risen to rapture

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Hey hey it's tanzsu again, hope you liked the last chapter.

Ah I'm sure somebody or a few people did.

Yeah but you know people be praying on our downfall like that girl who “deleted” your account.

True. That proven they come in all shapes and sizes.

Which means deez hands are rated E for everything.

They're truly family-friendly if they have to be. A fight one, kick one free.

Also i hope you all liked the first introduction for dohnaseek cause we will be bringing him back a few times but not too much.

Yeah. Wouldn't want him to overstay his welcome and burn you guys out on him. Because we don't work at disney.

Speaking of fallen, another member makes their way to this chapter, we will try to make them as bearable as we can.

Oh, another fallen? Who could such be?

One of the other 3 that was used so shortly in the beginning of the story, also one last thing about what powers you will have……..i kinda don’t want to have him have any.

Yeah it's understandable, as it isn't exactly the focus of the story, right?

Yeah but it's a dxd story so we should at least have one power right?

That's right. What could we give him?

Don’t know but we hope you enjoy this as much as the first one.

Yes. So grab your snack and your phone– yes, you have to use both hands– and read at your leisure.

Fun fact- if the supernatural existed, Americans would’ve won all the war!

In fact, kind of anyone could win the wars if they won their favors.

—-------------------------------------------wingless human—---------------------------------

‘This is it, the last week of school.’ you thought to yourself as you stayed in bed for the school day, the school year was… another year but hey you're gonna be a sophomore and so things weren’t that bad. Then your adoptive mother came in and woke you up completely.

“Hey, remember my sister that is coming next week?” you tilt your head and nodded “well she just arrived today and i need you to go get her” your eyebrow shot up “uhhhh why me?”

“Cause i'm not mentally ready and i am your mother so my say is the final'' despite you wanting to argue with your finger up, she made it clear by throwing a penny at the back of your hand and it stinged.

time skip

Then it didn’t matter as you were at the airport waiting for your adoptive aunty, scrolling through your phone and searching for the dankest of memes, but Unfortunately Since it is still 2023, all you see is tik tok. Disappointed from this, you turned off your phone as a woman walked out of the building with long blue hair, a business suit and an eye patch. She headed down your direction and spoke.

“would you happen to be. . . anom?” you nodded and she stared at you for a moment and opened the back door, putting her luggage in the back with her while you drove off.
As you drove you down the road occasionally you looked behind you to see her staring at you, getting a bit weirded out by her you go to turn on the radio when you felt something metal being poked at the back of your back

“Reach for the buttons and i let out a round to your-” then your phone ranged as it was your mother but the lady was unfazed as she pointed to it “answer it” so you did and put it on speaker

“Hey just wanted to mention kalawarner is a little crazy so if she points a gun to you just try to ignore it but if she fires then i personally send her back to he-” she snatched the phone and turned off the call

“Fuck i forgot you was that kid natilia adopted!” she yelled as she looked at you to see your confusion  “my name is kalawarner and your step auntie” she smoked her cigarette again. 

“Yeah……. Mind not telling her that I accidentally pulled a gun on you?.”before you could respond, it would have to wait as her stomach growled.

And luckily she spots a diner ahead, she wrapped her arm around your neck and pointed it to the place “say, let's make a quick stop at the gilded coral; I'm hungry as shit!” you couldn’t disagree as you were feeling famished as well. So you parked at the restaurant.

In the restaurant, there was a sports bar where the games were being played on television. Neither of you two waited long as the waitress came over and tipped her hat.

“hello you two, weird seeing a couple and not a group of boys drinking their problems away.” you were sure if you were drinking something, it would’ve been spat out and kala only had a stern look on her face, "anyway, how may I take your order."

“Give me the heart shredder and the wild golden lances. Oh, also 2 rainbow daiquiris.” kala ordered.

If anyone were to look on the menu, they would have seen the items were really just a triple-decker cheeseburger with a nacho cheese covered fries with bacon bits. however the rainbow daiquiri was a liquor that was a combination of multiple other drinks.

“Alright, and what would you like sir?” you read the menu and took a second, but you took too long for kala's liking so she knocked on the table to get your attention.

“What do you want to order?” glaring at her for a moment, you leaned over to her and whispered what you thought looks nice to eat, she turned to the waitress and relayed your order. “he’ll take a diet shredder and a side of mint ice cream”.

The diet shredder was no more than a salad with rib meat on it.

Despite your Appalled expression, the waitress left to go get your(incorrect) salad and kala's ticket to death.

“That isn’t remotely what i asked for” you voiced out loud, only to see her shrug like the little shit she is, “maybe if you spoke it with your chest and not a church mouse you would’ve gotten your right pr–”

She was interrupted by the waitress who placed the food on the table. Kala quickly licked her lips at the artery cloggers that is the food she ordered. You tried to eat the greasy salad but you got so thirsty from all the cholesterol that you flagged a nearby waiter for a drink.

