Chapter 31: Long Gone

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Again, sorry! I had writer's block and I spent almost two months binge watching Netflix and reading fanfictions in hopes that I got an idea. But now I'm back in my A-game! I'll be updating like I used to, so wait no longer 'cause I'm back!

I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace

Team 7 Gif

Chapter 31: Long Gone

Tsuki watches with baited breath and wide eyes as the Chidori pierces through Karin's body into Danzo. Gasping, she regains her composure and takes that moment to push away from the duo. Stumbling to the side, Tsuki turns her head and stares at Sasuke with shock before looking appalled.

How can he just do that without a blink of an eye, Tsuki questions as she continues to look at him. To throw away someone who helped him?

Karin gasps from her spot, her red eyes widening in pain, but most of all, betrayal. "Sa-suke," she stutters as her eyes fill with tears.

"Ugh," Danzo groans as blood spills from the corner of his lips.

From his spot, Madara watches the scene before him in amusement. "That's it," he chuckles darkly, approving of Sasuke's methods of discarding people who deem useless to him.

Sasuke shows a malicious grin across his lips, his mind crazed with revenge. "Nii-san, that's one down," he states, looking at Danzo.

Tsuki stands on the side watching with conflicted emotions. She also wanted Danzo to die a painful death for everything he did to her and Itachi; but to betray Karin's trust and throw away her life was not the way she wanted to do it. She's happy, ecstatic even, that Danzo's finally going to die, but she's angry at Sasuke for using Karin as a decoy. There's also the possibility that she's jealous of Sasuke for delivering the final blow.

Danzo, you didn't have the chance to use Izanagi, Madara muses from his spot.

Sasuke, is this all I am to you, Karin questions, letting her tears fall. "I-I..."

"Karin, you're nothing, but a burden to me if you can be taken hostage," Sasuke tells her with no emotion whatsoever, showing no remorse.

"Gah," Danzo gasps before throwing Karin's body to the side. With that done, he turns and makes a run for it.

Tsuki, who has an inkling of sympathy towards the Uzamaki, rushes up to her before she can fall to the ground. With care, Tsuki softly lays Karin on the floor, ignoring Sasuke's passing body. Tsuki, who's feeling exhausted after draining her chakra on all the new techniques of her second seal, feels guilty on not being able to help Karin. She stays in her spot, listening to the Uzamaki's soft cries and sniffles.

The Haruno sighs. "You love him, don't you," she asks the crying kunoichi.

Instead of a clear answer, Tsuki gets answered with a loud sob. Frowning, she shakes her head.

"You know, I also loved him, but that was before I realized that Sasuke didn't really care about me. He was blind on revenge, and that's the only thing he cares about. I was a fool to believe he loved me, but I guess he was only using me to get closer to Itachi. But not only that, Sasuke was also so easily manipulated by Madara to believe I was only using him. I guess we were both fools," Tsuki confesses with a solemn look. Letting a cold laugh out, she shakes her head. "Sasuke, a fool blinded on revenge, and me, a fool blinded by love. Now, that's a funny joke. I was too blinded to see the truth that was in front me, because all I really wanted was for someone to care about me. I really am sorry for what Sasuke did to you, Karin, I never meant for you to get hurt," Tsuki tells her softly, before getting up.

Following after Sasuke, Tsuki treads behind him as the former follows after a wounded Danzo. Seeing past the Uchiha, she could see Danzo waddle side to side as his body's too damaged to walk properly.

Unfortunately, for Danzo, he doesn't get too far as Madara suddenly appears in front of him. "Shisui's eye is mine now!" He exclaims, wanting the power behind the eye.

Halting, Danzo thinks back to his younger days, with his comrades, when Tobirama appointed Hiruzen the next Hokage. When he felt inferior to his friend because Hiruzen was always one step ahead.

"For the world of ninjas, for Konoha...I can not let you live," Danzo exclaims, opening his shirt and revealing his bare chest.

