4. The Immortals' Conquest 2022 Runner-Up #2

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Demon In A Painting by Ghost_Lord


Chapter 1 - Legend of the Flower Demon

Once upon a time, there was a little peaceful village in Northern Liang. It was nestled in a serene valley with lush forests teeming with wildlife and rich fertile soil. The place was perfect for raising families and growing crops. The village was made up mostly of farmers and hunters who provided meat from hunting wild game in the surrounding forest.

One day, the peace was shattered by a demon. The vile creature appeared out of nowhere to descend upon the villagers. It had taken on the form of a beautiful maiden but she could not deceive them. Her red bloodshot eyes, needle like teeth and long sharp nails gave her away. The jarring scary features on a sweet face and demonic aura emanating from a lovely human figure made her all the more frightening.

The demon made outrages requests and when the villagers could not satisfy her demands, she went on a rampage. She terrorized the children and farmers’ wives. The farmers and hunters were no match for her. Using demonic magic, she made all their crops wither and scared away most of the game in the nearby forest. Their supply of meat was also tainted and spoiled so that it was inedible.

For months, the malicious demon tortured and made the poor villagers suffer. Cursed by a demonic spell, they were unable to leave. Desperate and almost starving, the village head begged a passing Taoist demon hunter for help. 

Demon hunter Lin was young but powerful. Using his training and skills, Lin searched for the demon by following her trail of demon dust. When he finally caught up with her, he fought long and hard before defeating her. Casting a spell and some wards, he managed to make her temporarily powerless and immobile. However Lin had one problem. Since he was such a successful demon hunter, all his demon gourds were full, so he had nowhere to hold her. When the Head villager had asked him for help, he was actually on his way back to his Sect to report and dispose of his full gourds.

His famous Sect helped rid the world of evil and troublesome demons. Once captured, they would reform the demons failing which the creatures would be executed so that they would not cause anymore mischief in the world. The successfully reformed demons were released back into the world with a warning. After all, the balance of mankind and nature had to be kept.

The evil demon was beautiful indeed. With long silky hair the colour of the darkest night, pale flawless skin and red cherry lips, she was a sight to behold. She lay helpless on the ground, her soft pastel robes did nothing to hide her shapely womanly figure. Somehow the vile creature had managed to conceal her more demonic features. The girl on the ground was the epitome of a maiden in distress.

“Please, please great demon hunter. Have mercy! You are mistaken. I am not evil!” she cried. “I’m only a helpless flower demon!”

“Do not lie, demon! I’ve seen the damage you’ve done to the villager’s fields and their rotting food stock. Now they have nothing for the coming winter! Do you deny your actions?”

“I admit I did do those things but …”

“Hah! I thought so! What about the children and women? Those poor souls are so scared and exhausted. You frighten them so much that they can’t even sleep at night!”

“Please, you are mistaken! I only scared them to keep them away!”

“Keep them away? What nonsense.”

“It’s true!”

“Enough! You plead innocence yet made such mischief for the villagers here! Do you think your beguiling face and figure will fool me? You shall be captured and reformed!”

Terror filled the flower demon’s face and tears fell from her large purple eyes down her lovely face but to no avail. The demon hunter was determined to keep the world safe from the likes of her. Since there was no space in any of his demon gourds, he decided to spell her into one of several paintings he had with him. 

Demon hunter Lin’s love for art was well known. Every time he returned to the Sect from a successful hunt, he would bring back small pottery, books, paintings and of course full demon gourds. This time he had bought several paintings of beautiful scenic landscapes to hang in his chambers.

“Begone flower demon!” Taoist Lin cried and waved is arms in a series of intricate gestures to summon his internal power and confine the helpless demon to the scroll. “You are now bound to this painting until I release you.”

“No!!” the flower demon screamed as her body dissipated into a purple mist and was drawn into the open scroll Lin had chosen at random. Her screams faded until nothing could be heard.

Satisfied that she was properly sealed  within the painting, the young demon hunter rolled it up and tied it to his pack. He would deal with her later.

The grateful villagers thanked him with a warm meagre meal and lodgings for the night. The next day, the Taoist demon hunter Lin went on his way. The flower demon was never seen again and the villagers lived happily ever after.

Demon hunter Kai closed his eyes and cracked his knuckles. He did this every time he went out the Sect to capture more wicked demons. He also recalled the story of his hero, the Legendary Demon Hunter Lin who saved a whole village from the evil flower demon. There were many stories such as this and from many successful demon hunters within the Sect. However, this one was his absolute favourite. 

Kai wondered again if it was true. Senior Lin had never transferred the demon out of the painting to a demon gourd. Legend had it that he had hung the painting in his chambers to oversee her punishments personally and guide her in her repentance.  He could only request this unusual privilege due to his high rank, outstanding skills and powers. When Kai first heard the story, he had looked for the famous painting all over the Sect. Unfortunately, he had never found it. 

The mystery was solved when one of Kai’s seniors informed him of a theft a long time ago. Many valuable items from the Sect had been stolen by a rogue disciple. He had surveyed the Sect throughout his brief apprenticeship and disappeared one night with his loot. The thief had not taken any demon gourds nor let loose any demons. Thankfully he had only stolen saleable items. Unfortunately, Lin’s art collection was among them. When they had caught him, he had already sold most of the stolen items and squandered his profits on women and wine. Both the painting and the demon in it was lost into the world never to be seen again.

Kai had an impossible dream. He wanted to find the demon and the painting. He wanted to complete his hero’s task. Imagine if he was the one to tame, convert and release the famous demon in senior Lin’s painting. What an achievement that would be!

Surely the flower demon would be reformed after all this time right? Right! Kai nodded to himself. It had been decades. As a demon hunter, It was his duty to find the painting and release her. After all, it was his Sect that had captured her and it was only right that one from the Sect release her. She had done her time and was being unfairly punished for an extended time due to the theft. 

Of course, he would have to evaluate her before her release according to the proper procedures. If she had not repented, further punishment might be needed. However, he would definitely do his utmost to save her from execution, even if he had to guide her himself! Surely a flower demon could be rehabilitated, even a wild wicked one.

Now, all he had to do was find her!

Kai grinned to himself. To be honest, he had developed a mini crush on the flower demon. Imagination was a powerful thing and he had a vivid one. Was she really as beautiful and bewitching as the legends? Some said Senior Lin kept her in his room because he had fallen in love with her. He would watch her day and night rarely venturing out again.

Others said he stayed with her to teach her using new reform methods. After all, Senior Lin was known for his strict principals and prowess at demon hunting. Surely, even a fabled beauty such as she would not be able to sway him. Senior Lin would never fall for the enemy. With the will of a saint, he was able to resist her charms.

No one was certain which version was correct.

Kai wanted to find out. But more than that, he wanted to know her side of the story. He was curious as the legend was only form the demon hunter’s perspective. The records of her confessions were lost but her ‘reform’ must have been interrupted and incomplete due to the theft. Her case was technically still ‘ongoing’. 

Excitement fill him as he and the other chosen disciples walked away from the Sects’ main gates. This time he would find the painting and bring it back! He had made it his personal mission to find it. He waved goodbye to old Taoist Dao who had come to see him and his brothers off. 

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