Chapter 17

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Narrator's POV
It was pitch black outside. The crescent moon played peekaboo with the clouds as they rolled by it. The starts twinkled like the sparkling eyes of a thousand or more happy children.

A restless five month pregnant Sonic, lay wide awake in bed not sleeping a wink nor even feeling drowsy. He seemed to have the strange feeling that something was off this night but he didn't know what.

Using the ninja stealth skills that he acquired over the many months of his pregnancy, Sonic managed to roll him and his some-what large belly out of bed without disturbing his lover's slumber.

Sonic as quickly and quietly as he could tiptoed out of the bedroom while his husband began to stir in his sleep.

He walked downstairs and decided to get a glass of water and sit down at the kitchen table, since moving around wasn't as easy as it used to be. It took a bunch of energy just to walk down the stairs, but he didn't mind since he didn't want constantly disturb Shadow with his endless needs and wants.

He didn't bother turning on the kitchen light since the moon light that shown from the kitchen window illuminated the entire kitchen enough so he could see everything clear enough.

He felt on edge about something. Kind of like that feeling you have when you know something is gonna happens but you don't know what. Sonic just shook the feeling off though as he held his cup up to his face and took a sip.

Once he removed his cup from his muzzle though his face was greeted by a pair of glowing yellow eyes right in his face.

"Why hello my precious slave, long time no see," the owner of the eyes said in a voice that was way to familiar to him. Sonic let out a terrified shreak and tried to scream for Shadow and run to him but his call for help was muffled by another pair of eyes this time blue though as they put a dirty rag and tied it into his mouth almost making him gag.

"Now now Sonic dear struggling is pointless it will only make things worse for you and easier for us," the owner of the second pair of eyes warned. The owner of the voice was defiantly a female and he unfortunately knew exactly who the couple of kidnappers were.... his adopted ' parents'.

Sonic's POV
At that very moment a thousand thoughts ran through my head. 'How is this possible?' ' I thought they were dead!' ' How did they survive the fire?!'' What do they want me?!?' ' Shadow please wake up soon!!'

The two then tried to lift me out of the kitchen chair. I was scared and began to struggle as one of them grabbed my hips trying to get me to stay still. I placed my hands protectively over my stomach as to protect it as best as I could.

The two I then guessed noticed this and scrunched up their faces in discust," Discusting! Purely an abomination waiting to be born by an even bigger failure and waste of precious time and space!" My "dad" said as he grabbed my arms and tied them around my back.

I began to struggle more. I needed a way to let Shadow know I needed help then in a sonic-second it came to me.

I used my elbow since my arms were pretty much useless at the moment and hit my cup over the edge of the table and made it crash on the floor. Even though it was my favorite cup I had to do it! I won't let them take me without a fight! " You clumsy fool!" My "mother" said as she slapped me across the face making my eyes water.

They then put a black leather color around my neck along with a matching leash and dragged me out of the house. I used all the strength I could to leave a small noticeable trail for Shadow to follow as they drug me deeper into the woods. 'I really hope Shadow heard me' I thought to myself but my plead was soon answered when I heard a loud roar approaching fast from a far distance behind us. All I could do was smile.

Shadow's POV
I was in a deep sleep in bed, dreaming about my soon to be born twin baby girls. It was a very pleasant dream until I started getting cold. 

I tried scooting closer to what I thought was my precious Sonikku but the more I tried snuggle next to him for warmth the less success I had.

I cracked open one of my eyes to look at why I wasn't getting any warmer. I was surprised to see Sonic's side of the bed empty. I began to get worried so I sat up and scanned the room to make sure that he wasn't still in there.

When i saw no sign of him still I began to get out of bed. I swung my feet over the side of the bed and was about to stand up when I heard several loud thuds and what sounded like a muffled scream calling my name.

I ran through the bedroom door and to the top of the stairs. I knew that the muffled scream was Sonic's and I wasn't  going to  waste anytime getting there.

I bounded down the status and was about halfway down when I heard something like a glass break and then a female's voice along with a slapping sound.

I finally made it all the way downstairs and ran to the kitchen to only find nothing except the shattered remains of my dear sweet Sonic's favorite cup. I knew he would never let anything happen that cup so I knew something was up.

I ran outside and saw what looked like drag marks. Almost by shoes....or sneakers. I looked closer and saw three different set of tracks. One looked large like a male's another looked smaller and curved like a female's and then there was a set in the middle that looked like they were made by great force.

'Oh Sonikku your so intelligent, your making me tracks!' I praised Sonic in my mind, but soon the thoughts of Sonic being kidnapped made me furious and a dark red aura formed around me. My eyes turned completely red and I let out a broad and deep roar that seemed to make the ground quiver as I bolted towards the forest where the tracks were heading.

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