Chapter 26( The Final Chapter...or is it?)

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Shadow's POV
'Today is the day! It's now or never! I have to do this! Not just for me, but for Sonic...for my family. He needs me there and I need him. I have to do this.'

My little pep talk to myself was enough to get me ready to face my boss. I was ready to ask for a little bit of time off, chaos knows I deserve it for all my hard work.

I started at my reflection in the mirror," You got this! You got this!" I repeated to myself as I grabbed leather jacket and stepped out the room and into the hallway.

'I am about to attempt the impossible!' I thought to myself as i walked with my head held high toward the commander's office.

The hallway seemed longer then it normally was, as I continued to walk down it. When I finally reached the door my conscience finally caught up to me. With a shaky fist I lifted my arm up to the door about knock when I halted myself, 'Wait...I'm about to attempt the impossible, no one in all the years that G.U.N has been here has ever succeeded in getting a day off, what makes me any different?'

I shook my head clearing those negative thoughts away and put my number one priority in my head, Sonic needs me and that's a good enough for me. Without giving myself any other time to think I knocked on the door and walked in without waiting for a reply.

"Commander I need to ask of you something that is very important and can not wait!" I said as I barged into the room and spoke sternly to the commander.

The commander was seated at his large oak desk, with his back and chair turned so all you could see was the back of his head and the black leather back of his chair.

He swiveled around once he heard me enter and looked at me and placed his elbows on his desk with his hands folded. "Aww Special Agent Shadow my most loyal and hard-working employee what is the favor that can not wait?"

His eyes had a strange glint to them as he spoke, which gave me a weird feeling but I pushed it aside as I explained the situation to him. " So you see commander, I really need to be by his side for these next few crucial months of his pregnancy so nothing like his first birth can happen again."

I stood there in front of his desk in silence and watched him think for a moment then return his gaze back to me. This time though when he retuned his gaze to me it was a lot more stern and serious looking. I nervously swallowed my saliva, as he opened his mouth to speak.

"That was a very touching and heart warming story you just explained to me Agent Shadow, it almost brought a tear to my eye..." He then leaned forward in his chair and placed both his heads firmly on the table.

"But the not so sad truth for me is, I don't care. Your so called husband has given birth before, so I am sure your sorry excuse for a companion is one hundred percent more experienced and qualified enough to handle the caring for this child. He does need you, there is really nothing you can did anyways besides sit and wait. So therefore Shadow the Hedgehog in response to your request my answer is no. Now good day and return to your duties." and then he turned back around in his chair like he was when I first entered.

I was in shock from his cruel response. Anger was starting to boiling inside of me from the cruel words that he had spoken about my mate, my lover, my husband, my soon to be mother of my son and already year old daughter. A dark red aurora began to surround me as I clenched my fists and looked down at the floor with my eyes closed. I opened my mouth to speak and all that came out was the word," No..."

"Excuse me what was that Agent Shadow?" He asked as he turned his chair back around and saw the state of anger I was in. He then reached for something under his desk then stopped moving once he succeed in doing what he was doing.

"No!" I repeated, more loudly this time as I looked up at him with red burning eyes. "I refuse to work for someone who disrespects my mate in such a manner. You have NO idea what he has gone through in his life and you also have NO idea the pain suffering that he had endorsed all of his life. I have been by his side whenever he needs me and I'll be damned if some preppy- sorry exercise for a human being keeps me away from doing my rightful duty as a husband and a father. So in case your to dense to understand what I just said I'll put it in two simple words I'm sure someone like you will understand.."

I dashed over to him and pounced on his desk and gripped the color of his suit jacket in both my hands and pulled his face so close that he could feel me rage absorb into his skin," I...Quit!"

I then let go of the man and he plopped back into his seat and I jumped down off the table and made my way back to the door where I entered from. He then started to chuckle which made me stop and turn around," What do you find so amusing?"

He just continued to chuckle as he shook his head,"I hope you enjoy your journey to see your home Shadow or at least what's left of it!" He laughed maniacally as I looked down closer to where he was touching on the bottom of his desk and noticed a small red button that I'm guessing he had pushed.

I stood there for a moment and thought about what he said when only one thing came to my mind," Sonic!" I then darted out of the office listening to the commander's crazy laugh echo as I got farther and farther away. I reached  into my quills and pulled out my chaos emerald and screamed Chaos Control in a worried voice as I was transported in a flash of blooding yellow light to place where I desired the most to be....home.

When I opened my eyes after the flash of light had wore off and I could feel the soft crunch of gravel and grass under my feet I gasped in shock, and horror and ran down the hill to my house in full speed.

There right before me was what the commander meant. My house, the home I was raised and took care of in all my life, was engulfed in thick smoke and flames.

I ran faster and noticed Mia sitting in the yard covered in ash and the lingering smell of smoke, sobbing on her knees with her tiny hands up to her face. I picked her up to me and embraced her as hard as I could without hurting her. She said the word 'dada' as she continued to sob in my fur. "Mia where is Mommy?" I asked as after I looked around and saw him not there.

Mia pointed toward the burning house muttered," Mama no come," and started crying again. I set her down quickly and told her to stay there as I quickly rushed inside.  

I gasped and choked on the smoke as I searched the burning rubble for him. I went up the unstable stairs and finally found him unconscious under a large beam that had fallen from the ceiling, with a small bundle of blankets clenched tightly in his arms.

I dashed over and removed the beam and picked up the bunch of blankets in his arms. I opened it up to see a small navy blue and red striped pup with crimson red eyes similar to mine still breathing but struggling to do so. I quickly covered his face back up in the blanket and also picked the still unconscious Sonic up and ran out of the house before it gave way and fell on top of all of us.

I managed to escape with Sonic and my newborn child and ran them (along with Mia) to the top of a large hill to give them a good distance from the fire.

I told Mia to sit on the grass and then I set the baby in her lap telling her to hold him carefully as I examined Sonic. I felt every where for a pulse and found none. I put his limp crimson blood covered body in my arms and held him in my chest sobbing quietly, when I heard Mia speak.

"It was bad man dada"" What Princess?" I asked facing her with a confused look on my face? " Bad mans in wearing funny welmets and metal stwicks cwame and hurt mama's tummy mwaking brubber cwome out, then mama twold me to go outswide when I smeelded somting funny. Tats when house go bye bye!" Her little eyes started to tear up again as she explained in her best possible year old vocabulary what happened.

I knew exactly what she was talking about and while she was speaking it also help me come up with a way to save Sonic but it also had a unintended consequence that I'm not sure how he would handle, that is if it's not already to late to save him.

Mia gasped as I use my Swiss Army knife to cut a small gash on my wrist making it bleed. I took my chaos emerald and put my blood on it and then I held my wrist over Sonic's cold lifeless lips allowing the blood to drip into his mouth.

I then took the emerald the was covered in my rare precious crimson blood and placed it on his chest over his heart and spoke a different language asking to revive his lost soul and return it to his body.

I had finished my ritual and stared at his face for several minutes waiting for any kind of sign at all that he was back.

I sighed as a tear ran down my cheek, as I was beginning to loose hope. I was about to get up when Mia saw something and told me to look so I turned around and was caught off guard as a pair of emerald grin eyes and toothy grin met my face," Hi ShadyKu," the soothing, familiar voice said. 
------------------------------------Hey everyone well that is the end of book 2. I'm thinking about making a book 3 and if I do it will probably  be called something along the line of TWWYN Book 3: My Immortal Lover tell me what you guys think and give me your thoughts of if I should continue the series or not. Till then though bye guys and thanks for sticking with my story for all this time.

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