Chapter 38: The Calm Before A Storm

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fever dream by mxmtoon

Chapter 38: The Calm Before A Storm

AFTER THE COMPLETION of her newly attained Goddess Mode, Tsuki spent the rest of her final days sparring. Though, not like her previous fight with Itachi where they basically roasted each other like a well prepped meal.  This time she drew back on her intent to set him on fire, and stopped when they had each other in a dead lock - pointing kunais at their vital spots. After all, fighting fire and fire doesn't bode well in literal fights, it just creates a bigger fire.

Apart from their fighting sessions, they spent the remainder of their days relaxing. It was essential for the Haruno as she made a point to push her focus away from the upcoming war. Each morning she would wake with breathless gasps as nightmares invaded her sleep. The bags under her eyes were continuing to grow darker with the lack of rest, and Cerridwen was seriously considering on knocking her out.

Tsuki waved her worries away, she knew her limit on staying awake. Heck, it's like she was back in the Akatsuki, forcing herself to stay alert by pushing chakra to her brain. Though, if she really needed it, she would fall through with Cerridwen's plan to be knocked unconscious, or maybe ask Itachi if he could put her in a peaceful Genjutsu to relax.

However, with the relaxing atmosphere, the Haruno spent some time meditating whilst using the Dark Energy to see the Dark Prophecies. She shifted her head everytime she glanced at a new possibility. Of course Tsuki knew that the prophecies weren't set in stone - they were just possible predictions, but she wanted to see them all. She wanted to prepare to keep them from happening, especially the ones that ended with death.

Sure, Tsuki wasn't in best terms with her peers from Konoha, but did that mean she want them dead? The answer is no, she didn't. Especially her sister, Sakura, they always had a rocky relationship apart from their early childhood, but there was always something in that conflict that made Tsuki want to protect her younger counterpart. Of course, Sakura would usually push her away and do things to spite her, but Tsuki would always stand firm in her place, and sometimes she would say hurtful things when her anger got the best of her - but wasn't that normal? For siblings to fight?

By all means, Tsuki was ready to begin mending her relationship with her sister. She wanted a fresh start. Realistically, it would be hard to rebuild the completely totaled bridge that they destroyed, but with equal effort, it would be possible. Her relationship with Naruto, now, that wasn't strained to the slightest - it's like the blond kept an iron clutch grip to their blooming friendship from their younger days and fought to keep it in tact. She felt relieved that he believed that there was still good in her despite her heinous actions with the Akatsuki - he was still that optimistic kid she found comfort in, and that's what she needs in a best friend.

With Kakashi, well, he was her former sensei and somehow she saw him as a male role model. Of course it hurt when he didn't believe in her like Naruto did, but she doesn't blame him. In a logical sense, her departure from Konoha was an ultimatum - to be killed or escape, she chose the latter obviously and immediately went to the number one enemy organization. Her treachery to the Leaf was silent, she never made any announcements to deflecting, no one came an - well, Itachi and Kisame came to inform her of their Leader's intentions, but she wasn't attacked, she was given an option - and she chose. Maybe that's why he didn't believe in her, she chose to be a bad guy. To Kakashi, Tsuki was another failure on his plate, a comrade he missed to save. He was too busy halting the fights between Sasuke and Naruto to notice her silent actions.

But like she said on the bridge, it wasn't his fault. She failed to confide in him, keeping her struggles to herself when she could have gone to him for help.

Though, Sasuke, now, that's when it changes. Tsuki was hurt beyond belief because of him. He was a suckerpuch to the gut - to the heart, for her. He left her broken and in shambles. She trusted in him, a partnership for three long years only to be easily thrown away because of a little mistrust from an outside party, but that left her empty in the end. He simply took everything she gave to him, her help, her support, her security, her trust, her heart, her love, and he walked away without remorse.

He's right there with her parents, people she would most likely never forgive. Or fully trust.

Tsuki opened her fuchsia eyes, stopping her meditation, and sardonically laughed.

