Final Farewells

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2 years later, Izuku POV:

Over two years passed since the Culture Festival with a lot happening since then. The League attempted a final brawl with us to have it result in an all out war. During it, Shigaraki found a way to attain power similar to AFO. Fortunately, it wasn't strong enough to overpower us and have us succeed. His original quirk though had its own upgrade that resulted in a large destruction of pros and a large portion of a city to be destroyed. If we're being honest, the fact most civilians were away from it was nothing short of a miracle. In addition to the original members of the League, a group known as the Paranormal Liberation Army had made itself known and caused its own problems. Fortunately, my quirk gave everyone a chance to survive with some unlikely Allie's wanting to assist us. We won, but we did have great costs. The number of pro heroes dropped down to an alarming number. Ms. Midnight was counted in the loss along with some top ranked pros. Mom even lost an arm during this to just get an opportunity to stop some damage before it came. Sadly, this failed and nearly cost all of us including Japan itself, becoming victims to the League.

As the dust of the battle settled, the world saw me stand over the defeated Shigaraki who in my own weakness to my anger, snapped his neck for stabbing Kaachan in the stomach. Afterwards, I incinerated his head from what I was told with 'Explosion' and 'Half Hot, Half Cold'. It scared people, but overall they understood with the damage done there was no going back from this outcome. The League and Shigaraki wouldn't come in willingly and thus needed to be stopped no matter what. All I could think though was if this really was the best action at the time. In the end, I was known in Japan as the hero who stopped the revival of a new Demon King. To be honest, I kinda hate this title but didn't speak out because the society we had needed something to keep the trust of the pros. Wasn't a fan, but accepted the name now because of that.

Currently, we're all sitting in caps and gowns waiting for Nezu to give a final speech to us for our graduation. "Hello and thank you all for your three years of hard work and dedication. I will not lie and say that this batch of students have been through quite a bit in their first year. Many trials had come into play for us as a world to know one thing. Our society and way of life is not perfect. We cannot see the mistakes or flaws of it until they rear they're unsightly heads. Though this is not an excuse for all that has happened, I do know that these students have risen to the occasion and helped us through difficult times. For that, I am proud to see them integrate into our society as future leaders of tomorrow. However, as a famous quote had once said. Greatness and large steps forward cannot be made without taking small steps in the general direction. And as such, this small step forward will be the first step into their new lives. I hope and wish all of you the best of luck in the future for all your endeavors and may the struggles and difficulties going forward not deter your, but push you to become better as both human beings and members of whichever career path you choose."

We all clapped as the awards were given to us with the ceremony finally ending. When it did, I walked out towards the crowd to have a metallic arm choke hold me. "Guess ya finally became an adult now. Nice job, squirt."

I glanced over to see mom and Inko smiling at me with some satisfaction. "I doubt you have any room to call me a squirt now that I'm taller than you." During my years at UA, I ended up getting a growth spurt that made me taller than six feet and now tower over mom and everyone for her to laugh.

"Just remember that I can level you any second you get too mouthy with me. HAHAHA!"

Inko walked up to me and smiled happily. "Izuku. Nothing can say how happy I am to see you succeed and become the man you wished to be. I hope everything going forward goes in your favor."

"Oh, something tells me it will." I heard aunt Ryu's voice to see her to the side with Nejire who looked smug and confident. "You might even be happy to find something out Nejire has to give you."

Nejire walked up and handed me something. I looked closely at it and realized it was a pregnancy test. I was pale before looking at her and at the test before pointing and her nodding. "T-then that means... you...and me..."

"Yup. I hope your happy I got to be your first born's mother. From what I can tell, I'm about a month and a half along."

I felt as if something shattered in me to immediately hug Nejire and cry into her stomach. "I'M SO HAPPY TO BE ALIVE!!!!!"

"Welp, he took it better than we all expected him to." I glanced over to see Kino laughing at me a bit with Yui behind her.

"You knew?"


"A few weeks ago she said she might be since her time of the month was late two weeks. Didn't expect you to be able to put your mushroom in enough to make a little spore from it." Kino laughed a bit with the rest of my girlfriends coming out to realize what happened.

"Dang it, we're late for the reveal." Itsuka snapped her fingers with Ibara walking up to us.

"The Hero Board is already aware of this. They want you to have a marriage with all of us just as a way to avoid personal retribution from the act."

"WAIT, SO EVERYONE KNEW BUT ME!?" I shouted in shock for everyone to whistle a bit finding out I was right on the money.

"WHY DOES HE GET HE RIGHT TO BE A DAD AND I COULDN'T EVEN GET BACK IN THE HERO COURSE!?" I heard Mineta shouting to see him behind us and talking in envy. To be fair, Aizawa chose not to have him be flat out expelled with no means of fixing it. However, his brute attitude towards women stopped him from getting into the Hero Course again.

"Ever think it had something to do with you not being able to keep it in your pants? How many students did you harass while in this school?" Kyoka asked for Mineta to stare at her.

"I know I haven't done anything to you-" Pony kicked Mineta across the area with some confusion.

"Sorry. I thought you were a football."


