Chapter 32: My Secrets To You

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Communication by The Cardigans

Chapter 32: My Secrets To You

Third POV
Still standing full of shock, Tsuki stares with wide eyes at the Uchiha, completely flabbergasted. Sakura stands next to her sister in the same state, but she's still concerned for the boy she loves.

Standing in front of them in a protective manner, Kakashi glances back at his students. A history full of hatred? Naruto and Sakura don't fully understand how much Sasuke was a victim of that era, but they'll learn from experience soon enough. Tsuki is the only one who somewhat understands.

Suddenly, the tense silence is broken as Naruto creates his signature hand signs. But as soon as a clone poofs out from thin air, Kakashi blocks Naruto's path with his arm.

"This is my job," the sensei declares. "Sakura, get out of here!"

Stunned, the Kunoichi turns to her superior. "But Kakashi-sensei-"

"I don't want you two to see this! Tsuki, go with them since you're low on chakra. Get out of here, now," Kakashi orders his trio of students.

"I-" Naruto goes to speak, but gets cut off.

"The kind of poison kunai you've learned from Shizune, it won't kill Sasuke. Orochimaru would have made sure he was immune to it. And besides you've seen that you can't handle this" Kakashi informs.

Their argument comes to an end as Sasuke ignores another Chidori in his hand. Upon seeing this, Tsuki clenches her jaw, glares at him, and stands protectively in front of Sakura. As she does this, the older Haruno takes this chance to really see him; to see what he's become.



A true avenger.

He wants justice. Revenge as the others say it. He's angry at everyone. Angry, that they have a 'better' life. Angry at the world. Angry at the unfairness that he's received in his life.

He's just angry.

"Kakashi-sensei are you...are you going to kill Sasuke," Naruto exclaims, not liking the possibility.

I have to tell him, Tsuki thinks as she drops her tense posture, biting her lip. "Bu-"

"Leave," Kakashi cuts her off, ordering them.

"But I ha-"

"Not now Tsuki! All of you, leave," Kakashi scolds.

Fortunately, Naruto has other plans, seeing as one of his clones holds onto Kakashi, stopping his movements. The original Naruto, already having a Rasengan in his hand, runs towards Sasuke.

"Naruto," Sakura cries out.

Sasuke also runs forward, a Chidori in his hand. "You've left him vulnerable, I won't hesitate now," he informs crazily.

"Naruto wait," Kakashi exclaims with wide eyes.

It's funny Sasuke, you and I could've easily been in each other's shoes right now, Naruto thinks as they get closer. Blue azure eyes glaring into his black obsidian eyes.

A moment of calm, just staring into each other's eyes until their jutsus collide.

"Rasengan/Chidori," they yell in synch.


Pure white surrounds them as they stand in front of each other. Looking up, Naruto's eyes meet Sasuke and they shine with recognition.

"You know why everyone hated me as a kid, because I have the Nine Tails inside of me. I hated all of them too, I wanted to get revenge on them. One misstep and I could have been thinking the same horrible things as you," he states out loud, placing a hand on his stomach, right above the seal. Looking up, he smiles solemnly. "I thought I'd never have a real bond with anyone. Not until I met people like you, Tsuki, and Iruka-sensei," Naruto laughs out.

Sasuke says nothing, he just watches as Naruto continues to explain his life story.

"I knew you were always alone, the both of you. Tsuki had a family, but she was always lonely. It felt better knowing that there was someone like me, I wanted to hang out with you. It just made me happy," Naruto chuckles, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "But I couldn't, I was jealous of how skilled the both of you were. So I turned you into a rival, Tsuki...she was too distant and didn't care for challenges, she had her own problems. But I wanted to be like you guys. I started with nothing, but I finally made a connection. We went on missions as Team 7, and I kept chasing you, wanting to be just as strong, just as cool," he confesses.

"I'm really glad I met you," Naruto exclaims, showing his signature grin.

After a pause of silence, Sasuke reluctantly speaks up. "Naruto, it's too late. Nothing you say can change me! Tsuki couldn't change me, what makes you think that you can!? I'm going to kill you and every person in your beloved village!"

Narrowing his eyes at the Uzumaki, he continues. "It's time to make your choice! Kill me and become a hero, or die at my hand and be another one of my victims," Sasuke shouts, giving Naruto an ultimatum.

The blonde frowns before looking at Sasuke with determination. "I'm not going be your victim or go down in history as the man who killed you! Neither!"