"I wonder how everyone's doing," she stated to herself while wiping her tearful eyes - the prophecies always take an emotional toll. "I wonder if they're all in a bad shape like me... probably not."

The Haruno sighs, dejectedly. 

× × × × ×

IN KONOHA, EVERYTHING was in a mess of responsibilities as everyone tried to get everything in order. The preparation for war. An allied force of all the great nations against the remainder of the Akatsuki. Though, apart from that, it seems that they were also focusing on getting Tsunade to recover from her chakra depletion during Pein's attack. She awoke abruptly a few days ago, just in time to stop the announcement of Sixth Hokage, which happened to be Kakashi. 

As Kakashi and Shizune stand in the Hokage's tent, they informed the Senju woman of all that happened. 

"So, Madara Uchiha really is alive?" the blonde voices, wrapping her head around the absurd information. 

"I don't have any solid proof, but considering his plan. I doubt it could be anyone else," Kakashi clarifies.

"And of your former student, Tsuki Haruno? Can we really trust the information she gave to you," Tsunade asks, looking at the sensei.

The man sighs. "There's no reason for her to be lying, especially when she deflected from the Akatsuki. She holds no ties to them. Plus, what she said pans out. The only known members left are Madara himself, Kisame Hoshigaki, and Zetsu. She and Itachi Uchiha are no longer our enemies, they proved themselves as allies." Kakashi informs the older woman.

The Senju furrows her brows. "Kisame Hoshigaki was stated to be killed by both the Raikage and B after the Kage summit. Along with Itachi, he was killed by his brother, Sasuke," she says in a tone of disbelief. 

"Tsuki said that there's no solid proof for Kisame to be dead unless they actually have his body. She knows this because she often used blood clones to fake her death, so she's sure that he has a similar trick. As for Itachi, Tsuki healed him after the fight with Sasuke, just in time to save his life. He's been hiding away with her all this time, especially when the truth about Danzo being behind the Uchiha massacre came out and him leaving the Akatsuki as well," Kakashi tells the Hokage.

Tsunade sighs heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose. "So, let me get this straight. Not only did Kisame Hoshigaki fake his death, fooling the Raikage and the rest of us, but we also have two former Akatsuki members who are rogue shinobi as our allies?"

"That's correct," the Hatake confirms with a nod.

"And do we know where they are? Because if we don't, then we need to find them. They are our main sources of information, they know more about the Akatsuki than any of us combined," Tsunade tells them with a pointed look. "And I'll say this, Itachi Uchiha and Tsuki Haruno are the key to winning this war. The Akatsuki lost two major players when those two deflected."

"We can send a tracking team to look for them," Shizune suggests. 

Kakashi shakes his head. "That won't work. Tsuki and Itachi are hiding in a secure place, more so than Mount Myoboku," he sighs, shooting their idea down. 

"More secure than Mount Myoboku, I've never heard of such a place," the blonde mutters, just loud enough for the two to hear. 

"That's because it's a realm created by the goddess sealed inside Tsuki. The goddess, Cerridwen, ensured their safety and claims to have them ready in time for the war. After all, Tsuki is still training to control her powers," the Copy Cat ninja reassures her. 

"I see," Tsunade states, biting her painted nail. She then looks up to meet his eye with her amber gaze. "Then, we can guarantee to have them on our side when the time comes?"

"That's right."

"I'm trusting you on this Kakashi, and I really hope you're right."

"So do I."

With all the information being shared, their conversation ends when Tsunade tells them to call a planning session. After all, they still have to prepare their plan of attack.

× × × × × ×

BACK IN THE field, Tsuki gets up and walks back to where she knows Cerridwen is at. The fresh warm breeze helps soothe her tear flushed cheeks, erasing all the evidence that she even shed a tear. The prophecies were something that always overwhelmed her - emotionally, but she's gotten used to it now. Exiting the line of trees, the Haruno gently smiles at the sight of the goddess talking with the older Uchiha. 