Unfortunately, it wasn't bare, it showed a seal.

This is a Reverse Four Symbol Seal, Madara stares with shock. "Sasuke! Get away from Danzo," Madrara shouted just as the seal started producing a black ink substance, exploding everywhere.

Gee thanks! Now I know how much you care for me, Tsuki inwardly comments as she rolls her eyes.

As Sasuke and Madara jump away to distance themselves, Tsuki appears next to Karin and moves her to a safe distance.

Hiruzen, it looks like it's my turn next...but I never did become Hokage, Danzo says as the substance becomes a large sphere, destroying the bridge. No matter how far I went, I can never catch up with you. You are the leaves bathing in the sun, while I am the roots that grow in the dark.


Somewhere not that far away, is Sakura, Kiba, Lee, and Sai running through the forest floor as they initiate their, well Sakura's, plan.

"Sakura-san," Lee calls out.

"What," the Haruno questions, still running forwards.

"Don't you think you ought to tell Naruto-kun the truth," Lee asks her.

There's a pause of silence before the Kunoichi answers. "There's no way I could tell him...I just cant," she confesses.

"Sakura, you underestimate Naruto," Kiba scoffs out the obvious.

She says nothing, but before she can, Kiba gets alerted.

"I found Sasuke, also Tsuki. That guy Tobi is with them, too," Kiba exclaims.

"Everyone stop!" Sakura shouts so suddenly which makes the other three halt in their steps. Sai looks at her questionably.

"Why are we stopping!? We've already agreed to our formation," Kiba yells towards Sakura.

Upon this, Sakura's arm twitches slightly so it won't bring suspicion. "Kiba, exactly how far away is Sasuke?"

"They're straight North, 2 o'clock. About 1km ahead of us," Kiba answers nonchalantly, not noticing the change to her behavior.

Guys, I'm sorry, Sakura states internally as she raises her arm, ready to throw a smoke bomb to knock them out.

Unfortunately, for her, and luckily for everyone else, Sai grabbed her wrist to stop her from throwing it down. "I knew it. So you were going to put us to sleep with this," Sai announces, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Sai," Sakura gasps, startled.

"What," Kiba exclaims with both shock and anger. Akamaru barking in agreement.

"What's going on," Lee questions, confused about the whole situation.

Sakura looks down with guilt, leaving Sai to explain the situation. "Looks like Sakura wanted to take care of Sasuke and her sister alone," the pale boy informs them.

"Alone, but why," Kiba questions.

"Yeah! You promised we'd do it together," Lee exclaims, looking at the Kunoichi.

As Sakura struggles to come up with an answer, Sai speaks up first. "No, I won't let anyone pass." He tells them with a determined look.

"Why not?!" The Haruno exclaims with anger.

"I knew this guy was shady," Kiba comments to himself, narrowing his eyes towards Sai.

"There's no way we can beat Sasuke, Tsuki, ...or Tobi. I promised Kakashi-sensei that I wouldn't let you go," Sai explains to them.

"Sai, I'm only going to say this once. Get out of my way," Sakura glares, threatening him as she tightens the gloves on her hands.


Elsewhere in the forest, two other Leaf ninja are running.

Suddenly, Sai's clone turns to Kakashi. "We have to hurry! There might be a little trouble," he says, referring to his original situation.

"Right," Kakashi answers.

And with that, the duo speed up their pace and quickly run through the forest.


Back at the bridge, the ones who are still conscious, stare down at Danzo's dead body. Staring down at the crater, Tsuki smirks, satisfied that he's finally dead.

"That jutsu would've sucked you into his corpse to die with him. He must have had it set to go off when he died," Madara comments before sighing in relief. "That was close."

"Next, we head for Konoha," Sasuke tells him.

Tsuki scoffs in amusement. "Konoha? Haha, there's barely anything there," she laughs, shaking her head.

