Festival Roar

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3rd person POV:

Everyone cheered for joy as the first song ended with Izuku smirking at the crowd. "Alright folks. Hope you're all ready for a show. As you know, we're class 1-A. I hope you all like this one"


The next song began with Momo playing the keyboard in front her with Bakugou slamming on the drums to make everyone feel the rhythm flow. Everyone smiled at this with the members dancing starting to dance along to the song. Ochako and Tsu had Mina spring up and smile at everyone while spinning in the air. As this happened, Miruko and Eri started to bob their heads to the song with the earlier understanding the feeling of how Izuku must feel singing it. 'He pushes himself to fight and not give in. I think we all can relate in some sense not wanting to deny ourselves.'

As the song ended, everyone was clapping with Eri starting to clap as well to copy. This didn't go unnoticed by Izuku or Togata as it was a start to open her heart. 'What we're doing is making a difference.' "Alright. Next one's to all of those out there that know what it's like to be on the bottom. Trust me. I know how it feels to be there. But now, I'm at a spot where I couldn't have been because I kept moving and took all I had to." Izuku started playing with the crowd remaining silent with the dancers of the class clapping.


Izuku began smiling as he sang. Looking into the crowd, he saw Eri stare at him while he said he did just as many difficult things as her. And just like her, he had people that wanted to make him happy and become a normal person again. This erupted into everyone dancing and Ochako having everyone float in the air. All the people present were excited for this with even Iida's robot dance not ruining the mood. As the song reached it's final verse, Izuku looked out in the crowd to notice Eri. Her face was beginning to move and have her smile for joy at the scene, effectively ending the final bit of control Overhaul had over the poor girl and making her a happy child once more that she should've been.

'What do you know, the kid did it.' Miruko smiled at Eri as Mirio and everyone around wanting her to smile joined in the joy in seeing her smile. Eri finally felt at peace and understood she can be happy.

Izuku saw this and felt overjoyed seeing he finally completed what he set out for for the child. 'She's free now. She's finally free of that man's clutches.' The song ended with Izuku looking at the crowd one last time. "Alright. Now it's time for one final song. To be honest, I kinda feel this song for a buddy of mine. He tends to be a little...flashy, but shinning is something he taught me is what we all do in our own way. So this one's for you, my friend." Izuku smiled at Aoyama above as he was let down by Kirishima and began showing off like a glitter ball.


Izuku started to play with it being a unique song that those that did know what it was to cheer hearing. Kyoka started to join in for the chorus part with both laying their backs to one another playing and smiling above at the camera. The students doing the background began smiling and/or moving their heads to the rhythm with Aoyama dancing above everyone. The addition of his quirk made it feel like Izuku's song had something to push it higher. As he talked of someone's sins being irredeemable, the green haired boy thought of his father, Overhaul and Shigaraki. Three people in his life no matter what happens, he cannot forgive either for what they've done knowing they're not worthy of that. When the song ended, Todoroki added some of his ice to make the scene look more dazzling with everyone now on the verge of losing themselves in their emotions of excitement.

"Alright. Thanks for visiting us and I hope you all have a good rest of the Culture Festival." Everyone started to pile out of the auditorium and head off to see what else there was. As they did, Izuku and the rest of class A went to the back. Once there, Izuku collapsed on the floor to freak everyone out.

"OH CRAP! He ok!?" Kyoka freaked as Momo moved Izuku over to see his face overwhelmed.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just uhh...just a bit much at this point in time. I'll be alright though." Izuku smiled as he looked at his girlfriends and noticed Ochako, Tsu and Mina running over when they saw him on the ground.

"Are you ok!?"

"Yeah. I'm fine, Ochako. Just got a little too overwhelmed is all." He laughed it off as Bakugou shouted in rage.


This comment shocked everyone since they didn't expect Bakugou of all people to want to make certain he got good seats to something so trivial to him as the Beauty Pageant. "Ok, why's he so obsessed with the pageant?" Kaminari asked this for Izuku to get an idea.

"I think it's cause Toga's in the pageant and he wants to make sure she knows she has his moral support."