The girl felt content in that moment, relaxed. She's all trained and prepared, she expressed her feelings to the man she feels for and didn't get rejected, her bond with Cerridwen is as strong as ever, and she's now out of the tight clutches of the Akatsuki - no longer fearing for her life at every turn, but most importantly, she's in the beginning of mending her relationships with her former teammates - slowly but surely. 

She's finally feeling happy. 

Tsuki wishes she can live in this moment forever, but she knows she can't. Not with a war on their doorstep. 

Sighing, Tsuki smiles before her fuchsia eyes gleam with mischief. With expert precision, the Haruno silently runs up to the duo and charges. Giving a sudden battle cry, the kunoichi jumps and leaps on the unsuspecting back of the Uchiha. Unfortunately, for her, Itachi turns at the last second and catches her, stopping her sudden sneak attack. Wrapping his arms around her arms and waist, Itachi smirks up at the pouting girl.

"You know for a former Akatsuki member, you clearly suck at sneak attacks," he smirks.

"Shut up. What if I wanted you to catch me, huh?" She says, her face slowly tinting pink, realizing that she's in his arms. 

"Then, you definitely succeeded," Itachi comments smugly, noticing her blooming blush.

"Argh! You can put me down now!"

"Why? I thought you wanted to be in my arms," he chuckles. 

"Stupid Uchiha, put me down! I was wrong, this was a sneak attack gone wrong," Tsuki yells, her face turning bright red in embarrassment, as she tries to pull back and get out of his hold. 

Cerridwen smiles. "Awwwe! You two make me sick with all this 'too sweet' romance," the goddess tells them, pretending to gag. 

With a red face, Tsuki glares at the goddess. "Shut up! And you, put me down! I surrender," she says, looking down at Itachi.

"Hn, as you wish," the man smiles, setting her down for her to stand.

Itachi looks at the Kunoichi, taking in all her features - from her lightly tanned skin, her blazing fuchsia eyes, to her blossom colored curls. Though, his onyx eyes narrow when they notice a new feature on her face. Above her brow line and in the center of her forehead, he sees a pure white circle, as if resembling a moon, on her skin.

Tsuki notices his gaze and quirks a confused eyebrow. "Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face," she questions, softly touching her cheeks - trying to wipe off whatever he's looking at.

"Yes, you do. It's like a seal of some sort," the Uchiha informs, raising a hand to gently touch at her forehead.

Tsuki tries not to blush when his fingers make contact with her skin, but it's useless. Her cheeks flush a soft crimson whilst she gives a small smile. Sasuke was never this soft with her, he was never that concerned with her unless she physically needed him to - if she was hurt. But, here's Itachi actually caring and concerning himself for her when he noticed a change in her.

All her previous affections, whether they be for Gaara when she was younger or for Sasuke when she was in a relationship, they all seem silly to her now. She was naive then, being blinded by the emotions she felt, but now, she's actually using her head to look at the signs.

Like, he wouldn't be this concerned if he didn't care, right?

Or how he goes along with her stupid actions, and jokes with her, and playfully tease each other.

And, they actually talk and share things, they're not silent and hide their feelings.

This with Itachi, whatever they have, it's genuine. He cares for her and she cares for him, and to keep these feelings blooming, she will protect it - she won't let outside parties ruin it, or even let herself doubt. She's aware that Itachi won't act on his feelings until she's rightfully healed, so she needs to keep that in mind and not doubt him.

Cerridwen breaks the Haruno's focus on the man when she steps closer. "You're right. It's the seal to show that you've completed my training, basically like Tsunade's Byakugo seal," the goddess explains. "Usually, they used to be black moons, but now it's white."

The pink haired teen frowns, thinking back to the Senju Hokage, "so, I have a seal on my forehead? What does it look like?"

"A moon, basically a white circle," Itachi clarifies before poking at it.

