Chapter 37: Training Pt. 4

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Swan Song by Dua Lipa

Sasuke and Itachi gif

Chapter 37: Training Pt. 4

(Sorry, if it's shit).

TSUKI HARUNO WAS feeling exhausted, both mentally and emotionally. This training regiment exposed her feelings and spread them to the thinnest extent. No, that's not right. This training put a boost on her emotions and forced her to explode every one. Anger turned to frustration and rage. Sadness into hurt and depression. Overall, it was very, and I mean very, exhausting.

All the girl wanted to do now was take a very prolonged nap, and sleep everything away.

However, she had other plans to finish first. Since she's completed the Three Seals, Tsuki is finally left with the last one, the Goddess Mode seal. With this final task, realization of the Fourth Shinobi War nearing, suddenly becomes very real. It fills her both with determination and worry. It's making her shake at the core with nerves. The 'what if' possibilities are endless. Plus, there's the addition that she's on Madara's personal hate list, what if he personally goes after her? Goddess Mode or not, Tsuki is terrified of that man, especially when all her torturous sessions come to mind.

Shaking her head, the Haruno rubs her arms trying to rid herself of anxiety. She wants to talk about her problems, but the last time she checked, she relayed her feelings to someone and left them stunned. Which adds another wave of nerves and anxiety. She hadn't meant to explode her feelings on the Uchiha, but her words just released themselves like a raging waterfall. She couldn't stop herself, it was over once she opened her mouth. A part of her doesn't regret it because it's true.

He does make her feel things.

Wonderful things, such as happiness, and appreciation. With him, Tsuki actually feels like she's worth something, even when she blushes a thousand shades of red. With him, she can feel electricity running through her veins which makes her feel more alive. With him, she feels breathless, especially when she's looking into his warm and caring obsidian eyes. She wants to trust in her heart, and all the things it's feeling, but she doesn't want to get hurt, not again.

Releasing a tired sigh, she decides to officially wake up. Sitting up in the semi dark room, she turns her head and finds Itachi. The only sign that tells her that he's still asleep are the soft snores he's producing. The corners of her lips twitch up to a quick smile, but Tsuki is quick to shake her head, erasing the smile. Quietly getting up, she rolls the tatami mat and places it at the end of her wall.

Walking out of the shared bedroom, Tsuki tightens the belt of her black silk kimono before heading outside. The early hours of the dark dawn sky greets her with a breeze of cool air. Even in Cerridwen's dimension, the inability to get a proper night's sleep still effects her. Maybe it's the impending war that's affecting her usually slim sleeping hours, and making them almost nonexistent.

Though, as the breeze continues to blow, Tsuki can smell the remnants of her dark cherry scented shampoo. It's a sweet, but not overly sweet, and slightly bitter scent. Exhaling, she crosses her arms and boredly stares at the horizon, watching the slow sunrise.

"You're up early," Cerridwen comments, walking up to the Haruno's side.

The aforementioned chuckles. "I'm always up early," she informs.

"Yeah, but you're always up before Itachi, not before me," the Goddess specifies. "So, whats up?"

Tsuki contemplates her answer, not wanting to be a problem and reveal what she's thinking, but she also wants a second opinion. "I dont know, honestly. I'm just overthinking everything. The war. The training. Ita- The stuff. The usual," she professes, almost revealing that she's thinking of a certain Uchiha.

The goddess smiles at her host. "You're always overthinking. The war isn't just your problem, so don't stress over it. You're already a great addition to the nations by helping, once you're in the actual battlefield, I know you'll do your best. Training, well, if you want we can start now since you're awake. The stuff, well, he's asleep so he won't be problem right now," she tells her with a smirk.

Tsuki blushes.

