Chapter 3: Old Faces, New Enemies!

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Here's a picture of Deidara sitting on Gaara like he's some couch. Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter.


Chapter 3: Old Faces, New Enemies!

Tsuki POV
It's been hours since our completion of capturing Gaara, the one tailed beast. The bright rising sun is barely peaking at the horizon as it shoots the land with its rays of light. We were still in the desert since it takes longer to travel across sand. Behind us is are dummy trails, Sasori planted them so they fool whoever chases us, but that's the thing, it didn't fool them.

So now we're standing in front of Kankuro as the confused cat tries to take back his brother. Watching, I cross my hands over my chest as I see him reach for the giant scroll which is strapped to his back. Glaring at the make up wearing teen, I could see in my peripheral vision that Sasori slips his metal tail out of his cloak. He apparently knows that Kankuro is going to attack soon.

Ripping off the summoning scroll off, he unravels it as he makes a single hand sign. Clouds of white smoke engulf us just as Kankuro summons his puppets.

He has no chance.

I smirk at the boy's stupidity, thinking that a few puppets will defeat us, especially the master of all puppets.

"Let the puppet show begin," the over confident boy states.

"Great. Another person who uses those things," Deidara mutters under his breath, "I forgot that the Kazekage has older siblings and one is a puppet user. What's your name...Kampachi or something like that," the blonde asks sarcastically.

"It's Kankuro, you idiotic bimbo," I inform, insulting Deidara.

Kankuro then looks towards my direction, confused on how an Akatsuki member knows his name. Sighing at his dense knowledge, I lift my left arm and slide my sleeves down, showing him the scars that Gaara caused me. Recognition flashes through his features, allowing him to remember who I am.

"Tsuki? Your the girl who left the leaf village" he says.

I pull my sleeves down, not wanting to look at the series of scars that align my pale skin. "So what? If I am that girl, I'm here. now."

Looking back to Deidara as he stands on his clay made bird, I suddenly hear rattling coming towards us. Turning back, I see the animated ninja weapon fly towards Deidara and I, but my eyes widen in surprise when Sasori intercepts with his own controlled tail. The weapons clash against each other, metal and wood cling before Sasori throws the puppet to the side, rendering it useless. I watch as Kankuro looks at Sasori in surprise knowing that his attack did nothing.

"Your opponent is me. Both of you could leave, this is my fight," Sasori says to us.

Agreeing with his choices, I jump on the clay made bird along with my blonde teammate. Then once again the teen puppeteer launches an attack on us.

"No! You're not going anywhere," Kankuro exclaims at us as he steers a puppet in our direction.

But history repeats itself as Sasori uses his tail to block his attack, "I said that I'm your opponent."

Taking that as our sign to go, Deidara maneuvers his 'art' to leave the area.

The trip is quiet as we travel above the sand covered desert. Finally to my relief the hot and grainy atmosphere comes to an end as we reach a nice shaded area in the forest. Getting off the bird, I sit on a fallen tree as a substitute for a chair.

"Tsuki," Deidara says as he jumps down the bird, walking towards me, "how did you know both the Kazekage and his sibling" he asks.

I sigh, "Deidara you forget that I use to be in the leaf village. Anyways, we only met for the chunin exams, but in that time I was stupid enough to fall for the jinchuriki. So like in every girls life, the person I had feelings for almost killed me, there happy ending, you know my life" I explain simply not wanting to go into details.

"Not really. So why did you leave your village" the curious blond asks.

"Reasons, only for me to know and you to never find out" I say not satisfying his curiosity.

"Oh come on! Tell me!" he exclaims like his stupid self.


"Agh! You're beginning to talk like that stupid Uchiha you always hang out with," he screams, irritated by my lack of talking.

I blush slightly at his accusation, "h-how do y-you know about that?! Huh? Answer me," I exclaim.

"Really? With you always leaving the base and coming back til past midnight, people's bound to ask questions" he says, informing me.

I bit my lip, trying to stop the growing blush and look down, "okay, but how do you know it's an Uchiha I'm hanging out with," I ask the feminine man.

"That's easy. I followed you," he answers proudly, boasting about his succession.