She gets answered by a glare from Sasuke and a chuckle from Madara. Stepping forward, Madara jumps down towards the middle of the crater and closer to Danzo.

"I'm going to take his eye. Sasuke, you just go back to the base and rest. You too, Tsuki, I don't want you running around and giving information," Madara tells them, receiving an eye roll from the Haruno. "You've overused your powers. You won't be able to bluff it much longer. The light has almost gone out in your eyes, what do you think you can do if you to Konoha alone?"

Sasuke stays silent.

"He'll probably be captured, or something like that," Tsuki comments with a nonchalant wave of her hand.

"Exactly. You have to have patience if you want to achieve your goal," Madara informs, agreeing with the Kunoichi.

Tsuki raises her brow, confused, He...agreed..with me?


"No, I can't let you go," Sai keeps his stand, not wavering a single inch. "Ninja Art: Super Beasts Imitation," he announces as he draws multiple snakes.

"You think you can stop is with your snakes," Lee exclaims, narrowing his eyes at the pale boy.

"I get what Kakashi-sensei's saying, but we can't keep letting Sasuke get away! I'm going to settle things once and for all," Kiba shouts only to have Akamaru whine in protest. "W-what is it Akamaru? Don't be scared!"

"Looks like your dog is smarter than you," Sai comments.

"SHUT UP," Kiba barks with anger, running towards Sai.

"Let's go, Lee," Sakura says as she also runs forward, but lags behind.

"Here I come," Lee announces, running with a raised fist.

"Piercing Fang will take care of these," Kiba comments once the ink snakes start to wrap around him.

"Hiya," Lee cries out, throwing a punch.

Suddenly Sai's attention goes to the floor, his eyes widening. Oh crap, he internally states, seeing the smoke bombs.

Once they explode, the effects are instantaneously. The trio of boys, along with Akamaru, get knocked out into a drugged induced sleep.

I'm sorry guys, Sakura says, hiding behind a distant tree.

She ditched Lee and Kiba, Sai thinks as his eyelids fall heavily.

With that, Sakura turns around and heads towards the directed area.


In another location of the forest, Sai's clone turns to Kakashi as his form starts to blur with ink.

"She got us! We'd better hurry," the clone states.

But before they can run any further, the clone explodes in a splatter of ink, spilling on the grass like an empty canvas.

Kakashi sighs. "Not bad, Sakura," he comments, quickening his pace and running through the trees.


Back at the bridge, Madara takes Danzo's body just for the gain of Shisui's eye before swirling the body into his dimension. Once he's finished, Sasuke jumps down, next to the older Uchiha.

"Sasuke, I have one piece of advice for you. If you don't have any further use for that girl, then kill her. She knows too much about us," Madara tells him.

"Us? When did we become allies," Sasuke scoffs.

"Heh, fine. Until we meet again," The older Uchiha clarifies before swirling to who knows where.

"Then there were three," Tsuki mutters to herself. Sighing, she watches as Sasuke jumps back next to her before walking towards Karin. Wait, he's actually going to kill her!?

At the moment as Sasuke walks closer, Karin opens her eyes and thinks back to the Chunin exams. Back at the Forest of Death, the place where she first met Sasuke. She was alone and a large bear was going to attack her, but that's when a young Sasuke saved her. The first time she saw him, along with a genuine smile on his face.

"See ya," Sasuke says, looking down at her, ready to kill her.

I just wanted to see that face once more, Karin states internally, referencing the smile from back then.

Suddenly, Sasuke ignited a Chidori on his left hand, ready to deliver the finishing blow. Tsuki's eyes widened and she stepped forward so she could stop him, but before she could do anything, a scream stopped him.

"Sasuke," Sakura screamed.

Tsuki steps back with shock, her fuchsia eyes widening once more. What's she doing here, Tsuki questions, looking at her twin sister.

"Sakura," Sasuke glares to the other side of the bridge, towards the Leaf Kunoichi.

