2- I am nervous.

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 Here is the next chapter of the Wing Woman's Mistake for you. Today's dedication is to a couple of people, ShonaKS man I loved today's conversation ,  ashuishu89 and Meraki_asthetics guys tell me when you are free, I did like to talk to both of you. Okay I am done on to the chapter.


I am a little nervous.

Actually, a lot nervous.

I have match made a lot of couples, resolved trouble in paradise, have acquired answer's from most confusing and annoying people during my survey collections. But have never been this nervous. Well getting nervous is a human tendency, you can get nervous anytime if the activity in concern is close to your heart and who ever says otherwise is telling a straight face lie. However well versed you are, you are sure to get nervous while doing it.

But in my entire existence I have never been this nervous. And for doing what? Just approaching a guy and befriending him.

Not getting anything yet, let me rewind it for you. Early in the morning, yesterday as in Sunday, I got a mail from my best friend Sandra requesting me to set up her brother with a decent girl.

So later that afternoon I started collecting information about Ben , since I don't know much about him apart from what Sandra told me. I made few calls to my 'friends' and 'accidently' mention him in a conversation. And from what I have gathered he is a quit kind of person. He has only one friend, whose name someone told me was 'Tyler McCartney'. And he likes to talk only to him. He is a straight 'A' student and is apparently in a few of my classes. But I didn't notice him. I wonder why?

But the highlight was that apart from some incidents here and there no one has ever heard him say a word to anyone. Weird?

So fast forward to Monday morning, here I am waiting opposite to his locker, talking to a friend and hoping that I will get a chance to talk to him. If not , then I have to do something to get to start a conversation with him.

After 10 min of aimlessly participating in the conversation the girl, he finally arrives at his locker, Tyler beside him talking at a rapid speed.

The girl beside me excused herself, telling me her boyfriend has arrived and she has to go and meet him. Thank god. I was thinking about how to approach the two boys. When the opportunity walked right in front of me. I mean Tyler walked right in front of me.

"Hey Alex, I didn't saw you at Dean's party at Saturday?" Tyler asked leaning at the locker beside Ben's locker. "I was there, but I didn't stay long, I am not really a party person." I replied.

"Not a party person? But I usually see you at all the high end parties." He asked me, raising an eyebrow at me as if challenging me. I was reply with some good sarcasm, but I realized that now even Ben looked interested in the conversation, and I knew bantering with his best friend will not get me where I want to be. So I decided to answer it as simply as I could.

" These 'high end' people usually invite me , and even though I don't care much about what anyone think of me , I find it a too rude to outright turn down the invitation , so I go , show my face and come back. Sometimes if they need my help I stay there also. But I try to avoid them as much as I can." I said with the calmest face I could muster.

Tyler was tried open his to say something, probably another question, but Ben elbowed him in his side and muttered a small a 'Stop it, its annoying.'

I giggled at the sight of Tyler groaning in pain, clutching his side. "Thanks for shutting him up Ben." I said to Ben, nodding my head towards him and giving him small smile. "Don't mention it." Ben said, I swear I saw a blush creeping up his face. I glanced at my watch and realized it almost time for the bell to ring.

"Okay boys, I am sorry to cut this conversation short, but I think I should go to my class, and so should you two. See you two around. Bye." I waved at them and made my way to my class after a receiving two bye's, one quieter than the other.

And even though have a free first period, since I knew Mrs. Van Acker is absent, I kept my first interaction with Ben short. Because in my experience, (Man I sound old!), it's safe to keep the first interaction short, as it could be deemed both suspicious and awkward. Keeping it short and sweet help you make the right impression on a person.

I made my way towards the library, greeted the librarian and took the furthermost seat in the library. I tried to concentrate in revising for the test I have in AP chemistry but my mind kept on drifting towards Ben. For some reason I didn't like to call him Ben or Benjamin for that matter. No offence to the name, but Ben seems like an ordinary/ basic name and the guy I met just a few minutes ago was anything, but not ordinary. After a bit contemplating I came to the conclusion that I will call him Austin, at least in my thoughts.

