Chapter 4: The Puppet's End and Two Arms Missing

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Fan art of Sakura and Sasori's fight scene. I don't own it, I found it on Google.


Chapter 4: The Puppet's End and Two Arms Missing

Third POV
Tsuki thrusted her large fan forwards, creating a sequence of thin and sharp winded chakra blades. Team Kakashi along with Lady Chiyo dodge her attack by jumping to the sides of the cave. Landing by the entrance, her old comrades stare at her with shock, seeing that the pink haired girl just attacked them. Kakashi already accepted the fact that she's no longer on their side, but she's with the Akatsuki. Naruto on the other hand thinks that she's being manipulated, forced to attack her friends, but he's dead wrong. Sakura struggles to believe that she's now a part of an S-ranked criminal organization, that she's no longer the sister she knew, that it's too late to save her sister.

Tsuki brings her fan back down to her side as she glares at her new enemies. She'll show no remorse, no guilt as she attacks her former comrades. No, she'll smile at their pain, she'll show them that betraying her was the wrong move.

Deidara watches in amusement as Tsuki attacks her old team, seeing as she defends him and Sasori, her new team. Sasori, he ignores them all, only paying attention to his fossil like grandmother, glaring intently at her as she glares back.

"Tsuki, stop letting them control you! You could come back to Konoha, with us," Naruto pleads to his old friend.

Tsuki laughs at his stupid attempt to bring her back, she laughs at him, thinking that he still believes there's good in her.

"Oh, are you stupid," she insults making him step back in shock, "to think that I'd leave with you to a village that means nothing to me. You're pathetic."

"Tsu-" the younger of the twins attempts to speak, only to be cut off.

"Don't even try talking to me, you're one of the main reasons to why I left. Your selfishness, your patronizing, everything you've done to me, ruined my life. So add this to your big list of insecurities, you're the worst sister anyone could have, so bad that you don't deserve the title, you piece of shit," Tsuki informs the girl.

Sakura stands back listening to the insults as her heart falls to a pit of guilt. She bites her lip trying her hardest not to cry as her body shakes with involuntary sobs. Tsuki stands tall with a smirk adorning her pale face, watching as her insults hit them hard.

Strapping her fan onto her back, she kicks the lifeless body on the floor.

"So why did you come here? To rescue a dead person," the girl says to her former comrades.

"How dare you," Naruto seethes as his whiskers become darker, fiercer.

His usual blue hues turn to blood red as his pupil turns into a slit, indicating that the beast inside him is getting riled up.

"The one to bark first," Deidara says repeating Itachi's earlier words.

Tsuki POV
I ignore Deidara as he and Sasori get into a heated argument about true art. I cross my hands over my chest and just glare at my former comrades. Who do they think they are, trying to convince me out of my ways. I no longer belong to the Leaf Village, I'm now a part of the Akatsuki. Yes, I'm not close to them, but I won't betray them.

Suddenly, Deidara makes a clay bird which swallows Gaara's body. Weird. I watch as the blond jumps onto his art as he dodges Sasori's tail.

"I'll be taking the jinchuriki," Deidara says to both me and the puppet.

"Just don't get too explosive, because we all know how that turns out," I mock the terrorist bomber.

"Shut up Tsuki, yeah!!!"

"Hn," I grunt, looking away from him.

He flies out of the cave, with Naruto carelessly following behind him. It doesn't take long until Kakashi follows the deranged boy.

"So it looks like we're left with the weak girl and the old hag, right Sasori," I ask the puppet besides me.

"Indeed," his deep muffled voice says.

We stand there as my sister and the old lady talk about a plan to defeat us. Do they really think they could defeat us? In a moments notice, Sakura stands in front of the fossilized woman in an offensive position.

I watch as Sakura races forwards, that's when Sasori stretches his hand out as he let's a shower of poisoned senbons rain towards the girl. Sakura dodges both swiftly and gracefully as she avoids every needle. Not taking any chances, I race out towards the pink haired girl. The poisoned needles won't affect me, since I've gone through several hours of brutal training with Sasori. Ignoring the multiple stabs throughout my body, I fill my right arm with chakra and punch my sister in the stomach, releasing all the bottled chakra.