"What, just because you name it something else, you think I don't know what you're talking about? Please, I've seen the way you look at him, I can practically smell the love in the air-"

"Shut up! I-I don't know i-if it's love or not! Whenever I like someone, I always end up getting hurt. I liked Gaara back when I was a genin, what did I get? A broken arm and an almost death sentence! I allowed myself to love Sasuke, only it wasn't really love, but what did I get? I got accused of being a liar when I literally couldn't talk, I got my heart broken and he made me feel so unwanted and so small, and I all got from him was fake love. Maybe he did like me to the best of his ability, but he tossed me away so, so, easily, like did I even matter to him? But now? I actually feel like myself again, I feel better than ever, and I like Itachi. I'm just scared that if I do get hurt, I'll never be the same, that I'll break and remain forever broken. I'll turn to someone so cold and I'll turn back to that person who I was when I was so loyal to the Akatsuki, a nightmare," Tsuki confesses, looking down at her hands, fearing the possibility.

"But if you do get hurt, you'll still have me," Cerridwen whispers softly. "Besides it's completely normal to be scared of falling in love, Tsuki, that's what makes it all worth it."

"Not when you love too much because then, all we ever do is get hurt. I always loved too much. Maybe that's what I share with my sister, we were always so different," Tsuki laughs bitterly.

Cerridwen sighs heavily, giving a smile. "I'm sure if Itachi actually managed to return your affections, I'm positive that he won't hurt you. He's not that type of man. Just like you said that you and your sister are different, well, Sasuke and Itachi are very, and completely, different. Even if he is a criminal, Itachi is very warm hearted," Cerridwen tells the Kunoichi.

Tsuki smiles softly. "Yeah, he is," she says, almost in a daze.

"Anyway, that's enough boy talk," she smiles, clapping her hands. "Time to train!"

The pink haired girl looks to the goddess and cringes. She does not like the smile on her face. Not one bit.

× × × × ×

TSUKI RUBS AT her sore stomach, recovering from another one of Cerridwen's brutal punches to her abdomen. It's an affective way to open the seals, but the pain is still something she doesn't like. Huffing, she stumbles back into a standing position to narrow her fuchsia eyes at the goddess.

Don't get her wrong, the Haruno is excited to finish her training, and all the pain from the trials is something she found was worth it. However, it also meant that the war was just around the corner, something that made her nauseous with nerves. So many possibilities swim in her head, the prophecies whispering negative doubts in her ears. Her eyes swim with the ghosts of visions, remembering the sights of all her dead comrades, of her sister dying by either her hand or by Sasuke's, of herself dying in order to protect someone precious to her, and most repetitively - the sight of dying by the same gleaming sword she dreamt of many years ago.

The fear grasps at her stomach and twists it with a gut wrenching pain that she can practically feel the bile rise to her throat. Inhaling, and digging her nails into her palms, Tsuki calms herself down, telling herself not to get seduced by 'what ifs' and doubts. Collecting her mind once again, she exhales all her worries away.

Looking around, the pink haired Kunoichi finds herself standing at yet another unforseen sight. The area is made up of a canyon with towering pillars of rock. The ground beneath her is a scorched black telling her that she's in a section of the deadlands. On the pillars she can see whispers of golden hues of what used to be their original color before being burned to an ashen black. The orange and pink hues of the sunrise makes the place look more haunting, as if it were mere seconds ago that the canyon was set ablaze - raging with wildfires that compared to hell. If Tsuki closes her eyes, she swears she can hear the anguished yells and painful screams of the dead souls lingering in the wind.

The Haruno shakes her head, realizing that the goddess before her is the ruler of the underworld, so it's possible that what she thought is true. Clearing her throat, she addresses said goddess.

"So, training? What am I going to do this time around?" Tsuki asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

The pale goddess huffs out a smile, resting her hands on her hips. "You'll do some basic training," she informs with a closed eyed smile.

Tsuki's left eye twitches at the simplicity, and it's times like this that she's reminded of her former sensei - Kakashi. Deadpanning at the goddess, the Haruno huffs in irritation before pinching the bridge of her nose.

"How is basic training going to help me? Don't I have some super technique I need to master, or something?" The teenager questions with underlining sass.

