Finals and Dreams

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Shoto POV:

'Urgh, what happened?' I started waking up with a splitting headache smelling disinfectants. 'Did I get sent to the nurses office? Let's see, I was fighting Usagiyama with my left half activating and-' "Usagiyama!" I sat up immediately seeing over to notice the 6th pro hero Miruko and the 9th pro hero Ryukyu in the recovery room. The earlier however was strangling Usagiyama for some reason. "YOU IDIOT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW RECKLESS THAT WAS!? YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN HURT!" "*hack* Mom, you're chocking me! I can't breathe!" Usagiyama began saying this through a shortage of breathe before Miruko dropped him. "Serves you right! Do you understand how scared me and Ryuko were!? We saw you break your leg and freaked at the sight!" "To be fair, Rumi did most of the freaking out in the stands when she saw you with a broken leg." "Aren't you supposed to back me up on this!?" "I'll back you up if you show reason for me to."

I couldn't hold the urge to stifle a laugh anymore and began snorting to gain their attention. "Todoroki, are you ok?" "Yeah, just a bit sore." "Better than this idiot. Recovery Girl has him put a brace on his foot and wrap his leg just so he can continue the matches." The rabbit hero points this out while Usagiyama gets out of bed to walk over to me. "I'm sorry if I pushed you a little too far Todoroki, I just wanted to help you understand that you aren't trapped in the cycle you think you are." He seemed to be concerned about me with the understanding that Usagiyama truly worried about my well being. "It's fine. I think I needed that push." Miruko walked over to smack my back with a smirk. "You're a good kid. Izuku worried about you enough to only use one quirk against you to prove you're not helping yourself. Idiotic in my point of view, but I get where he was coming from. When I first met him, he was ashamed of his quirk like you. I think seeing that inside you made Izuku want to help you more."

Miruko gave one solid punch to Usagiyama's head before continuing. "Though being reckless isn't something I like from him and he knows that!" "....Sorry." The small family started laughing a bit making me realize just how nice they truly were. "Usagiyama, I'm sorry if I came off very cold to you since we've met. I shouldn't have been and I apologize for it." I bowed to him with my classmate seeming rather uneasy of something. "Um, Todoroki. Would it be a problem if we...became friends?" I started to look at him confused before asking. "I thought we were already friends." He stopped to look at me seriously before asking. "Y-you thought of me as a friend already?" I nodded with his body glowing two different colors. His left half glowed red, and his right glowed silver. "What was that?" Immediately after, Usagiyama's left side started catching fire and his right was beginning to freeze. "AHH! IT BURNS AND IT'S COLD!" He fell to the ground attempting to stop, drop, and roll making all of us laugh a little. "Try focusing on your normal body temp, you'll get better control over it like that." He followed my advice to stop freezing and initiating a spontaneous combustion. "Cool! Todoroki, your quirk is amazing!" I smirked hearing this as we continued watching the matches on the screen.

Time skip to the final round, 3rd person POV:

After the second round of matches, Izuku found himself facing Shiozaki who won against Kinoko who just couldn't get near her with vines blocking her path. "ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE FIRST SEMI FINAL MATCH! ON MY LEFT, WE'VE GOT THE BOY WHO BELIEVES IN THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP! CLASS A'S IZUKU USAGIYAMA!" The crowd cheered for Izuku as he activated 'Rabbit' showing off his ears to Shiozaki. "AND ON MY RIGHT, THE WOMAN OF THE HOLY VINE HERSELF! CLASS B'S IBARA SHIOZAKI!" She got into the ring with Izuku not feeling so comfortable facing her. "Just letting you know, I'd rather not fight you." Shiozaki started praying and speaking to herself as the sound to start the fight rang. "BEGIN!" Izuku saw the vines on her hair go down into the ground to force Izuku to glide through the air with 'Wave Motion' before activating 'Half hot, Half cold' to freeze the ground below him and Shiozaki. Her feet couldn't move and her only defense on the vines on her head.

"SEEMS USAGIYAMA HAS THE ABILITY OF HIS FORMER OPPONENT TODOROKI! IS THIS THE END OF THE LINE FOR SHIOZAKI!?" "Give up and we can let this end without an issue. I really don't want to hurt you." Shiozaki refused to start attacking Izuku with the vines she had left. They were quickly stopped by Izuku producing  some rope from Yaoyorozu's 'Creation' ability before tying Shiozaki up and making her unable to fight anymore. "Shiozaki is unable to continue, Usagiyama wins!" Midnight shouts this as the crowd cheers at the fact Izuku won the match. He quickly thawed out Shiozaki's legs before apologizing and saying he didn't mean to freeze her legs in a mean fashion. She accepted this on the condition that she'd be able to go on a date with him when the Sports Festival finished. Izuku said that he had to make sure it was ok with all the other girls before agreeing. Knowing where this is coming from, the vine maiden didn't cause problems knowing she wasn't the first to want to be with Izuku. Because of this, Izuku had obtained a kiss from Shiozaki making his face blush in embarrassment.