Tsuki deadpans at his action, but narrows her eyes when she sees him about to repeat it. "Stop it," she huffs, smiling, before slapping his hand away. "Okay, but seriously, now that we concluded that our training is completed, what now? Can we get out of this safe area and back into the real world," she asks, looking at the pale woman.

"Hmm, nope! Now that the war is basically around the corner, I assume that Madara will want whatever advantage he can get, so it's dangerous for you to just waltz right outside. Especially when he wants the power you wield, meaning me. So, you stay here and enjoy your free time. Try to get some sleep, Kami knows you need it. You'll be no good if you're exhausted during the war," Cerridwen tells her host, crossing her arms as if she's scolding the girl.

Tsuki frowns at the tone of assertiveness. "Yes, mother. Whatever you say," she grumbles, walking past and away from them.

Cerridwen shakes her head at the Haruno, but she softly smiles at the name. The goddess could remember a time, before being sealed into different hosts, that she had a family. It wasn't perfect, but she had her younger siblings.

Itachi smiles sadly at the mention of a mother, remembering his own and how kind she was. It's bittersweet that he's still alive. Sure he's grateful to live another day, but being alive means that he still has regrets and guilt for his previous actions. After the war he'll make sure, when he has the opportunity, that he'll bring the Uchiha name back to their former glory - not with revenge but the right way because he was never one for violence.

"You," the goddess points at the Uchiha, startling him. "Make sure she gets some rest. We don't need her passing out from exhaustion when the war is at its most crucial, got it. Go take care of your girlfriend!"

Itachi stutters, his eyes widening and his cheeks blushing. "I-I, w-we're not...she's not-"

"Tch, don't lie. It's obvious that you have feelings for Tsuki, I can see it as clear as day." Cerridwen huffs, rolling her eyes. Though, that's before her tone turns soft. "Just take care of her, Itachi. Unlike that brother of yours who broke her, I can see that you're a good man. So, that's all I'm asking."

The man calms down when the goddess doesn't tease him for it, but when he hears her serious tone, he thinks. Sasuke broke her, sure he doesn't know all the details of how they broke their relationship or what was said, but he saw the after effects. And of course he wasn't there to witness her fight at the Kage Summit or with Danzo, but he saw glimpses of her exhaustion and that only concludes with wasting chakra and the cause of that were most likely because of her emotions - fighting recklessly and with uncontrolled anger. It was a big contrast to her calm and precise methods to when she was a part of the Akatsuki.

Of course he noticed the difference.

So, nodding, Itachi looks to the goddess. "I will. As you said, I care for her, too," he states.

"Thank you," Cerridwen smiles. That's before she nods in the direction Tsuki left in. "Now, go on then."

Shaking his head, Itachi walks away and follows after the Haruno. It's obvious that the kunoichi is stressed and has a lot of weight on her shoulders, and because of that he understands why she hasn't been sleeping. Stepping into the small traditional home, the Uchiha silently steps into the single bedroom expecting to see the girl sleeping, but instead he finds her lying down on her futon with her arms crossed and glaring at the ceiling. 

"Can't sleep," he suddenly says, and suppresses a smirk when he see her flinch in surprise. 

Placing a hand over her palpitating heart, Tsuki sits up and glares at Itachi for startling her. "Jeez, you should start wearing a bell so I can at least hear you coming. And, no, I can't because I'm overthinking again, and that's the problem," she sighs, falling back to stare at the ceiling. 

"As fun as that sounds, it's not really my style. I'll stick to startling you," Itachi chuckles. 

"You're mean," the pink haired girl laughs. A silence surrounds the the room, not awkward or tense, just comfortable. Tsuki turns her head as he takes a seat on his own futon bed. "How was your life back in know, before everything happened?"

He smiles fondly, "Why the sudden interest? Not that I don't mind."

The girl smiles sadly. "I want to know if you had a good upbringing, if you had loving parents, you know. If your mother cared for you, and if she made your favorite dishes. If your father taught you any life lessons, or if he was proud of you. My parents never did that, my mother never cared enough about me and my father... well he never gave me the time of day," she explains before finishing sourly at the mention of her parents. 

