Chapter 5: The Team's Reunion

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Here's a drawing I made of Tsuki and Sasuke in a field together. SasUki drawing, hope you like it, enjoy.


Chapter 5: The Team's Reunion

Tsuki POV
It's been days since Sasori's death, everybody moved on like it was nothing. Well, Deidara kind of mopes around. Maybe its because he doesn't have an art rival. Me, I kind of miss him. I mean we weren't close, but it's amusing to see how impatient he gets when he's waiting, or how he argues with the bomb expert.

Anyways, all I'm doing is walking down the confusing corridors because Leader-sama gave us time off to 'mourn' our fallen member. The dark lit halls were only accompanied by a single candle every twenty feet or something like that. I didn't mind the dark, it's sort of calming to be surrounded by darkness and silence.

I stopped in front a door and knocked quietly. I crossed my arms over my chest as I wait for the door to open. The door opens allowing me to see the person.

"What are you doing here," he questions.

"I don't have anything to do so I came here," I reply.

"Well, I can change that."

"Oh really? How," I ask confused.

"Like this."

Not a second later he grabs me by the waist, pulling me closer. As we're inches apart, he crashes his lips onto mine. I'm surprised by the action, but I soon relax by kissing him back. Our lips move in synch as my hands roam to his hair. Want. Need. Lust, those are the emotions playing at our lips. Closing the door behind us, he pushes me against the wall making me gasp, he takes that moment to slip his tounge. Adding to the heated kiss already, his tongue roams my mouth making me moan. His hands move up my body only to make me shiver with delight. Breaking the kiss, he moves down kissing my jawline down to my neck, making me bite my lip to supress a moan. I pull him by the shirt only to bring us closer which makes me suffocate in his intoxicating scent. He lowers his head as he kisses my collar bone, finding my sweet spot he bites down.

"Mmm, S-sasuke," I moan in pleasure.

He pulls away much to my dissatisfaction. That little teaser.

"You can't just do that and walk away," I huff.

"Hn, but you liked it," he says with his .

I blush a bright red at his accusation knowing that he's right.

"So why are you here," Sasuke asks, looking at me.

"What? You don't want me here? Fine, I'll leave," I say pretending to be mad.

I turn around and walk toward the door. Just as I'm about to reach for the knob, he grabs me by the waist.

"You idiot, of course I want you here," he says, kissing me on the head.

"Really?! Haha, I didn't know that. Anyways, I'm here because I have nothing to do," I say, explaining my reason for being here.

"Besides, I've missed you," I say as I get out of his grasp and turning around, "and your duckbutt hair."

He playfully glares at me, but then smirks his sexy smirk. He walks towards me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I back away only to fall back onto his bed, wow this is soft, I thought as I feel the fabric.

"You're not going anywhere," he says, looming over me.

He spreads my knees apart as he he get on top of me. I bring my hands to his neck to bring us closer. He lowers his head to my level making our lips brush against each other's. I bring my head closer so the space between our lips disappear. His soft lips fit perfectly with mine making us kiss in synch. My hands roam from his neck to the hem of his open chested shirt. Letting my hands glide over his shoulders I slip his shirt off. Pulling me up by the neck, he skillfully takes my sash off along with my cloak. Licking the bottom of my lip, he asks for permission which I allow. Not a second later his tongue ventures through my mouth, discovering new crevices. I moan in pleasure as my back arches. I wrap my legs around his waist to bring us closer, but the heated make out session ends with someone knocking on the door.

I drop my legs and watch as Sasuke walks towards the door. He opens the door only to reveal Kabuto.

"Lord Orochimaru is asking for you. He wants you to meet someone," the snake's bitch informs.

"Hn. Alright, I'll be there," Sasuke says as he shuts the door.

"Hmm, I wonder who you're meeting," I say guessing.

I watch as he redresses himself so he could be presentable.

"Well, I don't care who it is. I'll see you later," he says kissing me on the forehead.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting," I say as I watch him leave.

Its been two years and a half since we started dating. I was doing a mission by myself when I first came across Sasuke. He was training with Orochimaru outside in a field. I thought it was just a coincidence, but it turned out that Orochimaru had a hideout around the place of my mission.