He smiles a large grin with his eyes closed, making him oblivious to my burning anger. Releasing my anger, I punch the teen so hard that he goes flying. Crashing through a pile of trees and listening to his painful cries, I smile in satisfaction.

"That's what you get for being a stalker, you idiotic bimbo," I yell just enough so he could hear.



Ever since that one sided fight, Deidara's been quiet making sure not to ask anymore questions that might anger me. The sun is still shining, but I could feel my eyelids droop as they get heavy. So sending chakra up to my brain, they immediately snap back open. I refuse to sleep ever since that nightmare about my death. It was so vivid and haunting, and every time I did sleep the dream will come crawling back into my mind, scarring me. No one knows about my insomniac problem or my nightmares, that's one addition to always being antisocial. But if they do ask to why I'm tired, I obviously lie, saying that I woke up too early or I fell asleep at a late hour.

A twig snapping draws my attention, makes me alert, but I drop my guard at the sight. Watching as Sasori emerges from behind the tree I get up and stretch my aching bones.

It doesn't take long to reach our base which is under a rock. Making the hand signs, I open the entrance, well the boulder rises up creating a space for us to enter. I walk in after the puppet and the terrorist bomber, making the piece of earth fall behind me.

"You're late," welcomes the leader's cold voice as it booms throughout the rock walls.

"A-ah yes, w-well the jinchuriki host proved to be a lot stronger," stutters Deidara, obviously scared of Leader-sama.

"Now, it'll take three days and three nights to extract the beast. So prepare yourselves," informs the holographic form of our leader.

"It might take longer since we don't have Orochimaru with us this time," says Kisame who's also in a holographic form.

"That's why we should start as soon as we can," Leader-sama states.

Wasting no time, he creates a sequence of hand signs before he slams his palms onto the pavement below him. Not a second later a large humanoid creature appears through the floor along with two open hands. I jump to my rightful place, which use to be Orochimaru's, along with everyone else and make the mandatory hand sign to preform the extracting process. As everyone creates the hand signs, leader mutters the jutsu. A few seconds later seven chakra dragons spit out from the statue's mouth, engulfing Gaara, who was lying unconscious on the floor.

This is going to take such a long time.

Sakura POV
It's late morning when we were called to Lady Tsunade's office. Team Kakashi was going on their first mission after a long time. I can't really call it team Kakashi since both Sasuke and Tsuki are missing. Sasuke-kun left to train with Orochimaru three years ago as he defected from the village, but Tsuki, I don't know where she is. No one does. After three years I've finally realized all the wrong I've caused her. I realized that she was sort of set up, The Elders made us believe that she was a threat so we could drive her away. I wish I could just apologize to her about everything I've done. I wish I could see her walking around with a her head stuck in between a book. I want my sister back, but it's too late, I don't know where she is anymore. And it's all my fault.

Sighing, I brush my pink locks back before I tie the headband to my head. Looking myself one last time in the mirror, I walk out and go towards the Hokage tower for my next mission. I smile at the people who greet me, they wish me a good day and so do I. Making it to the tower, I climb the steps and go towards the Hokage's office.

"Good morning, Sakura-chan," the energetic blond teen greets.

"Morning, Naruto," I say, slightly smiling.

"Good, now that the two of you are here w-

"Move out of the way," a lady yells, cutting our sensei off as she runs down the hall.

I look at the lady in confusion as she disappears through the hall. We walk in silence until Kakashi knocks on the heavy set of wooden doors.

"Enter," booms lady Tsunade's voice, allowing us entrance.

Pushing the doors open, we all walk up to her desk awaiting the new assigned mission.

"Alright, the mission I chose is a simple C-rank mi-

"No!!! Why can't we get a better mission," Naruto exclaims from besides me.

I knew was going to happen, I groan inwardly.

"Naruto! We chose an easy mission because you've been for a long time. So this mission will break you in. Do you agree," lady Tsunade exclaims strictly at Naruto.

I grab Naruto by the neck, putting him in a choke hold, "don't worry my lady I'm sure he agrees. Don't you Naruto," I inform the Hokage as I mutter the last part into the teen's ear.

She doesn't have time to respond as the doors slam open. The lady from earlier barges in with a scroll in her hands.

