Chapter 24

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Narrator's POV
That night around eight or so, Shadow was awoken by the soon of a fist pounding on their front door.

He sat up carefully so he wouldn't disturb his love but when he sat up all the way he noticed that he wasn't even there and by the amount of fading warmth there was Shadow could tell that he just left.

He say there for a minute and looked around the living room for him, until he halted his search for a moment when the pounding on the door got louder. "Alright alright I'm coming, hold your horses!" He said in a very tired and grumpy voice.

He trudged up to the door and opened it revealing a very agitated Rouge the bat and very happy and squirming Mia.

"Here's your little bundle of mayhem," she groaned as she handed Mia over to a confused Shadow. She then waved bye to Shadow without saying another word and flew off into the night sky without even giving Shadow a chance to ask what happened.

Shadow just stood in the door way and shrugged his shoulders and walked back inside closing the door behind him. He looked down at Mia as he walked and began tickling her tummy as he walked into the living room. "How could something as sweet and harmless as you cause any sort mayhem?" He said taking to her with a little baby voice that made her giggle.

He sat down on the couch still talking to her when the sound of a toilet flushing and the stairs creaking caught his attention.

Shadow's POV
"Hey Hun where'd you run off to?" I asked with my back still turned as he came down the stairs.

"Ummm..... I see Rouge brought back Mia could I see her," he said as he sat down on the couch and I handed her over to him.

My curiosity was peaked when he completely dodged my question. I looked at him and was astonished with I saw.

His blue quills had a greenish tent to them, while his peach muzzle was pale and his eyes were bloodshot red and it looked like he had been crying almost.

" S-Sonic a-are you alright?" I said as I tried to reach out and touch his forehead. He dodged my hand and stood up looking at his wrist pretending to be checking the time. "Oh well look at the time it's Mia's bedtime I'll go put her to bed!" He then bolted up the stairs dodging another one of my questions.

I knew something was wrong. How, you may ask well #1 I've never seen Sonic this sick looking except for one other time but I know that can't possibly be it, #2 Sonic has never tried to avoid my questions before, and #3 Sonic doesn't even wear a watch! In all the years I have know him he has never wore a watch on his wrist. NEVER!

I bolted upstairs to Mia's room to catch up with him and blocked the doorway not letting him get by until I got some answers.

Sonic's POV
I was just exiting Mia's room after when a tall, sturdy black and red hedgehog blocked my path not allowing me to escape.

"Sonic what is the matter and I won't let you go until I get some answers?!" He stood there in the door way like a human star fish, using each of his arms and leg to block my only routes.

"Ummm.... Well.... The problem is... is..." I looked around trying to find another way to get out of answering this question when I found one.

In between his legs was an opening big enough for me to squeeze through so that's what I did then I bolted down the hallway.

Shadow's POV
Damn it I wasn't expecting that. He is just reminding me of a little three year old right now with his running around the house and hiding something from me.

I bolted down the hallway at top speed and grabbed Sonic abruptly by the waist lifting him up over onto my shoulder and carried him to our bedroom.

"HEY SHADS LET ME DOWN THIS ISNT FAIR! YOU KNOW YOUR FASTER THEN ME SO I DIDNT GET A FAIR CHASE! AND YOUR STRONGER THEN ME SO YOU KNOW I CANT ESCAPE!" I chucked at his attempted to escape by pounding his fists against my back, but it had no affect on me.

He shut himself up real quick though when I shushed him. "Shhh Sonikku your gonna wake up Mia and then you'll have to put her back to sleep since your the one who woke her in the first place." That shut him up real quick so for until we made it to the room he just crossed his arms with a loud humph.

When we finally made it to the room I dropped Sonic on the bed and stood over him allowing no escape this time. "Now Sonic I want the truth no more abounding my questions, what is wrong with you?!"

Sonic's POV
Well it was at that very moment that I knew that I was trapped. I guess I had no choice but to tell him what was wrong. So I avoided eye contact for a bit and began playing with my quill twirling it around like a piece of hair.

"Ok ok Shads I'll tell you... The truth is.... Is....t-that....i'm....p-" I was then interrupted by the ring of a cell phone. I mentally sighed and wiped the sweat from my brow. 'Few saved by the bell I thought' as Shadow growled and went to answer his phone.

Shadow's POV
I growled when my phone interrupted Sonic. 'Who could be calling at this time of night and right when he was just about to tell me what was wrong too.' I growled in my head as I got up from pinning Sonic down and walked over to my phone.

He looked all to relieved when I answered the call." What?!" I said in the most angry voice as possible.

"Good evening Shadow the Hedgehog this is the Commander of G.U.N we are calling you at this moment to inform you that you have been missing a great deal amount of work and that if you do not return to work as soon as possible then your employment here will be terminated, and any other requirements needed will be put into action if necessary if you do not return in a certain period of time after this call is made. I hope we have reached a proper understanding and I hope you have a good evening."

I hung up the phone with another small growl as I walked over to the closet and opened it. "Shadow, honey, who was that?" I looked over my shoulder to see my very concerned husband sitting with his legs gently folded on the bed with his hands in his lap and his head slightly cocked to one side.

I sighed knowing that he wouldn't be happy with what I was about to tell him but I had to anyways so I turned around and sat down next to him on the bed withy head down.

Sonic's POV
Something was wrong I could feel and see it. It was something about the phone call. I hope it wasn't bad news. I heard a sigh as he sat down next to me with his head down.

I scooted closer and put my hand on his thigh," Shads is everything ok?" He just shook his head no and looked up at me with sad but determined eyes. "Well what's wrong then? Who was that on the phone?"

He inhaled through his nose and ran his fingers through his quills before finally answering me. "Well I'm upset because my job finally caught up to me. They called saying that I have been missing to much of work and that if I don't go back ASAP then they'll fire me and chaos knows what else because in their eyes if anyone ever quit or got fired from their job then G.U.N would 'dispose' of them".

I got nervous at that,' what did he mean by 'dispose them' I wondered to myself. "So I guess that means you'll have to go back to work huh?" I sighed as I ignored the question in my head and replaced it with an obvious one.

"I'm afraid so love," he said placing my cheek in his hand. I nuzzled into it, knowing that I had no idea how long it would be until I felt his sweet touch again.

I wanted to cry but I tried my hardest to hold it in and instead helped him get his things together. I walked with him outside to his motor. He kissed me as he started it up and gave me a hug. "Oh wait before I go you never got to finish telling me what was the matter with you!"

I smirked at him and how he was still concerned about me. I placed my hands on his cheeks and kissed his forehead," let's make a deal," I said staring into his beautiful crimson eyes ," you make it back home safe and sound then I'll tell you what is wrong, deal?" He sighed but nodded his head ," Deal." He smiled as I placed his helmet on his head and gave him one last goodbye hug.

He waved and blew me several goodbye kisses as he drove off down the driveway and into work. "Let's just hope you make it home," I sighed as the coldness was finally starting to get to me so I went back inside and decided to go to bed even though no one would be there on the other side to comfort me.

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