All of us looked at one another before making a face Pony normally made in the past when she had no clue what the heck we were talking about. It consisted of tilting her head to the right a bit, giving a blank stare and following up with a.... "Huh?"

"I KNOW ONLY ONE OF YOU HAS PROBLEMS WITH JAPANESEAAAAHHHH!!!!" He was punted down the hall by Kaachan who seemed a little less entertained by his antics.


"Now now. Don't be rude, Kaachan." He was followed by Toga and Tokage with the later leaning on his shoulder with a grin that rivaled Mr. Aizawa's waiting for something.

"*CRASH* And that's a window. That's a new record I gotta say for midget punting." She started laughing with aunt Mitsuki and uncle Massaru snickering to the side before walking up towards us.

"Alright, Katsuki. I think it's time we head home. You still have to pack, right?"

"Pack?" I questioned for Kaachan to mention.

"Me and the girls are going off to America. There's a hero agency that wanted me and said they'd enlist me the second I graduated. I asked if they'd wanna bring on Setsuna and Himiko with them being fine with it. Just you wait, Izuku. I'm gonna be the number one in the US, so you better do the same here with being the top hero in Japan. Once that's done, we'll finally settle who's better between us and then I'll finally show I'm the best! SO DON'T FUCKING SLACK OFF!"

Kaachan, his parents and girlfriends walked off for it to be just our group again. "Strangely enough, I like his logic. Gives you something to look forward to." Ochako smiled at this while punching the air.

"Such sinful language though." Ibara held a look of discomfort before Mina made a disturbing comment.

"I hear worse from you in the bedroom."

"MINA!" We all panicked at this with everyone's' parents coming up soon after.

"Anyway, let's go. Ya gotta pack too. You said the government wanted you to move in today?" Mom brought me back to reality with remembering what the Japanese government had set for us.

"Oh right. You all have the address of the home, right?" I asked the girls for them to nod. "Awesome. I should be there around six with the smaller things packed up. Tomorrow starts hard work for us."

"And by hard work, you mean having you and Ochako make everything weightless to have it fit where it's supposed to be." Momo pointed this out for me to nod basically having her hit the nail on the head. Since our marriage was required by the government, they allowed us to live in a nice home in exchange for being part of it. We do though have to go right into the hero workforce though under a new agency known as Wolf Pact, but that's not a problem for us.

"Alright. I'll see you all later." I walked out with mom and Inko waving goodbye with the two smiling.

"Hard to believe that you're the little kid I saw with a huge ass infection on his eye in a couple of trash bags back then." Mom smacked my back with some satisfaction. "You're a good kid. Don't forget this and do your best going forward."

"I'll do what I can. Oh, by the way. Did everything finally settle with the divorce?" I asked Inko who divorced her husband near the end of the first year. Thanks to some problems and legal arguments, it took her longer to handle this than normal.

"All finished up. Might've lost my old home, but most of the stuff we had once sold off was able to have a down payment on another apartment. Not the greatest, but it works." She showed a prosthetic ear on her right side with little to no problems. From what I was told, part of the arrangement to what they had including a restraining order for her and myself consisted of her ex getting angry to the state of slicing her ear off. The damage done and the inability to reattach it in time cost her a majority of it. Recovery Girl was able to help her with finding a person that specializes in these things with this being what held up in court the most to show my biological father was a violent and selfish man, so all's well that ends well as she pointed out.

"Must suck for you hearing."

"Same can be said for you with the arm. We just make do with what we have." Mom and Inko laughed as we began parting at the train station. "Well, I'll be off. Izuku. Promise me that you won't scare your mother with another pregnancy."

"I wasn't scared. Honestly, I was happy."

"Hence the point you were swinging me around like a ragdoll saying 'I'm gonna be the grandmother to a rug rat soon'."

"Hey. I was happy. Don't blame me for wanting to celebrate it. Also, this dumbass right here opted out of being an old man to the kid he saved."

"Do you honestly think I was at a stable point to be a dad while still in high school. I'm still not sure if I'm frigging ready to be a dad to Nejire's and my son." I said in an honest manner knowing full well if anything, I might not be ready to be a dad. Not yet at least.

"If I knew you weren't ready to be a father, I would've kicked you in the nuts for knocking a woman up. But keep in mind that you'll be dragon jerky if you ever try to run away from Nejire." I stiffened realizing that aunt Ryu would probably kill me if I left her sidekick pregnant with our child because of my timidity.

"Anyway, I hope to hear from the both of you soon." Inko got on the train and started heading off. Once she left, I looked at mom who had the normal idiotic look in her eyes when she wants to be childish.

"Wanna race home?"

"Why must we do this."

"Cause it's fun. READY GO!" Mom pushed me and began jumping towards our home. I didn't say anything to this and continued on after her.

'I don't know what's in the future, but all I know is that as long as I have the people that love and care for me by my side, I'll face whatever problems head on.'

And that finishes this story. So I kinda lost the ability to continue this during the Overhaul arc, so I tried to power through the Culture Festival to give this ending. Hope it came out good enough for all of you. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed and thank you for reading The Wolf and The Rabbit.

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