Chapter 16

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Shadow's POV
I can't believe it! Four months! Four months have passed. It doesn't seem like that long at all. Sonic is officially five months pregnant now and his beautiful body is radiating off of it. I don't know why but him being  pregnant just makes me that much more attracted to him.

I mean he just looks so adorable. For instance right now he's cuddle up to me in bed wearing a red sweater with a purple stripe going horizontally right through the center, with a pair of black jogger pants on and a pair of white socks.

His quills are all over the place and his chest is rising and falling so soft and smoothly as he breathed. Small snores could be heard as he slept and it just made me melt every time I heard them. For some reason he was smiling in his sleep which didn't help my case any. He just looked so darn cute I didn't know what to do!

Unfortunately I had to wake the sleeping pregie hedgie up because he and I had made plans to visit the doctor today for a check up on the child to see him/her progress and to see if it will be a boy or girl. I ,myself, was super excited to finally be able to see what it was but i don't think I could compare to how excited Sonic was.

Flashback:Night Before

"Sonic honey go to sleep it's late you need to rest,"" I'm sorry dear I just can't I'm way to excited!" Sonic began to bounce on his knees while crawling into bed.

"Oh Shads can you believe it's been five months already! We can finally see what it's gonna be and we an start thinking of names! Hey Shads what you want to be?" Well I was going to answer him when I was cut off by him again," Well i honestly hope it's a girl. Wouldn't it be great Shads having a little baby girl around the house!?!"

I just couldn't help but smirk as he went off into Sonic daydream land. "Oh I can just see it now us  feeding her and dressing her in the cutest little outfits and playing with her till she's sleepy then we lay her into bed and kiss we goodnight then..... Huh wait...Shads!!!!" I was surprised when he called my name after awakening from his little fantasy land. "What's wrong Sonny?" I asked still kind of shocked but didn't let it show. 

"Shadow we don't have anything for the baby! How can I be so stupid!?! I haven't even thought about getting the proper things that we needed for the baby, I feel so selfish!"

He put his head in his hands and started to tear up and sniffle. I quickly took action, but couldn't help but chuckle as I pulled him into an embrace.

I guess he heard me chuckling because then he lifted his head up and looked at me with a face full of curiosity." Shadow the Hedgehog what could possibly be so funny about not being prepared for our first child?!"

I couldn't help but chuckle more at his reaction. He just crossed his arms and pouted at me like a little toddler. I just chuckled more as I answered," Well I guess your lucky you have me then," i said in between chuckles. He just looked me confused at that.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him off the bed and we walked together down the hallway to the spare room and stopped in front of the door. "Honey why are we here?" Sonic asked.

My only reply to him was me placing my hands over his eyes. I guided him into the room and turned on the light and uncovered his eyes.

He gasped and placed his hands over his mouth. "Oh babe it's beautiful!" He barried his head in my chest fur as he sobbed tears of joy.

During the past couple of months I managed to secretly changed our spare guest bedroom into a nursery for our baby. Im not quite sure how I did it without  him noticing but i managed and he sure was happy about it.

End of Flashback

I begin to shake his shoulder," Sonic.....Sonny.....Sonikku time to wake up."" Ugh just five more minutes mom!" He moaned as he tried to roll over but failed due to his large belly.

"Come on honey  it's time to get up now and get ready. you don't want to be late now do you?" I helped him sit up since he struggled to do so. "Ready for what?" He asked as he rubbed his yawned and rubbed his still closed eyes.

"To see our baby of course darling!"" To see our baby?" He say there for a few minutes letting the words sink in. "We get to see our baby today!" He said as he bounced off the bed and and stood up.

He grabbed my hands and spun us around in circles," We get to see our baby today!" he chuckled. In all the time I have know him I had never seen him act so hyper and childlike before and his smile just made me melt.

I finally made the spinning stop and managed to hold him still long enough to get him out of his pjs and into more decent clothes.  We then left two hours later after a quick breakfast and a argument over if we should walk or drive. He won of course so we walked.

Thirty minutes later we finally made it to the hospital. He was a lot more comfortable this time and actually allowed Dr. Harrison to touch him.

She put the scanner on his stomach and looked at a computer screen as she examined the baby. I became nervous though when she scrounged her face into a confused look. 

She did some more searching and then seemed relieved once she figured out what was going on. She noticed me looking at her with a confined and nervous expression on my face and turned the computer screen over towards me and Sonic.

"Well gentlemen it turns out that you to are in for more then you bargained for," she grinned as she turned the computer screen all the way to us.

Sonic's POV
I was confused at what she meant by that at first. I turned my head to look at Shadow who was staring at the screen mouth agape," Shads?" I asked he didn't even flinch so I finally decided to look at the screen and see what all the hullabaloo was about.

'Well everything looked right there the baby was. One head, two hands, one tail, four feet,' I then stopped '....wait a minute four feet?!' I looked harder at the screen and noticed the baby start to move around as it did another silhouette appeared.

My eyes teared up as I noticed what was happening. I was having twins. Two baby girls at that, what I always wanted. Shadow squeezed my hand as tears of joy streamed down my face. We hugged he each other then a few minutes after Dr. Harrison finally let us leave but not before she gave me a strict lecture about controlling my excitement and stress levels. All I could do was nod and say that I would do my best.

Shadow's POV
'Oh boy I can't believe it! Were having twins and they're both gonna be girls! Im so excited I think i could pass out but I'm not going to,' Sonic squeezed my hand as we walked home he seems off in his own little world again probably daydreaming about the girls.

Me on the other hand I felt really strange. Almost as if we were being watched. I panned my head in a three-sixty but found nothing so I just shook the feeling off.
No matter how much I tried to ignore it  though the feeling wouldn't leave me so I decided to scoop Sonic up bridal style and carry him the rest of the way home. I was really eager to make sure he was safe at home since something really didn't feel right at the moment.

Narrator's POV
What Shadow didn't know was at that very moment he was correct. Something was watching him. Actually two something's were watching him and their waiting and planning was finally complete and were ready to put it into action.

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