"What are you doing here," Tsuki questions, narrowing her eyes.

He's like a different person, is this really Sasuke, Sakura observes with her narrowed green eyes.

"What do you want with me," Sasuke questions.

Who is she, Karin asks internally, looking at Sakura.

"Sasuke-kun, I will follow you! I'll leave Konoha," Sakura exclaims, looking only towards the said Uchiha.

Tsuki raises her eyebrows at the outburst before she bites her lip to stop her laughter. Her body shakes as she raises her hand to her mouth, trying to muffle the laughs that spill from her lips. Unfortunately, they spill and she's left there, faking coughs, trying to hide her laughs.

"Oh, haha, that's good," Tsuki laughs, wiping tears from her eyes. "I-i'll give you credit for actually saying a funny joke! I didn't think you had it in you!"

Sakura glares at her sister before jumping to the other side of the bridge. "Shut up! I'm not talking to you and it's not a joke! I meant what I said," she shouts at her.

"M-my bad," Tsuki raises her hands in mock surrender, still laughing.

Sasuke ignores the older Haruno sister, looking at Sakura. "Why would you want to join me? What are you trying to pull," he questions her.

"I have no ulterior motive. Ever since you left the village, I've regretted not going with you," Sakura confesses.

Cue barf, Tsuki scrunches up her nose. Still the lovesick fool! No matter, you could have him, dear sister.

She's an old friend. She must love him too, but...she looks like Tsuki. Sisters maybe, Karin observes from the ground.

Sasuke stays silent.

"I'll do whatever you want. I don't want to have anymore regrets," Sakura pleads.

"Do you know what I want to do," Sasuke asks her, deepening his glare.

"I don't care! I'll follow any order you give me," Sakura cries out.

Stupid, Tsuki facepalms. You have no idea what he wants! Why am I surrounded by idiots!?

"To crush the Leaf! That's what I want," Sasuke announces.

Tsuki heavily sighs, her shoulders slumping as she facepalms again. I give up! This world is filled with idiots. Didn't I just tell him that there's barely anything left of the Leaf?

Sakura's eyes widen.

"Are you really willing to betray the Leaf for me," Sasuke asks her.

"...Yes. If that's what you want me to do," Sakura strongly states with confidence.

"Hmph! Then prove it. Kill her, and I'll accept your offer," Sasuke tells the younger Haruno.

"What! Are you really going to make her kill someone," Tsuki exclaims. She may not show it, but she actually cares about Sakura's well being. Tsuki doesn't want her to kill someone and have their blood on her hands.

"Shut up! You don't get to say anything," Sasuke snaps at her.

"'I don't get to say anything'? Who are you? You're not my father, and you sure as hell ain't my boyfriend! She's my sister and I get to say whatever the hell I want that pertains to her safety," Tsuki angrily shouts, seeing nothing, but red.

Before Sasuke can say or do anything, Sakura interrupts. "Who is she," the younger twin asks, looking towards Karin.

Sasuke throws a smug smirk towards Tsuki, who's silently fuming.

"A member of my organization, Taka. As you can see, she's useless to me now. Actually, you're a medical ninja, aren't you, Sakura? This works out perfectly, you can take her place," Sasuke informs.

Tsuki, who's standing not that far from Sasuke, grits her teeth and clenches her fists until her nails are digging into the palms of her hands, drawing blood. You bastard, she silently seethes towards him.

How heartless. He really isn't the old Sasuke-kun anymore. He's completely changed, Sakura notices as she walks closer to Karin, drawing a Kunai from her holster.

"Well? Can't you handle this, Sakura," Sasuke mocks her.

She doesn't matter, Sakura tells herself, as if trying to make the task any easier. If I...if I...If I can stab Sasuke-kun right now, this will all end.

"Sasuke-kun, don't do it," Karin wheezes.

