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Tanzsu: hi there again sorry for that rant on the last chapter its just……ugh i had to let it out of my system.

Ice: you had it in the back of your mind for a while?

Tanzsu: yeah mainly due to the fact people tried to argue that america was in the wrong for doing it.

Ice: and is turning the blind eye to whatever might've warrant America doing what they did.

Tanzsu: yeah but I should be over it, people came for a story not wanting to hear how japan committing mcfelonies is cringe and how america was in the right.

Ice: Yeah they kinda came for the story, so the rant might've been a tiny bit out of nowhere.

Tanzsu: i mean its in japan so it relates right?

Ice: true.

Tanzsu: well anyways thats enough from us, here is the new chapter and we hope you enjoy……..btw those people in the comment section of the video has to be 10-15 years of age.

Ice: 13 is the best I can think of them being.

Tanzsu: yeah plus i- okay i’ll stop before i go down a rabbit hole of “if any anime didn’t exist, japan wouldn’t gain as much tourist as they do”.

Ice: that's honestly the only reason I knew japan existed.

Tanzsu: welp thats all and please if you have any suggestion, leave them in in the comments….which i may or may not ignore.

Ice: but for now, enjoy chapter 4.

Tanzsu: 4? You making a page dedicated to the harem aren’t you?

Ice: pfft no, 4 usually means death. And we're making all of them harem pages!

—----------the wingless human—-------------

It was blurry and your ears constantly ranged, but you didn’t care and only moved forward. People followed behind you looking back for a second they had a clear anger of expression as they ran to you.

You turned a corner trying to lose them but they were still hot on your tail and the train was right there, all you had to do was step in. With your last chance and remainder of adrenaline, you ran up the stairs and jumped straight to the train doors.

You opened Them which seemed off, but you didn’t care until the very next second.

With a nasty blow to the face you stumbled down the vast flights of stairs and back to the ground floor, where despite your pursuers unwavering aggression to you, they stopped when they saw you hit rock-bottom.

“Damn, did you really have to do it to him like this?” the girl who molly-whopped you nodded and stepped over you.

“It worked, didn't it?” she turned to you, “throw him over the river.”

Following her orders, they dragged you to the bridge where they set you on the edge.

“pal, why do you keep doing this?” he asked, holding a gun to your face

“Cause maybe a khan won’t kill someone looking them in the eyes, but i ain’t a fink ya dig?” he presses the cold barrel against your temple but the adrenaline faded with you starting to black out soon after.

then the girl from earlier snatched the gun from him and aimed it at you. “Yada yada yada game rigged from the start”


And so you gradually descend into the dark river below you, to note they shot you on the south of the bridge where the river is flowing north. Thankfully your fighting kicked in as a disoriented glance made you notice the piranhas were on their way to eat at you and The gap under the bridge has some land where you get out.

As the exit approaches and you swim to safety, a group of piranhas jumps and gnaws down on your wings. Knowing she might still be watching, you bite your own tongue so bad it gave the metallic taste of blood.

The fish nibbles off your wings, they drifted down the river where half of them down there started to go after the wings.

“Looks like he is-”


“everyone to the front now!” she shouted as gunfire soon ranged out.

With careful steps you limped your way to the train station again as gunfire was getting a little louder and your mind got a bit fizzy as you suddenly found yourself on the train, you coughed up a bit of blood as you got on one leg and collapsed on the floor.

In the real world

You rolled off the car roof, you felt a bit groggy as you checked your surrounds like in your dream. You noticed the car next to you was having a sucking noise as there were sheets covering the windows.

Turning to the right you see a kid looking at the ocean but as you try to get close, he is grabbed by a pair of arms, you rushed over but couldn’t see him in the endless blue sea. However, you soon saw red coming up. . . so you shrugged and returned to the car where Natalia was sleeping in the back.

Deciding to take off some stress, you peered back to the sea and saw an island at first glance, then something peered into your direction in turn with yellow glowing eyes leering right at you. The two of you held eye-contact before the creature sunk back to the lower depths, not to be seen anytime soon.

“. . . i hate the ocean” shaking your head, thinking what you saw was bullshit. you just try to breathe and go back to sleep.

One hour later

Waking up, the grogginess from an hour ago was there but you were alerted by a woman running around and banging on the car.

“Hey, Excuse me! Have you seen my little brother?!” She showed you a photo of a kid.

Specifically the one you saw last night being dragged into the ocean.

you slowly shook your head as she speedwalked off elsewhere. Thankfully she did or else she would've seen swear roll down and get suspicious. But anyways, you promptly left car and went to go vomit over the boat

If it wasn’t bad enough there was a scream, you go to check it as people looked over to see her in front of 2 pairs of legs with a pair of socks as she kneeled and sobbed. The legs were her brothers.

‘........maybe i should go back to the car’ and that you did as you seen your adopted mother was on the phone.

“Your drinking my pink lemonade vodka aren’t you?” Despite the phone not being on speaker, there was a loud audible burping noise and she hung up the phone. She heard you getting in the car and leaned over your shoulder to see the crowd gathering. “Let me guess they found a gay orgy in a car?”