"'How is basic -' Tsuki! Basic training is essential for everything! And for mastering techniques, you already did all that! The final seal is all about training and gaining complete control. You may have mastered the techniques, but you have yet to fight with them, and that's what we're doing for the remainder of these two last week's, got it, smartypants?" Cerridwen informs sternly, her black eyes narrowing as all fun melts away.

Tsuki cringes and laughs nervously, rubbing the back of her neck as she blushes in embarrassment. "R-right, I knew that. So, that means I'm going to be fighting you?"

"Well, not exactly."

The pink haired teen raises her brows in confusion. "Please elaborate on the 'not exactly'? Am I fighting you, or..."

Cerridwen laughs at the girl's look of utter confusion. "Well, I am going to spar with you, but in serious matters you'll fight against Itachi a-"

"Wait, wait, wait!? I'm fighting Itachi? Why?! How? What," Tsuki exclaims, frantically moving her hands as if to stop time.

"Yes, you'll fight the man you have a deep crush on," Cerridwen states jokingly, only to receive a sharp glare from her host. "Ahem, but yes, you're fighting him. I mean, he has been doing his own training these two last months to regain his former strength, and so far, he's succeeded. Though, the only way to truly find out is if he fights against someone as well, and that's where you come in. And the same goes for you."

Tsuki says nothing, she's too busy gaping at the goddess as if she sprouted another head and started talking nonsense. In her point, she did.

Cerridwen shakes her head, "Well, on the bright side, you two can finally start the physical part of your relationship," she chuckles.

× × × × ×

IN A CLEARING, different from the canyon in the deadlands, Tsuki stands in an open field facing the now awaken Itachi Uchiha. The heat of the sun is making her skin prickle at the temperature, and the cool breeze that carries the scent of near cherry blossoms does nothing to relax her. Her stomach flutters and this time it's not the crazed butterflies for the sight of the older male, but for the nauseating anxiety building in her veins.

Besides the rustling of leaves, there's dead silence.

Tsuki swears her heartbeat is on display for everyone to hear as it pounds in her eardrums. The last time she saw the Uchiha was when her words exploded out of her mouth, and that was a few days ago before avoiding him at all costs. Sure, she saw his sleeping figure when she woke up in the early hours everyday, but she hasn't spoken to him since.

From across the field, Itachi stares at the Haruno. In his spot he can see that she's expressing nothing, but her body language is saying something entirely different. The way her arms are tense at her sides with her fingers fidgeting says she's nervous. Also, there's also the fact that she's bouncing her right knee forwards, repeatedly, despite standing in place tells him that she's restless. Though, most importantly, it's the way her eyes keep darting to the left and right, passing him over.

He knows fully well why she's avoiding eye contact. The last time they conversed was when she unexpectedly released her feelings for him, it left him surprised, shocked even. However, before he could have said anything, they were interrupted by the goddess.

He's aware that Tsuki was in a relationship with Sasuke, but from his talks with Cerridwen - the woman doing most of the talking, he learned that they weren't really that serious. Sure, they may have been together for years, but Cerridwen relayed Tsuki's thoughts that her and Sasuke were more of a partnership than a couple. They had great teamwork, but not very good communication since Sasuke was more mission oriented in revenge than anything else, and ultimately dropped Tsuki when she was no longer useful to him.

So, Itachi is fully aware of the damage done to her whether it be physically, emotionally, or mentally.

"Tsuki," his voice startles the teen who flinches in surprise. He sighs softly and offering a smile to reassure her, and it works. She calms down. "I've thought about what you've told me, and I in no part am discarding your feelings. In fact, I'm taking them into consideration. Tsuki, you've been hurt all your life, and recently, my brother hurt you. He caused you pain no one should ever feel. So again, I'm not discarding your feelings. So, I ask you to take time for yourself and properly heal all the emotional scars that he left behind." He tells her geniunely with a kind and warm hearted smile.