In that moment, Sasuke ignites his Chidori once again, but this time he directs it towards Sakura's back. Just as he's about to reach her, Tsuki quickly pushes Sakura out of the way and takes a hold of Sasuke's wrist. Holding his wrist, she glares murderously at him with all the hatred in the world as she squeezes his wrist.

"I didn't kill your sibling, so why the hell are you trying to kill mine?!! If you touch one strand of her soft, pink hair, I'll murder you," she says as her voice combines with Cerridwen's, creating a deathly tone.

In that moment, Kakashi arrives on the scene, pushing Sakura further back. "You've fallen so low, Sasuke," the sensei states. He meant to kill her.

Seeing as Tsuki's still holding his wrist in a death-grip, Sasuke turns his body and directs a kick at her. Seeing what he's doing, Tsuki quickly conjures up the little chakra she has and instantly pushes him away with her palm. With the added chakra, Sasuke gets sent a fair distance away.

"Ha, they just keep on coming," Sasuke scoffs.

By now, Tsuki's standing next to Kakashi as they both stand in front of Sakura, protecting her. Noticing this, Kakashi places his hand on her shoulder. At the foreign touch, Tsuki flinches before her body stiffens; it takes a few seconds before she calms down.

"You were trying to kill Sasuke and Tsuki on your own, weren't you Sakura," Kakashi asks, scolding his student.

What?! She was trying to kill me? It makes sense though, I am a rouge ninja and a part of Akatsuki, Tsuki asks incredulously. She sighs heavily before taking a sideways glance at her old sensei. "Of course she was, but as always, it didn't go as planned," she laughs out.

"I was not," Sakura snaps, glaring at Tsuki before pouting.

The older Haruno scoffs. "Yes, you were! Besides, between you and I, I would clearly win," she states arrogantly, crossing her arms. "But seriously, Saku-chan, you didn't need to come alone. Sasuke's too dangerous now, I still have common sense, but he's too blinded on revenge to think clearly."

Sakura looks down in guilt.

"There's no reason for you to shoulder this burden all by yourself," Kakashi informs her. "Sakura, it was irresponsible of me to say what I did just to make you feel better."

'Don't worry! Everything will go back to the way it was soon', Sakura thinks back to his words, when Sasuke and Naruto fought on the hospital roof.

"Maybe I was just trying to convince myself. I apologize, I've been a terrible sensei to you all," Kakashi confesses.

Both Tsuki and Sakura look down, taking in his words. "No, you..." Sakura starts, before drifting off.

"...You weren't a bad sensei," Tsuki says, catching his and Sakura's attention. The older twin frowns, not being able to look them in the eye. "I-I was a bad student. I didn't confide in you, none of you, I shut myself out, and I let people get to me. Sakura, I-I'm sorry for hurting you, I know I never show it, but I love you! You're my little sister, and no matter how much I say 'i hate you', I can never, truly, hate you! You mean everything to me, and one day I hope you can forgive me for all the pain I've brought you! Kakashi, you're the best sensei anyone could have! Yeah, you have some flaws, but everyone has flaws, nobody's perfect. But what really matters is that you care about us, all of us!"

By the end of her speech, Tsuki's eyes had tears, but she didn't let them fall. Finally, the heavy weight on her shoulders has been lifted off, releasing her and finally letting her breathe. But of course, not everything can disappear after an apology. She'll still have to face her consequences. She still has to be forgiven.

But most of all, just because she apologized to Sakura, didn't mean she'll apologize to the Leaf. Konoha is the one place that gave her the most pain, especially the people who live in the village.

Her parents.

Yes, her sister caused her pain as well, but sometimes you can never get rid of that sibling bond. Through thick and thin, no matter how far or close, love or hate, Tsuki can never let go of Sakura.

They're sisters.

But most importantly, they're twins.

"Sasuke, I hate to repeat myself, but I'll say this one last time," Kakashi speaks up, gaining the attention of all his students. "Stop your obsession with revenge!"