"AND WHAT'S YOUR FUCKING EXCUSE FOR BEING SLOW!? DON'T GOT ONE, THEN MOVE YOUR ASSES DIPSHITS!" Though he didn't phrase it right, Bakugou had a point that everyone understood. The festival could only be enjoyed by them until after they clean up from their bit. Izuku and Shoji were able to get most of the ice due to their Dupliarms with the green haired boy and Bakugou making explosions to destroy the larger pieces and get the process going faster. As they did this, Miruko walked over with Eri beside her.

"Hey, Eri. Did you like the show?" Eri smiled and nodded.

"Everyone was so quiet before, but then everyone was like 'Wahhh' and so I went 'Wahh' too. And I didn't see you at the start, so I felt sad." Her smile disappeared when she said she couldn't see Izuku before it came back. "But then you came back and you played with the music girl and...and..."

"Yo, kid. Breathe. I know you're excited, but ya gotta breathe." Miruko suggested for Eri to calm down and breathe.

"Sorry. I was just so happy." Izuku could see the smile on Eri didn't stop to be happy. He did what he wanted to do for the girl and suddenly stopped feeling his unease. He stood up and helped everyone clean up before joining his mother and Eri. They waited for Tsu, Ochako, Momo and Kyoka to join as they walked towards the Beauty Pageant to see it starting. Once there, they watched Itsuka take down multiple bricks with no sweat while wearing a dress. She smiled at this with Izuku somewhat amazed how great she looked in the dres she wore.

"Looks like someone likes how one of his fiancés look in a dress." Kyoka gave a jab with Izuku blushing more at this

"Hahahahaha! Should I get a picture for you to enjoy during the night?"

"M-mom!" Izuku held his head down as Bakugou came up behind them and sat next to the group.

"Didn't expect you to want front row seats."

Tokage came up behind and sat on his lap with a smirk. "Himiko would never let him live down if he ignored her performance." As they heard this, the blond came out wearing an old Japanese kimono to seem somewhat refined. However, there were targets of apples set up with some even having things blocking a direct hit. In no time at all, Toga pulled out multiple daggers to stab them with little to no effort at all. Most were impressed by the dead center shots, but all were awestruck when they witnessed the blond hit targets through ricochet means and ones where the precision had to be perfect. When all targets where hit, she bowed at everyone and calmly left the stage.

"Unbelievable folks! Himiko Toga has shown to us the beauty of being precise and deadly while being so refined and maintaining an elegance nobody can overcome!"

"...I didn't know she was that good with knife throwing." Tsu was shocked as Togake looked down and smirked looking over to Bakugou.

"Seems I know what your kink is."

"CAN'T A MAN FIND IT FUCKING HOT WHEN HIS GIRL STABS SHIT!?" Izuku covered Eri's ears to not hear Bakugou for MIruko to smile.

"Well, your friend's a colorful prick, that's for sure." They continued to watch as many other contestants came up with Nejire being one of the last. Her routine was amazing to say the least as it was a way to show off her ability to fly in the air with her quirk. During it, she glanced down to see Izuku with a notable blush as he saw one of his girlfriends in a routine that made her out to be no different than a fairy flying around with joy. She smiled at this before flying back down to the stage and giving a curtsy to all with everyone clapping in amazement.

"That was so pretty."

"It was like she was a fairy flying through the sky." Ochako and Momo were in awe with Izuku still mesmerized. He only stopped when his mother elbowed him.

"Something tells me you'd wanna see her do something like that in the bedroom."

"D-D-DON'T SAY THAT IN FRONT OF ERI!" Izuku panicked as he tried to make it hard for the small girl to hear with her unsure what they were meaning to think of the same routine being done inside a room instead of out in the open to think she might hit walls trying to do what she did.

The rest of the event continued with everyone having entertainment in the other festivities. The group watched the expo for the students in the Support Course to see some of Hatsume's gadgets catch the eyes of some of the people coming to see them. Along with this, the group of Izuku and his class A girlfriends was joined later with is girlfriends from class B, Nejire and Amajiki who seemed happy of what had happened to go towards their class's expo which was a haunted house. It scared the timid third year to death with it strangely not effecting Eri as much to just blankly stare at everyone trying to do jump scares at her to somewhat creep them out. When the results of the Culture Festival's pageant were revealed, everyone watched as Nejire had claimed the crown that she worked hard for each year she was in UA to attain. Everyone in the group cheered for her with Nejire over the moon finally attaining what her hard work wanted.