So being myself I would always go hang out with Sasuke when Orochimaru left him alone to train by himself. I would help since I myself was being trained by the Akatsuki at the moment. So we'd help each other. But over time we became close, then we started to develop feelings for each other, so we started dating. No one knows of our relationship, I mean Deidara might know because he's a stalker and follows me, but he has no proof. I mean we could be best of friends to his knowledge. And even though I finished the mission, I would still go back to that same place. And when Orochimaru switched hideouts Sasuke would always tell me where it was located.

Sasuke POV
I went to see who was so important that Orochimaru wanted me to meet them. Walking through the dark lit halls, I came at the opening where I'd usually train. Not finding them here, I sat on the snake statue and flared my chakra to indicate that I'm here. I close my eyes and waited for their presence. When they finally arrived in front of me, I noticed a foreign chakra, it's strong, but not someone who'd be a challenge.

"You must be Sasuke, it's nice to meet you," his soft emotionless voice says.

I open my eyes, showing my red orbs. I look up at him and see that he has a smile on his face. A fake smile. He's pale, like he's never been outside in the sun. His hair is an ebony black that falls to the top of his neck, he has slight bangs framing his face. He's dressed in a males black crop top that ends below his ribs. He has black slacks along with normal black ninja sandals. On his back is a regular tanto blade. On his forehead is the headband of the village I left. The Leaf headband indicating he's from Konohagakure.

"Naruto and Saku-

I cut him off with my Sharingan, showing him a weak Genjutsu, but one enough to scare him. I watch as he pales profoundly, sweat trickling down his temple, how his skin flushes in fear. He stumbles back in fear only to fall on the floor.

"Sasuke enough," Orochimaru scolds.

"Hn, whatever. I'm going back to my room," I inform.

Going back through the dark lit corridors, I ignore how Kabuto says I'm disrespectful. I don't care what he thinks about me, he only wants to be on Orochimaru's good side. I turn the many corners, finally coming to my door. I open it, only to find Tsuki sleeping on my bed.

She probably got bored since she had nothing to do. I close the door behind me and go on my bed. I lie next to her as I play with her pink locks. Her hair isn't as obnoxiously bright as Sakura's, hers is a slightly paler shade of pink. I remembered when her hair was short, I'm glad she decided to grow it out.

Hugging her by the waist I close my eyes, drifting into the darkness.


I wake up when light hits my face, sensing the chakra I realize that it's the person I met earlier.

"Why did you wake me," I say coldly without emotion.

"To strengthen the bonds between you and Naruto," he answers.

So he's Naruto's new teammate, pathetic.

"You woke me up so you could talk about bonds," I say irritated.

I see that he made some ink like snakes, but before they reach me, I grab Tsuki and blow the room apart. The explosion destroys the base, but I jump to the top as I evade the ruble. I place Tsuki on the floor besides me seeing as she's awake.

"Did you really have to blow up the place," she exclaims, crossing her hands over her chest.

"Hn, there's leaf ninja here," I explain.

I watch as her face turns to scowl, "of course they're here. When don't they get into someone's business," she sneers.

I'm about to answer, but someone else cuts me off.

"Sai! What the hell are you after?! How many times do you plan to stab us in the back before you're ha-

"Ah, if it isn't Sakura," I say.

I watch as the kunoichi stops in shock. Her eyes widen in realization, before she turns to me.

"Sa-Sasuke," she stutters.

"Cue barf. She's still head over heels with you, Sasuke," Tsuki informs, "well too bad, you're mine and mine alone."

Her whisper sends chills down my spine.

"Ah, if it isn't my imouto," she says to Sakura.

Sakura POV
I watch as Tsuki whispers something in Sasuke-kuns ear. I could feel my rage and jealousy course through my body. She doesn't have her cloak on like last time, also her headband is missing as well. Her outfit is a black crop top shirt with long sleeves, she has black high waisted jeans with fishnet leggings. She's wearing knee high boots as well. On her wrist there's bandages wrapped around, from Naruto's attack. Also on her stomach I could see two scars above her belly button.

"Ah, if it isn't my imouto," my sister says with annoyance.

I watch as she stands next to Sasuke-kun. I clench my jaw, wishing that it could be me next to him, not her.

"What are you doing here," I seethe at her.

She looks surprised before she starts to laugh, "I'm here," she says hesitantly.