Suddenly, which surprises the trio, Sasuke bursts out laughing. Not a joking kind of laughter, no, this laughter is crazy, psychotic even.

"Bring back Itachi," Sasuke retorts, causing Tsuki to cough out with irony.

Damn, I was not expecting that, she pales as sweat trickles down her brow.

"...and my mother. And my father. And my clan! Bring them all back, then I'll stop," Sasuke shouts with evident anger which causes them to step back.

"I don't want to kill you," Kakashi informs the Uchiha.

"Oh, you think you can just take me out whenever you want, huh?! Don't act like you're still my teacher, that time's over! I want to kill you so badly, I can taste it," Sasuke laughs out.

Madara's corrupted him so much, Kakashi thinks as he observes his student.

He's long gone! He's not the Sasuke that any of us remember, Tsuki thinks solemnly. She may despise him, but to watch someone you once cared for destroy themselves​, is quite saddening.

"Take that girl and get her stabilized to the point she can talk. There's still time. She should know a lot of information on our enemy," Kakashi informs the younger Haruno.

"And you, sensei?"

"Sakura, take that girl and get out of here," Kakashi warns.

Kakashi sensei, Sakura thinks solemnly, her lip trembling.

"I see this through with the same determination and resolve as you. That's my job, after all. Now get going, Sakura," Kakashi tells her with his signature closed eye smile.

After watching Sakura leave to a safe distance, Tsuki quirks an eyebrow. "You know, I'm still here, right? And I have information. Lots and lots of interesting information. Information that can help you!"

Kakashi sighs at her repeating sentences. "Fine, go with Sakura while she stabilizes her. Tell us everything you know," he gives in, shaking his head at her.

Tsuki grins, which hurts her cheeks from not using the muscles for so long. "Thanks, sensei," she says, following after Sakura.


Not that far away in the forest, Naruto is in his Sage mode as he jumps through the trees. After sneaking out from Yamato's watch at the inn, Naruto's using his keen sensory skills to follow after Kakashi.

To follow him, in order find his two missing teammates.


"No matter how far he fell, the Third always looked upon Orochimaru with affection. I think I understand now what he went through those years ago," Kakashi informs as he discards his cloak, also raising his headband to show off his Sharingan.

"Well then, you and the Third will have plenty to talk about when you join him," Sasuke shouts, cracking his knuckles.


Jumping to the other side of the bridge and walking towards the end, Tsuki finally regroups with her younger twin. Now, that she's away from the cold eyes of the Uchiha or the wise ones from her sensei, Tsuki feels nervous, lost even.

I mean, if Tsuki changed from a protective team member to a cold-blooded killer, how much did Sakura change? Tsuki only saw snippets over time, she saw Sakura grow from physically weak to strong. She saw how responsible she became, how protective she is of her comrades, how caring.

No matter what they do to change, they always tend to be the opposites.

Walking closer, she spots Sakura kneeled best to Karin as she heals her. Tsuki smiles fondly at the sight, but that smile drops once she hears her sister sniffle.

She's crying, why, Tsuki questions.

"Y-you're," Karin goes to say.

"Don't talk yet! I'm almost done," Sakura says, cutting her off.

Tsuki walks closer and kneels on the other side of Karin. "Rest for now, Karin. You've already helped enough and you didn't deserve what Sasuke did to you," she says, moving the red hair out of her face.

T-thank you, Tsuki, Karin tells towards the Akatsuki member before looking at Sakura. You're the enemy, I don't wanna know what you think or what you feel. So please, please don't look sad. Please don't cry.

Tsuki watches as the tears fall from Sakura's eyes onto Karin's shirt. "Sakura, please...Please, stop crying. It's not your fault, so stop feeling bad about yourself. Sasuke chose this path, and maybe If I told him the truth about him, maybe he could stop."

But before Sakura could question what her sister said, Karin speaks up.

"His chakra's colder than ever. Sasuke's not the person you use to know," the Uzamaki coughs out.

