In The Name of Love

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Kai was in his house, listening to what Sehun was up to yesterday in the woods. "The prince has a secret?" Kai asks, "And that secret is he is half man half wolf?" Sehun says, "Yes. I was comparing the wolf's collar in the drawing you gave me to the choker Prince Chanyeol wore. After sketching the prince's neck and shoulders to draw the choker, I saw Prince Chanyeol's e yes turn red as he looked at the full moon."

He presents Kai with both drawings. Kai notices that the choker has the silver cross, yet the collar doesn't. "Seeing that there is no cross in the wolf's collar, this could be what turns Prince Chanyeol into a wolf," Kai explains, "when the cross that controls his powers is removed. Seeing as he helped Lady Kyungmi, this could mean the prince loves her."

Kai takes his dagger, and throws it at a painting of the prince in front of him, saying, "If we were to anger him and get his cross of his neck, we could expose his secret to the public, and have Prince Chanyeol killed. No wonder why his parents were executed when the prince was thirteen."

"Kai," Sehun says, "wouldn't Queen Yoora get angry for you trying to confront her brother so you can have Lady Kyungmi?" "Silence! Just start making copies of your drawing and put up flyers everywhere in the village! Now!" Kai says to Sehun.

Sehun leaves as Kai looks at the portrait while retrieving his dagger, saying, "So the wolf I stabbed was the mysterious, lonely prince of Korea. I'll prove I'm better than that snobby prince 'wannabe' charming and make Kyungmi my wife." He laughs evilly while cleaning his dagger.


Kyungmi and Prince Chanyeol were in the library of the castle. "I love this story," Kyungmi says, grabbing "Romeo and Juliet", "a story about two lovers that come from feuding families, yet their love was so strong that it costed them their lives." "I see you have a love for Shakespeare," Chanyeol says.

"Which Shakespeare story do you like?" Kyungmi says. He grabs another book and says, "'A Midsummer Night's Dream.' It's a suspenseful, yet romantic, story of two men in love with the same girl, but the girl they both love only has eyes for one of them, and another fair maiden has eyes for the other man. Then a fairy comes in and helps all four people fall in love with the right person."

"I also love that book too Chanyeol," Kyungmi says, looking at his slender figure as he reads the book. She feels as if she's in a dream with Chanyeol as she looks at him. While they were in the library, Kai and Sehun were in the forest trying to find out what's going on between the prince and Kyungmi.

Kai sees Kyungmi stare at the prince and says, "She gives him the look I want her to give me. I can't believe this wolf prince wants to steal Lady Kyungmi from me. This royal bastard is going down."

"I was looking around back in Queen Yoora's room," Sehun says, "and I saw a second cross filled with red potion. I read in a book I found in the church library about the silver cross around his neck. The crystal cross with the red potion and ruby heart is to see how long it will be until the curse is broken."

"What is the potion and ruby for on the cross?" Kai asks. Sehun says, "The red potion represents the love Prince Chanyeol has for the maiden, and if Kyungmi loves him too, the ruby will glow, and the silver cross will break, freeing the prince from the curse."

Chanyeol can sense something in the woods and runs to his window to see. Sehun and Kai escape the woods to go to the village. Kyungmi sees this, and exclaims, "What the hell?! Why was Kai trying to spy on us?!" "This seems to be terrible," Chanyeol says, "and no one is allowed near the kingdom. I have to warn Noona immediately, and we need to go to my secret hideout. Follow me Kyungmi!" She nods and follows the prince.


Madame Do and Kyungsoo were walking home from their jobs on the farm and at the clinic when they saw the villagers with torches and pitchforks going towards the castle in rage. Kyungsoo asks, "What's going on?" "Beats me," Madame Do says, "Let's go ask Father Song."

They ran to the church to get answers, and they see Father Song with Madame Kim discuss something in the baptism room. "What's going on?" Madame Do asks, "Why is the town trying to go to the castle in a fit of rage?" "Our fears have came true my lady," Madame Kim says.

Father Song says, "The village knows the secret only known to the queen and the moon. Prince Chanyeol is a half man half wolf creature. He got bitten by a wolf as a child and had to live with a terrible curse.

"Although he doesn't mean harm, and is kind and gentle, some fear what would happen if he gets angry. The former queen and king got executed for concealing this secret, and Yoora went to me and Madame Kim to create something that will control the prince's temper and wolf powers so he won't have to lose control of it. The cross on his choker around his neck. We've been keeping tabs on his behavior until the curse is broken, which is almost done until Kyungmi falls in love with him and kisses him."

"And Kyungmi is living with him?" Kyungsoo asks. Father Sing says, "She's been fine. Queen Yoora says that Prince Chanyeol has been caring for her and protecting her. He even saved her while she was being kidnapped when she discovered his secret. She also says Prince Chanyeol loves her, and has been in love with Lady Kyungmi two years before he got the curse. He first saw her in the forest with Kyungsoo and Kisoo."

Madame Do says, "So Kyungmi is in safe hands. But everyone is going to kill the prince? Why?" "People bitten by wolves aren't loved by many others," Madame Kim says, "they fear the threat they can be if they lose control of their powers and temper. Me and Father Song did our best to help the young prince since he was so young when he got bitten. So we gather ingredients and made a potion to dip the cross in so it can control the prince's wolf traits and temper."

"We also discovered the village ladies' man, Kai, and his friend, Sehun, were spying on Kyungmi and the prince since the night Kai was trying to kidnap Kyungmi," Father Song says, "he wants Kyungmi's hand in marriage, and is willing to do anything to get it. When they were snooping, they discovered the prince's secret and sent flyers everywhere so the villagers can turn on the prince and kill him."

"We must hurry then," Madame Do says. Kyungsoo says, "It was Appa's duty to protect the royal family when he was alive, and now we must protect them." Father Song and Madame Kim nod as they gathered materials to fight the crowd and save the prince and fair maiden.

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