“A girl lost her little brother to the ocean and she found his legs” she shut her lips after that as she like you looked out the window

“I’m gonna fuckin hate this trip” she stated as the flood lights on the boat came on and all of a sudden everyone looked directly down for a second. They then looked up and started to go their separate ways, while the girl who was crying got up from the floor and went back to her car to sleep in the back seat.

This of course freaked you out as you didn’t know what caused them to just ... .shift personalities in this situation. You try to go out but felt a poke from your side of the neck and your adam's apple and a wave of black hit you.


You felt yourself lying down as the area around you was shaking, upon opening your left eye you blinded a flash of white as the sun was hitting the window to your direction. You leaned against the car door as natalia made a turn on a street she looked back to see you woken up.

“You been asleep for a good bit son” what she commented as she continued to drive down the road

You leaned your back on the seat as you stared at the window thinking what happened was a fucked up dream. Then in a sense of irony for you a truck was coming down your way, your mother was lucky enough to swerve out the way as both of you avoided the truck.

Despite you breathing rapidly your mother immediately turns around to speed down the road to the truck. “What are you doing?!”
she ignored you as the truck was making a turn at a road where it was a hill and below was rock going down, she rammed the car on the side of the truck and like a cow it tumbles over to where it fell down the hill.

"Did you finally ask about the raise, hugo?" A seemingly sentient motorcycle asked its rider, "it's been over 3 months now."

"Yeah I did, babe!" Hugo answered, though not sound so sure of his words, "what? You want me to kick down his door like I'm Batman or somethin'?"

"No, I'm expecting you to have a little more spine. Don't get me wrong but you're a pushover hugo!"

"Pfft no!" He chuckled, "I'm not being such a pushover anymore. You should know that by now."

"Yeah yeah, but you can't be too careful with making sure your pal doesn't slip, right?" The motorcycle blinked her headlights as if rolling her eyes.

"That may be true." Hugo had to admit before going silent for a moment, neither of the two noticed rocks falling in their general area, "But arcee?"

The vehicle let out a hm sound as if giving hugo her attention, said human got of the motorcycle and kneeled in front of her, hands our forward towards it, "give me by the end of the month and I'll get you those sweet Rims you've been eying for a while."

Arcee shook and her headlights got a hue of pink as she shifted the front wheel into arms to hold his, however—


It all happened so suddenly in the blink of an eye. Hugo was about to hold the arms of his girlfriend, yet those are the only parts of her he's ever touching of arcee is her hands, while the rest of her is gone beneath the truck that had just crushed her. By the time he registered the event, he was in complete disbelief.

"A-arcee?" Looking down, he sees his girlfriend's detached hands. "Arcee!?"

Looking in front of him, he sees blue and pink metallic parts underneath the totalled truck on top of it. When it all came to him, he was only able to say one word.

"ARCEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" He cried and screamed for the heavens.

But his cries were cut short, as the truck was shaking and moving side by side, trying to get its footing but to no avail. Hugo could only watch with fury as he tried to make sense of what appears to be a trucker trying to make love and defile his used-to-be girlfriend's mangled corpse. Then the truck suddenly stopped and calmed down before slowly getting off arcee and drove backwards, leaving an oil trail that leads to the lower-half of her body.

The only thing that stopped Hugo from grabbing the nearest pipe and wrecking the truck was it making sharp turns out of nowhere until its back was towards him and Arcee's remains. Its doors opened and metallic tendrils sprawled out and grabbed Arcee, setting her down on the platform that appeared below her. When that was done, it started to dismantle her before starting to reassemble her in one short swoop, all the while Hugo starred in absolute bewilderment.

He kept that bewilderment even as Arcee was brought to life, gasping for air.

"Oh my mccarthy!" She steadily breathed, "I was almost recycled!"

"¡ay, mi McCarthy!" She steadily breathed out. "¡casi fui reciclado!"

"Arcee!!" Hugo rushed in to hug her, much to the robot's shock and confusion.

"Woah, ¿qué pasó Hugo?" While not sure what was happening, she hugged back, "¿Por qué me siento así? . . ¿extraño?"

{now back to your regular programing}-------+

Natalia was hot on the gas as she zooms back on the road for lost time, while you just sat there wondering what brought your mother to such ruthless actions. You looked over to her to she was calm and composed, so you tied to strike up a conversation.

“Wasn’t that reall-”

“Yes- yes it was” she replies as a sign said welcome to tokyo came up, sensing something wasn’t right she calls to you

“Look up how far are we to kuoh” you did but it said 34 kilometers, with google you put it at 21 miles and relay it to her. Which she made the hardest turn you felt as she was easily going over the speed limit, you tried to hold on as her driving proved a little much for you.

After 10 minutes of non-stop fast driving she finally slow down as the sign “kouh is 4 kilometers away” popped up, she slow down and sighs.

“Look son you know i don’t like this backwards country” you tried to not laugh while you held that cross you still have from dohnseek. It was funny that you came to japan and he did too but the odds where low that you would meet him, you looked to see the city of Kouh and from what people said online it shouldn’t be that bad right?