"Lady Hokage, there's urgent news informing us about an emergency in Suna," the lady says quickly with worry handing the scroll to the Hokage.

The Sanin reads the contents of the scroll only to gasp in horror along with her assistant, Shizune. Both Kakashi and Naruto along with myself are left in confusion as they say nothing. Finally, her eyes leave the scroll as Tsunade looks up at us.

"The Akatsuki seems to have taken the Kazekage," the Hokage states, informing us about the recent news, "this is an S-rank mission! You'll leave for Suna and help their shinobi rescue the Kazekage!"

"Hai," team seven says in synch.

"My lady, don't you think it's bit to dangerous, why don't we recruit another team for the mission," Shizune asks in a frenzy.

"We don't have the time to look for another squad! Team seven, you're to leave immediately," the older woman says.

Not being told twice, the two men and myself take our necessary leave.


After two days worth of traveling, team seven along with Temari arrived at the Sand Village. Making it to the gates, two sand shinobi drop from their position and join us.

"Lady Temari, it's good that you've arrived, Kankuro got injured after following the Akatsuki," one of the shinobi informs.

"Not him too," Temari yells in despair.

"It's been three days since he's gotten injured. He's in the hospital, but we haven't been able to cure him," the other says, informing us about Kankuro's health.

It's my time to shine.

"Let me take a look at him," I say, running towards the hospital.

Crashing through the hospital, we make it to Kankuro's room. I hand my bag to Naruto before I tie my short pink hair into a ponytail. I take a look at his clipboard which states all his issues.

He's been poisoned!

Tsuki's POV
It's the last day of the beast extraction. 3 full days watching as the life gets sucked out of Gaara's body. 72 long hours of having our chakra slowly drain out of our bodies as we preformed the jutsu. 4,320 everlasting minutes of standing perfectly still. 259,200 agonizing seconds of pure silence. My body screams for movement. My muscles ache as they remain frozen. This is torture, not being able to move nor speak because during this jutsu there's no tolerance for any distraction.

But to my satisfaction, Zetsu our best sensor, comes to the rescue.

"There's a team of Leaf ninja close by," the plant man speaks.

"Who is it," asks the transparent rainbow form of our leader.

"He goes by the name of Might Gai," Zetsu informs.

"We should use that jutsu," Leader-sama states.

"I should go, to redeem myself for not finding the two tails," speaks Hidan as he volunteers.

"No, it should be me," Kisame interrupts, "I have a personal vendetta against him from the last time we met."

"Very well, Kisame should go, but I expect thirty percent of your chakra," Leader-sama says, agreeing to Kisame's choice.

The jutsu itself is that we use someone else's body. The body is a person who's already dead, but the jutsu allows the user to make it look like him or herself. It's basically like a soul transfer, you get to fight people using someone else's body, but you could still use all your techniques and jutsus.

I watch as Kisame's rainbow form disappears from his rightful position on the hand. Sighing, I continue to focus on the jutsu, but once again Zetsu appears.

"It seems like we have another team from the leaf," he informs again.

I'm guessing the Leaf and the Sand renewed their alliance after I left, because there's too many Leaf shinobi.

"It looks like you didn't cover your tracks well enough, Deidara," Leader-sama scolds the blond teen.

"W-well, l-like I-I said before, the jinchuriki proved to be a lot stronger," the blond stutters, fearing the intimidating leader.

"Who is it," asks the Rinnegan weilder.

"It's Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzamaki, Sakura Haruno, and Elder Chiyo," informs the bipolar plant man.

"It should be me this time," Hidan says as he's losing patience.

"No, it should be someone from the Leaf," Leader-sama says denying the offer as he suggests another.

That only leaves two options. Itachi or myself. I look up to meet Itachi's scarlet red eyes which are looking into my fuchsia ones. I sigh, then shake my head no as I decline the offer.

"I'll go," Itachi says as he's left with the task.

"Very well."

The room is filled with silence once more. Well, the only noise is the groaning of the red headed jinchuriki as his life is being drained away. Should I care that he's dying? No. I don't care about him, I erased all feelings I have towards anyone, including my former comrades. The only people I feel something towards is him and Cerridwen. They're the only people I trust enough to show my true self to.