After a few moments of my little soliloquy, I felt eyes on me; as if someone was trying to grill holes in my head by just staring. I looked around the library but failed to notice anyone other than me there. I mentally shrugged; maybe it was just my imagination.

I tried to concentrate on my notes for the test, but the feeling of being watched didn't left me until I left the library.


Till my fourth period came, I was totally over the library incident and was quite excited for AP History since it was one of the class I shared with Austin.

My plan was simple I won't try to talk to him, I will just smile at him, he caught my gaze. Yup Alexina, keep it simple, don't overwhelm him. I gave my self a pep talk and entered the class. As if my eyes had a mind of their own they searched for Austin and I could instantly spot him on a chair next to the window. He must have felt my gaze on him because his head shot up from the book he was studying and directly towards me.

I gave him a small smile and acknowledging nod as I have planned. He returned the gesture , but instead of a smile , his lips just twitched a little. Well I will take whatever I get.

I made my ways to my seat beside my friend, Riley. She was actually apart of my squad. Oh I never told you about my squad ? Well my squad .....

"Well, Good Morning class. How was your weekend?" Mr. Lynch, our History teacher greeted us. Maybe I will tell you about my squad later.

Mr. Lynch talked about how he has an amazing idea for our next assignment. "So for this assignment you all will visit any place you want to pick, or a place which you and your partners have already visited. It can be anything from a city, to even the local McDonald. You will research on the place's history and look for any important figure, who have played an important role in bring the place to where it is now. You will right it down in the form of a story, and a 1000 words opinion on what you think about it."

The whole class was buzzing, because that was one interesting assignment. Mr. Lynch always gave the most interesting assignment, that is why he is my favorite. And I think even I am his favorite student.

"Okay I know you all are excited for the assignment but silence now , I need to explain the details for you people." Mr. Lynch said silencing the whole class. "The story you and your partner write can be similar , but they should not be exact copies of each other. The opinion section should however be different for both the students. This assignment will also be checked by your English teachers , and they will also be helping grade your papers, so be careful. The assignment has to submit after your Christmas break. And your partners are the person sitting next to you....." Me and Riley exchanged a quick grin at that. "..... and don't you dare change your partners , I have already clicked a picture of all the students and I know who is sitting beside you. If you have any problem you can bring it up to me. You have the entire next period to discuss."

With that Mr. Lynch turned around to sit on the teachers desk and every else launched into conversations.

Me and Riley were in the middle of deciding which place to choose when a shrill 'Excuse me , sir' pierced the hushed silence of the class. I swear even our teacher flinched at the voice. The voice belonged to Dean Williams. The problem with Dean is that he complains , complains and wait a min complains some more. Complains about, anything and everything. God knows what he wants to complain about now.

"Sir, I can't do my project with a person of is incapable of responding to any of my questions. Please give me the permission to work alone." He complained, again.

I looked at who he was labeling as incapable of responding and was surprised to find Austin sitting there. How can he say something like that to someone who has never done wrong to anyone.

"But Mr. Williams , this will live leave Mr. Sanders alone do the assignment. You need to co-operate some times." Mr. lynch tried to reason with the complain box.

"Sir , I don't see how that is my problem..." "Sir" I cut him off and stood up and I knew 34 pairs of eyes was looking at me. "Sir if you don't mind Au.. Ben can join me and Riley as a team." Phew.... Close safe I almost called him Austin.

I swear I could feel Austin's face on me. Mr. Lynch looked at me with pride? "Ms. Cooper and Ms. Martin are you sure you can add a third person?" I replied with a quick 'yes sir' and so did Riley.

"I see, Mr. Sanders join Ms. Cooper and Ms. Martin in the front. And Mr. Williams for being so un-cooperative you will submit your assignment before the Christmas holiday. I will personally look into how well you work alone."

The class soon fell into the same hushed silence and Ben started collecting his stuff all the while glancing at me when he thought I was not looking.

And all I could think was , So much for just smiling Alexina.


Fun Fact : Freddie Highmore is the kid who played Charlie , in Charlie in the Chocolate Factory.

Cover made by the amazing Puppybhai thanks sweetheart.

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