Time skip later

As you two pulled up to the house…..its not bad but it isn’t high living. Entering the house you can see the house is obviously the dust gathering in the house since it hasn’t been populated for a while.

Natalia goes to a circuit break and flips the power on as the lights came on, exploring a bit you see the same old same old like any other house. But the decor was very sleek and does give off a certain feel.

You explored the house some more and to be frank it was pretty barren, now to be fair the house wasn’t touched for a long time so ofc you wouldn’t want people breaking in and stealing heirlooms. Your mother looked in the room you were in and looked around as well before she made her announcement.

“Okay so we’ll just be here a week, and after that we can go home” it didn’t sound too bad but the house wasn’t clean yet “sooooo here is some money and go get some cleaning supplies”

So with the money in hand you nod and took a step outside, it wasn’t a suburban neighborhood but it wasn't far from any stores. So you went on your way, and by went on your way i meant looking up google maps to find the nearest supply store.

Another time skip later
You got your supplies and were walking out the store with the mop and broom over your shoulder with a bucket that has cleaning supplies in it.

On your way back you find a bus that takes you close to the area you lived in so you make a detour to the bus. You waited for the bus to come but a police officer came from next to you and tapped you on your shoulder.

“Nē, anata no ID kādo wa dokodesu ka?" you squint your eyes as you knew jack nothing about japanese.

“Uhhh sorry i only speak english” you clarified as the police officer nodded, and coughed
“My fault, do you have an id card?” you shook your head as the man shook his head “sorry but in city your required to have an id card, your gonna have to come with me”

You pull up calls and went to dial you mom's number, it took a small bit before she answered.

“Anom did you get the cleaning supplies from the store?” the police officer reply to her first

“Sorry to be a bother ma’am but your son must have an id, do you have yours to show the station you are in our database?”

There was a short pause before you heard her mumbled “what the fuck are they saying?”

“Sir me and my adopted son are from overseas, we have documents and our american id so-” the officer let out a sigh

“Ohhhhh i see ma’am, due to a policy implemented by the mayor of the town. All residents and tourist must have an id made by the city for practical use” he signaled you to follow him but before you two walk to the nearest station your mother butt in.

“Wait one crunchy ass minute, where are you taking my son? I refuse to let him go anywhere or sign anything without my foresight!”

“Well be at the police station down the road to the convenient store on(street) on the right” she hangs up as the two of you walk to the police station, with you not knowing exactly what will happen in the next few days.

The end of this chapter

Ice: and that was wingless humans, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Wait, wanna hear a fun fact?

Tanzsu: common ice we all know that the neko massacre was fake.

Ice: oh no, it's related to that but it's not it.

Tanzsu: hmmmmmmmm, continue.

Ice: You know how whenever that extremely stupid myth was spreaded, the shinto gods were absolutely pissed at the devils?

Tanzsu: i mean if you purposefully wipe out an entire race and not save the woman, that isn’t very gentle man of you but yes i do.

Ice: that's the thing. The shinto gods actually hate yokai. Or at the very least barely tolerates them.

Tanzsu: hmmm thats actually interesting since wouldn’t that mean if the neko were slaughtered by the no fucks giving shinto gods despite their modern value?

Ice: Yeah That's exactly how it'd go if the massacre was Canon. And even if they didn't have a hand in ending the catgirl bloodline, they'd celebrate with the devils over drinks.

Tanzsu: too be fair dxd is meant to be a play on myth but if thats true for canon why do yokai stay in japan?

Ice: maybe that's because yokai are of Japanese origin since that's where they are from. Would you ask Jesus to gtfo of Jerusalem and go to let's say. . . Ancient Scandinavia with all the norse gods there?

Tanzsu: in the middle of his time on earth? No but on the day judas told the army about his location? sure.

Ice: heh, understandable.

Tanzsu: also something that was boggling my mind was that kokabiel revealing of god being dead, its not bad but he knew the internet existed along with some supernatural evidence. He legit could’ve made it to a point where too much had gone on and there was no way to cover it up.

Ice: then again, sources say he wasn't as much of a big shot as fanon or he says he is. Like yeah, he had some influence, but was more like a low-hanging politician in the grand scheme of things.

Tanzsu: yeah but i still fall under the line of “the supernatural hides itself from humans cause their normal and the supernormal will clash too hard”

Ice: how so?

Tanzsu: normal for us is waking up, going to work/school, doing the stuff you find happiness in or stuff to do in an attempt to kill time and sleep. For SN its pretty much random what you would do on a random basis.

Ice: you have a point there.

Tanzsu: but that begs the question, are we selfish for not wanting the SN in our normal or is the SN selfish for not wanting us in their normal?

Ice: wouldn't it be yes to both since we both want each other to conform to each other's standards without trying to work it out in Either's favor?

Tanzsu: I think in our case we legit do not know and only higher up know. So ice anything else or shall we leave the audience with the remainder of the skit you did?

Ice: while I do have another fact, I feel I should save it for the next chapter. So let's leave them with the skit.

Tanzsu: welp this was chapter 3 and we hope you enjoy and up next

Next chapter: welcome to the new age.

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