Before I could say anything, Naruto comes stumbling out of the hallway. I watch as his eyes dart towards the duo of our former teammates.

"Naruto you came too. Does that mean Kakashi's here as well," Sasuke asks.

"Unfortunately, Kakashi-san couldn't be here, but I'm here in his place," Captain Yamato says as he walks out, "we, Team Kakashi, are going to be taking you back to Konoha."

"Team Kakashi, huh," Sasuke says unimpressed.

"Yeah, they're calling themselves that. Can you believe it. They even put a substitute in your place," Tsuki says as she laughs.

In an instant Sai unseathes his tanto blade and points it to Sasuke.

So he's still trying to kill him?!! CHA! I'm going to beat you up Sai!!!

"It's true that my top mission was to assassinate you, but those orders don't matter anymore. Now I want to think and act for myself...because of Naruto-kun, I feel like I might be able to remember something. Remember how I used to feel something which I can't help, but feeling was very important to me. I may not know you that well, but there's a reason to why Naruto-kun and Sakura-san chase after you with so much passion. It's in order to prevent their bonds with you from breaking. In order to keep them intact, they're doing everything they can. I still don't have a very good understanding of it myself, but you, Sasuke-kun, you should know why," Sai says as he explains the reason why he didn't kill Sasuke and to why we're here.

"Sure, I did know, but that's why I severed them," Sasuke says.

"Ahahahaha!!! Way to tell them Sasuke," she says as she pats his back.

But why would he sever them?

"I have other bonds I carry, fraternal bonds, forged through hate. Having too many bonds causes one to lose focus, weakening their strongest wish, their greatest desire," Sasuke explains his reasons to breaking our cherished bonds.

"If that's true," Naruto says solemnly, "if that's true, then WHY DIDNT YOU KILL ME BACK THEN?!!! IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL SEVERING BONDS, SASUKE," Naruto exclaims in confusion, anger.

"Naruto," I say with sadness.

"The reason is simple and it isn't that I wasn't able to sever my bonds with you. It's because I simply didn't want to give him the pleasure of seeing me attain power by submitting to his plans," he says explaining his reason to not kill Naruto.

"What do you mean," Naruto asks in confusion.

"It's simple, it's because I chose to spare your life at nothing more than a whim of mine," he says before disappearing.

He appears again in from it Naruto as he's drawing his katana.

When did he...

"Come to think of it, isn't becoming Hokage a dream of yours? If you had the time to go around looking for me, you would have been better off training. Don't you think, Naruto? And that's why you're going to lose your life by a whim of mine" Sasuke says as he asks Naruto.

"Like there's any chance someone who can't save a friend could become Hokage. Don't you think, Sasuke," Naruto asks Sasuke.

"Hn," Sasuke grunts.

I watch in horror as he unseathes his katana, attacking Naruto.

"Sasuke-kun," I yell in surprise.

I run without thinking, I need to do something. Anything. Pushing myself forward I go to attack Sasuke, but before I could do anything Sai grasps Sasuke's wrist, stopping the katana as he wields his tanto blade in his other hand. I step back releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Your choice of correct," Sasuke informs.

Not a second later, he flips Naruto as he activates his Sharingan. In my peripheral vision I could see Captain Yamato preform wood style, but it's too late.

"Chidori Nagashi," Sasuke says.

I watch as he produces a field of lightning around him as he attacks both Naruto and Sai. I'm too stunned to to anything, so I'm left with covering myself from the lightning based attack, but then a voice flashes through my mind.

'Next time I'm going to help too'

Left with motivation, I infuse my fists with chakra. It's now or never. I run towards an open Sasuke.

"No Sakura, don't do it," Captain Yamato screams.

I ignore him and continue running at the man I love, the one who caused me so much pain. The man who caused Naruto pain. I run at him with determination to at least hurt him once. I run at him with a punch that symbolizes my strength.

"I don't think so," I hear a voice besides me.

Determination turns into shock as I realize it's too late. The next thing I know is that I'm flying to the other side. Pain fills my stomach as I crash against the rock wall, making pieces of ruble fall on me. Groaning at the stinging pain, I look up to see my sister with her leg up. She brings it down only to glare in my direction. So much hatred fills her eyes as she looks at me.

