The backstory chronicals (Cloud)

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I was on my way to the healers den when I heard the news. My mother was taking her final breath. I ran as fast as I could. "Mother!" I cried, wishing I could still be with her. She is all I have left. I'm only seven.
           "Cloud, I love you......" She took her last breath, and cried her last tear. Which crystallized into a fire tear. The nurses pulled me away, and took my mothers body to the castle. I go back home, and when I arrive, an indigo dragon is waiting.
                "Princess Ira, your highness what is it?" I say bowing. Why is she here. I just wanna sleep on a cloud. I thought.
"Are you Cloud?" She asked. I nodded in response. "You're mothers funeral will be in two days, and you are getting a spot in rank four and a den in the castle." She said. I was astonished, rank four!? That where the lesser magic users are. I nod and she beat her feathery wings and flew away. I walk into my den, closing the curtain door, and deciding to practice my telekinesis. I focused on making my pillow fly around my room it did so. I focused on making me fly without beating my wings. I did it for a moment and then fell. I tried again. And again, until I finally did it. I was levitating.
                    It was then when I realized that it was the next morning. I heard a stomping at the entrance of my den. "Who is it." I called. I opened the curtain door and was face to face with Princess Ira. She held up a flyer that read: Moonthread circle, looking for new members prove yourself and become one. You will be automatically promoted up to the sixth rank. Wow the sixth rank. That's where royalty lies.
         "Soooo will ya go?" Ira asked smiling hopefully. Her face was full of hope. Her smile lit up the morning sky.
"Yes I will." I reply, smiling. Her smile got even wider, if that's even possible.
                             The next day, I made my way down toward the church. Carrying my mothers fire tear, and crying tears of my own. I finally arrived. "Sheer was a good friend to all, and we are all deeply saddened by her death." StarShifter said. I look around and see the four members of the moonthread circle. Luna, StarShifter, Ira, and Hail. Hail could control the weather, and I think use telepathy I'm not quite sure. There was a blue dragon cowering behind StarShifter. Odd, was that the new addition to the Royal guard? I follow his gaze and see what he is cowering from. His parents.
"The one who has her fire tear come up here and place it in her talons." Luna said, her voice deeper than StarShifter's. I walk up to the grave that my mother had been put into. I place her fire tear into her talons. Ira put a reassuring Talon on my shoulder and smiled. I smiled weakly at her and made my way down out of the church. StarShifter turned toward the blue dragon behind her and he dove behind Luna. StarShifter followed after me. I took to the sky and beat my wings until I was in the clouds. I landed on one and started balling my eyes out. I cried until I couldn't. My cries turning into quiet sobs.
I blacked out. I felt someone land next to me. "Shh, don't worry, the moonthread tryouts are tomorrow." I opened my eyes to find myself still on the cloud and StarShifter comforting me. I burry my face in her chest and whisper.
"Thanks." My breathing returned back to normal. "Let's go back down." I said, she nodded. We fly down to the ground and I notice that the same blue dragon is still cowering behind Luna. "Why does he do that?" I ask StarShifter. She replied with telepathy, family trauma, his parents kicked him out and he has been on the streets since. Until I found him two days ago. Poor thing hadn't eaten in over a month. I was taken aback by that. I took him in but the trauma stays with him. She thought at me. We landed and the blue dragon dove back behind StarShifter. I seen his name on his chest plate. Zileus.
"Zileus!!" Someone behind us shouted angrily. We turned around and seen his parents faces glare at him."Princess StarShifter we are sorry if he caused any trouble for you." His mother said with fake sweetness." We will gladly take him back." She said with a hint of sourness. StarShifter's scales lit up and her expression said no.
"You are aware that he is on rank five, and that you are on rank one, right?" StarShifter said trying not to breathe fire. They looked shocked at this. "Just what I thought. Also Zileus here is my personal royal guard. NOW SCRAM." They ran away as they saw the fire that burned in her eyes. Luna and Ira were also glaring at them. But none of them were as angry as StarShifter.
The next day I sped toward where the tryouts were. I was working on perfecting my telekinesis. I brought a few objects to make fly around the stadium. I sat down to see Zileus create an earthquake with his tail." He is in." Queen ForeSeeker announced.
"Cloud." She called a few moments later. I glide down, avoiding the huge crack in the ground. I took the few objects out of my pouch. I focused on making them fly around the stadium. They did so. Queen ForeSeeker look bored, but definitely still paying attention. I focused on making myself fly without beating my wings. I cleared my head and felt myself lift off the ground l flew myself around the arena and felt a joy that I haven't felt in years. As long landed I seen how the Queen look so exited. "You've made it in. You are one of two New ones." She said. I felt as my heart leaped. It felt like I was going to explode. I'm now on rank six!? I thought back to the note.

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