Itachi gives a soft smile, remembering his younger days. "My mother, Mikoto, she was the kindest person I knew. Very loving, and when I remember her, she's always smiling. She would always ask how my day was when I came home from missions or from training..."

Tsuki smiles as he rambles on about his mother. The way he talks about her, the Haruno girl could almost picture the woman. A soft smile that emits a gentle warmth, soft and kind features, she can assume the fair skin and dark hair - traits known to the Uchiha clan. His mother is a far contrast to her mother, so very different.

"My father, Fugaku, he was stern, but that was expected since he was the head of the clan. Though, he had moments where he showed his softer side, mostly around mom. Although, despite him not saying it often, he did tell me that he was proud of me. And yes, he did teach me. Ever since I was a kid, he taught me the fireball jutsu and all of our clan's techniques..."

As minutes pass by, Itachi finally notices the silence and looks at the futon across from him. He smiles when he sees the pink haired teen sleeping soundly, the obvious indicator being her soft snores. She must have fallen asleep while he was talking, distracting her from her overbearing thoughts.

Standing up, he carefully grabs the blankets from the end of her futon before gently laying them on her sleeping body.

"Good night, Tsuki," he voices softly.

× × × × ×

SAKURA WALKS UP the stairs of their newly built home. After Konoha was destroyed by Pein, Yamato Sensei - and other builders, refurnished their village to the way it was. So, as she walks with a box of her personal items, she suddenly stops in front of the empty bedroom.

Tsuki's bedroom.

Ever since her sister left the village, no one in their family ever stepped inside the room. Her parents didn't really put an effort, it's like they didn't care. However, she couldn't build up the courage to try.

To her, it was too painful. A reminder of all the bad things she did to her sister. Of all the words she insulted her with. Of all the lies she spewed just so she can get her in trouble with their parents. A reminder of all the mistakes she did.

That room was evocative, haunting.

Taking deep breath, Sakura reaches and grabs the doorknob before pushing her way in. Her breath hitches at the empty room. Despite the lacking furniture and the touch of decor, the Haruno girl could still picture it the way it was.

How the blank walls were painted a dark red, and how the windows had black sheer curtains. Where her bed sat in the middle of the room. How her shelf was filled with books and scrolls of all kinds. Everything, she could remember every inch, every detail, all the way down to the scent of cherry that always lingered in the room.

Sakura felt foolish now. How did she not notice the pain she was causing her sister? Was she that careless, that insensitive, that blind to the hurt she caused? Of course she was. She was young, but she was stupid. Sakura wanted attention, whether it be from Sasuke or their parents, she just didn't care who she hurt in the process.

Tsuki said her fair share of mean words, but she never, voluntarily, caused her pain. She was pushed to say those things, her words were always as a payback, she never initiated them.

When did they go from being sisters to enemies? To strangers?

Her sister was a whole different person now, and Sakura couldn't help but blame herself.

Maybe after this war they can change things, build back their relationship?


Well, that's chapter 38! I am so sorry that it took nearly a year to update again. I'll try to update this story a bit more frequent! And yes, this was a bit of a filler chapter, and the next will probably be one as well, since the war is so serious I wanted to show you chapter where they're more relaxed.

So what did you think? Likes, dislikes?

Oof, more Itachi and Tsuki moments - even if they were cringey, lolol.

And cute, Tsuki fell asleep to Itachi's talking - uwu

And a little scene where Sakura contemplates all her actions with Tsuki. Their sister relationship will get better, but with the damage sustained over the years it won't be perfect. Heck, Tsuki will probably have a better sibling bond with Naruto than with Sakura.

Cerridwen is still perfection.

ItaSuki is making progress!

Anyways, don't forget to





THANK YOU, AND BYE, My very dear and lovely friends! (Also, remember to be safe and to take care of yourselves!)

Word Count: 4,060

(I made a banner!)

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