I watch as her face contorts in pain, before she goes skidding back to her rightful place.

"Sakura, are you alright," the hag softly says, barely audible.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Sakura replies as she glares up at me.

"Tsuki," I snap my attention to Sasori as he speaks, "you should follow Deidara. I'll take care of them."

"Are you sure," I ask in concern, but mostly because I want to stay here and fight. 

"Yes. You'd just be in my way," he replies harshly as he attacks my weak point.

"Fine," I say coldly acting like it doesn't hurt, but it does.

They never want me around. It's like nothing's changed at all. I guess, no matter where I'll go people will always push me away. But I should be used to it, right?

I run towards the entrance, or in this case, the exit. With Sakura being the stupid careless girl she is, tries to stop me by attacking. She runs up to me with a chakra fueled fist, but I grab her wrist, only to get hit by her other power filled fist. I grunt as the impact makes me crash to the rock wall. I groan at the slight pain on my stomach, I guess she did get a little stronger. Looking up, I find a smirk of satisfaction playing on her lips, but that soon ends. Running up to her, I punch that smirk off her face. She holds her face only to leave herself open to an attack. I then raise my leg and kick her harshly with my steel plated heel. I watch as she drops to the floor writhing in pain. Ignoring her state of hurt, I take my leave.

Jumping out of the cave, I make my way towards the blonds and my former sensei.


It takes a few minutes to catch their trail and catch up to them. Jumping on several logs behind them, I keep my chakra hidden, not wanting to fight because the toll of using my chakra is finally catching up to me. First it was the fight in Sunagakure, then the tailed beast extraction, then there's also the fact that I keep myself from falling asleep. I stop, clutching the wall besides me and holding my stomach, man that punch really hurt, how did she get that strong? Inhaling a large amount of air, I slowly exhale as I try to soothe the aching feeling. It would be easier to use medical Ninjutsu, but it's just a punch so it'd be a waste of chakra.

Making my way forwards, I leave the logs and go into the forest above. I look up at Deidara only to see the area around him in swirls. What the hell is that? I don't get my answer because the area returns back to normal, but that only leaves me guessing. I look down and find Naruto and Kakashi running, jumping, towards Deidara. As I look closer, I could see that Kakashi is clutching his eye.

The Sharingan!

Me and my stupidity, of course it was Kakashi who made that swirly mess happen. But when did he get the Mangekyou Sharingan? I look up at Deidara once again, but history repeats itself as the sky turns to a blur. I watch as the swirls incase themselves around Deidara's only arm.

"MOVE YOU IDIOT," I exclaim as I warn him.

But with him being blond he's too stupid to acknowledge the warning.

(A/N: I mean no offense to any blond people, just Deidara. So don't kill me, hahaha😅 *runs away and hides*)

I watch in horror as the swirls rip his arm off, sending it to an oblivion. Soon that horror turns to rage. Who does he think he is, hurting my teammates?! Yeah they might not care for me, but I care for them!

I get brought back as I see a flash of orange fly in the air. Turning my head I watch as Naruto tackles Deidara with a Rasengan in his hand. Or so I thought. He really just attacked the bird, only to make Deidara escape by jumping off. Catching the bird, Naruto brings it down to the forest along with several clones of himself. Once they land, two Naruto's rip the clay bird apart as they try to free Gaara.

I perch myself on a tree and watch the scene before me. I scout the area, looking for my wounded teammate, only to spot him lying on the floor.

"Gaara! Wake up, Gaara! Why won't you wake up," Naruto yells as he holds the red head in his arms,"you're so cold."

Realization dawns on him as he figures out that he's not going to wake up. He spots Deidara on the floor and his anger flares. He attacks the bomb terrorist with a barrage of fury punches. I watch as he makes a Rasengan and plummets it into Deidara's stomach. But the Deidara he was attacking turned out to be a clone made out of clay, only adding to Naruto's anger.