Kala practically swallowed the handheld heart-attack of a burger and wiped the grease off her lips, then turned her gaze at you, “you know japanese food isn’t half-bad, but damn who doesn’t like a big ol' american food?!” She laughs a bit as she sips her alcoholic beverage and coughs a bit. “shit, that's strong! Want a sip?”

you declined out of safety for your bladder as the waiter came with your water, all the while she proceeded to down the 2nd glass of very alcohol.

“Yeah, thought you'd think the other glass was yours.” chuckling at the thought, she went for her barely healthy fries but you blocked her hand from taking a single bite.

“Why didn’t natalia mention you or the rest of her family?” kalawarner was a bit puzzled by your question but she caught on.

“I wanna say. . . Over a decade ago we had a falling out since she was an illegitimate child and father didn’t want to raise her but her biological father was poisoned and he tried to see all of his kids. since natalia was still spiteful to the man she left japan and settled here.”

She turned to the window as people were walking down the street going about their lives "she cut off all contacts with her family- blah blah blah.” she yawned as she looked at the fries “well now look what you did. Now I'm not in the mood for these heavenly delectables."

Small time skip later

The two of you finally went to natilia's house with kala talking to said owner, but it was clear natalia wasn’t that thrilled talking to her cousin.

“Look don’t get this twisted, the only reason we are speaking is due to his will” kala exhaled her cigarette.

“yeah yeah, and you want me to watch the house while you're gone.” you decided to sit down next to natalia and you had a few questions for kala.

“What happened to your eye?” That question made her burst out laughing, making you and nat taken back “let's just say me and a coworker had a disagreement of sorts,” she lifted up her hand and clenched 3 fingers “but let's just say she ain’t gonna be playing any instrument any time soon.”

You got up and decided it would be best to sleep now but kala called your name “say anom, what's your thoughts about bats from the underworld?” you took a second to understand but failed so you try to correct her “you mean underground?”

she just shrugs and turns to your adoptive mother “i know you're sheltering him but to this extent?”

And so feeling that was all, you went to bed while the two waited for you to be out of earshot.

“But seriously natalia. if your boy was seen praying, he'd be called a heretic for believing in something they don’t. Much less Jehovah himself." Kala warned in slight concern.

"And what of it?"

“You know what i mean, i know you got this but just remember sometime in the future he will be looked as weird from all sides” kalawarner was interrupted by natalia just downing a hole bottle of booze

“I swear to fuck if i was a -HIC -person i would’ve been happy from being drunk by this” she seen kalawarner scoff at her remark “your telling me” she pulled out her own flask

"Just how has he never realized he's not a normal human?" Kala asked in curiosity, "like the praying alone should be a dead giveaway since they always get headaches at best and brain damage at worst!"

"I don't fuckin' know." Natalia huffed, "I'm not sure how he hadn't."

"But anyways," Kala changed the topic, "father left his estate in kuoh out of inheritance. You should probably go over to see if you should sell it?"

"Yeah sure." Natalia remarked, "But it would be strange going back to kuoh after all these years."

"Just know before you head off, that there's more devil activity than usual a while back." Kala warned her cousin.

“Devil or yokai? Cause the demonic energy isn’t solely on the devils, kala.” she takes another swing of her drink as it slowly turns dusk.


In a room, a boy rested in his bed at the crack of dawn, peacefully sleeping before the door got kicked down by a short, white haired girl with a pokerface, “suicune. you slept in again, now get up.” she told as plainly as possible as she saw him not even stirring awake.

So She went over and yanked him by the tail, which woke him up completely and tumbled off the bed, “'neko why did you do that?!” she merely shrugged and began to leave.

“The president called us to a meeting. . . and you're supposed to be up by now.” seeing the fact it was barely 4 in the goddamn morning, suicune groaned and got dressed.


Ice: Aaaaaaaand there.

T:Yes yes, but wow did this wow take more time then the last one.

Ice: Yeah, did we flake off on it or something or was it because of a lack of a plan?

T:More so it was a bit hard to come up with how to make Anom and Natalia go to kuoh with a reason.

Ice: Well I'd add in a reason being they'd have a better job offers in Japan than anywhere else, unless that's a bit contrived that it had to be exactly where they need to be?

T:I mean kinda but not really, the next chapter should be going significantly smoother.

Ice: Seems to be if we're getting a good grasp here even with the hiccup here.

T:Plus we are going way longer than hydro lol.

Ice: Lol, that's cuz we're not slippery like waterboy.

T:Anyways before we end this off, me and probably ice would like to know your thoughts on us nuking imperial japan.

Ice: Yeah, what would y’all say about that? Kinda wanna hear out some perspective.

Tanzu: Of course if it isn’t “we had to in order for there to be less bloodshed” then you're automatically wrong………this is a joke.

Ice: yes, now laugh and frolic with us!