Suddenly, the trio of girls feel an immense surge of power below them. Her eyes narrowing, Tsuki stands up and rushes to the side of the bridge to look below. Upon the sight she's seeing, she gasps before her lips form a thin line.

Below them, Tsuki watches as Sasuke's Susanoo comes to life with a raging fury. Well, that's until it suddenly dies down to nothing. The older Haruno watches with narrowed eyes as Sasuke clutches his own eyes.

He's straining his Sharingan. His vision is probably being effected by now, I need to release the pressure on his eyes before he goes blind, Tsuki tells herself as she bites her lip.

To caught up in Sasuke's situation, Tsuki gets startled when Sakura steps up next to her.

"Where are you gonna go," Karin asks towards the younger Haruno as she sits up.

Out of no where, Sakura punches Tsuki in the stomach with a chakra infused fist. Tsuki, who was caught off guard, gasps in pain before falling to her knees.

Damn, she's got a killer punch, Tsuki groans while writhing in pain.

With that done, Sakura jumps, walking down the side of the bridge with chakra, a plan in her head. Reaching the spot above Sasuke and Kakashi, she takes out a Kunai that's laced with a poison Tsunade taught her.

Kakashi, who's facing the bridge, spots the movement above and finds Sakura. His eyes widen, Sakura, what are you doing here?! Stop!

I won't let you carry the burden, Kakashi-sensei, the Kunoichi thinks with determination as she readies herself. I can't falter!

But as she jumps down, a sudden rush of memories flash through her mind. Back at the academy, when they were all in a team together, when Sasuke left the village, not telling Naruto about her plan. They all have one thing in common, it's how she felt towards Sasuke. The love she felt for him all these years, and even when it's painful, she didn't stop loving him.

I...I t-thought I could do this, Sakura tells herself as she stands behind Sasuke, kunai inches away from piercing his back.

Then, instantly, Sasuke quickly turns around and grabs Sakura and raises her up by the neck, choking her.

"Sakura," Kakashi yells with panic.

Getting up from the floor, Tsuki curses at herself before she jumps down, racing towards her sister. Kakashi also races towards the younger Haruno, but stumbles due to the exhaustion of using his Mangekyo Sharingan.

Landing in the water, Tsuki runs forward and watches as Sasuke takes the kunai out of Sakura's hand. In her exhausted state, she forces herself to run faster. With baited breath, she watches as Sasuke points the kunai towards a vulnerable Sakura.

"Sasuke, don't do it," Kakashi yells, also running as fast as he could in his state.

But before it could touch Sakura, Naruto surprises everyone and rescues her.

Still angry at the Uchiha, Tsuki tackles him and punches his face. "I told you to never touch her, you piece of trash," she screams, raising her fist to punch him again.

Unfortunately, for her, and luckily for Sasuke, Kakashi took a hold of Tsuki before she do anymore damage. With her in his arms, Kakashi jumps back towards Naruto and Sakura.

"You've got even better timing than me, Naruto. I never expected you to come, but I sure as hell am glad that you did," Kakashi says towards the blonde Uzamaki before releasing a silent fuming, Tsuki.

"As am I, Naruto," Tsuki tells him through gritted teeth, glaring towards the Uchiha. "Sakura, next time you do something stupid like that, I'll kill you," she warns her sister.

"Tsuki," Naruto gasps. "W-what...what ar-"

"Calm down, Naruto. As nice as it is to see you too, we've got more important things to handle," she smirks.

"Right," he says, turning towards Sasuke. He narrows his eyes at his friend, brother like figure, and rival all together. "Sasuke, Sakura-chan is a part of Team 7 just like us," he tells him.

"In case you forgot, I'm ex- Team 7," Sasuke replies coolly.

"So am I, but that doesn't mean I'm trying to kill every team member I see," Tsuki seethes.

Sasuke glares at her. "You're nothing, but a liar and a traitor," he spits towards her.

