Painful Choice

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3rd person POV:

Izuku and Gentle continued their brutal assault on one another as they traded blows. The force of Izuku's kicks sent shockwaves that pushed La Brava back. 'I need to get him away from La Brava before he hurts her.' Seeing what was happening, Gentle tried to tank a kick from Izuku as he realized what was happening as well.

'If I don't move this away from the woman, she might seriously get hurt.' Using forward momentum he had, Izuku flipped over Gentle and landed on the ground. He held his hands out and shouted loudly. "POWER OUTPUT 80%! PACT MOVE: TSUNAMI STRIKE!" The attack of 'Wave Motion' sent Gentle flying away from the area and indirectly helped avoid bringing La Brava into the fight.

Seeing this happen, Gentle noticed Izuku was sending him closer to the school which confused him. 'The boy wanted to prevent me from entering the school. Why is he doing this?' Realizing he was getting away from La Brava who was in the opposite direction, the villain thought about the possibility. 'Did he realize La Brava was in danger as well? Did he do this to help her?' He was stopped in his train of thought when a downward axe kick to his head slammed Gentle into the dirt. The older man ranked the hit and lifted Izuku's foot up. "I am not beaten yet, young man. Not by a long shot!" As he said this, Gentle used his quirk to turn the air under Izuku's foot into rubber to have it propel back and pull the Pact quirk user away.

'I gotta find a way to take him down quickly. I'm running out of time.' Izuku ran towards Gentle, picking up a few pebbles and then using 'Size' as he threw them to turn into boulders. Gentle turned the air in front of him into rubber to push them back. These were however a diversion as Izuku came behind with 'Rabbit' to give a OFA 20% kick to the side and send the older villain into a tree. 'If this is that one woman's quirk, there has to be some kind of limit.'

As Izuku and Gentle continued to fight, La Brava ran as fast as she could towards UA's gates. 'Gentle won't be able to handle the Usagiyama boy for long. His power isn't going to last long. It'll eventually run out.' La Brava panicked as they used their trump card for an escape just to handle Izuku. However, she had her own task that if they even had a shred of hope for success, it would have to be done while Izuku was preoccupied. 'All I need to do is get close enough to the school so I can hack in. Once that's done, Gentle can succeed with his goal.' As she reached the position she needed, she stopped immediately noticing Hound Dog. 'Oh no!'

"*sniff sniff* Grrrrrr WHO'S THERE!"

With Izuku and Gentle

As the two continued their battle, it seemed as if Gentle was able to get the upper hand and give a solid punch to Izuku's gut. When he did however, the power up he obtained from La Brava left him to have little push towards it. "No. Not now."

Realizing the hesitation, Izuku grabbed the man's arm and judo flipped him over his shoulder and held him down with his arm bent around. "I'm sorry this had to go down the way it did. But I need you to surrender now. I don't know how your friend's power works, but I'm assuming there's a limit or else you'd have used it on me when we started. Just give up now. If you do, then maybe the law will be more leanient on you." Gentle remained silent with it irritating Izuku more. "DON'T YOU WANT TO HAVE A LIFE WITH THAT WOMAN!? SHE STUCK HER NECK OUT FOR YOU LIKE THAT JUST TO HELP YOU, SO WHY DON'T YOU DO THE SAME FOR HER!?" Gentle looked at Izuku as he began ranting. "CARE AND LOVE ARE MUTUAL! SHE CARED SO MUCH FOR YOUR DREAM THAT SHE'D RISK ALL THIS! SO WHY DON'T YOU TRY AND DO SOMETHING FOR HER AND MAKE IT A POINT TO HELP HER!? ISN'T THAT WHAT SOMEONE SHOULD DO FOR A PERSON THAT LOVES AND RESPECTS THEM!?"

As Izuku shouted, La Brava came running back towards them. "GENTLE! THE HEROES ARE COMING!" She panicked with Izuku's thoughts echoing in Gentle's mind.

'The boy is right. I apologize La Brava. I have been very selfish and denying you of the same love and support you have given me.' Using his free arm, Gentle made the ground rubber to push Izuku off him. With all the man's strength, he threw Izuku into the now rubber ground and sent him flying away.

"WHAT THE!?" He couldn't respond fast enough as he witnessed Gentle go and grab La Brava and bring her into a hug. Hound Dog and Evyoplasm came to their location with the man refusing to look at them.

'It's too late for me, but it isn't for you. Please live your life how you deem it, La Brava.' "I am the criminal known as Gentle, and I surrender." Both pros stood over the man with him beginning to go down the list of crimes he has committed. "I have committed theft, resistance of arrest, illegal quirk use, obstruction of pro heroes work-"

"Gentle! No!" La Brava looked at the man she cared for as he calmly explained his wrongdoings.

"I had come here in hopes to invade UA, but had stopped myself and decided to turn myself in. But out of all my crimes, my worst is the kidnapping and corrupting of my assistant La-Minami Aiba." Hearing Gentle say this, the woman started to tear up and fight back against his claim.

"No! He didn't force me to do anything! I joined him of my own free will! Please! Gentle would've never done any of this without my help! I deserve to be locked up more than him! Leave him alone!"

"La Brava..." Gentle felt the weight of his comrade's words and was touched. He hugged her in hopes to apologize with Ectoplasm walking up to them.

"These are very serious charges you have confessed to. Are you prepared to take the consequences of them?"

"I am." Gentle smiled calmly with Hound Dog smelling something in the air.

"Wait a second. I smell a third person's scent here. *sniff sniff* It's a student!"

"It was only La Brava and I here the entire time." Hound Dog grabbed Gentle and held him up to his face.

