3-Sitting still is not my thing

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Here is it, another chapter for you people, I was honestly going to update Descendants on the sun but my two amigos  ShonaKS and iram_95wanted an update in this book. So enjoy.

PS- The song above is WINTER BEAR by TAEHYUNG and it has no relation to the chapter, but it's my favourite, so can you please listen to it for me? Its a cute English song by our dear Tae Tae do try it.

Sitting still is not my thing, I am a person who wiggles around a lot. So understand my predicament when I could literally feel Austin stare at me during the whole class. I tried my best not to move around much to show that I am not aware of it.

Mr Lynch had dropped the idea of giving us a free period and instead continued with his lesson. As the period came to end I leaned into Riley and whispered to her. "Sweetheart, I am gonna make a quick run to the loo, keep my stuff in my locker. Okay?" She nodded her head and returned her attention to the teacher at the front.

As soon as the bell rung and the teacher left the class I made a mad dash out of the class and to the nearest washroom. Don't worry its usual with me, I drink a lot of water and thus I need to pee a lot too. Sorry for the TMI.

After washing my hands thoroughly I haul my self towards the bleachers. Neither I nor my squad has ever liked the whole ambience of the cafeteria. So we usually bring our own lunches and sit on the bleachers away from the crowd.

I power walked towards our usual eating spot, and even though I am still a good distance away from them, I could hear the banter going on which song to play today?

Oh before I forget let me introduce you to my squad.

[A/N:- Guess who is who ShonaKS and iram_95.]

So you have already met Riley Martin, if you want to describe her in two words it will be: Grammar Police. I think all of us have decent grammar because of her. She is an absolute sweetheart. And that is exactly what I call her. She is a Mendes army through and through. As a sucker for Romance, she is actually still waiting for a perfect boyfriend but her novels have set such high standards that she friend zone every single guy interested in her. She is the tallest among all of us, a good 5 ft 6', and a cute combination of green eyes and strawberry blond hair.

The fashionista of the group and my oldest best friend: Charlotte Dean. She is a tiny, cute, jumpy package deal. But don't underestimate her size she, this 4 ft 9' beauty is as fierce as they come, she is unstoppable. She had been my friend since first grade and has pretty much tolerated all my phases till now. She is an amazing artist whose canvas range from books and copies to her face and hands. She is the go-to mood maker of the group alongside me and beauty inside and out. Seeing her golden blonde hair, brown eyes and love for sleeping you can go ahead and declare her sleeping beauty. But I call her Goldie.

Then there is our residential tomboy, another tiny package Madison Steven. She is the most innocent person in my group, the down to heart, not sarcastic, naïve, athletic girl, I have ever seen. Her hair cut in a pixie, and I can bet my last penny that no one can pull it better than her. She is always completing everyone and laughing at the silliest jokes we made. It was only last year that she joined our crazy gang but it feels like she has been with us for years.

The next in line is Ashley Prescott the person who can fit in almost every bloody category there is at a typical high school, she is that versatile. She is taller than me at about 5 ft 5 and a lot stronger than almost all of us combined. We don't mess with her, you shouldn't as well, it wouldn't end up good for you. Her long, black hair makes her stand out in the sea of people. A teacher's favourite student, she can be said that she is people pleaser and she absolutely loves to portray her skills. She may not be best at everything but it doesn't stop her from trying her best. I respect that about her and that is the why I call her by her last name only.

Okay, the last and the quietest from our group: Vanessa O'Connell. She is a not a quiet person with us but if you see us from the outside her voice drowns in all the ruckus and chaos we all produce. But don't go on the calm, collected, cute appearance of this short brunette, she can single-handedly convert an ongoing conversation in a perverted one, a serious one, funny one anything you name it. The things that leave her adorable mouth can leave you stunned. She is like a silent game-changer. So I always salute this marvel fan when I meet her.

My friends are my everything and I don't know what will I do without them. But as of right now I want to kill every one of them, this argument of whose songs will be played have been going on for a week now.

"O come on guys, are we still stuck at this?" I announced my arrival and instantly flinched at 4 pair of glares. "Ya, they have still not decided about this." Said Madison passing my lunch over to me.

"Okay, we need to resolve this like right now," I demanded as I open my lunch box and started chewing on my sandwich. And I got the Yup's, yes's in return.

We all remained silent for a few moments as we collectively brainstormed for ideas on how to settle this.

"So who has the loudest speaker among us?" I asked, wincing as I broke the quiet atmosphere. "I guess mine is the loudest." Ashley pushed her mini speaker in the middle of the distorted circle we have formed while eating. "We have an hour of lunch and keeping a good 40 min form playing songs, and assuming each song last 4 min approximately, we can play 10 songs on average. Let's all select a song each and 3 songs we all collectively enjoy and make a playlist. And play it on shuffle so we all can listen to our favourite songs and we can switch the songs every week. How is that?"

After going through the details like whose phone the songs will be etc. we got started on the songs. And this was how we spent the rest of our lunch. Surprisingly we finished our lunch with a good 10 min to spare, so we decided to head back to the main building.

We were greeted by an empty corridor which was usual for us as everyone generally are in the cafeteria or the courtyards outside it. We stopped at Vanessa's locker and shoved our empty lunch boxes in it. As another argument broke between my friends as to where to hang out this weekend, I bid them goodbyes and later's and made my way to my locker. But before I could leave Charlotte sneakily slipped a lollipop in my pocket and shot me a wink. She knows I want something sweet after my meal. After I crossed the corridor, I quickly unwrapped my lollipop and popped it in my mouth.

As I entered the second hallway I realized someone is leaning against my locker. On closer look, it turned out to be, Austin. He looked brooding with all his 6 ft something glory slumping, a beanie on his head and specks perched low on his nose.

I faked a cough to get him out of whatever trance he was in and his head whipped in my direction. It was comical to see him almost falling flat on his butt and then trying to balance himself. " I wanted to talk to you?" he said, and I don't know whether that was a statement a question or an explanation.

He didn't wait for my reply and continued, " Listen whatever you did for me in last period was great and all but I just wanted to tell you that I will manage to do this on my own, don't worry about me. I won't say a word to Mr Lynch, you and your friend can do it alone I wouldn't interrupt, just tell me the name of the place and I can manage on my own after that. You don't have to bother about me......."

"Will you breath?" I said in the most soothing voice I could muster because however cute he looked ranting and running his fingers over his shirt nervously, I could feel a panic attack coming. He stopped his talking but his breathing was still erratic.

I lightly grabbed his hand and guided him towards an old classroom. Soon the corridors will be filled with people from the cafeteria and the crowd will do no good to him if the panic attack is this close.

I locked the room and made him sit on an empty chair. "Ben, look into my eyes ........" He was avoiding my stare, "Benjamin, Ben, Austin look into my eyes." When I saw his eyes snap back to mine, I made sure to have steady contact with him. " Now breath with me."

After a few minutes, his breath finally mellowed down to a normal rate. I slowly increased the distance between us not wanting to crowd his personal space. I searched for a decent chair but couldn't find any, so I settled on a desk instead.

Minutes passed and we could hear the chatter of the students making there way to respective classes but we stayed silent.I don't know what was he thinking but only one thought ran through my mind. Here goes my plan of not overwhelming him. Again.

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