Chapter 25

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Shadow's POV
I'm really starting to hate my job. G.U.N has kept me very busy for very long periods of time, I hardly ever have time to rest before I'm called to another job.

It has been six months since I've seen my family, and it's really starting to get to both me and Sonic. I call him and Mia every night to make sure everything is going ok.

Mia is now a year old and I have already missed so much of her young life. Sonic has kept me up to date on everything though, like her first steps and her first word.

She talks very well for being only a year old and is also really intelligent for her age, she can say and do things that most yearling only dream of doing so she definitely keeps Sonic on his toes.

Tonight is one of those rare nights that I was actually aloud a break since the commander seemed pleased with my work ethic for these past several months.

I sit in my room that was assigned to me by the commander for those days that I would have to spend the night at work.

I laid down on my bed and inhaled deeply and looked at the time. 8:30. 'I should just make it in time to for Mia's bedtime,' I thought as i grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed the phone number.

Narrator's POV
Sonic was in the bathroom puking his brains out when he heard his cellphone start ringing from the living room. "Mama wour whone is winging!" Mia called him from the bottom of the stairs.

"Why don't you answer it sweetheart it's probably daddy, Mommy will be down in a second!" He called down to her. "Okie mama!" She then answered the phone.

~ring... ring...ring...ri-
~"Hey Princess it's daddy."
~" Dada Hi!"
~" You being a good girl?"
~"Is mommy there?"
~" Can daddy talk to him,please?"
~" Why not sweetie?"
~" Dada wait! Mama won't fweel good. He tummy vewy big and he vewy vewy sick he puke every day!"

Shadow became very worried about hearing about his husband's illness. He knew that Sonic also had been keeping something from him for these past several months but he keeps saying that he'd tell him only when he returned home safe and sound. Shadow was becoming anxious and nervous and wanted to figure out what was going on and he wanted answers now since he had no idea when he will be allowed to return home. He had to find out today!

~"Ok but can Mia still give mommy the phone, daddy needs to ask mommy a question?"
~"Mia don't make daddy mad young lady!"
~"Okie Okie dada I give phwone to mama!"
~"Good girl! Daddy loves you!"
~" Wuv you to dada!"

Mia then climbed up the stairs as fast as her little feet could carry her. When she finally made it the bathroom door she knocked as loud as she could on the door," Mama tis welephwone dada wanna twalk with wou! Mama stwop bwing sick and come hewre!" Mia whined on her side of the door.

Shadow could hear everything that was going on, on his side of the phone. He then heard a toilet flush and the bathroom door open.

~"Hey hun, how's it going?"

Shadow cringed at the sound of Sonic's voice. It sounded dry and cracky and he knew something wasn't right.

Sonic noticed this to and quickly took a drink of water gargling and rinsing the bile from his mouth an clearing his voice making him sound a whole lot better.

~" Sonny are you ok you don't sound to good there?"
~"What are you talking about Shady I feel fine! Fit as fiddle!"
~"Really are you sure? Cause that's not what Mia told me. She said something about a really big tummy and your puking all the time is that correct?"
~"( mumbles under his breath at Mia) tattle tale!"

Mia just shrugs her shoulders and giggles then skips back down the stairs and goes to play in the living room.

~" What was that Sonikku?"

Shadow asked pretending not to hear what Sonic said even though he understood perfectly.

~" N-Nothing Love nothing at all!"

Sonic stuttered out. He stayed quiet for a money trying to think of a way to change the subject when he came up with a question that has been on his mind for the past six months.

~" Shads when are you coming home? Mia really misses you and I really need you right now!"

~" Why Sonikku? Why do you need me huh?"

~" Shads it's not just me that needs you... the kids need you to..."

Sonic paused and placed his hand over his mouth when he realized what his husband just said.

~" Kids? As in more then one? What do you mean Sonic? Tell me now!"

Sonic sighed. He knew he couldn't keep the secret anymore so he had to tell.

~" W-Well Sh-Shads i-it turns out Mia is g-going to be a b-big sister to her v-very own l-little brother, hehe,"

Both sides of the phone were silent as Sonic held his breath waiting for Shadow's reply.

Shadow's POV
I threw my phone on the bed for a second and danced around my room. I was in complete and utter sock and amazement.

I can't believe it! Sonic and I were given a second chance at having a second child! This was great news! And the best part was IT'S GONNA BE A BOY!!!

I jumped back on the bed and picked up the phone and held it to my ear.

~" Sonikku, baby, this is great news! Why would you hide something like this? I've never been so happy in my life. We finally get to have two kids just like we always wanted! And It's Gonna Be A Boy!!! I've Always Wanted A Boy!! And Mia has been saying that she wanted someone to play with! This will be great!"

If Sonic could, he probably would have had a heart attack and died right there. He was so relived on how Shadow responded to the news. Things couldn't go any better for the couple right now. Besides the fact that they could be home together.

~" I'm glad your happy love, I can't wait til-..."

Sonic was then cut off by a very excited black and red hedgehog.

~" Happy? Happy?! I more then happy! I'm Ecstatic! I'm proud! I'm actually also kind of jelous that you and Mia get to see it grow and I can't cause I'm stuck here. But don't worry babe I'm
gonna fix that right now! I'm gonna march up to the commander right now and say I need to be with you right now cause you need me more then they do an..."
~" That would be great honey. I'm sorry for interrupting you but it's past Mia's bedtime and mine to at that. The kids and I need our rest and so do you."
~" oh of course! Sorry my love my bad you are one hundred prevent correct as always. Goodnight my love and give plenty of goodnight kisses to Mia for me. "
~" I will love good night and I love you."
~"Love you to my sweet sweet prince sleep well!"


Shadow hung up after their talk and look up at the ceiling in deep though about his now improving in size family. 'Sonic really does need me. I need to find a way to get some time off for a while so I can be there for him. Yeah that's what I'll do! I'll talk to the commander to row to see if I can get some time off there is no way he's refuse once I tell him what's going on and what my propose is!'

Shadow then closed his eyes and fell I to a deep sleep waiting for the tomorrow to come so he could get his time off and finally see his family.

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