Chapter 7

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Shadow's POV
I groaned," Uggghhhhh blasted sun why most you always disturb my slumber!" I hated mornings. The sun always shone directly in my eyes every morning from the position I had on my bed.

I turned on my other side in bed and was surprised to see Sonic sitting up just staring at me. His deep stare just seemed to go right through me as I returned his look and gazed into his tired emeralds.

I began to shiver from how long his little stare contest had lasted. I began to feel uncomfortable so I ended the silence," Ummmm, Honey are you alright?" He then blinked and his eyes regained their focus as he looked around the room.

Sonic's POV
I woke up early that morning, around four or so, after what happened last night I had trouble sleeping. I sat up with a sigh as the events that took place that night played over and over.

I began to regret all of the actions that I had made that night and noticed how stupid I was and how much I overreacted.

"How could I be so selfish?! Why didn't I just tell him? He is my husband and now also the father of my child! We made a vow a year ago that we would not keep anything from each other and I broke that vow! How are we suppose to live in happiness together if I can't trust him with my biggest secret?! I have to tell him! I just have to!"

"Uhhhh, Honey are you alright?" I heard as I realized that I was starring at my lover probably freaking him out.

I blinked my eyes and looked at the clock, 6:30,'Man I was thinking for a long time,' I thought to myself as I looked back over at my husband. It was his turn to stare at me as he waited for an answer from me.

"No," is all that I said as he sat up, looked down at my stomach and placed his hand on it and then looked back up with worry taking over his eyes. "What is the matter? Did something happen last night? Did he hurt you?"

I couldn't help but giggle at his concern as I cupped his cheek and he purred into my hand. I understood what was going through his mind and I placed my other hand on the one that was on top of my stomach.

I giggled again as I spoke," Oh dear don't worry that's not the problem. The baby is fine I promise." He seemed relived about that but then his relieved look turned into a confused one as he cocked his head and looked at me.

"If that's not the problem then what is?" I looked into his eyes and smirked. I just melted as he gave me that confused look with his head slightly cocked and his ears folded. I then shook out of my 'Shadow-trance' and answered his question. "Well hun to be honest I need to tell to you something."

I hung my head a bit trying to figure out where to start my story. "What is it dear, you can tell me anything," he reassures my confidence with his words as he scoots over and wraps me in one of his warm tender embraces. " Well first things first I would like to apologize for what I did last night. I put you and our child in danger just becasue I was to scared to tell you what was on my mind and I was to immature to figure out how to handle it in a mature way. I'm soooo sorry can you ever forgive me ."

He tightened his hug and kissed me deeply and passionately. "Does that answer your question love?" He smirked down at me with sparkling crimson eyes.

My tail thumped against the bed as I melted into his hug again and I breathed a sigh of relief. Alright Sonic you got this far no turning back now. I took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Shadow I would like to tell you something that I have never told anyone before," I almost whimpered as painful memories began to seep back into my mind. "Oh and what is that Sonikku?" He asked putting his head on my shoulder.

"The t-truth about m-my..... P-Past," I finally managed to stutter out. His head instantly jolted off my shoulder as he turned me around to look at him.

"A-Are you sure you really want to do this Sonikku, I know how sensitive you are about your past. I don't want you to feel like your forced to tell me anything I-" "Shadow calm down!" I interrupted.

"I'm positive that I'm ready to tell you. I can't keep on keeping this a secret for any longer. I don't want to end up hurting you or the baby due to all the stress and displeasure that it causes me, but there is one problem.... I don't know where to start," I admitted as I hung my head down looking at my hands.

Shadow rubbed my back in little circles, I could tell that his insides were bubbling with anticipation just waiting for me to begin but as excited as he was to finally hear my past he tried to stay calm and comfort me as much as possible. "Just start from the beginning and let loose," he said as calm as possible.

I took a deep breath and began my story:
"Well it was my sixth birthday and my parents wanted to surprise me with a trip my favorite place. It was a old log cabin stuck right in the middle of a patch of luscious green woods several miles from any real civilization.

I loved that place because I just felt like no one could ever bother us and that we could always be happy.

Anyways my mother's name was Bernadette. She had beautiful dark purple fur almost blue and looked a lot like me but had a long streak of blond hair covering  her right eye and blue eyes. My father's name was Jules. He was the bravest man I had ever known. He had blue fur like me with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.

My parents were the most important thing to me and when I was with them everyday seemed like my first. They always made every thing so much fun and everyday seemed like an adventure. They loved me and cares fir me so much, i had no idea what i would do if i ever lost them.