It doesn't take long until both Kisame and Itachi return from using the jutsu. I wonder how their confrontation with the teams went. I know they fought, but did anyone get injured, is what I'm asking.

After a long series of minutes there's commotion from the outside of the base.

They're probably here already.

"Who is it this time," leader asks.

"It's both teams. They arrived at the same time."

"Well, they're too late," Deidara says.

I watch as the seven chakra dragons disperse into thin air telling us that the extraction is complete. Gaara who was suspended in the air drops with the laws of physics, as gravity pushes his lifeless body towards the ground. Hitting the floor, a loud thud echoes throughout the rock walls, indicating his uselessness.

"Ahh, my back," moans Hidan in satisfaction as he pops his back, relieving the aching muscles.

"Itachi, you won't get jealous if I go after your jinchuriki, right," ponders Deidara as he asks the ravenette.

"We only get one jinchuriki. Don't get over confident Deidara," Sasori informs the blonde.

"Ah my man Sasori don't get jealous because you haven't gotten yours yet," Deidara says, gloating about his succession.

"He's not jealous, he's just stating your stupidity. Since you always tend to let your anger control you," I say clearly insulting him.

His face flushes red in anger as the a few members laugh at the insult.

"What about you!"

"Hmm? What about me," I ask the angered blond.

"You're not going to get all emotional with your best friends, are you," he asks trying to rile me up.

"No. You could kill them and I won't care. I have no feelings towards them and whatsoever," I inform him.

"Now, you guys are dismissed. While you three deal with the ninja outside. I also want you to get the jinchuriki outside, remember I want him alive," Leader-sama informs before his holographic form disappears.

"Itachi, what can you tell us about the nine tails" Sasori asks the stoic Uchiha.

"He's the one who barks first," Itachi says before disappearing.

"The one who barks first? Couldn't he give us useful information," asks Deidara.

It doesn't take long before everyone leaves to do their own things. So right now it's only Sasori, Deidara, and myself waiting for them to break down the wall. I watch as Deidara sit himself down on Gaara, using him like a couch. Stretching my aching limbs, I go and stand besides Sasori as I cross my hands over my chest.

After a long amount of time, the boulder used as an entrance comes falling down in ruble. As the rocks falls to it's destruction, clouds of dust form in the air and light peaks through the dark lit cavern. Adjusting my vision to the light, I spot four people standing at the entrance.

It's showtime.

Looking at the familiar people, I smirk behind my high collar. Seeing Naruto in rage only adds to my satisfaction. I take a glance at all my former comrades, I see how they changed these past three years.

Sakura didn't change that much, it seems like she's gained some strength seeing as she has some muscle. Naruto still the same with the obnoxiously bright orange suit, but he's grown. Kakashi he's still the same.

"Gaara! Gaara what are doing?! Get up," exclaims the naive blonde.

"Naruto, I think you know that it's not going to happen," mutters the silver haired nin.


"He's been dead for a while now," Deidara says as he slaps the red head's cheek.

"How dare you," Naruto says before he throws a large Fuma shuriken.

Taking action, I jump in front of the sitting duck's that are my teammates and catch the large shuriken like it was nothing.

"I don't think so," I growl menacingly at my new enemies.

They gasp in suprise, as Naruto and Sakura take a step back from shock. Thier eyes widen looking as they've just been slapped.

"T-Tsuki? Is that you," Sakura says as her voice cracks.

"How could you leave?! Please tell me you aren't with them" exclaims Naruto as he looks a wounded dog who was betrayed.

"I hate to tell you, but it seems like your accusation is right" I say.

When their faces show hate, betrayal, hurt, and sadness, I smirk in satisfaction.

"Why are you sad? You're the one's who made me like this. It's your own fault I'm like this, now you have to face me as your enemy," I say.

Quickly summoning my large fan, I preform a jutsu.

"Wind Style: Wind Scythe Jutsu," I yell.


Well, that was Chapter 3, I hope you like it. So how did you like Deidara's stalker confession? Or what about Tsuki's reaction to being caught with a certain Uchiha? What about her nightmare, what do you think it is? Who do you think it is? Remember it was revealed in the last chapter of my first book.

Anyways don't forget to





JA NE, my fellow ninjas.

¿? Who's your favorite ninja? And why?¿

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