The jutsus collide and create an explosion, making the water below them splash in a fury. The violent waves make the other trio stumble as Naruto's clone let's go of Kakashi. Flying back from the impact, the original Naruto comes barreling towards Kakashi.

Luckily for the sensei, he uses Naruto's clone as a boost and jumps up, catching the original.

That leaves Sasuke flying towards the mountain side, but luckily for him, and unfortunate to the others by his appearance, a white Zetsu clone appears. "Gotcha," the clone tells to the Uchiha.

"You. When did you-"

"I've been watching your back for quite a while now. Tobi ordered me to stick around and keep my presence hidden from you," he informs Sasuke as he places him down. Then as he looks up, he locks eyes with the older Haruno, who pales at his sudden appearance. "We're in trouble no matter how you slice it."

Sasuke pants from the lack of chakra before frowning.

Better call him, I don't think we could get away alone, Zetsu says to himself.

"I told you to get out of here Naruto," Kakashi scolds the knucklehead.

"Now I'm certain," the Uzumaki glares at the Akatsuki duo.

Speaking of Akatsuki, Tsuki inches behind Kakashi as she tries to hide from Zetsu's gaze. But unfortunately for her, he already saw her.


In one of the many Akatsuki hideouts, Madara stands alone in the darkness, unmasked.

"I need to be ready for war, Thai is a good chance to take out the Rinnegan," he says to himself, attaching a new Zetsu arm in replacement of his old one.

Suddenly, another Zetsu clone appears next to his feet, surprising him. "Sasuke's in trouble, what should I do? Also, Tsuki's siding with them," he asks Madara.


Back at the bridge, Kakashi turns his attention to Naruto. "Certain of what? What the hell are you talking about," he asks his student.

Naruto stays silent.

"I'm guessing that Naruto's referencing to Sasuke's intentions," Tsuki speaks up, still hiding behind Kakashi.

Sakura, looking worried, switches her emerald gaze between Naruto and Sasuke trying to find an answer to their sudden hostility. But before she, or anyone else, can say something, a familiar swirl appears next to Sasuke.

At this, Tsuki wishes she could simply disappear. Standing powerless from the lack of chakra, her only defence against Madara is Kakashi, who she's using as some sort of a shield.

Damn it! Zetsu just had to call him, didn't he, she curses. Clenching her fists, she continues to curse the heavens. With him here, I could risk Itachi's existence, but I still have to tell Sasuke. What to do?

"I thought I told you to come back and rest," Madara says to Sasuke. He then looks to the people across him, finding the rogue Kunoichi behind Kakashi. "And I thought I told you not to betray us again."

Tsuki's former team members look at her as she cowers under Madara's words. They could see all the different emotions swimming in her eyes.



But most importantly,


A sudden coldness washes over Tsuki as she remembers all the times she 'betrayed' them. Shaking, she remembers all the consequences she's had to endure. All the pain from before comes rushing back like a phantom wave, smacking straight into her body.

Immediately, she turns away as she tries to hide the traitor tears that spill from her eyes. Tsuki, who's sick of feeling so vulnerable and weak, turns her head with confidence and glares at him with undying hatred.

"No! I'm done hiding from you! I'm not going to run away and I'm certainly not going to let you control me anymore. You call me a traitor, fine, I'll be a traitor. Akatsuki does not define me," Tsuki exclaims, angry tears running down her face. Raising her hands, Tsuki slips off the ring she received when she first arrived to the Akatsuki, before throwing it towards him.

"I'm done taking orders from you. I'm setting myself free and there's nothing you can do to stop me," she laughs, not bitterly, but a genuine laugh. The kind that she hasn't done for the longest of time. The one filled with relief and happiness, like a sudden weight lifted off her body, letting her breathe after suffocating for years.

She's finally free.

Her former teammates stare at her with shock, Tsuki.

Naruto smiles fondly at her. Kakashi looks down at his former student with approval. Sakura looks at her older sister with shock before smiling kindly at her.

Madara glares at Tsuki. "So, you finally choose your side. You're running back to the village that didn't want you in the first place?  Back to the village who pushed you away? To the people who hates you, who wanted to kill you? Is that it," he questions her.

Tsuki smirks at him. "No. I'm not going back to the Leaf, at least not yet. That would be stupid. I still have things to do," she answers, shocking the Konoha Nins.

"WHAT," Naruto and Sakura exclaim.

Tsuki chuckles at their antics before looking back at Madara. "I would be a fool to go back to the Leaf, they'd arrest me on sight. Besides, I have other things on my mind, information to give, plus there's a war about to happen, I need to train," she informs, her smirk widening.