"Don't lie to me! Where is the student!? Fess up!" As he shouted this, Izuku came out of the bushes dirtied and a little bloodied up from his fight with Gentle. Hound Dog walked right up to Izuku and glared at him. "Did you fight this man!?" Overhearing what he said, Izuku looked at Gentle to know what he was trying to do for his comrade.

"Yes...but we settled everything. Everything was handled." Izuku stared at Hound Dog with him glaring at Izuku in rage. As it happened, Cementos got in touch with the animalistic pro on a com link.

"Hound Dog. You said you spotted a disturbance, what was it?"

Hound Dog looked at Izuku and the two villains for a moment before speaking back. "Just a few internet streamers. Nothing serious. Keep the Culture Festival open. There isn't anything dangerous happening to require it shutting down."

When this was said, Izuku smiled a bit with Ectoplasm having a clone tie both Gentle and La Brava's hands up and bringing them down to the local station. As this happened, the pro looked at Izuku. "Isn't class A supposed to be doing a performance soon?"

"AH! I FORGOT! I GOTTA GO GET MY STUFF!" Izuku ran as fast as he could with 'Engine' towards the street he had. Fortunately, there wasn't anyone on the streets yet for it to be easy for him to get his belongings and head back. As he did though, Izuku thought about Gentle and his will to succeed in what he wanted to understand it well. 'Gentle, you were an amazing opponent.'

30 minutes later at the auditorium, Kyoka POV:

"JUST WHERE THE FUCK DID HE GO!? THE NEXT TOWN OVER!?" Bakugou started shouting as we still had no word back from Izuku. I was starting to get worried as I kept trying to call him along with everyone else in our class. I was starting to think something bad happened.

"This is my fault. If only I'd have stayed up a little longer."

"It's not your fault, Yaomomo. We should've checked the equipment more carefully." Shoji was a little uneasy with something catching our ears.

"You hear that?" Ochako poked her head up with excitement as she noticed something run towards us to smile. "IZUKU'S COMING!"

Izuku stopped right in front of us using Iida's quirk. His head was wet for some reason. "TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH! ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ALL OF US WORRY!?"

"S-sorry, Kaachan. Something came up." Bakugou glared at Izuku as he shook his hair of water. "I uhh...I got tripped up in a spill at the store and I had to run and get a shower. My bad."

"Tch. Whatever. At least we don't have to think of a last minute change up. we're on in five minutes." We started getting into position with Izuku grabbing a guitar and smiling a bit.

"Something good happen?"

"I'm just...thinking of Eri's face when she sees us start singing."

"Yeah. That kid's gonna smile after this. If not, I don't know what would."

Miruko POV:

"Alright, squirt. Izuku's gonna be doing a performance in that stadium." I pointed towards the stadium joining the kid and Nighteye's little student.

"So does Mr. Bunny sing a lot?"

"Oh, big time. He learned of how to do it and actually got a talent for it." I smiled while seeing a bunch of kids joining us.

"Can you believe the cockiness of this class? They think they can make people happy from some stupid song and dance routine."

"It's their own fault this is happening with us having to uproot everything and live in UA's grounds." Hearing these words, I wanted to kick these people's asses before feeling Eri grip my leg.

"C'mon kid. Let's get some good spots to see everything happening." We joined in and waited for everything to start. I placed the kid on my shoulders and let her hang out there. "Last person I let on my shoulders like this was Mr. Bunny as you call him. Hope you're comfy." As the lights dimmed, the scene in front of us began playing.

Before the doors were shut though, Nejire ran in with Izuku's tomboy girlfriend for them to slide right next to us. "WE LATE!?

"Just in time." Eri moved to hide her head behind my ears while poking out to see Nejire. "Alright. Let's turn and see what Izuku's got." We all turned and noticed the class start shutting the lights off. However, I didn't see Izuku up there as Kyoka started.

"Is Mr. Bunny not singing with the girl?" Eri was confused and really sad when all she saw was Kyoka singing for me to try and reassure her.

"I'm sure he's gonna come out. He's probably just letting her take the first song and then coming out for a big second song." I was a little uneasy while thinking maybe he got stage fright. That is, until I heard a guitar play to see Izuku come out from the shadows and start doing a duet with Kyoka. He seemed calm and collective while singing with her. Above though, I noticed something I had to laugh at. Someone actually put up a camera to record it. 'Something tells me that blasty had something to do with that.' Everyone started to sing with Izuku and Kyoka as they looked at one another and sang. I was a little pumped seeing a lot of people with glow sticks swaying them around to be passed one by Itsuka. She motioned to Eri to give it to her as she mimicked the people.


"I KNOW RIGHT!? I KINDA WISH I WASN'T THAT MUCH A JERK TO CLASS A TOO!" The people in front of us that badmouthed Izuku and his class started feeling like crap to smile at this.

'That's what you get for bitching to my son about your own personal shit.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and Gentle somewhat came to an understanding. Basically I just wanna point something out since the comment section of the last chapter was kinda blasting Gentle's decision. Not everyone wins and Gentle is just as much a victim as Eri. He had a role he was trying to fill that he just couldn't. It's sad but people like him fall through the cracks of society. Yes, he would've ruined something needed for Eri specifically, but Eri's happiness isn't his responsibility so why should he actually care to give up his goal he worked as painstakingly hard to achieve in his own way for other people who basically worked as hard as him. This is kinda something I liked about this arc because it showed the conflict of two sides where I felt bad no matter who lost since nobody's actually a bad guy with them and all Gentle's done was petty crimes that yeah shouldn't be taken lightly, but aren't as dangerous as others. This made him and La Brava have some kind of purpose which is well what people look for for themselves. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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