That presses her buttons. "And you're nothing, but a revenge seeking, fool," she bites back with equal venom.

Before that can say anything else, Kakashi cuts in. "Is that proof enough, Naruto? Sasuke's not the same person anymore."

"Sasuke," Naruto calls out, ignoring Kakashi's words.


"Tobi told us the truth about Itachi! I don't know if I believe him or not, but either way, everything you've done..." he starts, drifting towards the end.

The 'truth' about Itachi, Sakura questions.

If only Itachi was here...Wait! I could bring him here, right? But that sounds easier said than done. Plus, what if his sudden appearance causes problems? I need to talk to him first, check if he's ready to make an appearance...yeah, that sounds right because not many people take surprises well, Tsuki thinks to herself while rubbing her chin.

"..I understand why you did it," Naruto exclaims, bringing Tsuki back from her thoughts.

This shocks the other two, but Sasuke narrows his eyes at the Uzumaki. "Naruto, I told you this once before, you never had parents or siblings. You never had anyone! So shut up, you outsider," Sasuke yells at him.

Tsuki clenched her hands into fists. Now, she never made a special bond with Naruto like the other Genin, but to hit him where it hurts and tell him that he had nobody, that's crossing a line. Sasuke's crossing too many lines today. Killing off teammates who he finds useless. Trying to kill her sister. Trying to kill their sensei. Trying to kill her sister, again! And, telling Naruto that he has no one.

It seems that Tsuki isn't the only feeling this way, as Sakura cuts in. "Naruto's had faith in yo, Sasuke-kun! No matter how badly the world slandered you, he still considered you a friend! He still does," Sakura shouts, trying to figuratively slap him with realization.

Sasuke scoffs, not really affected. "Just now, moments before, I finally got revenge on one of Itachi's betrayers. One of the Leaf's top brass, his name was Danzo," he informs.

Wha, he killed Danzo, Kakashi thinks as his eyes widens.

"Psh! Don't brag, you didn't do it alone. I helped too, remember," Tsuki says, trying to knock out his ego.

"You did what," Sakura screeches, turning to her sister.

"What," Tsuki states nonchalantly. "It was him who started this whole mess. I was perfectly fine in the Leaf until he opened his mouth, telling people that I was an unstable monster who wanted nothing better than to kill everyone in the village. I thought I didn't care, but that was until my own comrades started turning against me. What a stab in the back, that was," Tsuki scoffs, not resenting Danzo's murder.

This causes her former teammates to look away with guilt, knowing what she said is true. They did stab her in the back and they didn't care to help her.

"It was a high unlike anything I've ever felt," Sasuke starts again. "Like I was finally cleansing the Uchiha name of the stigma that's dogged it all these years! Like I was freeing the Uchiha from being associated with this corrupt shinobi world! In a sense, it's what the Leaf always wanted. After rejecting my clan for generations, in finally going to wipe it from your memories by killing every last one of you!  Until the Leaf is crushed forever! Any link to the Uchiha will be severed and our name will be purified! That is how I will revive my clan," Sasuke preaches while raising his arms, too crazed on the idea of revenge.

"Sasuke," Sakura whispers with equal shock and worry.

Itachi, your brother's really done it. He's gone crazy, Tsuki stares with wide eyes.


Also, sorry if this chapter sucks, but I promise to make the next one interesting.

So, how did you like it? Did you EVEN like it?

The apology?

Tsuki protecting Sakura?

Should Tsuki bring Itachi back, and when?

Is Sasuke going crazy with revenge?

What information should Tsuki tell them?

Anyways, don't forget to





ADIOS, My Amigos!

?¿ How do you like your hair (weird question I know, but it's all I had, lol)?¿

Me, well, I got a new haircut. It's a pixie cut, basically I have boy hair. If you read my 'In Naruto? That's A Joke, Right?!' book, my hair is like Ursa's.

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