Madara's eyes narrow from behind his mask. "Hn," he grunts before switching his gaze. "The Nine Tails. When we do fight them, it'll be in a more suitable place. For now, we retreat," he states towards Zetsu and Sasuke.

Suddenly, a whole plethora of Zetsus appear from under the water. "Let me handle this! We've got to capture the Nine Tails some time, right," the original Zetsu says.

First Madara, now Zetsu?! I can't handle them all alone, what do I do, Kakashi asks himself, slightly panicking.

"No Zetsu, I don't think you can be able to capture Naruto. You're not a front-line fighter, the Nine Tails is too much. We'll leave the hunt to Sasuke, it should be interesting," Madara informs his partner. "Plus, I'm worried about Kisame, go check up on him. And rejoin with your blacker half on the way. We need all the help we can get since we're low on members," he adds, the last sentence directed towards Tsuki.

"Aye, aye sir," Zetsu answers immediately.

Suddenly, Naruto steps forward as he walks towards Sasuke.

"Naruto," Kakashi calls out, warning him.

"I know, but first there's something I need to say to Sasuke," he professes.

"Come on, Sasuke," Madara states, helping the younger Uchiha to stand up.

"Wait," Sasuke stops him as he spots the Uzumaki walking towards them.

Naruto stops at a fair distance, "Sasuke, do you remember what you told me back in the Valley of the End? About top class ninjas?"

Sasuke coldly states at him as he remembers his words. It's said that when two top class ninjas battle, they can instantly read each other's mind the moment their fists meet. We have no need for words. You're weak, Naruto. So tell me...

"Did you see what was in my heart? How I really feel," Naruto asks, cutting in. Walking forward, he continues. "One clash later, I understand a lot more. We've become top class ninjas, Sasuke. Both of us. So tell me, did you see what was in my heart? How I feel? Did you see what'll happen if we fight again," he asks again, wanting Sasuke's genuine answer, as he sadly looks at him.

Sasuke, and everyone else stays silent, wanting to know where this is going.

"We're both gonna die," Naruto answers ominously, shocking everyone.

Still Sasuke says nothing.

Glaring, Naruto exclaims. "Our battle Will be inevitable if you really attack the Leaf! So keep your hatred, let it fester, and hit me with it full force! I'm the only one who can bear the full brunt of your hate! It's my job, no one else's! I'll bear the burden of your hatred and we'll die together! "

Sasuke exhales, gritting his teeth. "What... What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why do you care about me so much," he shouts angrily.

Naruto stares at him for a silent pause. "Because I'm your friend," he softly smiles. "Sasuke, we'll never be able to fully understand each other with words alone. I knew that from the moment I met you. The only way we can communicate properly is with our fists! Remember what I said, we're both top class ninjas now!" He exclaims, directing a bro-fist at him.

Maybe if we can understand each other, I can change all that hate like Iruka-sensei did to me, Naruto thinks, looking at Sasuke. "I haven't given up yet! Still, in some wanting at you. Heck, I can barely string a sentence together, I shouldn't lecturing anyone! Hehehe, if we really take this to the end, and we both die. We wouldn't be Uchiha, Jinchuurikis, or anything. They'll be no burdens to bear. We'll come to understand one another in the next world!"

Tsuki looks at her former teammate, a sinking feeling settling in her stomach. Here's she's standing free of her burden, but Naruto's standing there with a burden of his own, its crushing weight on his shoulders. A person like Naruto, who has a golden heart, shouldn't be enduring a pain like this.

She's been ignorant to other people's problems, only worrying about herself. She's been too self absorbed in her own world, not caring what happens to the people around her.

Here, she helped Sasuke get his revenge, but she's been forgetting about Naruto's dream. His goals. His problems.

Has she really been playing this one sided?

He's the one person here who deserves the most happiness, she thinks, a weight of guilt settling in her stomach.

Naruto, you're...Sakura doesn't finish her thought as tears begin to brim her eyes.

"I will never change! I don't want us to understand one another! And I'm not going to are," Sasuke shouts, glaring at the Uzumaki.

Tsuki glares at him, what did I ever see in him to make me like him?! Jerk!

"Enough Naruto, I'll handle Sasuke. You still have a dream, a dream of becoming Hokage. Sasuke may have fallen, Tsuki, she saved herself, but don't let him drag you down with him," Kakashi informs.