Tanzu: but honestly that is my thought as yes the bomb was a device that caused destruction but the issue is, imperial army shown it was willing to do anything for some victory and kamikaze pilots were clear evidence of that. Again the argument can be made for the US but in the way of war, everyone loses but it matters who loses the most. Cause the ussr was throwing men at the nazis, imagine the bloodshed that would happen with them and japan?

Ice: oh yes, you gotta note one minor thing that japan is deathly strict on "honor" so to speak. You know what happens to the kamikaze pilots that live for example?

Tanzsu: they are either executed or are sent home in dishonor as their family is shamed and he commits seppuku?

Ice: oh yes, that's only one of the nicer end results of a living kamikaze pilot. Now imagine the rest for others.

Tanzsu: and if i remember correctly, japanese solider would pretend to surrender to kamikaze themselves in the enemy territory?

Ice: eyup. Gotta get the most kills and honor in some shape or form. Probably get surgery to have bombs replace their liver and stomach.

Tanzsu: and ice just to be fair, yes the Japanese DID deserve it but only the army. The people were propagated into believing their cause was just.

Ice: Well that's culture after all, isn't it?

Tanzsu: yup but the only way to cripple them was to hit their civilian population to make them see how badly they can’t win.

Ice: and that shouldn't take a lot of effort on account of the size of japan compared to everywhere else.

Tanzsu: due to japan being an island they would have to be on ships to go to japan to fight, but Ice a thought if you will.

Ice: hm?

Tanzsu: Imagine they dropped a 3rd bomb and the Russians invaded.

Ice: Well shit, "sorry rusia, I haven't seen ya there! Here, let's settle this over some murica burgers and vidka, eh?".

Tanzsu: Basically what I’m saying is japan would’ve been in ruin. Cause after the russians lost the Russo-Japanese war, they would’ve been looking for payback.

Ice: indeed they would, but this time they either have better plans or die than admit defeat?

Tanzsu: also i know this is a hit piece against the japanese but i wanna say. We are all entitled to our own opinions but to say the US was in the wrong for nuking Hiroshima and nagasaki is not wrong but with the context, it makes sense why.

Ice: of course like pearls, they harbor any and all guilt while ignoring any blaring red flags from the other side.

Tanzsu: last thing, I saw this video called imperial japan vs modern japan and honestly its funny. Cause when you think about it, imperial Japan traumatized all of the future generations to the point where they tried to deny it and makes the people find ways to cope. Basically the backstory of hello kitty.

Ice: pfft, no wonder why they have an obsession with cute things, they're trying their best to have a grip on reality!

Tanzsu: but no seriously if you choose imperial japan over modern i don’t respect you like on god/kami/allah/the holy spaghetti.

Ice: or japan-esus. But I guess modern medicine won't save you from the common cold or every other disease, right?

Tanzsu: yup, also ice if you see the comments on that video. Pray to god that they are just joking and no one really thinks a war criminal is to be respected more than a guy who plays video games and draws anime.

Ice: but why wouldn't they wanna be. . . Wait, I'll send it to ya. There

Tanzsu: yup.

Ice: but the. Again, criminals aren't exactly chained and starving, are they?

Tanzsu: most were let go despite being class A war criminals and done atrocities. Plus wanna know some weird i thought of?

Ice: Ye?

Tanzsu: so if war creates strong man and peace creates weak, what is the direction after coming home and seeing basically a living hell for a man/woman?

Ice: they'll eventually break and take their own lives? Or prey on someone weaker than them?

Tanzsu: yup thats my point as the point of war is the battle of ideals but the main point is that after war it is in the country's best interest to make their civilians happy living. Or it is in the individual themselves to find what makes them happy and feel content with themselves.

Ice: it sounds a lot like that old quote you said long ago, where it's not the Destination that counts but the journey, but in a darker light.

Tanzsu: this is kinda getting to long, ice any last statements?

Ice: (un)fortunately not.

Tanzsu: my last statement is this, war is ugly and sometimes doesn’t make sense. Your country ask you to die for it which back then makes sense but now with new thoughts and a better sense of morality, you would probably try to avoid that fate. And so what if people call you a pussy or a coward, in the name of survival nothing is off the table to live another day. But what matters is what you do as a person and what you leave behind as a reminder, That's it from me.

Ice: and if you do happen to come out Alive, then dont forget the faces of all those you harmed in some way or form, beverage they sure as hell won't forget yours anytime soon.

Tanzsu: also me and maybe ice say all of this with no politics involved due to the fact that being based isn’t as “happy” as you may think.

Ice: it really isn't.

Tanzsu: why are we speaking like we know the horrors of war?

Ice: because we have to only get the surface level information to get our point across instead of looking up the story of a traumatized individual.

Tanzsu: well we leave you viewers but remember, the past of your country actions doesn't affect you. but you affect how you are treated with your actions.

Ice: And by extension, paint the image of the country as whole with your actions.

Next chapter: welcome to the road to nowhere

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