But what I didn't know was that question was going to soon be answered. We had all piled into my dad's truck and began our trip to the cabin.

We were almost there and were crossing a bridge the I remembered as the almost there point for our trip. I began to get excited and started bouncing up and down in my seat. I had unbuckle myself and stared moving around in anticipation.

My mother tried to calm me down and get me back in my seat and buckled back up but I wouldn't let her. I kept unbuckling and moving around. My parents began to get restless and nervous becasue of me.

My dad had decided to help my mom in getting me to settle down. My dad began to lose focus on the road as he tried his best.

We were in the middle of a bridge when my father had turned around to face me but lost control of the truck. The truck then ran into the railing of the bridge and tumbled over the side and crashed into the river below the bridge.

Both of my parents were trapped in their seats. My mother pulled me out from the back of the seat and pushed me out the opened window of the door.

As she did so, she tried to speak but all I heard were gargles as the current pulled me away. I struggled to keep my head above the water as the current pulled me deep into the water. The waves was scaring me as it tossed me back and forth, and round and round, and pulled me under its surface until i fought back and pushed myself back up.

I was knocked unconscious when my back hit a rock, but I was eventually saved before I drowned by a stray hand. The hand eventually belonging to a man who I would soon found out was no savior. "

I stopped telling my story as a tear ran down my face. Shadow hugged me and whipped away the stray tear. "You can stop now if you want," he said as he tried to comfort me.

"No I need to finish explaining," I said as I continued my story. I took another deep breath.

"The man who rescued me turned out to be a child abducter and he sold me to a couple who ended up taking over my cabin so they could have a secluded place to live without being around so many people, and also so they could beat me and... use me without getting caught."

I could see the confused look in Shadow's eyes when I said they would 'use me' so I decided to elaborate.

" The couple took me and raised me but not like a child should be, instead I was raised as a slave and had to cook, clean and do every thing else around the house, they even made me call them master and if I didn't do what they wanted they would beat me and sometimes worse."

I shuddered again and Shadow hugged me closer( if that is even possible). "Ok I'm starting to understand but where does Scourge come into any of this?" He asked sounding really intreaged.

"Well I'll tell you my love. It was ten years later and I was walking home from doing grocery shopping so I could prepare dinner for later that night. I had just made it back 'home' (if you call it that) when my 'parents' greeted me with a new guest that I had never met. Apparently he was just a friend of theirs who just happened to be in the neighborhood, and stopped by for a visit.

I made nothing of it as I said my hellos and went to put up the groceries and do my chores before I got in trouble. I had just put the last bit of dinner in the oven when he walked in.

"Well hello there sexy, my name is Scourge and what's yours?" He stood there in the doorway as I said my name and began to clean the floor while i waited for the dinner to be finished.

"Nice ass there blue," he said as I blushed and stood back up. He was making me very uncomfortable. He then walked over to me and scooped me up and picked me up bridal style.

He walked right past my so called 'parents' and they didn't even say anything! He carried me to a dark patch of the forest and and.......raped me. Continuously. He continued to torture me until he smelt smoke then he left me and returned back to the cabin.

There I saw the house was engulfed in flames and a large crowd had gathered to watch the house and the couple inside burn. As Scourge walked up he was spotted by the crowd and they all began to look at him with suspicious faces.

He then tugged at my arm and pulled me into the view of the crowd. "I caught him!The man who did this!" The crowd then lunged at me and attacked me beating me to a pulp then doing it again. For years I have been wondering what I did to deserve this and at that moment I realized it. I killed my parents all because I wouldn't sit down and I was being a distraction to them. It was all my fault! I gave myself this fate! So..... I was hoping that they would just relive me of my horrible life and let me rejoin with my parents again. But they just left me there to bleed out and that's when you rescued me. "

And at that I couldn't say anymore I put my head in my hands and weeped. I weeped and weeped and weeped until I couldn't weep anymore. I then fell asleep in my loving husband's arms.

Shadow's POV
I stay there with my love until he calms down and falls asleep. I sat there and thought about my husband's horrible life. I was so glad he told me but I just couldn't help but feel bad for him.

'So that house we were in, that mist have been the house that everything took place in! Thats why he hated being there so much!" Everything started to fall in its proper place and make sense now as i continued to think.

I looked at him as he just lays there in my arms like nothing has ever happened. His beautiful emerald eyes that has seen and suffered so much pain and hiding so many painful memories under those delicate eyelids,' I need to do something for him!' I screamed in my head and with that I readied myself for his appointment and also thought of what my surprise wound be.
Hey guys sorry it's been awhile since my last update. School and dual credit is a pain but anyways I hope you enjoyed.

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