The two walk back to the stands with the crowd hooting at them after the little display of affection they had witnessed. Once they returned to the stands, Izuku was tackled by both Kinoko and Yui who start punishing him for his recklessness. Yui was grabbing his shirt collar to shake him around while Kinoko started punching his stomach. "You idiot!" "This is what you get shroom!" Everyone was rather surprised seeing the relatively calm and happy duo attacking and acting in a violent nature to Izuku. "The next time you wanna do something so reckless, don't think that you'll get away with just a broken leg!" Kinoko began to cannonball on Izuku's stomach in agreement. "Yeah shroom! We were scared for your safety!" Feeling them punch and shake the greenette around didn't exactly hurt, but he understood where they were coming from. He glanced over to see others worried for him like Ochako, Tsu, Kendo, even Bakugou who tried to hide it but was genuinely worried for his childhood friend. "I'm sorry. I didn't think that through enough and made you all worry. I'll make sure to avoid that happening again."

He got back up to sit down near the front looking at Yaoyorozu and Bakugou. "Seems you two are next." Yaoyorozu had achieved a victory over the girl in general called Toga who couldn't exactly win against her even though she had above average reflexes. Meanwhile, Bakugou and Kirishima's match went as Izuku expected. Since Bakugou would gain more momentum as the match went on and Kirishima would slowly have his stamina drained until he couldn't harden anymore, it was unfortunately bad planning on the latter's part having only defense to rely on. "Guess we gotta get heading down there." Bakugou left with Yaoyorozu awkwardly sitting near Izuku. 'If you want to have Izuku notice you as a woman, show him that you're interested.' Yaoyorozu thought of Yui's suggestion before quickly hugging Izuku for a few seconds and running to the waiting room. "What was that about?" Jirou questioned until she noticed Izuku beet red with steam coming off his head. "DUDE!" He collapsed after this with Yui watching over the wall. "Good thing she took my suggestion to heart." She high fives Kinoko before sitting back down to watch.

On the field

"ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE SECOND SEMI FINALS MATCH! ON MY LEFT, WE'VE GOT THE WOMAN THAT CAN MAKE ANYTHING! CLASS A'S MOMO YAOYOROZU! AND ON MY RIGHT, THE EXPLOSIVE BOY HIMSELF, KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" Momo started making a staff while Bakugou stretched his arms out holding them in a pose to send him forward when he was able to. "BEGIN!" Right off the bat, Bakugou came at Yaoyorozu sending a blast with his right hook. Unlike Ochako, she was able to dodge it and give the ash blond a smack to the side. This was not as strong as she'd wish it to be however since Bakugou used his explosions at the last minute to propel him back enough where it would only do about half the damage it would where it connected. "AND WE'RE OFF TO A STRONG START! LOOKS LIKE BAKUGOU WON'T BE GETTING NEAR YAOYOROZU ANY TIME SOON!" Feeling confident, Yaoyorozu began running in with Bakugou slamming his hand on the ground to cause a massive explosion destroying the ground and forcing the dark haired girl to pull back.

'I guess long distance is the only way to handle him.' She noticed a shadow in the dust cloud that was made when the ash blond attacked to strike at it. This was a ploy unfortunately with it being the top half of his uniform. Yaoyorozu was pulled into the smoke after by the metal pole she had to see the explosive teen with a smile on his face. "This match is mine ponytail. No hard feelings." She braced herself for the attack that was coming with two shields she made as Bakugou shot an explosion off at her in point blank range. "DIE!" The impact make Yaoyorozu be sent some distance before roiling on the stadium ground until she passed the line of bounds. "Yaoyorozu is out of bounds, Bakugou wins!" Yaoyorozu heard this to begin punching the ground under her in agitation knowing she fell for such a simple diversion. "If it makes you feel any better, I fell for the same lame ass trick with Uraraka. Also, those reflexes of yours pissed me off. I had to think around them." The young creation user thought of this before smiling. "That is the best of a complement I can get out of you, is it?" "SCREW OFF PONYTAIL!" She started to laugh as Bakugou gave a hand to help her up still a bit irritated. 'I get why Usagiyama likes him. He isn't a bad person at heart, but just can't show it so well.'

