Chapter 23

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Before I start I want to dedicate this chapter to shadslover1216. Ok let's get to it.
Narrator's POV
It's a bright peaceful morning, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the ground is covered in a nice layer of thick winter snow. It's been a good month since Sonic was finally brought back home, and today Shadow was very excited for some reason.

He woke up early that morning and, even though he wasn't suppose to, ran downstairs to the telephone. He called his most dear and trusted friend Rouge the bat to ask if she could babysit Mia for the day since he had a big day planned. When she accepted he squealed in excitement and thanked her over and over.

He then quickly hung up and clicked  his  heels all the way to the kitchen to prepare a very big breakfast for Sonic and himself.

He had just finished decorating the table when a knock on the door interrupted him. He grabbed Mia from her play pen and dashed over to the door where Rouge was waiting. He thanked her again as he handed her a diaper bag full of berthing they would need for the day and kissed Mia on the forehead waving goodbye as they walked off.

Shadow then zipped up the stairs back to their bedroom where Sonic was still sleeping. He tip toed in ever so quietly to the bed, then pounced on the sleeping hedgie surprising him quite a bit.

Sonic's POV
I was in the middle of a very beautiful and romantic dream when it felt like a large sack of potatoes fell on top of me.

I quickly jolted open my eyes to see a pair of glistening emerald greens ones returning my surprised gaze. He bent down and gave me a unexpected deep but passionate kiss, which I gladly retuned once I wrapped my head around what was going on.

"Morning Sonikku!" He said once he pulled away from the kiss for air. "Morning ShadyKu what was that for?" I said as he sat back up allowing me to sit up.

He just smirked and bit his lower lip looking me up and down. Hi eyes seemed to glow with the idea that was forming in his head. This confused me greatly,' Hmm I wonder what's going through that pretty head of his?' I thought as he jumped off my lap and grabbed my wrist pulling me out of bed.

"Honey where are we going now?" I questioned trying my hardest not to fall down the stairs as he dragged me down. "It's a surprise you'll just have to wait and see now close your eyes!" He sounded like a little toddler by the all the excitement that was in his voice.

I waited till we were at the bottom of the stairs before closing my eyes. He went behind me and put his hands over my eyes just to make sure I didn't peek.

'What in the world is he so excited about?!' I thought as he led me into a room that I could tell was the kitchen when I felt the carpet floor turn into tile and I could smell something delicious.

He uncovered my hands standing next to table. "Tada!" He said as he did jazz hands at the large breakfast he had prepared. He pulled up a chair and gently but very forcefully pushed me into it making  me sit down at the table.

He pushed a large stack of pancakes over to my lap with a small candle sticking out of it. In maple syrup was the works 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONIKKU!!!'on it. He sat down on my lap and kissed my cheek as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Shadow how did you know today was my birthday I never told you?" He just giggled at this," I know you didn't but the paperwork you filled out at the hospital did," he grinned at his cleverness.

I wrapped my arms around his waste giving him a big smooch then hugged him," Thanks ShadyKu this is the best birthday ever," he then began chuckling again," Sonic what are you talking about your birthday hasn't even began yet?"

I then coked my head and looked at him funny. He saw this and giggled," Sonny I have an entire day planned out for us. I even got Rouge to babysit Mia for the day so we can have as much fun together as possible! Now shut up and eat your cake! Pancake that is."

He then hopped off my lap and ran into the living room to do something, that I don't even know.

A few minutes later i finished my breakfast, and washed my plate. I made my way into the living room curious because it had suddenly got very quiet.

I walked in and noticed that the lights were turned off and was replaced by dimly glowing candles giving the room a very romantic atmosphere. I walked further into the room and turned my head to see Shadow walking down the stairs in a black tux with a rose in his hand.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs he bent down on one knee with the flower outstretched in his left hand," A whole garden of flowers does not compare to your sweet scent, or beautiful appearance everytime I see you but I hope this single rose will do ok for now  my love," I then blushed at his little poem and took the flower from his hand holding it up to my nose and inhaling it's sweet aroma.

He then got up from off his knees and pressed a button that he pulled out of his pocket. Romantic music then started playing. I looked at him with a 'How in the world did you that?' face. "Tails" he said as if reading my mind and answering my question with that one word.