Well, until he smirks, walking up to her. "And once that's done, no matter how long it takes, and if you still have the feelings that I make you feel, just know that you also make me feel things," he informs softly, looking into her eyes and finishes by poking her forehead.

Tsuki flushes red. "I- I -"

"You don't have to say anything," Itachi tells her, his eyes giving her reassurance as they soften. "Just take my words into consideration, that's all I can ask."

The Haruno smiles softly, her cheeks still decorated in a red hue, but she nods. Tsuki's heart warms at his words, they're not denying her feelings. He's not rejecting her feelings. He's just allowing her the proper time to heal, and hell knows she needs it.

Her eyes soften as tears blur her vision, she's happy, elated even.

"Thank you."

Suddenly, the sound of clapping breaks their attention from each other. Turning to the sound, they both spot Cerridwen standing at the treeline, clapping dramatically before wiping her eyes of 'tears'.

"That was beautiful! My heart yearns for you two," she says making Tsuki deadpan at her dramatics. The goddess then rests her hands on her hips, her face going stern. "But I didn't pay for a soap opera, I told you two to train! Now get out from the movie scene and fight to the deat- I mean, fight and see if the hard work these past months were worth it! Chop! Chop!"

"I guess we better get moving before she attempts to kill us," Tsuki tells him with a soft laugh.

"Attempts? She'll most likely make our deaths look like accidents," he says, humoring her.

Cerridwen shakes her head at the both of them, but says nothing. Internally, she's happy that they're talking again. They won't admit it, but they were miserable without the other - even if they didn't show it.

The Haruno laughs, "Ha! And just so you know, I'm not going easy on you just because of what you said," she points at the Uchiha, daring him.

"Hn, good. It's not in my nature to go easy either," he smirks, accepting the challenge.

Standing at their sides of the field, their eyes clash in narrowed glances. Fuchsia crashing with obsidian. The burning sunset colliding with the cool midnight.

The goddess raises her right arm and yells, "Start!"

Immediately rushing forward, Tsuki flawlessly enters into her Third Sealing state, the full moon seal. The black vines erupt on her skin as she feels the power of both Life and Dark Energy rush in her veins. Flexing her limbs, she spins on her heel and quickly directs a high kick towards Itachi who doesn't hesitate to block it. She glares at him when he takes a hold of her ankle.

"Lunar Style: Sea of Tranquility," Tsuki states in her mind.

Like wonders, a circle of glowing moonlight spreads on the ground, creating a radius, spreading until it reaches the Uchiha. His eyes widen when he feels his body suddenly paralyze in movement, but he's not stopping there. Activating his Sharingan, he uses the Mangekyo and activates his Susanoo. The red orange skeletal figure easily breaks the paralyzing jutsu that Tsuki casted before throwing the said girl away from him.

Gritting her teeth, Tsuki flips her body as she lands before standing in fighting position. Huffing out a breath of air, she assesses the form of defense before her like a puzzle, trying to find chinks in the armor.

It may defend against attacks, but can it defend against changes in the atmosphere, the Haruno questions, musing to herself.

"Lunar Style: Force of Gravity," she mutters under her breath before entering the position, spreading her legs and pushing her arms forwards.

Smirking, Tsuki feels the pressure on her arms as she forces the currents of gravity to change. From inside his Susanoo, Itachi can feel the change of the atmosphere as a strong current slams against him. He immediately notices that he's slowly being pushed back. Narrowing his crimson eyes, Itachi wills the Susanoo to change into the armored version before adding a shield to act as a barrier against the strong winds.

Tsuki smirks even wider when she sees him focusing only on her jutsus. Whilst continuing with the currents of gravity, she lets the dark energy absorb into her skin as thinks of next move. Giving a sinister smile, Tsuki allows herself to sink into the shadows and into the ground.

"Dark Arts: Veil of Shadows," she says as she ventures underground.

The cool chill of darkness always had an effect on her. It was comforting, but it can also make her cold - emotional wise - if she's in it too long. However, Tsuki knows too well now. She's aware of the allure of darkness, she's seen it and she's been warned of it.

