Part Six~

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Aditya pulled a t-shirt over his head, yawning as his arms searched for the holes before he knew it his right arm was straight, his left bent awkwardly and his Adam’s apple was being choked by the neckline. Fluttering his lashes innocently as his wife walked into the room, his eyes crinkled at the concealed smile on his lips “Help” he squeaked.

Hiding her grin, she began to tug his top down, hands falling against his abs as she got it over his head, pulling them away, she glanced up apologetically “Sorry, I didn’t mean-”.

“You have nothing to be sorry for” he winked, nudging her arm gently “See, it’s our thing”.

Flinching at his touch, she smiled anyway, she was happy to share something with someone, even if it was only meant to last for a while. “I just need to get dressed and put some make-up on, then I’ll come downstairs”.

“Oh no,” he grabbed her hand to pull her away from the dresser which triggered Zoya to look up at him with a perplexed look on her face. “Sunday is pyjama day, it’s tradition, unfortunately, so you can’t get out of it, but it’s fun, we watch films, eat cereal and snack on sweets” he bounced on the balls of his feet.  Okay, so that wasn’t exactly the truth, but when he was younger he’d spend his Sundays sat between his mother and brother watching films in their nightclothes, it was no fun to do it alone, but now he had someone who he could spend that time with, he could only hope she’d want to.

“But my make-up” her voice was quiet, “Why would you want to sit with me when I look like this?” Catching her reflection in the mirror, she almost cried at the way her stomach protruded from beneath her silky nightie, lifting a hand to trace the brown bags beneath her reddening eyes, she cringed inwardly.

Turning her to face him by his hand on her hip, he ran his chocolatey orbs over her slowly as his brows contracted “What’s wrong with how you look?” Aditya wasn’t sure if he was just being an idiot, but she looked beautiful to him, he preferred her like this, with her hair slightly fuzzy from sleep so the curls looked tighter and her skin glowing with the night cream she always used, he’d never seen anyone look so…human, so real and that was precious to him.

“I look fat” she spat out, disgusted at herself for how she looked, self consciously her arm covered her mid-section protectively.

“You do?” His tone was full of disbelief, eyes still wandering her body to ensure he hadn’t blinked and missed something. “Not that you are, but what’s wrong with some extra weight? I don’t mind, but even if I did it has nothing to do with me, it’s your body, you should be happy with it, not me, not that I am unhappy with it” he chuckled huskily. “I personally think you’re the opposite of the snow” his shoulders jiggled.

Zoya gazed out the frosty window as she pulled a face “You think I’m rain?” Was that some kind of new compliment or offensive statement she’d never heard of? Perhaps they spoke differently over here?

“What? No” he was doing it again, confusing her as he usually did, he really needed to start being more straight up, he was just shy, what if she didn’t like him that way? Or he made her feel pressured or unsafe? That was the last thing he wanted, afterall they were here all alone and he didn’t want her to constantly be watching her back for fear of him pouncing. “What I mean is I think you’re hot” he felt as if he was wearing her blusher with just how pink his cheeks were turning.

“Even, even like this?” She didn’t think she’d believe him even if he did say yes, but still, she wanted him to say it, just so she could die one day knowing that at least once in her life she was enough for someone as she was, that was all she really wanted, to be enough, recently she found herself wanting to be enough for a specific man who when he looked at her made her feel like the most special thing on earth.

Especially like this” Aditya ran the pad of his thumb over her cheekbone, his fingers sliding beneath her hair to cup the back of her neck. “Forgive me” whispering into her ear, he pulled her closer and interlinked her fingers with his while his other arm remained on her side. “Close your eyes”.

Inhaling sharply, she shut her eyes, an inaudible gasp fogging the mirror as his hand printed itself onto her skin through her nightie. “Adi-“.

“Shh,” he husked. “I see a beautiful woman who has a figure that can pull anything off” running his fingers up her arm, he stopped at her shoulder then ran them back down again, “I see a woman who’s hands have only shown love” his fingers tightened around hers, lips brushing against her knuckles. Placing his cheek beside hers, he rubbed against her softly, “I see a woman who’s face tells a million different stories, through her eyes” he blew hot air over her face, then stroked her bottom lip, “I see a woman with the most gentle, soothing voice” pushing her hair over one shoulder, he rested his chin by her neck “I see you and you are beautiful just the way you are”.

Zoya’s eyes shot open, a lone tear making a trail down her cheek, her voice thick as she said: “Aditya, I” turning to face him, she took his other hand “Thank you” she really didn’t know what she’d done in life to deserve him, but she hoped he was here to stay because she too thought he was beautiful just the way he was.

“Please don’t cry because you’ll make me cry and I’m an ugly crier” wiping away her tears, he placed his lips to her forehead, his chest sinking at the realisation that he was slowly, but surely falling for this woman, even though he’d told himself so many times he wasn’t capable of that kind of emotion, here he was with a woman who was changing his whole world.

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