Chapter 14

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Sonic's POV
I woke up from my nap. I sat up from my position and stretched as I looked at the clock on the wall. 3:30 "Shadow should be calling me any moment to tell me how things are going so far," I spoke to nothing as I ran upstairs to sit by cell phone.

Shadow's POV
Ugh... Finally 3:30 it's time for my break! I finally get to hear my sweet Sonikku's voice and see how he is holding up so far.

I walked out of the G.U.N building and sat down on a bench under a tall oak tree, where I always sit to talk to him. I reach into the pocket of my pants and pull out my phone and go through my contacts list to find his number. I really didn't feel like talking today so I decided to text him instead.

~Good evening beautiful;)
~Hi ShadyKu
~Oh Shadow I miss you so much when are you coming home?0-0
~I'm not sure yet darling but hopefully sometime tonight or maybe even sooner:)
~Oh ok!^_^ I really wish you were home know though 7-7
~I know Sonikku so do I.... But on a unrelated note how are you doing over there?
~Oh I'm fine over here and oh! Thxs so so so much for the flowers this morning they were so beautiful and the poem you wrote me was lovely^_^
~NP Sonikku I would do anything to make you happy ;*
~awwwww thx ShadyKu=p
~alright Sonny I'm sorry but I have to get back to work now I wuv you ;********
~[.^_^.] Awww...alright love you to Shady get home soon<3
~I will love bye=*

I ended the chat. I was happy that the stuff I left him was working. I went back to work with a little more pep in my step thinking about how happy I'll be when I get to see my darling pregie hedie again.

Sonic's POV
I plopped down on the bed laying on my back looking up at the ceiling. I was bored out of my mind now that I stopped talking to Shadow. ' What to do? What to do?' I pondered to myself as I lay on the bed.

I sat up and looked out the bedroom window and saw how beautiful day was. " I guess I'll go for a walk around the neighborhood," I said to myself as I got up and put my phone in my pocket and slipped on my shoes and socks.

I deeply inhaled the sweet intoxicating smell of the crisp autumn air. I slipped on a sweater as I stepped out the front door and locked it.

I started to walk enjoying all the sights and smells of the neighborhood. I walked till I came upon the town's park.

I sat down on the bench and gazed chuckled as I watched all the children running around and having on a blast on all of the playground equipment. I smiled at the sight and looked down at my one month old belly bulge and rubbed it. "Soon you'll join in all the fun to my little one," I purred as I spoke to my unborn child in the most motherly tone I possibly could.

I was lost in the please of the children screaming in glee and the wind blowing through my quills and making the red and orange leaves on the trees rustle, while the others happily danced around in circles on the ground. I closed my eyes taking in everything feeling totally at peace.

Not long after though I was disturbed by a rustling in the bushes next to where I was sitting. I tried to ignore it but soon the noise became unbearable and I became annoyed. I stood up and decided to walk home since the sun was starting to set.

Time Skip-Walking Home
The trip home was just as enjoyable as the trip from it. The varying shades of yellows, reds and browns seemed to cascade their colors everywhere I looked as the sun shone perfectly through them.

It was beginning to get chilly so I cuddled deeper into my woolly sweater as I continued to walk, my black wind-pants making a small swishing sound as I walked.

Since it was to dark I decided to take a small detour through the forest. Shadow told me that forest wouldn't be a safe place for someone like me in my sort of condition but since Scourge is gone I didn't see any kind of possible threat so I shrugged off his words and continued my way into the woods.

The birds chirped merrily without a care in the world, the trees whispered sweet things to one another as they shook next to each other in the cool breeze, the wind kissed my cheeks and nibbled on my nose as I giggle at the feeling. The forest was so peaceful how could Shadow possibly say this place could be dangerous.

I was so lost in the wonderful, peaceful feeling that the woods created around me that I had no idea how late it was becoming to be until I felt my leg vibrate.

I was pulled out of my trance as I answered the phone hearing Shadow's deep but soothing masculine voice.

~"Hey Sonikku what you doing?"
~"Oh nothing just on a little stroll."
~"What now? are you sure you should be out this late? Where are you anyways?"
~"Oh just in the forest no biggy nothing to worry about at all."
~ "THE FOREST!! Sonikku I thought I told you that the forest wasn't safe for someone in your condition you never know who's or what's unwanted attention you might catch!"
~" Hehe oh Shady don't be such a worry hog! I've been here almost all day and nothing bad has happened to me."(oops shouldn't have said that)
~"WHAT ALL DAY! YOU'VE BEEN IN THE FOREST ALL DAY! Sonic do you even know where you are right now?!"
~"Of course I do Shady I'm....(I looked around where I was trying to recognize me surroundings)....i'm....i'm... in the forest the duh!
~"You don't have a clue where you are do you?!"
~"heheh to be honest no no I don't"( I sweat dropped as I said that)
~ Ugh Sonic see this is exactly what I meant.(inhaled deeply to try and calm down) ok Sonikku I need you to tell me some of the things that are around you so I can have an idea where you are at least."
~Ok( I looked around trying to find anything useful) well there isn't much but a lot of trees, but there is a small clearing that im standing in with a large rock in the center and there is also a tiny creek but that's mainly it."
~ "Alright I'm on my way now sit right and I'll be there in a jiffy"
~"Ok Shads love you!"
~ "Love you to SonnyKu"

He ended the call and I stood there in the clearing for a minute. My exhaustion was jut now starting to catch up to me as I stood there. My knees began to shake and I began to shiver as the wind blew through my quills and i also started to have a strange feeling of some sort but I wasn't quite sire what it was exactly so I just shook it off.

I began to feel dizzy and I had a slight headache from the exhaustion that I put on my body. My stomach started to hurt so I finally decided to rest on the rock that I told Shadow about and rub my little bulge as I waited for him to find me.

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