Fate On The Line

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Yoora had Chanyeol and Kyungmi stay in his secret hideout until the villagers go away. "Father Song and Madame Kim will be here soon to help me, and Loki, Lily, and the colts are safe," Queen Yoora says, wearing her combat outfit, "but no matter what happens, do not leave this hideout!" Chanyeol and Kyungmi nod as Yoora leaves the hideout.

The mob has already arrived, and so does Father Song with Madame Kim, Madame Do, and Kyungsoo. "Where is the prince?!" one villager exclaims. Another one screams, "He's a monster!" "The prince and the maiden ran away because Kyungmi wasn't feeling well!" Yoora says, "I assure you my brother is not a monster!"

"You're lying Your Highness!" Kai says. Yoora looks at him in bloody rage as she grabs his collar, saying, "It was you, wasn't it! No wonder why Kyungmi hates you!" "I found out the real Prince Chanyeol is half man half wolf," Kai says, "and I told everyone in the village so they'll be aware of the potential threat he could be if something were to happen."

"You sick bastard!" Yoora says, drawing her sword. Father Song says, "As much as I hate to do this, but yes, I admit Prince Chanyeol got bitten by a wolf when he was a child, but he doesn't mean any harm! We made the cross to control his power so he wouldn't hurt anyone. But it doesn't mean he wants to hurt you. He suffered so much from the curse, and wants to protect the very land he rules."

"But he attacked Kai!" Sehun exclaims. Madame Kim says, "That's because Kai tried to kidnap Kyungmi and have her marry him against her will. Prince Chanyeol is a hero. He knows right from wrong." "If any of you hurt him!" Madame Do says. Kyungsoo says, "Then you have to come through us!" "Get 'em!" two villagers say.

They start fighting the queen and her soldiers, Father Song, Madame Kim, Madame Do, and Kyungsoo. Kai and Queen Yoora were one on one in battle. "Where is your brother?!" Kai asks. Yoora exclaims, "He and Kyungmi ran away!" "Lies!" Kai says, pushing Kyungmi off the branch of the tree onto the ground. He chases her to the kingdom.

Yoora makes it to the balcony of the ballroom, but Kai pulls out eight daggers and throws them towards the queen as they continue to fight. One cut the side of her arm, but Yoora was still able to fight. "You think you can hide them from me?" Kai asks the queen, "You honestly think that the most beautiful village maiden will fall for a monster like your brother?! Please! You're only doing it so your bloodline can continue to rule your throne! And you're using Kyungmi to have more heirs."

"That's not true!" Yoora says, sword fighting Kai, "I'm trying to help my brother from suffering the pain he's been in since the day he got bitten! All he wanted was peace, and for everyone to be safe! And he sees something in Kyungmi that he wouldn't see in any other woman. Unlike you, he cares about her and doesn't force her into anything, and he sacrificed himself to save her! You are the real monster Kim Jongin!"

Meanwhile Father Song and Madame Kim were able to convince most of the villagers to not believe that Prince Chanyeol is a threat, and they helped them fend off the other villagers that do think so. Father Song tells Kyungsoo, "Take your mother and the other villagers back home. Me and Madame Kim have business to handle here! And arrest Sehun while you're at it!" Kyungsoo nods as he and Madame Do lead everyone back to the village with Sehun in custody.

Chanyeol could hear the noise die down, but he can sense his sister in danger. "Noona!" he exclaims. Kyungmi says, "No, Chanyeol! You can't! I don't want you to get hurt!" He growls at Kyungmi as his eyes turn red, and his fangs and claws appear, and says, "Sorry Kyungmi. But I can't loose my sister the same way I lost my parents." He takes off his cross and busts out of the hideout to save his sister. Kyungmi grabs the silver cross and starts to shed tears, saying, "Be safe Chanyeol."

As they continue to fight, Yoora was on the edge of the balcony, cornered by Kai. He pulls her away from the edge and starts kicking and punching her, throwing her to the floor. "Say your prayers, Your Highness!" Kai exclaims, lifting the sword above his head to kill the queen.

Just then, Prince Chanyeol, in his wolf form, begins to attack Kai, jumping down from the balcony with his sister, ushering Madame Kim to take her to Kyungmi. Kai jumps down and says, "Well well well. What have we here. A prince in the form of a beast trying to fight a man. This time, it won't be your back getting stabbed."

Chanyeol pounces Kai, and bites his arms. Soon, Kai kicks the prince off of him and starts throwing knives at it. Father Song found the crystal cross and saw that the ruby's redness was slowly beginning to brighten up. "She's close to realizing it," Father Song says, "and when she does, the prince will be free of the curse."

Madame Kim takes Yoora to the hideout to have Kyungmi heal her. "Madame Kim, go quickly find some herbs, water from the waterfall, and yellow flowers, now!" Kyungmi says. Madame Kim nods as she rushes to the forest to gather the items.

Chanyeol was kicked into a nearby tree, but before Kai can get to him, Kyungsoo was fighting him off. He and his mother came back after safely returning the villagers home to help. Madame Do rushes to the cave when Madame Kim arrives.

Kyungmi says, "Eomma. Remove Queen Yoora's top and clean the wounds. Madame Kim, hand me the ingredients." They nod as they got to work. Kyungmi starts whipping up some medicine and herbal tea with the stuff Madame Kim brought her, and other medical supplies she has in the hideout.

Madame Kim holds Yoora down as Madame Do injects medicine from a syringe into her body. Then Kyungmi starts stitching up the wounds and rubbing medicine on Yoora's bruises. After she gets done with that, Kyungmi pours the herbal tea into a cup and has Yoora drink it while she lays in the bed.

She grabs some weapons, and Chanyeol's cross, and says, "I'm going to help. While I'm gone, watch over Queen Yoora. Put the medicine in her wounds and bruises every hour, and every thirty minutes, have her drink the herbal tea." They mod as she leaves to fight.

Kyungsoo was fighting Kai as Chanyeol was still trying to recover from the blow to his back. Kai kicks Kyungsoo with enough force to send him flying towards a rock, hitting his head on it in the process. Chanyeol gets up and tries to attack Kai, but ends up getting stabbed in his stomach by Kai's sword.

Kai says, "Time for you to die, Wolfie!" Before he could end the prince's life, Kai gets stabbed in the back, with the sword sticking through his chest where his heart is. He turns his head and sees Kyungmi looking at him in rage while wielding the sword that stabbed him.

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