Chapter 33: Ghosts of Yesterday

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This is a somewhat filler chapter to tie up the events.

Itachi Gif

Grudges by Paramore

Chapter 33: Ghosts of Yesterday


Cerridwen, who was in front of Tsuki, stands in a protective manner with an arm stretched out. The goddess glares towards the youngest Uchiha since he tried to attack her host. Her black full eyes making her seem a lot more menacing than she already is.

Itachi, he stands a bit behind Tsuki with his arms crossed over his chest, scarlet eyes gleaming as he wears a blank face. But if you look closely, you could see the slight frown on his lips as he stares at his brother. He would be upset seeing as his brother tried to attacked the person who saved him.

Tsuki stands between them, startled, not really expecting Sasuke to come rushing towards her with full malice. I mean, she did see it as a possibility, but never though much about it. She just wanted to tell him the truth. To tell him that he actually still had a family left. She wanted to ease grief that was heavy in his heart, but all he saw were lies.

Team Seven stares at the trio with shock, surprise, awe, and slight fear. To see a goddess right in front of them is a quite overwhelming, her raw power suffocating them. But when their eyes switch towards the Uchiha, they're filled with shock, not expecting to see him alive and breathing. Then, there's their former comrade Tsuki, to find that she healed an S-Rank criminal basically bringing him back to life is astonishing. They can't believe it.

Then there's Madara, who's silently seething, never expecting the Haruno to use the goddess' powers to heal Itachi. Not only did he lose Tsuki as a member, but Itachi being alive is a big flaw in his plans. Especially, with the upcoming war. Two big assets that could bring his goal to shambles. An outcome he never expected.

But lastly, there's Sasuke. The young Uchiha stares with complete disbelieve, not really comprehending the idea that his brother is standing right in front of him, alive. But to know that Tsuki, his ex-girlfriend, a known traitor and 'liar', saved Itachi just for him. She did it for him, so he could have a family. He doesn't understand, not after the way he treated her, like trash. Though, she did, and now Itachi's alive and well.

"B-but how," Sasuke mutters, just loud enough for everyone to hear.

Tsuki snaps her head in his direction, giving a small smile. "I used Cerridwen's power to heal him. It was just after your fight with him. You were already unconscious and he was dying, so I left a blood clone, similar to the one when Kakashi killed me, and I left to place where I could heal him," she explains, trying to not give much details.

"Why," he speaks up. "Why did you heal him?!"

"Because I knew that deep, down inside, you didn't want him dead. You wanted revenge, yes, but I knew you still cared about Itachi. But most importantly, I wanted Itachi to have a life where he could actually be happy. I wanted to prove that he was innocent," Tsuki informs.

Sasuke glares at her, "why do you care so much?"

She blushes, not really expecting that question. She stands there, gaping like a fish, trying to say something, but no words come out. She's speechless which makes her blush even more.

"I-I.. I-"

"So she cares, so what? Stop complaining like a little brat and be thankful. I swear, you Uchihas are so arrogant and prideful that you can't identify a good human act when you see one. She gave you your brother back and what do you do? You attack her and ask questions. Unbelievable," Cerridwen rants, rolling her eyes.

"Cerridwen, c-calm down," Tsuki tries to reassure.

The goddess looks at her host like she's crazy. "Calm down?! Don't te-"

"Sasuke, you got your revenge. And I assume you already know the truth about what happened to our clan, correct? So, why are you questioning Tsuki's actions to heal me? Do you really want me gone," Itachi speaks up, looking solely at Sasuke.

The said Uchiha looks at Itachi with shock. Why am I questioning it? I should be happy, right, Sasuke thinks to himself. Just as he does that, he remembers the truth behind the events of the Uchiha massacre. It wasn't his brother's fault. It was Danzo's, along with Konoha.

Sasuke's eyes harden. "Its not you, that I want gone, Nii-san. It's Konoha, they're to blame for what happened that night. After rejecting our clan for generations, I'm finally going to wipe it from their memories by killing every last one of them! Until the Leaf is crushed forever! Any link to the Uchiha will be severed and our name will be purified! That is how I will revive our clan," he informs, being crazed with the idea of revenge, once again.