"How could I call myself Hokage if I can't even save one friend," Naruto solemnly asks himself.


Naruto cuts Tsuki off, as he looks up at Sasuke again. "The only person Sasuke's fighting, is me," he declares.

Closing his eyes before opening them again, Sasuke stares at Naruto without emotion. "Have it your way. I'll kill you first."

Naruto chuckles. "Heh, you still haven't accepted me as an equal!"

Naruto's here because he's made up his mind. His resolve now is nothing compared to mine! Even Tsuki has a better resolve, she managed to break free from Akatsuki and she's still standing strong. I'm supposed to be a ninja, but all I've ever done is lean on him and cry! I was supposed to change that, I came here, I thought I was ready! But I can't do anything, I can't say anything, all that's left for me is, to believe in them, Sakura tells herself as she looks between Naruto, Tsuki and Sasuke.

"Okay...Sasuke's all yours, Naruto," Kakakshi informs. However, his gaze switches towards Madara. "Sakura, Tsuki, take care of my body!"

Body, Tsuki quirks a brow, confused.

But she gets answered when Kakashi suddenly takes a run towards Madara. Shaking her head, she frowns, idiot.

"Kakashi, don't bother, techniques like that have no effect on me," Madara speaks up, raising his hand with a nonchalant wave. "Let's go, Sasuke."

Now this time Tsuki's eyes widen. "Wait," she calls out to them, bringing all the attention back to her. She bites her lip, oh god, help me. "Have you forgotten what I've said? I have information. Important information."

This is really happening, Tsuki panics. Someone help me!

Intrigued, Madara looks at her. "What kind of information?"


In a flowery field, a gentle breeze blows by making the Goddess' black curls dance behind her. Suddenly, she smirks.

"That's our cue," she says to the Uchiha besides her.

He smirks. "It seems so," he says, opening his eyes.


Back at the bridge, Tsuki inhales a shaky breath as she feels all eyes on her.

Biting her lip, Tsuki gains the confidence to look straight at him. "This information is the kind that will effect everyone, but mostly you two," she informs, looking between Madara and Sasuke.

The younger Uchiha glares at her. "And why should we believe anything you say?! If you didn't know, you're classified as a liar," Sasuke seethes.

Tsuki glares. "For fuck's sake, I'm not a liar! Madara twisted my words and told you lies. The only reason you believe him is because I couldn't talk, Pein had recently slit my throat, Naruto was there, he saw it. And the information I have is that.....t-that..t-"

"What is it," Madara urges.

Tsuki gasps, breathing heavily, trying to find the needed air for her lungs. "It's...i-it's that...t-that-"

"Spit it out already," Sasuke hisses.

Tsuki closes her eyes, squeezing them shut. "Itachi's alive! Y-You never killed him! I-I healed him before he could fully die," she exclaims before hesitantly peeking her eyes open.

Everyone's stunned to a shocked silence, either with a pale face or gaping like a fish out of water. Regaining his posture, Sasuke's shocked look turns to murderous glare. If looks could kill, Tsuki would die a painful death.

"You liar! I killed him! And like him,  going to kill you," he shouts at her before running towards her.

Visibly paling, Tsuki stumbles back at Sasuke's speed. Too busy to notice, a single cherry blossom petal falls to the water.

Suddenly, a swirl, almost similar to Madara's, appears out of no where. Quickly, two figures step out and already sense the incoming danger.

With his usual quick movements, Itachi takes Sasuke's wrist and kicks him away from Tsuki.

Using his agility, Sasuke flips before standing upright. Looking up, his eyes widen and he stumbles back, almost tripping from his own two feet.

"Sasuke, don't kill Tsuki. After all, she's the one who healed me," Itachi states with narrowed eyes, standing next to the said Haruno.

"Besides, she did it for you," Cerridwen tells Sasuke, standing on Tsuki's other side.

By now everyone's gaping at them, stunned by the sight of both Cerridwen and Itachi.

Whoo! That was Chapter 32! It was a short 3,429 words, but eh, it was more of a fuller kind of chapter.



Did you like Sasuke's reaction? I mean EVERYONE'S reaction to seeing Itachi?

Oh, that swirl thing that Cerridwen did, it's rare, but she could still do it. It's like when a summoning animal summons itself, like that.

Well, don't forget to





JA NE, My Amigos!

?¿ Hmm. What's your favorite Naruto Doujutsu (eye power)?¿

Mine, is either the Sharingan or the Rinnegan. Idk, that's like me choosing Itachi or Pein, I love them both!

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