After witnessing the match, Izuku walked down to the waiting room to prepare for his match against Bakugou. When he was called, his mother was waiting near the entrance to the stadium to give a final pep talk. "This is it Izuku. Time to get the gold." He smiled at her before nodding. Miruko walked to Izuku's side to pat his head. "Even if you don't win, you're still a winner in my book if you give it the best you've got." The young greenette knew this and wanted to still win for both his and his mother's sake. "I'll see you later." "Rooting for ya." Izuku walked out to the stadium with 'Rabbit' active. "ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE FINAL MATCH IN THE SPORTS FESTIVAL! ON MY LEFT, WE'VE GOT THE MAN WHO'S SPORTING QUITE THE PAIR OF GREEN RABBIT EARS! CLASS A'S IZUKU USAGIYAMA! AND ON MY RIGHT, WE'VE GOT THE WALKING DETONATOR HIMSELF! CLASS A'S KATSUKI BAKUGOU!"

"So what's with activating that quirk first off?" Bakugou asked this while preparing to to fight. "My journey started when my mother found me and proved I wasn't alone. It's only right I show where my roots began." Bakugou smirked before they got the all clear to start. "BEGIN!" Izuku bounced up high to send a stomp down on the ash blond. He dodges last second to create an explosion keeping Izuku away from him. "AND WE'RE OFF TO AN EXPLOSIVE START WITH USAGIYAMA KEEPING BAKUGOU ON EDGE! WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT!?" Bakugou came charging at Izuku for him to dodge before giving Bakugou a kick to the side and adjusting his direction to send another kick to his stomach. This was caught however by the ash blond who went to throw Izuku out of the ring but knocked Bakugou's jaw to force him to let go. Both take a stance back before charging at one another again. The cycle continues with hand to hand this time with Izuku using feet though instead.

"THIS JUST TURNED INTO AN ALL OUT BRAWL! BOTH ARE NECK AND NECK NOT WANTING THE OTHER TO GET THE BETTER OF THEM! THIS MATCH IS GOING TO THE DOGS! OR DARE I SAY RABBITS IN THIS CASE!" Bakugou landed a solid punch on Izuku's weak side  where his leg wasn't fully healed from the match against Todoroki making the greenette wince in pain. This gave him the opportunity to flip Izuku and slam him into the ground. As he tried to recover from the pain, Bakugou tried to send an explosion at Izuku's face, forcing him to roll out of the way. Both stood up on their feet as Izuku put himself in a fighting stance again while Bakugou cracked his neck waiting for the next move. "Izuku, let's give a final push ok. I wanna see what you can do with what you've got." "Sorta like a, 'you give your best move and I give mine' situation?" "FUCK YEAH!" Bakugou began jumping up and creating a massive whirlwind of smoke and explosions.

Izuku had begun hardening his hand with Kirishima's quirk before using Tetsutetsu's 'Hardening' to create a double dose of endurance along with growing his hand with Kendo's 'Big Fist' quirk. He then added 'Wave Motion' to force a wave of energy behind to add a little more forward momentum. Once that was done, Izuku added Todoroki's 'Half Hot, Half Cold' to make the area ridged and impede Bakugou's explosions a little. To add the final touch to it, Izuku used OFA at 67% which was the highest percentage he could with 'Electrification' causing more damage when it impacted. "HOWITZER!" "Pact Move:" "IMPACT/STRONG ARM!" Both connected causing a massive explosion almost double the intensity as the one from Izuku and Todoroki's fight. Smoke covered the arena with both shadows of Izuku and Bakugou standing. One had bent over with the other still standing straight. As the dust settled, Izuku was barely able to stand with Bakugou motionless while he stood. Something seemed off and caused Midnight to walk over, when she realized what it was, she called the match. "Bakugou has lost consciousness, Usagiyama is the winner of the first year Sports Festival!" Izuku held his fist up as the crowd cheered for him.

Some time later, with the Midoriyas

As the two watch the awards be given out, they took note of the first place winner and freeze the frame when it was a close up to his face. "Is that...Izuku?" Hisashi looked closer before smiling. "So the kids alive after all. He's also rather strong." Inko leaned over a little disappointed in herself as her husband began smiling and laughing knowing he may have a chance for an easier life. "I wonder if we can get in on the glory if we're the parents of the Sports Festival winner?"  Inko wasn't fully paying attention since she had grown a bit of guilt over the years kicking Izuku out at the age of 4. Because of this selfish decision, she lost her friend Mitsuki, she was threatened by a pro who found him, she even fell into depression and lost her job having to take a convenience store one just to help make ends meet. Unlike Hisashi, she realized how selfish their actions were and felt disgusted with herself for it. 'Izuku, I'm so sorry.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku won the Sports Festival with his birth parents seeing. How will he deal with the fact they may come back into his life again. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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