Itachi's eyes widen, realizing just how corrupt Sasuke's become. His brows furrow as he glares towards Madara. He's been manipulating Sasuke. Madara's using Sasuke's need for revenge to take down his obstacles. From what Tsuki told us, and by the looks of it, they already got Danzo. Now the only thing in his way is Konoha, along with the other Shinobi villages.

"Sasuke, our clan was going to perform a coup de' tat. Father was going to initiate a war against Konoha, innocent lives were going to die. The Third Hokage got me to spy against our clan, along with Shisui. We were going to settle things, but we needed more time. It was Danzo who pressed towards a massacre. He thought it was the only way to save Konoha and the elders agreed. You already got your revenge, don't bring Konoha into this," Itachi explained.

"But you killed Shisui, that's how you got your Mangekyo Sharingan ," Sasuke reminded, making Itachi wince at the memory of his friend's death.

"No, it was Danzo fault. Shisui and I were already suspecting Danzo, but before anything can happen, Danzo sent an Anbu squadron to attack Shisui. He managed to escape, but Danzo ambushed him, taking his eye. After that, Shisui met up with me and told me everything before committing suicide. That's how I got the Mangekyo," Itachi explained with a solemn look on his face.

Tsuki could feel her heart wrench, to see his friend die in front of him, that's awful. Something that no one can forget.

Suddenly, Madara walks up next Sasuke. "If we're done here, we have more important things to do. Plus, Sasuke needs his rest of he wants to destroy Konoha," he informs impatiently.

Itachi steps forward, "Sasuke, don't do this," he begs.

Sasuke turns away, looking over his shoulder at his brother. "Sorry, Nii-san, but I have to do what's right for our clan. The only way by doing that is to destroy the Leaf Village."

Itachi frowns, narrowing his eyes with worry. "Madara's manipulating you with lies. This isn't about revenge anymore, you're letting him use you," Itachi calls out, trying to stop him.

This time Sasuke glares. "Even if he is, I'll allow it. I'm doing what's right while you're doing nothing. You didn't care for clan, you sided with Konoha and killed them! You're a traitor like the trash standing next to you," he accuses.

Tsuki pushes past a shocked Itachi and storms up to Sasuke. Quickly drawing back her fist, she punches Sasuke across the face making him stumble back in pain.

"You can call me whatever you like, but don't call Itachi a traitor. He's just trying to help you, he's your brother and he cares for you. But you're too blind to see that," she rants, defending the older Uchiha.

Sasuke straightens his posture before glaring down at the Haruno. Wanting to retaliate, Madara steps in and holds him back.

"Dont, we're outnumbered. Plus, she's not important right now, we have other things to do," Madara states.

But before anyone else could say or do anything, Madara swirls them out of there, Zetsu included. The others just stare at the empty space where they once stood.

Tsuki turns back to Itachi, a sad smile on her face. "Sorry, I should have warned you about Sasuke. He's been different since you've been gone," she apologizes.

Itachi smiles. "No, it's alright. I should have expected it. I mean, I did push him towards revenge. I just thought it wouldn't get so bad," he states.

She gives him a closed eye smile, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll get him back," she tells him, opening her eyes and looking into his returned onyx eyes.

"Thank you," he smiles, staring into her fuchsia eyes.

A clearing of a throat interrupts them. "Sorry, to interrupt this lover's moment, but we have other things to deal with," Cerridewn comments with a smirk before walking away.

Tsuki flushes red, "we're not lovers," she exclaims, breaking eye contact to follow a laughing goddess.

A tinge of pink decorates the Uchiha's cheeks as he closes his eyes. "Hn," he scoffs.


Once the trio walks up to the members of team seven, Tsuki sighs.

"So, you're going to report the events that happened here, right," the older Haruno asks towards Kakashi.

"Yes. Tsuki, since you've abandoned the Akatsuki and won't return to the village, what are you going to do," Kakashi asks, looking at his former student.

He notices that she's so much different than when she lived in Konoha. Looking at her closely for the first time, he finds that she's taller. He notices the bags underneath her eyes die to that lack of sleep. She also has stress lines, not as prominent, but still there. But her eyes, he could see that she's exhausted, both physically and mentally. Of course she was, she was stuck between Akatsuki and helping her village, it was a war inside herself. She's matured way too fast for her age. She shouldn't have been worried about dying at every turn.

