Chapter 13

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Narrator's POV
The sky was bright a bright cheery blue and sunny with not a single cloud in the sky. A totally beautiful to anyone but certain pregnant blue hedgie. To him today was the worst day of his life. Why you may ask? Well because Shadows three day weekend has come to an end and was getting ready for work.

Shadow got out of bed early, before the sun even rose into the sky. He knew he had work that day, but he had other more import things on his mind.

He wiggled out of bed, trying not to wake his sleeping husband and then changed out of his pajamas into more proper work clothes( a pair of blue jeans, with a red plaid t-shirt, a black undershirt, and normal shoes and gloves).

He then slowly opened the bedroom door trying not to make it squeak. He was happy when he succeeded then closed it as he stepped into the hallway.

His plan was to fill the house with little things of his that either had his scent on them or they were just things he liked.

He walked downstairs to the living room and proceeded to carry out his plan.  He set his favorite pillow on the side of the living couch that he usually sat on.

He then went over to the kitchen and payed his coffee mug on the kitchen counter in plain sight.

He then went up to the bathroom and took a quick shower making the entire bathroom smell like his body wash.

After he had finished all of his 'enhancements' around the house, he snuck back into the bedroom with a bottle of his favorite cologne and proceeded to spray everything.

He sprayed his clothes, the closet, his pillows, the blankets, his side of the bed, he even managed to put a little on his hand and rub it on the necklace around his sleeping lover's neck without waking him.

He was pleased with himself as he saw his work and then looked at the time. 6:20 he had just enough time to put a few finishing touches around the house.

He grabbed a paper and pencil and wrote a good morning poem to Sonic and laid it on the pillows next to him.

He then made a trail of rose petals from the bed all the way to the kitchen, and made him breakfast and put it on the table.

He went to the living room and put a vase filled with bouquet of blue, black, and red roses on the coffee table. While everywhere else in the house that wasn't as main as the places that he knew Sonic would spend most of his time, but still were important he put little love notes and drawing of how much he loved him.

Shadow scoped over the entire house making sure he did not leave any spot untouched. He smiled at his work, quite pleased with himself. He then proceeded to go back upstairs to get his leather biker jacket and helmet from the closet.

He checked the time as he slid on his jacket. 7:00. He had thirty minutes to get to work. He kissed the sleeping pregie hedgie on the cheek then left for work.

Time Skip 2 hours later:
Sonic's POV
Sunshine shown through the window and made me stir in my slumber. I couldn't sleep anymore thanks to nature's alarm clock good ol' mister sun.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes and started scooting out of bed when my hand hit a piece of paper making a crumbling sound. I picked it up and saw it was a poem from Shadow so I started reading it.

To My Darling Sonikku~
Your smile shines more brighter then the sun above,
Your green emerald eyes are truly something to love.
Everyday when I see your beautiful face,
My head begins to spin in place.
Even with the slightest touch of your hand,
It's something that my heart can't stand.
You make it twitch you make it stutter,
You make it stop you make it shudder.
I moan and I groan I clap and I shout,
Because your love is really something to talk about.
The precious gift of love that you with stow upon me,
Is as precious as the food I eat or the air that I breath.
The moments I spend with you are truly the best,
When I get to feel your sweet head on my chest.
Our hands intwined and our hearts beat one,
As I stroke your silky fur till day is all done.
The time I'm away from you is truly the worst,
But I look forward for the time when my heart will burst.
It'll see your face again after a long and hard day,
And know for sure that in your love my heart will stay. 

Loving You and Missing You Always,
Your Lover Shadow~

My eyes began to tear up at the letter as I closed my eyes and brought it up to my chest. I then continued to get out of bed and grab a change of clothes from the closet.

I opened it up and was greeted by the smell of Shadows cologne. I loved the smell of it so much. I took a big whiff as i proceeded with grabbing my clothes and walking to the bathroom.

After I was once again greeted by Shadow's scent and I took my shower, I followed a trail of rose petals all the way to the kitchen where a now cold breakfast sat on the table with a note that said ' I Love You My Precious Sonikku<3' on it. I giggled as I read it and stared warming up the cold breakfast.

After breakfast I started to walk in the living room. My heart was fluttering as I thought about all the wonderful things that Shadow had done for me. " This day couldn't get any better," I though to myself as I was soon proved wrong.

I gasped and placed my hands over my heart as I sat down on the couch and saw the vase filled to the brim with black, red, and blue roses with another small note attacked.

'A rose for every moment I will be missing you'

The said as I read it. My eyes started to tear up again as I read it. I picked up the vase and barried my nose in the roses savoring and melting into their sweet scent.

I began to feel overwhelms by all the excitement  of the morning and decided to take a mid-morning nap. I stretched and yawned then reached for  Shadow's favorite pillow that was on his  side of the couch. I felt high off his scent as I smelled it on the pillow. I then fell into a deep Shadow filled sleep.
-------------------------------------------------Hey guys sorry if these past chapters have been kind of boring. I'll try to make things a little more interesting in the next chapters when I come up with something good. If y'all have any ideas please tell me. Till then bye guys.

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