The sun soon started to set as the group had to say goodbye to Eri. "Well, Eri. I hope you had a good time." Togata smiled at the small girl who seemed happy herself.

"Yeah. I liked this. I also liked seeing what everyone worked so hard to see."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" Izuku held a look of shock before going into a bag he had to pull out a candied apple that he had covered. He knelt down to Eri and handed it to her. "I uhh....I didn't know if there would be a candied apple stall made or if one would even be here, but I talked with a friend of ours who knows about sweets and he walked me through the ropes of making them. I'm not certain it's to a level he'd make, but I thought it came out good enough that someone would like it."

Eri gripped the sweet as Izuku pulled the wrapping off for her to lick it and enjoy the sweet flavor from it. "It's sweet."

Izuku saw the smile on Eri as she was walked back to the car Aizawa had. While they were waving goodbye, Miruko looked at Izuku with a smile. "You'll be a good daddy someday."

"W-w-w-w-what!?" Izuku panicked with all his girlfriends going red at this thought with Miruko smiling and walking off towards the exit too.

At the police station

After being brought in by Hound Dog and explaining the situation to the police, they looked at the records for both La Brava and Gentle. They were interrogated separately with the cops trying to get the villain's assistant to help them. They really didn't have anything incriminating for her to deem more than just an onlooker who didn't ever pose a threat to anyone even though she was part of the raids, but still technically an accomplice if one would want to get technical. Meanwhile, Gentle was looked at with a few more unfavorable charges that the cops were looking at.

"Ok, so you are wanted for several attempts for theft. Though you backed out after they were made, you still technically did them...." The gorilla looking cop looked at his record to see Gentle wasn't a 'bad person', but more a person who their country and system had left out in the curb. "Since you came in willingly and the people that were hurt were merely done by you acting in self defense more than anything, I think we can at least be a little more easier on you. But you are facing serious charges. You are aware of that, right?"

"I know." Gentle held a look on his face knowing he was morally defeated. The cop knew some of the things that drove him down this route were problems that stemmed from bad choices their hero society had done for those that don't fit molds they made, but still couldn't let him go just because of that.

"Alright. So how about this. We can get you a lighter sentence as a way to make up for what you willingly did during your capture and the fact you weren't staying to your crimes so much. Your lack of hurting innocent civilians is also part of how we can do this. Nobody that didn't attack you was harmed directly or indirectly due to your actions. So let's talk about this a little more over tea and a possible way for you to become a hero when you get out in a few years. People like you who have amazing skill over their quirks would be better off on our side than rotting in jail, don't you think?"

Gentle was so excited to hear this to smile and make a request for tea. "If that's so, then I'll have the Golden Tip Imperial!"


And that finishes this chapter. So I wanna point out something so everyone understands. Gentle yes is from a bad situation that made him into this. So yes, he does deserve some pity, but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve punishment. Everyone has problems, yes and if they lead you to do things there does need to be some sympathy to you for it. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be held accountable for crimes. If you let people go with just a slap on the wrists for things that are serious like theft and assault, that won't make them understand what they did was wrong. That makes those that would do this more inclined to because they know they're going to get away with it. Yes if there's a valid reason to why you did something it should be held for reasoning, but that doesn't mean erasing the punishment helps. It just makes a bigger problem down the road instead of saying 'yes we feel bad this is happening, but we need to make sure others don't follow your footsteps by giving you a punishment fitting the situation an crime' and making a lesser sentence. There's still a punishment for people to know the justice system isn't rigged and people know the system's understanding of situations and is still willing to uphold justice for those that will use the excuse to their advantage. Next chapter will be the last chapter to this. Kinda lost momentum for this story more just cause I have so many that it's hard to keep the thrill for all. Anyway, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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