Tsuki smirks. "It's true that I won't return to the village, at least not yet, but that doesn't mean that I won't help. Konoha's my home, even if I despise most of the people who live there. And for what I'm going to do, well, there's an upcoming war, I need to train," she explains.

"But Tsuki, you could do that at the village," Naruto exclaims.

Tsuki shakes her head, "Naruto, I know I could do that, but remember, I'm still a criminal. If I step foot in Konoha, they'll arrest me on sight." She then reveals a grin, raising her fists in determination. "Plus, this training isn't your everyday training. Like how you have the Nine Tails, I have Cerridwen, and I need to master her power!"

"That's right," Cerridwen slaps her back making Tsuki wince. "It's going to be the hardest, and most painful training you've ever experienced!"

"Great," Tsuki groans.

"And if you don't mind me asking, Itachi, what are you going to do," Kakashi asks, looking towards the Uchiha prodigy.

"The same as Tsuki. I won't return to the village yet, for obvious reasons, but I will help. I also need to regain my strength and train," Itachi informs the Hatake.

"Alright. And what happened to Danzo's body," Kakashi asks, looking at the Haruno.

"Hmm, Madara took it with him. He wanted Shisui's eye, which Danzo had implanted to himself, but I don't think he got it because Danzo used a seal before he died," she explains, her eyes narrowing in thought.

"Alright, that's all I need to know. Now, we have pressing matters back at the village, so we need to go," Kakashi states, wanting to leave.

Then out of no where, Naruto walks forward and hugs Tsuki. "I knew you were always good. I know you don't trust people that easily, but Tsuki you can trust me. You're my friend and I see you as my sister, so be careful," he says, letting her go and giving her his signature grin.

Tsuki, who's been foreign with kindness directed towards, starts to tear up. Everyone who's standing around her becomes shocked at the sight of tears.

Tsuki smiles through her tears. "N-Naruto, you're the best brother anyone can ask for," she cries before grabbing him into a squeezing hug. "I-I trust you."

Sakura, who watching the scene, feels a bucket of guilt wash over her. This is how siblings are suppose to act, with kindness. Yet I'm here, her sister, who caused her so much pain. So, thank you, Naruto, for giving her something to smile about, she thinks with a sad smile. But even when she's smiling, Sakura can't help the feeling of jealousy.

"Okay, cut the crying fest, we need to go as well," Cerridwen interrupts the two Genin before smirking. "Plus, your lover's getting jealous."

Tsuki pushes Naruto away to glare at the Goddess, blushing a furious shade red. "Itachi's not my lover," she exclaims, making the said Uchiha blush.

Cerridwen laughs. "At least not yet," she answers with a sly smirk, wiggling her eyebrows.

Kakashi chuckles.

"Ahh, shut up! Let's just leave already," she exclaims angrily, pointing a finger at the goddess, still blushing.

"Fine, fine. Come on, lover boy," Cerridwen calls over, opening a swirl to her dimension.

"Hn, don't call me that," Itachi states, giving a halfhearted glare.

"Whatever," the pale woman says with a nonchalant wave.

And with that, Team Seven watches as trio leaves in a swirl, leaving them behind.

"Wait! Tsuki and Itachi are together," Naruto questions, confused.

Sakura facepalms.

Kakashi chuckles at his oblivious student.


Well, that was Chapter 33! 2,438 words, short I know. It was more of a filler just to tie up the loose ends. I'll update soon so I can start her training.

Anyways, what do you think?

Sasuke calling Itachi a traitor, not cool?

Tsuki defending Itachi?

Cerridwen calling them lovers, 😏😏😏?

Naruto and Tsuki's brotp moment?

Sakura's jealousy?

Also, don't forget to,





JA NE, My awesome readers!

?¿ If you had one million dollars, how would you spend it?¿

Me, I would spend some money on my family, like buy them houses and stuff they want, then keep the rest for myself. (I would also spoil my friends).

Just a picture of Tsuki's different facial expressions. (The hair-do and outfit are for the next chapters).

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