Chapter 6

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Shadow's POV
I was running through the forest. "SONIC! SOONNIICC!!SOOOOONNNNNIIIIIIICCCCC!!! I screamed as I ran through the forest yelling his name.

'Ugh! Where could he possibly be! He couldn't have possibly gone far in his condition!" I continued to look and look.

I eventually halted my search and leaned against a tree and tried to catch my breath. I was just about to give up my search when I heard a scream coming from the cliffs.

My breath suddenly hitched as I recognized the scream. "I'M COMING SONIKKU HANG ON!" I yelled and took off towards the sound that the scream came from.

Sonic's POV
"NO PUT ME DOWN! NOW! PLEASE!" I begged as I tried to wiggle out of my captures grasp. I was trying to loosen his grip from around my waist so he wouldn't harm the child I was carrying inside of me.

"No way blue. You think i would let an opportunity like this pass by without taking advantage?" He asked as he smirked an evil toothy grin showing off his row of fangs.

"Besides I missed you blue we had fun times together didn't we?" He stoked my check which sent shivers down my spine. I have up and began to shudder and whimper, and tear up at his touch. I couldn't fight anymore. I was weak from the struggling I had done before and from the stress that the baby already puts on my body.

"Awww blue what's the matter you've never given up on a fight this easily?" He chuckled at how easily I was giving up and flung me over his shoulder.

I gasped at the impact as his shoulder hitting my stomach. I felt like vomiting from the feeling and I hoped that didn't cause any damage to the child.

I cried as he began to walk and I used the last of strength and called out for Shadow before I was knocked unconscious by a gloved hand.

Shadow's POV
I had made it to the cliffs, but fell to my knees when I found nothing. I began to shudder and cry as I peered over the edge thinking the worst of things.

"Sonic! Oh Sonic! Why didn't you just talk to me! We could have figured it out together and things wouldn't have had to end this way!" I scolded over the side of the cliff as the sound of my voice was swallowed by the mouth of the winds being made by the vicious unforgiving sea.

I sat on the edge and couldn't think if what else to do with my life. He had everything. My love. My hope. My happiness. My trust...... My child. I couldn't live with the guilt that I had somehow caused this. I beat my self mentally for not noticing it sooner.

I stood up and looked down at the rushing waters below and took a deep breath. "I will join you and our precious child Sonikku then I will hopefully make things right!"

I was about to take my leap of faith when I heard a voice being carried by the wind.


~What who said that?

~listen. It repeated

I backed away from the cliffs and stood there. I closed my eyes and turned my senses up all the way. Then I heard it. I heard it! Voices! and I knew exactly who they were!

I opened my eyes and saw a white, fainted silhouette of a young girl with blond curly hair that barely passed her shoulders. She wasn't much taller then me and wore a blue dress. Her blue eyes seemed to pierce into my soul as she stared at me.

"Maria?" I whispered as she nodded her head. "Shadow you have come to far to give up now. You fate does not end like this, you know what you have to do now do it." Even thought she didn't speak much she had said enough, I did know what I had to and that was save my Sonikku from Scourge's evil clutches.

I began to run through the forest using my enhanced senses to track to track ever sound the two made until I came up to an old burned up shack.

'Why would Scourge bring him here? This run down, burnt up place doesn't even look like it should be standing anymore!' I thought to myself as I ran in once I heard a faint cry for help. 'I'm coming my love!' I thought to myself as I sneaked inside trying to keep the element of surprise on my side.

Sonic's POV
I opened my eyes. Everything was hazy. I couldn't make out anything and my head was throbbing. I rubbed my eyes and my head and tried to stand up but couldn't.

I felt like my body was being held down by something. As my senses began to awaken more, I noticed that I was chained to a old table. I tried pulling at them but began to feel nauseated and dizzy as I did so so I stopped.

My stomach was throbbing and I hoped nothing was going wrong in there I had already caused enough trouble to it already it didn't need anymore.

I looked around the room I was in and my eyes widened in shock and I started crying. "Why did he being me here? Why? Why?" "Because I have unfinished business with you that's why!" I heard a scarily familiar voice and tensed up.