I watch as Naruto's body emits a orange bubble like cloak. It's the jinchuriki's cloak. One tail forms as it turns to two. His blue ocean eyes turn into a firey red indications that the beast is unleashing himself. The rage, raw power of destruction fills the atmosphere.

I choke on the evil chakra, trying to get away I turn around only to meet red eyes. I gasp in fear. Not a second later I'm filled with pain as I'm crashing towards the ground. The impact of the ground sends painful shocks throughout my body. I wince as I feel the burning sensation on my stomach, only to bite my lip from letting out a cry.

Tears form in my eyes as the burning sensation stabs me like a thousand needles whenever I make a move. A shadow looms over me, I look up only to see Naruto in his tailed beast cloak. He raises his hand to punch me, I struggle to move, but he's straddling me. He punches me in the stomach once more, sending more burning pain into my skin.

"Ahhhh!!! G-get o-off me," I scream as I try to punch him.

But with his reflexes being faster than usual, he catches my wrist, only to burn it with the nine tails' chakra. I scream in agony as my flesh burns from both my stomach and wrist. I let the tears cascade down my cheeks, not caring how I look. The pain in my body is the only thing I care about, and I want it to stop.

Kakashi steps in, only to place a paper on Naruto's forehead. Naruto slumps as he returns back to normal, as that happens Kakashi takes him away leaving me to wither in pain. The smell of burning flesh fills my nostrils, only to make me sob.

Why is it always me who gets hurt? And by the people I once cared about.

I bring my other hand closer to my injured one. I force chakra into my hand, only to make it glow it's natural mint green. I place the chakra covered palm on the burnt flesh, trying to heal it. I yelp in pain, biting my lip only letting out whimpers, I watch as the flesh regains some form. The only bad news is that it can't be fully healed, there'll be a variety of scars decorating my wrist. Just more scars to add onto my list of imperfections. The same goes for my stomach, I'll just have two scars aligning my torso.

Done with healing myself, I stumble to regain my posture. As I stand up straight, I bring my hands to my face and wipe the remaining tears off my rosy cheeks. Walking towards Deidara, I'm intercepted by Sakura and the old hag. I look them up and down only to find that they're beaten and bruised. So that means Sasori lost, which means he's dead.

Without thinking, I run up to the girl who ruined my life and attack her. I tackle her to the ground only to straddle her and punch her.

"How dare you!! *punch* Do you really hate me that much that you need to kill my teammates! *punch* I should just kill you already *punch* and have you out of my life already!"

I raise my arm to punch her again, but I'm thrown to the side by a kick to my ribcage. I fall to the ground only to hear a crack, which sends a shock of pain up my side. I look up to see Team Gai standing next to Team Kakashi, but I rest my eyes on Lee who's helping Sakura to her feet.

I grit my teeth at this suppose group of teamwork, but I also feel a pang of hurt in heart because I'll never be a part of their group. I swallow the lump in my throat and empty out all of the useless emotions that linger in my mind.

I get interrupted from my emotion killing by a chewing sound? I look to find Deidara chewing clay in his mouth. Our eyes clash he then looks to the group then back at me before giving me a nod, signaling for me to leave.

I nod in understanding. I bring up my hands only to preform the teleportation jutsu, it's a basic chunin jutsu. I preform it, only to hear Deidara yelling.

"Art is an EXPLOSION!!!!"


Well, that was Chapter 4. Sorry if it was short or that it sucked, I just wanted to end this rescue mission. So what did you think about Tsuki beating the crap out of Sakura? Or how she still feels about being pushed away? How did you like her being attacked by Naruto?

Anyways don't forget to





JA NE, my potato friends.

¿? If you were to choose what clan to be born in, what would it be? And why?¿

I would choose the Uzumaki clan. Why because they have beautiful red hair, they have brute strength, chakra chains, an outgoing personality and they're known for the ability of Fùinjutsu (sealing techniques).

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