Erupting from the underground, Tsuki smiles when she sees Itachi's back.

"I think you underestimated me," the Kunoichi informs, announcing her presence.

"Hn, I could say the same," Itachi says softly.

Simultaneously, they both jump back and attack in quick motions. Itachi drops his Susanoo and speedily makes precise hand signs as Tsuki absorbs the vast amounts of sunlight and grips her right arm as she points it in his direction.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Ball Jutsu!"

"Hell Style: Wrath of Hades!"

A stream of darkened red flames crash violently with a ball of brilliant red orange flames, colliding in a molten mix of heat. The impact despite it being a collision of awe, was surpassing great as the heat waves pushed both opponents back.

In her spot by the treeline, Cerridwen winced at the level of heat. It felt like being back in the Underworld, but that wasn't the point.

"You could have warned me before giving me a sun tan! I don't tan, I burn," the goddess yells to the defeated duo.

× × × × ×

CERRIDWEN SHAKES HER head at the two as she looks over their burn wounds. Sure, she's proud that they're up to par, and in control of their power seeing as it was verified by their fight, but they were also reckless. There's no time for recklessness, especially with the war so close.

"When I said fight to the death, I didn't mean literally! You two should be ashamed of yourselves!" The goddess reprimands them before sighing. "Other than that, good job. You both showed great strength! Tsuki you've succeeded in your training, and Itachi you worked tremendously to regain your strength and it shows."

"Um, thank you," Tsuki says in confusion, glancing at the Uchiha who shrugs.

"Yes, thank me. I mean, I am the one healing you right now and you should be thankful! Should be showing me gratitude! You should be kneeling before me! Kissing the ground I walk on! You-"

Tsuki bites her lip and shakes her head as the goddess continues ranting, trying to stiffle her laughter. Itachi smiles, amused by goddess' words. To him, he found the presence of the goddess comforting despite her eccentric personality. She reminded him of a mother, not his exactly - no one can replace his mother, but Cerridwen held some aspects that reminded him of Mikoto. Mostly being her caring and nurturing side, one she mostly shows to Tsuki. It might not be obvious, but it's there - the soft words of reassurance, the worried look in her eyes, the kind warm smiles, but they were the acts of a mother, one he recognized too well.

"Now! Tsuki, despite me telling you that you were going to fight me - don't give me that look! Listen, I was just pulling your leg - okay, I deserve that look. Anyways, in truth, to complete your training, I was just going to give you my blessing for Goddess Mode," Cerridwen informs with a laugh, grinning.

"Your blessing," the Haruno asks, tilting her head to the side.

Cerridwen sighs. "Yes, my blessing because with that I'm granting you access to my full power. Look, I'll admit that I wasn't the best sealing to my previous hosts and that's putting it lightly. However, when you came along, I watched you grow up mistreated and in pain. That's when I said 'finally, someone who understands the pain I went through'. And I know that doesn't excuse my past actions, but I don't care because I found myself in you and I allowed myself to care. I didn't care for my previous hosts, or trust them, but with you - I do, I trust you."

The pale goddess watched the teen before her grow from a young child to the accomplished young woman she is today, to a strong Kunoichi. To her, Tsuki was the closest thing she had to a daughter, a best friend. She watched her struggle, hurt,  in pain, she saw her happy, in love, suffer, get betrayed, Cerridwen saw it all. And she'll continue watching her as she gives Tsuki her power.

Cerridwen moves forwards and gently touches Tsuki's abdomen, her sealing area, with chakra infused fingertips. By doing this, she's permitting her chakra to mend with the sealings.

"With this blessing, I allow you full access to the moonlight and shadows and give to you the essence of a goddess."

As Cerridwen pulled away, Tsuki's skin bloomed in glowing hues of black and white, gaining the state of Goddess Mode.




SO, WHAT DID YOU LIKE? HATE? (hated how long I took to update, yeah me too!)





(I'll try not to take a year to update again!)

Word Count: 4,172

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