Chapter 12

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Sonic's POV
I barried my head as far as it could possibly go in Shadows chest. I love his fur, his scent, his touch, everything about him! I love it all so much I can't possibly put it all into words.

I am finally relaxed. I finally have the only thing that I had been missing for these pass four days holding me in his strong grip. I didn't want him to let me go, I want to stay wrapped up in his arms for all eternity. 'Who knew that an eternity lasts only a few minutes though,' I thought as my head was lifted from his chest.

" Sonic there is something I need to ask you," he sounded kind of nervous and concerned at the same time and that me worried.

I tilted my head in a confused look as I gazed into his crimson eyes. They were hiding something. He looked nervous, worried, concerned? I'm not really quite sure but I guess I'd soon find out as I asked what was it we needed to talk about as I snuggled back into his chest.

Shadow's POV
He snuggled back into my chest an began to softly purr. ' This is a lot more worse then I thought,' I couldn't help but think as I ran my fingers through my quills and let out a sigh.

I pulled Sonic out of my quills earning a groan and pouty look as his only response from me removing him from my body.

"Sonic we need to talk about you," I simply stated. I couldn't sugar coat things now, I had to be honest and come right out. " About me? Why? Nothing's wrong why do you want to talk about me?"

"On the contrary love, this is something wrong and I have noticed many signs and it's starting to bother me greatly!" He looked away and stared at the floor as I said that. He and I both know exactly where this conversation is headed.

I got off the couch and knelt down in front on him on the floor. I then grabbed both of his hands in mine and squeezed them tightly," I only have one question Sonic, why? Why would you let this happen to yourself? Your so much stronger and better then this Sonic! There is no reason to let yourself go like this."

His eyes began to looked glazed over as he struggled to hold his tears back. I sat there on the floor on both knees waiting for Sonic's answer," Sonic please answer me I beg of you!" He then couldn't hold them back anymore.

A cascade of tears spilled down his face, drenching his cheeks and muzzle in salty droplets." I'm sorry Shadow I didn't know what else to do. I thought I would have been fine and for the first night I was! But the next morning when I woke up and you weren't there next to me I lost it.

I tried everything to fool my conscious into thinking you were here. I stopped bathing to keep your scent lingering in my quills, and I started sleeping on your side of the bed hugging your pillow imaging that it was you hugging me instead.

I would stay up through the night and worry about you and pace the floor till I made myself sick. I didn't feel like I had to eat nor did I want to. Shads I know what your going to say.

I knew that you called me when you could and I knew you would be back, but that just didn't do it for me anymore. I couldn't stand just hearing your voice! I wanted the full package! I wanted the voice, the body, the hugs, the kisses! I wanted it all and you not being there to give it to me made me go insane."

He started sobbing more as he pulled his hands away from mine and covered his face and wept deeper. I just had to sit there on the floor a minute to think everything through and come up with some sort of solution. Then I got some sort of idea but I wasn't quite sure if what he would think so I tested it out.

I sat myself back on the couch and pulled Sonic into my arms again and stroked his quills till he was somewhat calm. He was still panting and hiccuping since he was out of breath from sobbing so much.

I let out a silent sigh before I asked my question,"Sonic....... Do you want me to quit and stay with you?". He sat there for a minute as if in thought and then shook his head no, I folded me ears back in astonishment I wasn't expecting him to say no.

Sonic's POV
I have to admit it took so much of me to not scream 'yes' at the question. I had to sit and think about what was best.

We needed the money for the baby, and im pretty sure that since Shadow is always going places and traveling, like he enjoys doing, that he really likes his job and I would never take something he liked away from him.

I knew my answer, although I didn't like it. I shook me head and answered with a no. He seemed so surprised with my answer, but I know I made the right choice I would just have to get use to being alone for a few days. Things would eventually get to be easier the longer I tough it out.

I began to feel much happier as I began to feel my cheery, peppy attitude slowly start to increase.

Shadow's POV
"Sonic are you sure?" I still wasn't sure if he actually meant it or not so I had to ask and make sure.

I became one hundred percent positive of his answer though, when he looked up at me with a small grin and shook his head nodding 'yes'. "Yes Shads I'm absurdly positive," he chuckled as he kissed my check.

I was happy about this and kissed his forehead. 'Now come phase two of my plan,' I thought to myself as he cuddled back into my chest. I had to find a way to leave enough things around the house to remind Sonic of me so he won't get lonely again.

I sat there stroking his quills and cuddling with him as I pondered on what I could do. Thank goodness though that I had a three day break to come up with a plan though because this won't be easy. Not if I have anything to do with this.

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