So she's the one who kicked me.

"You're welcome," she says to Sasuke.

"Hn, I didn't need your help," he replies back at her.

What's with them? If he severed our bond then why is he still talking to her? What's their relationship? What's so special about her?

My eyes only widen in realization, I find Captain Yamato pierced by Sasuke's katana. The katana itself is covered in lightning chakra, so the lighting is coursing through Captain's body. He got hurt because of me. He protected me from Sasuke's attack and he got hurt. It's my fault that he's in pain.

"You're choice of quite the mistake," Sasuke informs him.

I watch as Naruto gets up from his fallen state, only to glare up at Sasuke. Sasuke then turns to look at Naruto in surprise. Sharingan clashes with red animalistic slits. It seems like hours as they stare into each others eyes, but it's only seconds. When they snap back to reality, Naruto's eyes return to it's normal ocean blue.

Suddenly, Captain Yamato, pushes the blade back making Sasuke stumble. He takes that opening, forming hand signs, wood emerges from the floor as it true to make a dome. Captain tries to capture Sasuke, but the said person jumps back to higher ground. Not a second later a flash of pink follows Sasuke's actions. I watch as Tsuki places herself next to Sasuke.

Why is she with him?! It should be me that's next to him, not her!!!

"Why don't you get it!!! You're body's going to be stolen by Orochimaru anytime now," Naruto exclaims as he seethes at Sasuke.

"If that happens it happens. Let me make it clear, for me or Orochimaru defeating Itachi right now is impossible. So if that means giving of up this body of mine, he could have my life and afterlife as long as I complete my revenge," Sasuke informs us.

Sasuke. But why? Don't you care?

"That's enough talk. Naruto, Sakura with you two here I thought I wouldn't resort to cruder methods," Captain Yamato says, "but unfortunately it's time I get serious."

"Konoha indeed, I'm through with you! Now things end," Sasuke exclaims as he makes hand signs.

I watch in slight horror as his hand goes up towards the sky.

"Now, now there's no need to use that jutsu, Sasuke-kun," Orochimaru says as he stops Sasuke's hand.

When did he get here?

"Remove your hand," Sasuke orders Orochimaru.

"There you go again forgetting who it is you're talking to," Kabuto says to Sasuke.

"I have no reason to stop," Sasuke informs.

"You know quite well what the Akatsuki is up to. We want our guests here from Konoha take care as many of them as possible, that includes your girlfriend as well," Kabuto says informing Sasuke.

Girlfriend?!! Who?! He has a girlfriend, but why?!!

"That's quite the pathetic excuse. And no one will touch her," Sasuke says as he threatens them.

"But surely you'd allow it, if it meant increasing the chances of your revenge succeeding by one even one percent, right," Kabuto says as he asks Sasuke.


"Let's go," Orochimaru says.

I watch as Sasuke turns to Tsuki. There eyes linger on one another before they nod, agreeing to leave. Tsuki leaves in a collage of flowers before disappearing. I turn to Sasuke as he and Naruto stare at each other. It takes a while before Orochimaru, Kabuto and Sasuke leave in flames.

I could hear Naruto sobbing at the failed attempt to bring our missing teammate back. Heck, I'm even crying. I just found out that I can't bring Sasuke back, that he doesn't care about giving his body away, and that he has a girlfriend. It also hurts that I can't bring my sister home as well. I even saw it in her eyes, she hates me.

"Crying can't bring him back to us. I'm still with you, we'll get stronger together," I say with tears cascading down my cheeks.

"You've still got six months. And since three is better than two, I'm strong as it is," Sai says as he agrees to join our team.

"Thanks," Naruto says, wiping the tears off his face.

"Let's go," Captain Yamato says.


Well, that was Chapter 5. Two chapters in one day, be thankful. Anyways how did you like the SasUki moment? What do you think of their relationship? How did you like the different POV's? How did you like Sakura's reaction to finding out about Sasuke having a girlfriend?

Anyways don't forget to





JA NE, my awesome fangirls/ boys.

¿? What's your most favotite color and why?¿

Mines, black. Why because it symbolizes death. It's poetic, it's a shadow, it means nothing, it's beautiful, it's formal,it goes with everything, and even though it's dark, it attracts light.

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