole fight.

"Ugh," Danzo groans in pain.

"Because to us manage to get your hands on some Sharingans, you underestimated a Sharingan user in a fight. You also underestimated the power of a Goddess you know nothing about. And that was your downfall," Madara professed towards Danzo.

"This is a battle of eyes. Don't mess with the Uchiha," Sasuke glares down at the man below him.

"And especially, don't mess with something you don't know," Tsuki declared, standing up. Walking towards Sasuke and Danzo. Reaching them, she bends down and grips Danzo's chin, forcing him to look at her. "But most of all, don't spew lies of a man you know nothing of," she states, defending Itachi.

Even though he couldn't use Shisui's eye. You did good defeating Danzo, Sasuke, Tsuki. I should be able to use Shisui's eye soon, then I'll be able to control her powers, Madara muses as he thinks of Cerridwen.

"Sasuke! Hurry up and bite" Karin shouts, making Tsuki release Danzo and step back.

Just in time to avoid Karin running into her. From besides them, the Haruno watches as Sasuke bites her forearm, Karin throwing her head back in pain and in pleasure. Tsuki steps back, uncomfortable with scene before her.

"I made the right choice in bringing her along. She's been helpful. After all, she's one of Sasuke's chosen," Madara comments.

Reaching into her weapon's pouch, Tsuki takes out a soldier pill which gives her chakra and newfound energy. Feeling the given chakra wash through her, she gives a sigh of relief. These pills could give you chakra, strength, and speed, but these aren't recommended on a daily basis because they come with their risks as well. Too much physical energy takes a mental toll and even though they give you energy, they leave you very exhausted when the effects wear off.

I can't believe... They beat me! But I can't die yet, Danzo exclaims to himself, panicking.

In that exact moment, a new tree sprouts from his shoulder as he's not able to maintain the First Hokage's cells. Ripping himself away from the tree, he steps back.

Looks like he's too close to death to fully control his chakras. It can't be easy to control Hashirama's powers, Madara observes.

Danzo then lifts his left arm to rip the bandages from his face. As the bandages come off, Danzo reveals yet another Sharingan. More specifically, Shisui's Sharingan.

"He's not going to give up," Tsuki mutters, loud enough for the other two to hear her.

"I'm not done yet, the battle of the eyes is just beginning," Danzo declares, glaring at Sasuke.

His right eye is working again, eh? I see, so he was just using Izanagi until Shisui's eye was working again, Madara states, watching the scene before him.

Without thinking, Sasuke runs at Danzo with a Chidori ignited in his hand. Unfortunately, or the Uchiha, Danzo side steps and flashes behind the two girls. Quickly sensing the presence behind her, Tsuki tries to step away, but it's too late.

Danzo takes a hold of both girls, his arms around their necks. Stuck in a choke hold, Tsuki tries to free herself only to have Danzo tighten his hold on her, stopping her actions.

Why am I always being choked, Tsuki frowns at herself.

Sasuke turns around after his momentary shock, and glares murderously at Danzo.

"You've used your eyes too much," Danzo tells the Uchiha.

"Sasuke," Karin pleads.

Tsuki says nothing, she just continues to silently struggle while hating herself for getting stuck in this situation.

Now, what will you do Sasuke, Madara asks, watching from his spot.

"I can't believe you'd take a hostage after your talk of self sacrifice," Sasuke comments.

"Hostage? I hate that word," Tsuki mutters to herself.

"It's not my own life in worried about. This is for Konoha, the ninja world, I can't die now. I'll do anything to survive. I am the only one who can change the world," Danzo explains.

"That's bullshit! Change the world? Ha, th- ack," Tsuki exclaims, only to shut up as the grip on her neck tightens.

"These girls will be sacrificed for that," Danzo continues.

"Sasuke help," Karin cries out, coughing as her hold tightens as well.

Karin, Tsuki... don't move," Sasuke informs them before smirking.

Tsuki's and Karin's eyes widen as Sasuke shoots a Chidori Stream at them.

Well, that was Chapter 30!!! Whoo, 5,482 words! Even though I was ignoring my summer homework, I was too excited to ignore THIS chapter!

So what do you think!?

"Lunar Technique: Force of Gravity", credit goes to @Potato_Paterer. I named it, but They have me the idea of her using gravity. Thanks, a bunch!

"Dark Arts: Veil of Shadows", credit goes to @_Naomi_chan. I named it, but they have me the idea of her traveling through shadows, which is useful! Thank you!

Her summoning animal being "Cerberus", the credit goes to aptdnw. It's not going to be a half-moon power, but it's ALWAYS going to be her summoning. Thanks, I love Tsuki having it.

Devil's Touch, and Satan's Soldiers are ones I made.

Did I make Tsuki too over-powered, I felt like I did. What's your opinion?

How did you like the Cliffhanger? What happened!?

Anyways, don't forget to





ADIOS, My youthful readers!

?¿ What's your fashion/ dressing style like?¿

Mine, is like a Gothic and Alternative combination. So, all black, but comfortable clothing.

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