"Scourge what are you taking about? You have already done so much to me why do you still want to continue?" I stared into his cold dead blue eyes as they stated back at my emeralds.

"I was never done with you blue you know that! You still have to pay for what you done those many months ago!" I coiled as much as my restrained body would let me in fear as painful memories of torture and endless hours of rape flooded my mind.

"No please don't you can't not now!" I plead as he began to trudge up to me holding a bag of torture devices. "And why can't i?" He growled in my ear as he grabbed my thigh making me wince.

"B-Because I-I am w-withholding a ch-child.." I managed to stutter out. He looked at my stomach and put his hand on earning a low, weak but still protective growl from the back of my throat.

I thought that he would shed some sympathy but I was stupid at thinking that when he looked back at me with a devilish fanged grin," Well I guess that well just have to fix that problem won't we?" He then turned to his bag of torture devices and pulled out a rusty dagger.

"Let me just rid you of the little nuisance then we can continue with your punishment with no further interruptions shall we?" He then began to approach my body with the dagger. He folded up my shirt and began to approach my know exposed belly with the dagger.

I screamed as I felt the point of the blade begin to pierce my belly and I began to cry and plead that he spare my unborn child's life. He just laughed  maniacally as the blade pricked my stomach causing a small trickle of blood to come out. Then everything stopped when i heard a loud roar and the snap of bone.

Shadow's POV
I had ran through the burnt up place passing room after room listening and following the sound of begging and pleading.

The more I heard my love cry the faster I just wanted to tear Scourge apart limb from limb.How dare he take my precious  Sonikku from me and make him feel so scared and pained! He Will pay!. He will die a thousand deaths and burn in the fiery pits of hell for this!

I crept up against a wall to a room that had a faint glow coming from it. Yes I finally found it! I mentally praised myself but immediate halted my praising when I heard Sonic scream bloody murder.

I turned into the doorway and saw Scourge pointing a nasty rusted dagger into the sensitive stomach of my lover.  This made me snap.

My eyes completely turned red and my fur darkened ever more then it was. A dark red aura surrounded me as i roared from the shadows and lost all control and pity I ever had on anything.

I kicked the blade from Scourge's hand and before he could even say anything I ripped into his flesh and tore him apart and also breaking his neck just for extra precautions.

Once I stopped my bloody massacre, I looked over at Sonic who eyes were wide and he looked absolutely terrified.

I took a step to him and he flinched, he closed his eyes and began to cry and cower underneath me," No please don't hurt me! I didn't mean to run away! I didn't want to hurt you! I just didn't know what else to do! I was scared and I didn't want to relive what I already went through! So please spare my life, please I'm begging you!"

I turned out of my dark form and ran up to him, I unchaining his body parts and rapping him a tender hug. " Sonikuu please, calm down I would never harm you. You know that! You and the child you are withholding are to precious to me and are the only thing I care about! Please stop crying and come home with me I miss you and I never want to be separated from you again!"

He retired the hug and sobbed on my shoulder," Are you telling the truth do you really mean it?" "Or course I do my love every single word!" He cried deeper into my shoulder. " Ok take me home ShadyKunn." he whispered in my  ear as he wrapped his arms around my neck and I carried him home bridal style.

Time Skip- Back Home

We finally made it back home and I settled him on the bed and cleaned his wounds and fed, and warmed up his body.

After I calmed him down we snuggled together on the bed and started to doze off. "Sonikku you are still aware that you will still be attending that doctors appointment tomorrow, right?" I turned and looked down at him. He winced a little probably thinking I forgot about it, but still nodded his head," yes ShadyKu i'm still aware. You'll be with me though right?" "Every step of the way Sonikku every step of the way."

He purred into my chest fur at my answer and with that we both fell asleep.

----------------------------------------------Well here you go guys chapter 6 done and done. I hope you all enjoyed it and I will make chapter 7 soon. I'm also thinking of answering a few questions in chapter 7 as well so if you have any about sonic and his past that need to be answered then don't be shy and ask them in the comments then stayed tuned and I will answer them either personally or in the story itself if it's good enough. So bye for now and I can't  wait for all your questions.

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