He cleared his throat and held out his right hand to me,"Would you like to dance?" I was a little speechless from everything that was going on so I just nodded my head in response and took his hand.

I then placed my left hand on his left shoulder and he placed his left hand on my right hip holding my right hand in his. We then started dancing around the living room in circles as the romantic music pulled us into it's world.

Our eyes never left each other's stare for the hours that we danced together. His crimison rubies burned with love and passion as my green emeralds returned the same snout back to him. He leaned forward and we shared a deep passionate kiss as we continued  to dance around the living room.

Shadow's POV
We danced and danced and danced until I heard his stomach growl. I figured that this would be a good time for part two of his birthday surprise.

I scooped him up into my arms earning a surprised yelp in response from him. I carried him over to the couch and set him down. I then gestured for him to wait there as I bolted into the kitchen returning with two plates of food.

He was surprised and elated with the birthday dinner and quickly gobbled it down enjoying every bite. "Shads that was delicious!" He said as he hugged my neck and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it Sonny but I hope you still have enough room dessert,"" Dessert what kind of dessert?" He said as I reached behind my quills and pulled out a large box of chocolate covered strawberries.

"Awwwww Shads how did you know?" He squealed as he reached to grab one. I quickly pulled the box out of his reach," A husband just knows, now open your mouth!" I said as I reached into the box pulled out a strawberry and placed it into his mouth.

He blushed as I continued to do this until we got down to the last one." Shads you haven't had one why don't you eat this one?" He asked as he picked it up and tried to feed me it.

I took it out of his hand," I got a better idea Sonikku, how about we share it?" He nodded and blushed an even deeper shade of red when I placed the strawberry into his mouth halfway with the other side sticking out.

I leaned forward and removed my half of the strawberry from his mouth using my tongue, kissing him deeply as I did so. He blushed an moaned as the kiss turned into a make out cession.

He scooted up further so he was sitting in my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck pulling himself deeper into the kiss.

I put my hands on his hips then began moving them down to his legs making them wrap around me. I then slowly started to push him down to where he was laying on his back on the couch still kissing me.

My hands then began to wonder down his body stroking his chest, then his waist, then his hips, then caressing his inner thighs.

He moaned once my hand hit a certain spot in between his legs. I broke our heated kiss and started kissing and biting his neck slowly rubbing the bulge that was forming in the inside of his pants.

He moaned louder when I squeezed it. " You like that?" I groaned seducively in his ear. "Yes " he moaned as he puffed out a breath of hot air making it run down my neck making me shiver and turning me on faster.

"How much do you want it?" I asked removing his and my shirts then continued to kiss his chest. "I want it so much!" He said grabbing my head quills as I made my way farther down.

"Tell me more on how much you want it !" I said as I started unbuckling his pants and him removing mine also. "I need you. It's been such a long time!" He groaned as I licked his now hard member. He bucked up his hips and moaned and groaned louder.

I then adjusted myself to where my member was just hovering over his entrance teasing him," Tell me how bad you want me!" I groaned slowly making my way in.

"Shads I need you! I need you like the waves needs the moon! Like a plant needs sunlight! Like our bodies need food! I need you! I wanna feel you inside me! I wanna feel the pleasure inside you bring spread inside of me! Please Shadow take me now!" He nearly screams and whines the last part and just like that I thrusted  the rest of my member into his right tail hole.

He threw his head back and screamed in delight. He arched his back as clenched onto the my shoulders as I hit his sweet spot over and over unrolled he finally reached  his climax.

He released and his seed went all over his stomach and even into my chest fur. He gasped as I placed my mouth on his member once more licking up the tasty substance then we shared another passionate kiss.

We pulled away and he placed his head on my chest,"Best Birthday Ever!" He said as he dozed off on my chest. I chucked at this and stroked his head quills that were now damp and moist with his sweat. I wrapped my arms around his waste and cuddled him close to my chest. "Happy birthday Sonikku," I whispered into his ear as I joined him and took a nap as well.
------------------------------------Well I hope that was somewhat more interesting. I hope you guys enjoyed it and I can't wait to hear what you guys have to say but untill then
-see yay later

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