The Backstory chronicals (Zileus)

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I was walking down the busy road that I called my home. Being abandoned by your own parents is the worst. I reach an ally and watch as others go by. I watch as a female red WindWing walks past me. She looks me in the eye. Reaching into her pouch she gave me a gold coin. I reach my talon out to take it, when I feel my knees buckle beneath me. I collapse and darkness takes over my vision. I could feel as she beat her wings and picked me up. I slowly open my eyes and notice that we're going to the castle. Why the castle? I thought. As I drift off to sleep. Starvation takes a toll. Me having not eaten in over a month.
When I wake up the same red dragon sitting next to me, worried. She notices I woke up. "Oh my three moons, are you okay?, what happened?" She asked. I noticed the crown on her head and realized that it's Princess StarShifter.
"I'm fine, starvation took its toll on me, I haven't eaten in over a month." I reply. I think back to my magics. I could create earthquakes and tidal waves with my tail.
"Why haven't you eaten?" She questioned. I shook my head, replaying the moments. "You are unfit to be in our family" my mother shouted. "Get out" my father shouted. Hitting me with his spiked tail. It landed on my face, creating a scar. I ran out of the den. Crying. I remember that StarShifter was hatched under the light of the three full moons. She was a mind reader, a prophet, and her powers were advanced. She had a sorrowful expression on her face. "I'm so sorry, I'll have my mother demote your parents and promote you up to the fifth rank. You seem like a strong magic user... Earthquakes and tidal waves." And with that she walked out of the room.
About a half hour later, Queen ForeSeeker walked in with some soup, which I happily devoured. "StarShifter told me everything, you are now in the fifth rank." She said when I was done. "You know that you can become a Royal Guard. I will have a den set up in the castle for you." She said, I smiled weakly, my legs still getting used to standing. She walked out, "Oh and your parents went from rank three from guard to commoner at the bottom of rank one." She left and I was left alone. I'm now a greater magic user? Well I have practiced in secret for three years. I suppose I would be good enough. I lay back down and drift off to sleep.
I'm in a different den when I wake up. I look around and I immediately notice a desk. I walk over to It and see a note. Feel free to roam the castle and remember to wear your chest plate, that is how guards identify each other.
From StarShifter. I walk over towards the entrance of the den and notice a stand with a chest plate on it. I slipped it over my head, being careful of my horns, and onto my chest. I walk out of the den and roamed the tunnels until I came to an exit. I fly towards my training grounds, which was ruined with my practicing. I go into a twisting dive so I was kind of doing front flips in the air while dropping and I hit the water really hard with my tail, creating a huge wave. I realized that I had been followed when I notice a red figure dive behind the rocks. I glide over to where I had seen it, and what i had seen astonished me. "Princess StarShifter?" I say. She nods, I realized that she doesn't talk to much.

*Announcer voice*
See you next time on backstory chronicals, next time we will learn Cloud's backstory.

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